Imágenes de páginas
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Subdivision 20. For the State Laboratory:

For each of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1923, and ending June 30, 1924, and beginning July

1, 1924, and ending June

30, 1925:

For Salaries and Wages$4,500.00 per annum

For the following positions

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci

[blocks in formation]

Subdivision 21. For the Supreme Court:

For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,
1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

ing June 30, 1925 $25,200.00 per annum

For the following positions,

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci-

[blocks in formation]

Total Appropriations$28,100.00 per annum Subdivision 22. For the Attorney General:

For Salaries and Wages for

each of fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,

and ending June 30,

1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

ing June 30, 1925 $17,800.00 per annum

For the following positions,

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci-

1 Attorney General....$ 4,000.00 per annum

[blocks in formation]

700.00 per annum

(Federal Litigation) ....

Total appropriation $23,200.00 per annum

Subdivision 23. For the State Law and Leg

islative Reference Library:

For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,

1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

ing June 30, 1925.$6,300.00 per annum

For the following positions,

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci-

1 State Librarian$3,000.00 per annum
1 Assistant Librarian.... 1,800.00 per annum

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For Books, periodicals, and

all other necessary ex-

4,000.00 per annum

Total Appropriation$11,300.00 per annum Subdivision 24. For the State Examiner:

For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,

and ending June 30,

1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

ing June 30, 1925 $12,400.00 per annum

For the following positions,

not to exceed the an

nual rates herein speci

[blocks in formation]

Subdivision 25. For the Commission of Ag

riculture and Horticulture:
For Salaries and Wages for

each of the fiscal years
beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,
1924, and beginning
July 1, 1924, and end-
ing June 30, 1925.


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