MEMORIALS Page Senate Memorial No. 1-Requesting Congress to provide adequate roads over and upon Indian Reservations to connect with the State Highway System Senate Memorial No. 2-Requesting Congress to provide a System of Roads through National Forests to Aid in Fire Protection.. Senate Memorial No. 4- Requesting Congress to enact a law extending the period of payments for the construction of reclamation projects from twenty to forty years 335 337 340 Senate Joint Memorial No. 1-Urging Congress to enact certain legislation to Restrict Immigration.... 347 Senate Joint Memorial No. 2-Endorsing Appointment of the Joint Commission of Gold and Silver Inquiry House Memorial No. 1-Requesting Congress to enact a law extending the period of payments for the construction of reclamation projects from twenty to forty years 349 342 House Joint Memorial No. 1-Relating to the cattle industry in Arizona, requesting privilege of maintaining herds on grazing areas in the National Forests and Indian Reservations for two years.... 347 ACTS CHAPTER 1. (House Bill No. 7.) AN ACT MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE CURRENT AND CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF CARRYING ON AND CONDUCTING AND DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA FOR THE SESSION OF 1923 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona: Section 1. That the sum of Eighty Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six ($80,686.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund now in the hands of the State Treasurer of the State of Arizona, for the several objects and purposes hereinafter named. (1) That the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand Three Hundred ($27,300.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated for the payment of the salaries of the members of the first session of the Legislature of the State of Arizona for the year 1923. (2) That the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand ($27,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the payment |