Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

other than State Tax.... 2,000.00 per annum

Amount to be raised by

direct State tax for

two years


Subdivision 14. For the Board of Directors

of State Institutions for the Prison:

For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,

1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

ing June 30, 1925$57,860.00 per annum

For the following positions,

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci-

Superintendent $ 3,000.00 per annum

Assistant Superinten


2,000.00 per annum

[blocks in formation]

Total appropriation

for two years 339,520.00

Estimated income from

other than State Tax.... 3,500.00

Amount to be raised by

direct State Tax .332,020.00

Subdivision 15. For the Board of Directors

of State Institutions for the Capitol Building and Grounds.

For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years

beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,
1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end


ing June 30, 1925$21,030.00 per annum

For the following positions,

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci-

[blocks in formation]



Total appropriation for two years........

Subdivision 16. For the Board of Directors

of State Institutions:

For the purpose of securing framed por

traits of certain legislative official....$300.00

For the purpose of securing the framed portrait of Thomas E. Campbell, former Governor of Arizona.....

Total Appropriation..



Subdivision 17. For the Board of Directors

of State Institutions for the Fair Commission:


Salaries and Wages for each of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1923, and ending June 30, 1924, and beginning July 1, 1924 and end

ing June 30, 1925.$10,021.00 per annum

For the following positions

not to exceed the fol

[blocks in formation]

For County and District
Fair Assistance

Provided, that last-named
appropriations is con-
ditioned upon Boards
of Supervisors of each
of said counties ap-
propriating not less
than $1,000.00 each
for County Fair pur-

TOTAL Appropriation for

14,000.00 per annum

two years ...$152,042.00

Subdivision 18. For the State Child Welfare

[blocks in formation]

For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,

1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

ing June 30, 1925 $9,500 per annum

For the following positions

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