Imágenes de páginas

by appropriated for the purpose of contributing to the payment of expenses of the operation of said Board:

Estimated income other

than by direct State


500.00 per annum

...$ Subdivision 55. For the State Game War

den for each of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1923 and ending June 30, 1924, and beginning July 1, 1924, and ending June 30, 1925: For Salaries and Wages$ 4,200.00 per annum 1 Game Warden

1 Office Deputy For Travel

Total Appropriations

$2,400.00 per annum

1,800.00 per annum

1,000.00 per annum

$ 5,200.00 per annum

The following sums herein set forth are hereby annually appropriated for the several purposes as hereinafter set forth, and the State Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants on the State Game Protection Fund to the amounts herein set forth and for the purposes herein specified; and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said warrants out of the State Game Protection Fund in the State Treasury:

For the State Game Warden:

For Salaries and Wages for each of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1923 and ending June 30, 1924, and beginning July 1, 1924 and end

ing June 30, 1925..$ 5,640.00 per annum

For the following positions

not to exceed the an

[blocks in formation]

ending June 30, 1924.. 1,000.00 per annum

For capital investment for

the fiscal year begin-
ning July 1, 1924 and
ending June 30, 1925..

Total appropriation

100.00 per annum

$31,000.00 per annum

The appropriations herein made are subject to the provisions of Chapter 35, Laws of 1922, Special Session of the Arizona Legislature.

Subdivision 56. For Interest on the Public


For each of the fiscal years

beginning July 1, 1923,
and ending June 30,
1924, and beginning
July 1, 1924, and end-

ing June 30, 1925

$35,776.26 per annum

For redemption of the Public Debt:

For each of the fiscal years

beginning July 1, 1923,

and ending June 30,

1924, and beginning

July 1, 1924, and end

[ocr errors]

ing June 30, 1925. 35,241.34 per annum

To reimburse the General

Fund of the State ac

count of the money

[blocks in formation]


Subdivision 57. There is hereby priated out of the General Fund for each of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1923 and ending June 30, 1924, and beginning July 1, 1924, and ending June 30, 1925, the sum of $7,000.00 for the purpose of installation and maintenance of stream gauging stations on the Colorado River and its principal tributaries in Arizona, exclusive of any money appropriated for the Gila River and its tributaries.

There is also appropriated out of the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1923 and ending June 30, 1924 and sum of $11,800.00 and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1924, and ending June 30, 1925, the sum of $10,000.00 making a total for the biennium of $21,800.00 to be used for the purpose of installation maintenance and continuation of stream gauging stations on rivers and streams other than the main Colorado River.

The above moneys are to be expended under the direction of the State Water Commissioner in co-operation of the United States Geological Survey as set forth in the budget submitted by the said United States Geological Survey for the biennium beginning July, 1923, and ending June 30, 1925; it being understood that the United States Geological Survey will match the State Funds herein appropriated as far as may be possible with such funds as the Federal Government may designate and appropriated for the carrying on of this work in Arizona.

There is hereby appropriated for investigation and survey of the Colorado River projects whatever balance may be on hand in the State Treasury out of the $20,000.00 appropriated by the Fifth State Legislature, Special Session, 1922, to complete the work now being done by the Arizona Engineering Commission under the direction of Mr. E. C. LaRue of the United States Geological Survey, Estimated balance on hand July 1, 1923 ...$5,000.00

Section 2. In all cases where money appropriated under the provisions of this Act is or shall be expended for labor, only citizens of the United States or wards of the United States shall be employed and actual bona fide resident citizens of the State shall be given the preference whenever such labor as may be required can be found within this State, and before any labor can be sought outside of this State, either directly or indirectly, the person, contractor, firm or corporation, shall file with the State Auditor a verified written statement setting out in detail the effort put forth, showing his, their or its inability to secure labor as is required within this State, and if the Auditor is satisfied of such inability, then the Auditor may execute a release permitting the bringing into this State such citizens only of the United States as may be needed for such work. Before any money herein appropriated shall be paid out for labor or construction, a verified statement shall be filed with the Auditor, showing strict compliance with the provisions of this section. If the provisions of this section are not complied with, it shall be unlawful to pay out any of the moneys herein appropriated; and any contract entered into wherein the provisions of this section have not been complied with shall be void; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the working of prisoners by the State.

Section 3. All claims for moneys appropriated or the disposition of which is provided for by the provisions of this Act shall be itemized and accompanied by proper vouchers, and each claim shall be audited by the State Auditor who shall reject any voucher or claim or any part thereof, the money for which has not been previously appropriated by law. All said claims shall be verified and the form of said claim and the verification thereof shall be prescribed by the State Auditor. The State Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the proper fund for the amount audited by him and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said warrant out of the fund upon which it is drawn, provided, that all claims for moneys appropriated by this Act shall be fully

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