board of supervisors of the county in which the district was organized, and filed with the clerk of the board of directors of the district. On the bond they shall subscribe to an oath of office and shall then be fully qualified to transact the business of the district. Section 16. The board of directors of the district shall organize each year by electing one of their number chairman and another to act as vice chairman. They shall elect a treasurer of the district and a secretary who, may, or may not, be a member of the board, but his duties shall be clerical only, if not a member of the board, and he shall not sign or attest checks, orders or legal papers of any kind. All papers requiring signatures shall be signed by the chairman of the board, or in case of his absence or inability to act, by the vice chairman and attested by the secretary if a member and if not then in that case by any member of the board but the board may authorize papers to be signed by any of the members in special cases. The board may establish an office, or place of meeting for the transaction of business at any place in the district, or in any city or town in the county in which the organization proceedings were held. Section 17. Immediately upon their being qualified to do business the board of directors shall fully investigate the different ways by which power can be brought into or generated within or without the district in such a manner as to be efficiently distributed to the users for irrigation purposes. They shall determine what kind of power is most efficient and economical and in what manner and by what means the same can be secured. For the purpose of bringing hydroelectric or any other kind of power into the district, if the same can be more efficiently generated or procured at some point, or in some way. outside the district, they are authorized to construct lines, conduits, and all necessary equipment or other means of bringing into the district the power determined to be used and such other construction, plants and equipment as in their judgment is necessary or useful for the purpose of generating or otherwise producing or procuring the power and making it available for use to the users of the district. For the purpose of procuring power the district is authorized to make all necessary or useful construction outside the district but it shall not be authorized to make construction for the purpose of delivering the same outside the boundaries of the district. Having determined upon a general plan, the board of directors of the district shall determine from reliable estimates the character and amount of construction which they have determined upon as necessary to carry out the said general plan. All the expenses preliminary under this Act to the organization of the district, including all surveyors' services, legal services necessary to the organization of the district and all legitimate and reasonable services rendered before the district is lawfully in authority to bargain for such services, materials or valuable things are declared to be lawful obligations of the district and shall be paid in such sums as the board of directors of the district shall allow, after they have become qualified in office. The board of directors in making their estimates for the first bond issue shall determine the amount of such organization indebtedness and include it in the amount for which the first bonds are proposed to be issued. They shall also, if they deem it advisable include in the amount for which said first bond issue is proposed the interest on said bonds for not more than the first three years after their issue. They shall upon the record propose the construction, operations and expenditures with no elaborate statement but so fully stated and in such detail as will give the electors a reasonable understanding of the proposed operations and expenditure of the district. They shall then ascertain and determine from reliable estimates, evidences and investigation the cost of construction in the same detail in which they found it to be necessary. Alternative propositions may be made as to details if necessary. All this shall be done in such a way as to give the electors a fair business understanding of the proposed expenditures. They shall then with all practical haste proceed to call a special election, at which shall be submitted to the electors who, as hereinafter provided are qualified, the question of issuing and selling the negotiable bonds of the district in the sum required to carry out the said general plan as thus proposed. The bonds if voted, shall be sold at such time or times and in such amount or amounts as the board of directors shall deem advisable, and this shall be determined only approximately in the resolutions and so stated in the notice of election. The bonds shall run for any length of time the board of directors decide upon and submit to the electors, but for not more than a term of thirty years, and they may provide for optional or progressive maturity in the discretion of the directors of the district which shall be included in the notice of bond election. The interest rate on said bonds shall not exceed seven per cent per annum payable semi-annually and they may be made payable any place in the United States upon which the board of directors and the purchasers agree. Section 18. Notice of said bond election to determine upon the issuance of the bonds of the district shall contain a general statement of the determinations of the board of directors preliminary thereto, it shall state the date of said election, the hours during which the polls shall be open, which shall not be less than eight hours, conveniently near the middle of the day, the place or places of voting, and such other matters as will give the electors and other interested parties, a fair understanding of the entire proposition to be submitted and voted upon. Such notices shall be posted at one public place in each township or part of township of each range or part of range, meaning one public place in each six miles square thirty-six sections, according to government survey of lands in the district, but not less than three notices at different public places in each county in which any part of the district is located. The board of directors of the district shall name the election officers in conformity with the general laws on that subject, they shall provide an official ballot and other supplies for the said election officers. Election officers failing to appear for the performance of their duties thirty minutes before the hour of opening of the polls the electors present may elect other qualified electors to fill such vacancies and they are required to do so if the said appointed officers do not appear at the time named for opening the polls. Notice of said bond election shall also be published in one newspaper in each county in which any part of the district is situated once a week for two weeks and the election shall be held not less than fifteen days nor more than thirty days after the posting of the notices herein provided for and not less than fifteen days nor more than thirty days after the commencement of all the publications herein provided for. Section 19. The election officers shall make return within two days to the board of directors and the said board of directors of the district shall on the fifth day after the election meet at the voting place or if more than one at that one most centrally located in the district and at the hour of two (2) o'clock in the afternoon canvass the returns. If it be found that a majority of the votes cast at said election was in favor of the issuance and sale of said bonds the board of directors of the district shall proceed to issue said bonds and sell the same by advertisement and otherwise in conformity with the provision of section 5276 of the 1913 Civil Code of the State of Arizona except as herein more fully set out. The board of directors shall have the right if no satisfactory bids are received at the time of opening the same continue to negotiate for the sale of said bonds for the period of sixty days and if not then sold the same proceedings by advertising again may in the discretion of the board be commenced over again by another advertising. Section 20. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as enacting or declaring power districts organized hereunder to be municipal corporations within the meaning of said constitutional provision but it is enacted that they shall in all respects proceed in the same manner as if they were such corporations coming under the provisions relating to the limit of their indebtedness. All bonds issued under this Act shall be |