ORDER OF ACTS SIXTH LEGISLATURE, STATE OF ARIZONA CHAP. 1. H. B. 7. An act making an appropriation for the current and contingent expenses of carrying on and conducting and defraying the expenses of the State Legislature of the State of Arizona for the Session of 1923, and declaring an emergency.. Page An Act making an appropriation for the office of the Governor; providing for the employment by the Governor of Auditors, Examiners, Statisticians, Attorneys, Engineers and such other persons as may be necessary to properly make examinations of and reports on the institutions of the State of Arizona and make examinations of and reports on lands and irrigation projects and banks within the State of Arizona; and to conduct litigation in the name, and on behalf, of the State as the Governor may deem necessary; and Declaring an Emer 4. H. B. 1. An Act to amend Paragraph 2100, Chapter II. Title 9, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1913, Civil 1 6 CHAP. Page Code, entitled Corporations in Gen- 9 An Act to amend Paragraph 190, An Act amending Paragraph 7. Н. В. 21. An Act providing for the creation of Assessment Districts for the purpose of supplying power to users primarily for the purpose of pumping water for irrigation of arid lands, providing for a Judicial Hearing on the public character of the operations of such districts and whether or not the same constitutes a public use. Providing for a hearing upon the boundaries of the District. What lands will be benefited and shall be included in the District. 13 |