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to which much of his success probably had Mr. Calcraft said, that he also was been owing, were likely to prove most desirous, like his noble friend, of seeing objectionable and dangerous in the situa- what measures the administration intended tion of first minister of a free country. to propose before he ventured to pronounce Neither was he entirely satisfied by the a condemnation. He would go further, statement which the noble lord opposite and say, that from the introduction into it had made on the subject of the command of many of his friends, whom he supported of the army. He must know how that in the late administration, he had a favoursituation was intended to be filled, before able impression of the course which they he should be convinced, that some part of intended to pursue ; and he trusted he the patronage of it would not still remain should be able to give them his support. at the disposal of the duke of Wellington He concurred in what had fallen from the in his new capacity. He admitted that it noble lord who preceded him, in what he was but fair to wait for the measures of had said respecting the gallant admiral the new ministry before the House decided who had fought the battle of Navarin. upon its character. He certainly saw But, the object of the treaty was the symptoms of danger in the formation of the maintenance of peace, and a good ungovernment; but he would not make up his derstanding with Turkey; this action, mind definitively until he saw it act. There therefore, must certainly be acknowledged was one point which he would just mention, to be an untoward circumstance in that not less on account of its vital importance, point of view, and he confessed he thought than because had not been noticed in it was very natural and proper that it the Speech from the Throne. He meant should be spoken of in the speech from the condition of Ireland. No government the throne, as it had been. With regard should have his support, which did not to the office of commander-in-chief, he was adopt measures to improve the situation happy to hear that it had been resigned of that country. With regard to the affair by the noble duke who now occupied the of Navarino, he regretted the phrase made first office in the state. With respect to use of in the Speech. He was bound to Portugal, he perfectly agreed in what had take the meaning of the words from the fallen from the noble lord who spoke last. noble lord opposite; but certainly, if they Our troops were returning home, after were not intended to intimate, that the having performed the service which they gallant admiral who fought that battle had were sent on, to the advantage of Portugal fought it without instructions and un- and the honour of Evgland. This country advisedly, they were the most unlucky had no other course to take than that she words, for their real purpose, that could had taken : the alternative of honour or possibly have been chosen. For himself, disgrace was open to her; she had taken he believed the battle to have been a the path of honour, and every one must glorious victory, and a necessary con- rejoice at the result. sequence of the treaty of London; and Lord Normanby said, he had entered moreover, as honest a victory as had ever the House without the slightest intention been gained since the beginning of the of saying a word on the present occasion, world. With respect to the affairs of and would certainly have adhered to his Portugal, he congratulated the House resolution but for what had fallen from the upon the termination of that affair, and of hon. gentleman who had just sat down. the probable restoration to peace and For his part, he could only say, that he had security of our ancient ally. This last ex- no confidence in the present government : pression put him in mind of a rather he had no confidence in the composition of ludicrous mistake which was commonly the ministry, and could not give them his made, in discussing the affairs of Turkey. support. He could not address the House, Turkey was constantly spoken of as our for the first time since the death of the laté "ancient ally." Now, the fact was, that lamented premier, without expressing his there had never been any alliance between deep regret at the loss which the country Turkey and this country prior to the year had experienced. A remnant of that right 1799; and it was not twenty years since hon, gentleman's friends were left, and he Mr. Arbuthnot had been compelled to should have expected much from them, fly privately from Constantinople, from the were it not for the connections which they fear that his safety would be endangered, had lately formed. by a violation of the rights of ambassadors. The Address was then agreed to.

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country, with sentiments of sorrow and Thursday, January 31.

regret. He did think that some explana

tion was due to the House on the matter. BREACH OF PRIVILGE-ARREST OF A One had certainly been given, which, Peer.] The Lord Chancellor stated, that he though it prevented him from opposing the had a complaint to make to their lordships Address, was scarcely adequate to the ocof a breach of their privileges, which had casion. Even after the explanation of the been committed by the arrest, by a sheriff's noble lord, he was still of opinion--and he officer, of lord Hawarden, an Irish peer. was confident that the House and the He would therefore move, that lord country united with him in the sentiment Hawarden be called in, that he might that the expression," uutoward event," state the circumstances to their lordships. was, to say the least of it, an ungracious -Ordered.

one, when applied to so glorious an His lordship was accordingly called in achievement as the victory of Navarino. and sworn. The Lord Chancellor asked the He was willing to fall in with the noble lord what complaint he had to general disposition of the House to prefer. Lord Hawarden stated, that, on preserve that unanimity which was the 15th of September last, he had been desirable, when voting an answer to his arrested by a sheriff's officer, of the name majesty's Speech; but he at the same time of Hemp. A person had called on bim, wished it to be distinctly understood, that about ten o'clock in the morning, and if that Speech could be interpreted as conhad desired to speak to him. He was veying a particle of censure upon the conshewn into the drawing room. He said, duct of sir Edward Codrington, it was his he had come on unpleasant business. decided opinion, that a very different Ad

At this stage of the proceedings, the dress ought to be voted. That gallant earl of Shaftesbury stated, that it was officer had acted, under circumstances of customary to conduct such inquiries with great difficulty and delicacy, with the plain, closed doors; and, on his lordship's motion, straight-forward, unsophisticated underthe bar was immediately ordered to be standing, of an English sailor, and had cleared.

displayed equal wisdom and firmness in

the management of the early part of the Roman Catholic Question.] Lord task committed to his hands, as he had Clifden asked the noble duke at the head displayed irresistible valour in the celeof the government, whether it was intended, brated battle which afterwards occurred. during the session, to introduce a bill for He would assert, that a more glorious the repeal of the existing penal laws affect- ' achievement never adorned the naval ing the Roman Catholics?

annals of this country ; that there was no The Duke of Wellington answered, that deed of arms related in our history which government had no intention of bringing 'could exceed the gallant affair of Navarino forward any such measure.

-a victory than which, of all naval vic

tories, none could redound more to the HOUSE OF COMMONS.

credit of the brave officers and seamen by

whom it had been won.--He wished it to Thursday, January 31.

be clearly understood, that he was as ADDRESS ON The King's Speech.] hostile as any member to an undue and unMr. Jenkinson brought up the report of called-for interference with other countries. the Address on the King's Speech. He was as ready as any member of the

Mr. Brownlow said, that, previous to administration which had existed a year the report being read, he wished to ex- ago, or of the present administration, press the feelings which influenced his which was a remnant of it, to admit that conduct on the present occasion. He this country ought to preserve the straightshould support the Address, subject to the forward rule of honour in its relations with explanation which had been offered by the other nations. But, had not the adminisnoble Secretary at War, regarding the tration to which he alluded countenobjectionable portion of the King's Speech anced, on several occasions, and adopted -an explanation, without which he would an active interference with foreign nations ? not consent to the Address, and unaccom- Did it not interfere with Spain, with panied by which the Speech from the Austria, with Genoa ? Did it not permit throne would be received, throughout the the spoliation of Norway and Saxony; and was it now, for the first time, that the horrible warfare carried on there was members of that administration had dis- the extinction of the Greek race in that covered, that there should be no inter- devoted land ? It would be said, that ference on behalf of the independence of they could know nothing of the treaty, Greece ? He was as much opposed as any until it was laid before them. It certainly man to an unnece

cessary interference; but was not on their table; but he, for one, it was one thing to run headlong into an was sufficiently acquainted with it to exunnecessary and unwarrantable interference press his entire approval of it. It was between other countries, and it was another warranted by the circumstances of the and a very different thing, to stand by and case—it was conceived in a good spiritbehold, with unfeeling and stupid indif- it emanated as a love of independence ference, the wanton and barbarous effu- it contained nothing contrary to the law sion of human blood. Interference was in of nations—it was the offspring of plain, such an instance loudly called for, not straight-forward, statesman-like British only for the interests of humanity, but for policy. He did not stand up there to the protection of the rights of neutral na- vindicate that which required no vindications. It was plain and obvious, that tion—the glorious battle of Navarino. No any person who admitted the necessity one had insinuated censure against the ilof the treaty of the 6th of July, be- lustrious commander in that celebrated tween the three great powers, could not engagement; his character, therefore, did condemn the battle of Navarino. He not stand in need of his feeble eulogy.-could, indeed, understand the man who Having said so much upon this portion of would object in the first instance, to that the King's Speech, he would now advert, treaty, and allege that we had enough to with feelings of regret, sorrow, and disapdo without meddling in the affairs of other pointment, to a subject which was altocountries. To such a man the affair at gether omitted in that Speech-a matter Navarino would furnish only an additional of which his majesty's councillors seemed argument in support of his reasoning to have been quite regardless. He alluded Why were the combined fleets of England, to the reprehensible omission of the name of France, and Russia, assembled in the Me- that country from which he had been dediterranean? After that, were the Greeks puted to that House, and whose interests it and Turks to be allowed to go on? Were was his duty to protect to the best of his the piratical attacks upon the commerce ability. It would appear, from the silence of neutral nations to go on unchecked ? of the Speech, that ministers either cared Was the assembling of those fleets to be a nothing for, or knew nothing of, the state mere braggadocio-an idle menace, in- of Ireland. Did they know, that two tended for no practical purpose ? Had thirds of the population of that country Russia, France, and England, of whose were either totally unemployed, or could honour he would be more chary, entered procure only so much employment as into a treaty which they never intended to barely gave them the means of subsistexecute ? Or was it only to be followed ence? That there existed discontent in by a display of diplomatical chicanery ; Ireland, no one would be foolhardy enough and were all further proceedings to be ab- to deny. Was it known to ministers, that stained from with fear and trembling, every day hundreds of people were there There was, in truth, a great deal of false dispossessed of their lands, and banished feeling and false sentiment abroad on this from their native country? He would subject. An outcry was raised, by the not say that such a measure was not neJonathan Doubikins of this country, be- cessary, with a view to the improvement cause Turkish blood had been spilled, and of the condition of the peasantry who reTurkish vessels sunk and burnt. There mained behind ; but, it was a fact notoriwere persons who started with horror at ous as the sun at noon-day, that this dethe slightest attack upon our “most faith-populating system was going on--that 'men ful" ally, the grand turk. Did they, how- were thrown upon the world without any ever, bear in mind the savage butcheries species of employment or of subsistence, committed at Scio? Were they forgetful and with starvation and death staring of the dreadful effusions of human blood them in the face. There were other feawhich had taken place, for the last six tures in the present state of Ireland which years, in the fairest portion of Europe ? ought to have drawn the serious attention Was it not plain that the object of the l of ministers to that unfortunate country.

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Were they aware that, a very short time Ireland, by his hon. friend. No man was since, upwards of thirteen hundred parishes better acquainted with that subject and, assembled, upon the same day and for the no one could do it more justice. He had same purpose—that at the same moment heard with astonishment the expression seven millions of people raised their con- applied in the Speech from the Throne, centrated voices to demand the restoration to the battle of Navarino. He had also of their civil rights? Would it then be heard the explanation given by the noble said, that disappointment and deep dis- Secretary at War, and he would say, that, content did not pervade the population of but for that explanation, the Speech would Ireland ? He did expect that the name have excited universal regret. During of Ireland would not have been totally the last two days, he had carefully consiomitted.—He did expect that some allusion dered that explanation ; and he was of would have been made to the stateof its popu- opinion, that the expression in the Speech, lation, and that it would not have been thus was unjustifiable; unaccompanied as it passed over with contemptuous neglect.- was, by any distinct denial of political If he were asked, whether he confided in blame, either on the part of the ministers the present ministry, he would answer, who signed the treaty, or the admiral who that he had every confidence in the honour fought the battle of Navarino. To the of its members. If he agreed upon politi- distinguished merits of that gallant officer, cal subjects with the duke of Wellington, cordial testimony had been borne by ali there was no man in whom he would be sides of the House. But yet, without the more ready to confide. But he differed— explanation of the noble Secretary at War, widely differed—from the noble duke, with the obvious inference from the Speech was respect to the great question which so to the contrary effect. Why use such an nearly affected his native land; and with ungracious expression, unless it was inthat difference existing between them, he tended to condemn that which all the good could not give his support to the noble and great hailed with delight? Could the duke's administration ; unless, indeed, he English language apply no other epithet were to desert his political principles, and to one of the most brilliant achievements make a humbug of the Catholic question. in the naval history of this country? Upon that question he had differed with Sir G. Warrender bore testimony to his nearest and dearest friends ; and it the great merits of sir Edward Codringwas not likely that he should relinquish it ton. He said, it could not but be matter now. It might be said, that the ministry of congratulation with the friends of that were neutral upon that question, and that gallant officer, that it was unanimously each member of the cabinet was at liberty agreed that he had acted with zeal for the to vote upon it as he pleased. But, if he honour of his country, and that whatever were to support such a ministry, what differences of opinion might exist as to the should he, in fact, be doing? As far as policy of the measure, all were ready to bear his humble vote would go, he should be testimony to his exalted merits. Differences giving them his support during three hun- of opinion certainly existed as to the polidred and sixty-four days in the year, and tical part of the transaction ; but by none then, upon the three hundred and sixty- was sir E. Codrington's conduct impugned. fifth, he should vote for the Catholic He regretted the language which had been question, while he had been all the while employed by ministers in speaking of the giving his aid to those who were armed battle of Navarino, and was glad to have with power against it. It might be a very heard the explanation of the noble Secregood thing to support ministers; it may tary at War. be a very pleasant thing to sit on the Mr. Hobhouse said, it was not his intenbenches opposite, and to vote with the go- tion to apply himself to the topics adverted vernment. He would give the govern- to in the Address. He rose for the purment his support, whenever it acted in pose of asking the noble Secretary at accordance with the principles which he War, the only knight of king Arthur's professed, and while its object was the round table in the field-whether it was good of the people: but, upon those prin- the intention of ministers to propose a vote ciples he took his stand, and from those of thanks to sir E. Codrington ? and next, principles he would never depart. whether it was their intention to lay on

Lord Morpeth said, he perfectly agreed the table of the House the documents conin the sentiments expressed with regard to nected with the battle of Navarino, and

more particularly the report which he un- duction of the bill alluded to, it was adderstood had been drawn up by sir John mitted on all hands, that either such a bill Gore, who had been sent out for the ex- was necessary, or that some other course press purpose of inquiring into the parti- should be adopted. Now, the bill in quesculars of the transaction? That gallant tion had been tried, and it had totally officer had returned; he had seen sir Ed- failed of effect. He should therefore like ward Codrington, and had, of course, to know what were the other remedies made minute inquiries into the details which government was now disposed to of the battle of Navarino. It, therefore, try? He expected that several measures would be extremely satisfactory to have would be introduced by government durhis report laid before them.

ing the session, to which he should be Mr. Duncombe rose to bear his testi- most happy to lend his support. He mony to the merits of sir E. Codrington. would give his support to a system of imWhatever might be thought of the circum-provement in the Corn-laws. Though he stances under which the battle of Nava- did not belong to the present government, rino had been fought, there was but one and though his dearest friends did not beopinion, as to the bravery, gallantry, and long to it, yet, whenever its measures were skill, displayed on that occasion. He did right, he would support them. He exnot think that the expression used in the pected to see them maintain the principles Speech from the Throne was intended to of free trade. As long as the measures impute any censure to those who had proposed by government conduced to the signed the treaty of the 6th of July. If it good of the people, they should have his was intended to convey such a meaning, support, whether he sat upon that or one of those ministers, who now formed a upon the opposite side of the House. part of the present administration, would Lord Palmerston said, that before he never have given his consent to the use of answered the questions which had been it. He was confident that sir E. Codring- put to him, he hoped the House would ton had acted according to the spirit and allow him to explain the meaning of a letter of his instructions; but he could certain term in the Speech from the not but think that the battle of Navarino Throne which was still misunderstood. was an untoward event.

Nobody would be more sorry than he Mr. Spring Rice wished to put a ques- should, to be understood as meaning to tion to the noble Secretary at War. He say, that blame was imputable to the galthought the omission of all mention of Ire-lant admiral whose name had been so land was a proof that ministers were blind often alluded to. What he meant to have to the condition of that country, unless said, was, that the epithet untoward their silence might be explained by mo- event” was not intended to imply the tives not now before the House. Three slightest censure on that gallant officer. years had elapsed since a message was That epithet had been employed, bebrought down from the Throne, calling the cause the collision between the fleets attention of parliament to the existence of was unexpected. Whatever merit atan association in Ireland, said to be preg- tached to the military movement itself, nant with danger to the constitution, and there could be no doubt that such a conto the connection between the two coun- flict must have had a tendency to interrupt tries. The measure introduced as a re- the negotiations which were pending, to medy, had met with the most decided op- produce an alteration in the civil dispoposition, but, at the same time, with the sition of the Porte, and oppose considermost anxious attention. In a single able obstacles to the adjustment of the difse'nnight, it was discussed for five succes- ferences which were under discussion. It sive nights. That bill expired in the pre- was impossible, he thought, to deny, that, sent session, and he wished to know whe- in that sense of the word, the battle of ther it was the intention of government to Navarino was “ untoward event." propose its renewal ? From the absence But, as far as it related to the character of all notice of the subject, he inferred of the country, and to the fame of its arms, that it was not their intention ; and al- no human being could suppose that the though he could not applaud their consis- epithet “untoward” was applied in that tency, he could highly praise their wis- sense. In no fair construction of the pasdom. It might be in the recollection of sage did it imply any censure on the galgentlemen, that on the occasion of the intro- lant admiral who commanded on that day,


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