Imágenes de páginas


54. H. B. 172.

55. H. B. 127.

56. H. B. 78.

57. H. B. 124.

quiring the use of adequate spark
arresters on locomotives or engines
using fuel other than oil on or near
forested lands; prescribing penalties
for violation of the provisions here-
of; and repealing Sections 390 and
391, Revised Statutes of Arizona,
1913, Civil Code.



An Act for the protection of the poultry industry; to provide a guaranteed analysis of egg mash; prov.ding a penalty for any false statements or representations pertaining thereto, and providing a penalty for any violations hereof..... 144

An Act providing for the relief of Frank Hillman, of Cochise County, Arizona, for rental of Live Stock and Wagons, for damages sustained by loss thereof while rented to the State Highway Department, and making an appropriation therefor.

An Act for the relief of W. T. Espey, injured while in the Service of the State of Arizona, and making an appropriation therefor.

An Act to provide for relief of Charles Korrick & Bro., and making an appropriation therefor.

58. H. B.


An Act to amend Paragraph 3025, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1913, Civil Code, pertaining to the dut es of Boards of Elections and providing that any candidate at a Primary Election Receiving fiftyone per centum or more of the total vote cast at such Primary Election for all candidates for such nomination shall be declared the only






nominee whose name shall be plac-
ed on the official ballot at the en-
suing election.


59. S. B. 108.

60. S. B. 107.

61. S. B. 71.

62. Н. В. 150.

63. Н. В. 182.

An Act relating to Public Parks in Cities and Towns and Bonds issued therefor, with an Emergency clause.

An Act for the relief of Fred and Mary F. Platten for damages incurred and suffered by failure of the Arizona State Highway Department to comply with agreement in the construction of highways; regarding the execution of a release to the State of Arizona; and providing for an appropriation.

An Act to provide for the relief of C. D. Archibald, and to make appropriation therefor.

An Act for the relief of Dorris Dana, making an appropriation therefor and providing for a trusteeship of the funds appropriated...

An Act for the relief of John Hendricks, in the sum of One Hundred Thirty - seven and 98/100 ($137.98) Dollars, for rental of mules to the State Penitentiary and in payment for corn crop destroyed by hogs owned by the State; providing for a release to the State of Arizona, and providing for an appropriation.

64. Η. Β. 90.

An Act to amend an Act of the Eleventh Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, 1881, being Act No. 68 thereof, approved March 4th, 1881, entitled "An Act to enlarge the limits of the City of Tombstone, Arizona Territory,"





158 CHAP.


65. Н. В. 51.

66. S. B. 133.

67. Н. В. 140.

68. S. B. 132.

which Act is amendatory of an Act
of the same Legislative Assembly,
entitled "An Act to incorporate
the City of Tombstone. To define
its limits and rights, to specify its
privileges and powers, and to pro-
vide for an efficient Government
for the same," being Act No. 39
thereof, Approved February 21st,
1881, and to repeal all Acts and
parts of Acts in conflict herewith..... 160

An Act amending Section 1 of
Chapter 104, Session Laws of Ari-
zona, 1921, creating the office and
prescribing the duties and powers of
matrons of County, City and Town
Jails, so as to make compulsory the
appointment of such matron in cer-
tain cases.

An Act authorizing the loan Commissioners of the State of Arizona to anticipate the collection of taxes levied for State purposes by issuing bonds payable solely from the proceeds of such taxes; providing for the sale of such bonds and an appropriation for expenses in issuing same and other details in respect thereof; and declaring an Emergency.



An Act for the relief of Edward J. Harrington, to reimburse him for services rendered, and outlays made and for property appropriated by the agents of the State, and making an appropriation therefor. 167

An Act providing for the payment of State Warrants and authorizing the State Loan Commissioners of the State of Arizona to anticipate the collection of Taxes levied for



69. Н. В. 24.

State purposes by authorizing the
Auditor of the State to issue war-
rants for registration payable solely
from the proceeds of such taxes;
fixing the rate of interest to be paid
on such registered warrants; pro-
viding a due date therefor; authoriz-
ing the issuance and prescribing the
form of Treasurer's certificates in
amounts of Five Hundred Dollars or
more in payment of such warrants;
and declaring an emergency..... 169

An Act defining the powers of the State Board of Health for the control and eradication of Tuberculosis, anthrax and other diseases dangerous to Human Health and Life among Dairy Cows; prescribing the powers and duties of the State Board of Health and the State Veterinarian in relation thereto; authorizing the establishment of quarantines and the adoption of Sanitary Measures in connection therewith; providing for the slaughter of diseased cows as herein directed; providing for the pasteurization and sterilization of milk used in the production or manufacture of dairy products; providing for the supervision by the State Board of Health of milk used in the production or manufacture of Dairy Products; authorizing the State Board of Health, any member thereof, and the State Veterinarian to call upon any Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Constable, Cattle Inspector, or police officer of any city or town, for aid in the enforcement of this Act; providing penalties for violations of this Act; with an emergency....

173 CHAP.


70. H. B. 156.

An Act providing for the acceptance by the State of that certain act of the Sixty-seventh Congress, being Chapter 135 of the Statutes passed at the first Session thereof,

entitled, "An Act for the promotion
of the Welfare and Hygiene of Ma-
ternity and Infancy, and for other
purposes," approved November 23,
1921; designating the State Agency
for carrying out provisions of said
Act in this State: prescribing the
powers and duties of said agency
and making an appropriation. 176


71. S. B. 158. An Act to provide an annual Tax sufficient, with other sources of revenue, to defray the necessary ordinary expenses of the State for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 1924, and June 30, 1925; to pay deficits for the preceding fiscal year; to provide a sinking fund, and, to pay the annual interest on the State Debt..

72. Н. В. 101.

An Act to provide a Bastardy law and to provide for the care, support, maintenance, and expense of any Bastard child or any expected child which if born alive might be a Bastard, and procedure for determining the father thereof, and a trial in such matter, and for the giving of a Bond to the County conditioned to indemnify such County against all charges for maintenance of the child born, or that may be born, and for a complaint, examination, recognizance by the Defendant, trial, adjudication or judgment, order for maintenance, bond, payment of expenses incurred by County for the lying-in and support, and attendance upon


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