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from the Tower for the occasion. Along the whole line of procession also, and, indeed, in every part of the Bridge laid out for the entertainment, the boards were carpeted.

The providing of the banquet was entrusted to Mr. Leech, of the London Coffeehouse; and the spacious premises of the late Mr. Bovil, adjoining the bridge, were engaged for his use.

The total of the supplies furnished by Mr. Leech, were as follow: 370 dishes of chickens; 150 hams and tongues; 75 raised French pies, &c.; 75 pigeon pies; 40 sirloins of beef; 50 quarters of lamb; 250 dishes of shell fish, &c.; 200 ditto sallads, cucumbers, &c.; 200 fruit tarts; 200 jellies, creams, and strawberries; 350lb. weight pine apples; 100 dishes hot-house grapes; 100 do. nectarines, peaches, apricots, &c.; 100 do. greengages, Orlean plums, &c.; 100 do. currants, gooseberries, raisins, &c.; 150 ornamented Savoy cakes; 300 icecreams, &c.; 300 turtles, roast chickens, &c.; 840 dozen of wine.

To facilitate their Majesties' passage down the river, and to prevent confusion and inconvenience, two parallel lines of vessels were formed into a passage of about 150 feet wide, consisting of a double, and in

many cases a triple, line of harges, steamers, yatchs, and craft of every description, which extended from the upper water-gate of Somerset House next Waterloo Bridge, to about half-way between Southwark Bridge and the new Bridge, when the line became more open, and gradually spread to the stairs of the new Bridge, on each side, so as to afford ample space for the boats in the procession to land their inmates and retire. The termination of the lines at these points was formed by the eight City barges, with the navigation barge and shallops. These were new gilt, and decorated with their gayest flags, and were filled with company. Each barge had its appointed station; those of the Lord Mayor and Stationers' Company were rather in advance of the Bridge; idge: and all were provided with bands of music. Several gun-brigs were brought up the river, from which and from the wharfs adjacent, salutes were fired throughout the day; flags and colours of all descriptions were brought into requisition; and even the vessels below bridge all appeared in their holiday decorations.

On the terrace of Somerset House, several tiers of seats were erected; the bridges, and every building which could command a view,* were also thronged with spectators. Every

* Many hundred persons enjoyed a bird's eye view of the whole procession from the stone and iron galleries of St. Paul's. On the roof of St. Saviour's Church were raised

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barge and lighter on each side the river was put in requisition; platforms and seats erected on most of them, and the whole were covered with flags. On the shores, north and south, the banks, wharfs, and timberyards, were covered with spectators. The Temple Gardens were thronged by a very fashionable company from an early hour, for whom a pavilion and suitable entertainment was prepared. At Mr. Calvert's premises tiers of seats were erected to a very considerable extent, and the friends of the house, to the number of 1000, were sumptuously regaled on the occasion.

The stairs lea

as well as

leading from Somerset House, the platform, were covered with dark cloth, over which was laid red cloth in that part by which their Majesties were to pass. At that end of the stairs were placed two splendid union jacks, of rich silk and of immense size. It was arranged that the barges containing the several officers and members of the Boards of Admiralty, Customs, Excise, &c., should be brought up at an earlier hour than that fixed for the arrival of the King and Queen. By this means the embarkation was made in the utmost order: each barge, as it received the respective parties on board, dropped down and took its appointed station in the line.

The Royal Family and their Majesties' suite assembled at St. James's Palace about two o'clock, and at a quarter before three o'clock the Royal procession, consisting of 12 carriages, was formed in the gardens of the palace. The King, who appeared in the Windsor uniform, entered the last carriage, accompanied by the Queen, the Duchess of Cumberland, and the Duchess of Cambridge. In the preceding carriages were the Duke and the Prince George of Cumberland, attended by Baron Linsingen, the Rev. Mr. Jelf, and Lady Sophia Lennox (the lady in waiting on the Duchess of Cumberland), the Duke of Sussex, the Duchess of Gloucester, the Duchess and Prince William of Saxe-Weimar, Prince George and Princess Augusta of Cambridge, attended by Baroness Ahlefeldt, the Lord Chamberlain, the Master of the Horse, the Earl Marshal, the Groom of the Stole, the Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, Lord Hill

as Gold Stick in waiting, the Treasurer of the Household, the Secretary of the Privy Purse, the Clerk Marshal, the Marchioness Wellesley, the Marchioness of Westmeath, and Lady Clinton, the ladies in waiting on the Queen; Lord and Lady Frederick Fitz

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clarence, Lords Adolphus and Augustus Fitzclarence, Lady Mary Fox, Sir Henry Blackwood, the Groom in waiting, Lord A. Beauclerk, &c.

The appearance of the metropolis along the whole line through which the procession passed, was in every respect as if it were a kept holiday. The shops were closed, and business seemed altogether suspended.

At three o'clock the hoisting of the royal standard over the centre of Somerset House, announced the arrival of their Majesties. A guard of honour of the Foot Guards, with their band, and also the bands of the household troops, were in the square of Somerset House, and received their Majesties, the bands playing the national anthem. When the King and Queen appeared on the steps descending to the platform from which they were to embark, the cheers were almost deafening. The awnings of the barge had been removed by his Majesty's desire, so that a full view of the royal party could be obtained throughout the whole line. When the royal barges moved off from the shore, the firing of cannon, the shouts and huzzas, the waving of hats and handkerchiefs, were renewed, and kept up without intermission along the whole line on the river, and the shores at both sides. The whole number of barges forming the procession, including those in which the Ministers, and all the other distinguished visitors were accommodated, amounted to nearly thirty. The scene at this moment was inexpressibly grand. The whole space within the lines, and a great part of that without, seemed studded with a moving mass of glittering splendour; flags of every colour and of all nations, and the gay attire of the almost countless thousands on the river and its banks, contributed to give to the spectacle an effect of which no description could convey an adequate idea. Amongst the vessels which were particularly distinguished in the line, were the two barges of the Lumber Troop, stationed off Paul's Wharf, with a military band on board, and 21 brass cannon, which they continued to fire at intervals.

The company began to asssemble on the Bridge at about 12 o'clock, and, until the arrival of their Majesties, they were entertained by a military band, by the German minstrels, by the celebrated Siffleur, and by that still more celebrated performer, Michael Boai. Shortly after 4 o'clock the loud and

seats for 150 persons, and the towers of all the other churches were crowded. The Monument alone was untenanted, probably from a fear of overloading the gallery, but we cannot resist this opportunity of remarking that no prejudice can be more unfounded than that which is current on the insecurity of the building itself. We are assured by a professional writer that "its scientific construction may bid defiance to the attacks of all but earthquakes, for centuries to come."-Topographical Dictionary of London,

Des Elmes,

M.R.I.A. Architect, and Surveyor of the Port of London.

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general cheering from the river gave signal of their Majesties' approach. Every body rushed to the side of the bridge. A royal salute was fired from the brig stationed off Southwark Bridge, the shouts from the people on the river increased, the bells of the churches struck up merry peals, and in a few minutes the foremost of the royal barges were discovered making their way through the centre arch of Southwark Bridge.

The stairs on the London side of the Bridge had been covered with crimson cloth, and at the bottom of these stairs their Majesties were received by Mr. Routh, who gave his Majesty bis arm; and Mr. Jones, as chairman of the Bridge Committee. Upon stepping ashore, the King addressed these gentlemen in the following words :- "Mr. Jones and Mr. Routh, I am very glad to see you on London Bridge. It is certainly a most beautiful edifice and the spectacle is the grandest and the most delightful in every respect that I ever had the pleasure to witness."

His Majesty then paused to survey the scene around him. At this moment the air was rent with the most deafening cheers from all sides, and the King, taking off his hat, acknowledged this hearty greeting of his subjects by repeated bows. His Majesty walked up the tremendous flight of steps without the slightest appearance of fatigue. Upon reaching the top, the sword and keys of the city were tendered to him by the Lord Mayor. The Chairman of the committee then presented his Majesty with a gold medal by Wyon, commemorative of the opening of the new Bridge, having on one side an impression of the King's head, and, on the reverse, a well-executed view of the new Bridge, with the dates of the present ceremony, and of the laying of the first stone. The gentlemen of the Committee were attired in uniform, consisting of a blue coat with buttons impressed with his Majesty's portrait, and white waistcoats and


As soon as the whole of the royal party had assembled in the pavilion, their Majesties proceeded to walk over the Bridge, which ceremony was considered as the opening of the Bridge. His Majesty showed himself from the parapets on either side the Bridge to the assembled multitudes below, and was evidently much struck by the appearance which the river presented. A hearty burst of cheers from the river welcomed the King as often as he showed himself. Just as the royal procession had reached the Surrey side of the Bridge, Mr. Green ascended in his balloon, with a Mr. Crawshay for his companion (this being his 192d voyage). Their Majesties were quite close to the aeronauts when they ascended, and appeared to take much interest in this part of the entertainments. The balloon GENT. MAG. August, 1831.

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descended in the evening at Charlwood in Surrey, about 29 miles from the metropolis.

On returning to the pavilion, the company sat down to the banquet. At the royal table the principal guests were thus placed. On the right of the King were seated the Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Sussex, the Duchess of Cambridge, the Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, and Prince George of Cumberland. On the left of Her Majesty sat the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, and Prince George of Cambridge. Mr. Jones was in attendance behind the King's chair, and Mr. Routh stood behind that of the Queen.

As soon as their Majesties had concluded their repast, the Lord Mayor rose and said, "His most gracious Majesty has condescended to permit me to propose a toast. I therefore do myself the high honour to propose that we drink his most gracious Majesty's health with four-times-four."

The company rose, and, after cheering him in the most enthusiastic manner, sang the national anthem of God save the King. His Majesty bowed to all around, and appeared to be much pleased.

Sir C. S. Hunter then rose and said: "I am honoured with the permission of his Majesty to propose a toast. I therefore beg all his good subjects here assembled to rise and to drink that health and every blessing may attend her Majesty the Queen." Which was accordingly done, with the utmost euthusiasm.

The Lord Mayor then presented a gold cup of great beauty to the King, who said, taking the cup, "I cannot but refer, on this occasion, to the great work which has been accomplished by the citizens of London. The city of London has been renowned for its magnificent improvements, and we are commemorating a most extraordinary instance of their skill and talent. I shall propose the source from whence this vast improvement sprung, The trade and commerce of the city of London."

The King then drank what is called the loving cup, of which every other member of the royal family partook.

His Majesty next drank the health of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, and his Lordship, in a few words expressive of the deepest gratitude, thanked his Majesty. His Lordship has since received the patent of a Baronetcy.

Soon after this toast was drunk, the King rose, it being near 6 o'clock, and, bowing to the company, intimated his intention to bid farewell. The procession had a more imposing appearance on its return, in consequence of its being joined by several of the city barges, including that of the Lord Mayor. In a few moments after their arrival at Somerset House, the royal party entered their carriages, and returned to the palace, escorted in the same manner as on setting out.



Character of Richard Cœur de Lion.

July 21.

THE heroic character of Richard Cœur de Lion forms an interesting subject in the ages of Chivalry. Brave and bold, as the Achilles of Homer, but without the dignity of soul which, in a vein of magic genius, the Bard of Troy has bestowed upon the far famed son of Thetis, the English monarch commenced his reign by a patronage of literature, and the Troubadours." His taste for poetry induced him to make some attempts in verse.

"Chail and Pensavin! my minstrels! my friends! I have loved you: I love you now. Sing, that my enemies will have little glory in attacking me; that I have not shewn to them a heart false and perfidious. That they will act like real villains if they war against me while in prison.

"Lady Soir! Heaven guard your sovereign merit; and hers whom I claim, and to whom I am captive."b

The character of Saladin, the leader of the Saracens, was so perfect, from a feeling of justice, piety, and love for Islamism, that it presented no common barrier to the course of the enterprising Crusaders. It was a cause of religion alone, in which a victory could be gained. And the Soldan who had declared "that it was very possible for a man to look on gold and earth with an eye of equal contempt;" could only be opposed by a band of resolute foes-could only be vanquished by


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melancholy gloom over the character of these heroes. It is a painful task to turn to the pages of history, and to mark the vices and errors of mankind; but it is even more distressing to find a warrior who should, from the nature of his character be virtuous, yield to the predomination of any debased feeling. Such sentiments belong not to true chivalry, and whatever ridicule may be cast by the poignant wit of the critic, upon a tale of romance depicting some incident of generous enthusiasm, it is a beautiful colouring of human life, when compared to the darker hue of a warlike achievement.

The war in Palestine presents an instance of chivalry in a Saracenic youth, and in Saladin himself, which cannot be otherwise than gratifying to reflect upon, as descriptive of the sentiments felt by the lovers of chivalry even in that barbarous age.

Saphadin, the brother of Saladin, had obtained the honour of knighthood at the hands of Richard, for his son. Meeting in the night the king unhorsed, he presented him with two magnificent coursers. The King, in his severe fever, sent to Saladin for some pears and peaches, and some snow. The Turkish conqueror always readily complied.f

The detention of Richard, by the Emperor of Germany, is admitted by jurists and historians to have been an unjustifiable outrage against the law of nations. The pleasing and interesting tale of his faithful minstrel, Blondel, travelling over Europe to discover the spot of Richard's captivity, is one of the most pleasing romantic tales in history, but its authenticity rests upon at least a doubtful foundation. An able and enlightened historians of our own times observes, that it rests only on the authority of an old chronique François; perhaps a prose romance, which Fauchet saw, and from which he narrates it in his Recueil" (p. 92). An account of this event is thus given by Favine.h

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St. Palaye's Hist. Troub. i. p. 55. The poems of the Troubadours Faidit, Folquet, Vidal, Bertrand du Born, and Guillaume de Toulouse. Vidal, the richest genius of the Provençal poets, accompanied Richard in his crusade into Palestine.

Hist. Troub.

• Vinesauf, p. 419.

Bohadin, p. 13. d Bohadin, p. 165; and see Vinesauf, 331. f Bohadin, p. 257.

Mr. Sharon Turner. History of England, vol. i. p. 299 n.

Theatre of Honour and Knighthood, translated from the French. Lond. 1623, fol.; tom. ii. p. 49. Presid. Fanchet's Recueil de l'Origine de la Langue et Poesie Francoise, Rymes et Romans. "Miscellanies in prose and verse," by Anna Williams, Lond. 1766,

4to. p. 46.


Richard I. and the Minstrel Blondel.

"The Englishmen were more than a whole yeare without hearing any tydings of their King, or in what pla place he was kept prisoner. He had trained up, in his Court, a Rimer, or Minstrell, called Blondell de Nesle; who (so saith the manuscript of old poesies, and an auncient manuscript French Chronicle) being so long without the sight of his Lord, his life seemed wearisome to him, and he became confounded with melancholy. Knowne it was, that he came backe from the Holy Land; but none could tell in what countrey he arrived. Whereupon this Blondel, resolving to make search for him in many countries, but he would heare some newes of him; after expence of divers dayes in travaile, he came to a townei (by good hap) neere to the castle where his maister King Richard was kept. Of his host he demanded to whom the castell appertained, and the host told him, that it belonged to the Duke of Austria. Then he enquired whether there were any prisoners therein detained, or no; for always he made

Original Version.

Donna vostra beutas
Elas bellas faistos,
Els bels oils amoros
Elogens cors ben taillats,
Don sien empresenats
De vostra amor que milia.

Si bel trop affansia Ta de vos non portrai, Que major honorai Sol en votre deman, Que santra des beisan Tot care de vos volria.


such secret questionings wheresoever he came. And the hoste gave answer, there was one onely prisoner, but he knew not what he was, and yet he had bin detained there more than the space of a yeare. When Blondel heard this, he wrought such meanes, that he became acquainted with them of the castell, AS MINSTRELS DOE EASILY WIN ACQUAINTANCE ANY WHERE: but see the King he could not, neither understand that it was he. One day he sat directly before a window of the castell, where King Richard was kept prisoner, aud began to sing a song in French, which King Richard and Blondel had sometime composed together. When King Richard heard the song, he knew it was Blondel that sung it; and when Blondel paused at halfe of the soug, the King


Thus Blondel won knowledge of the King his maister, and returning home into England, made the Barons of the countrie acquainted where the King was.

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During his imprisonment, the English monarch composed the following pleasing stanzas :

Pro n'ay d'amies, mas poure sou le don,
Aucta lur es si per ma recenzon
Soi sai dos yvers pres."

• Non ho die mia per nulla retraison
Mas auquor soi ic pres.P

The object of the Crusade in which Richard so fearlessly embarked, has thrown a celebrity over the actions of this monarch, which, when critically examined, they do not deserve. He

i Tribales.

had a warlike capacity and military prowess, but he had little intellectual character or gentleness of soul. His glory was war, and while we admire the bravery of the hero, we cannot help reflecting that his reign presents but one act beneficial to mankind. This exception will be found in the Laws of Oleron.

These Laws were framed at the isle of Oleron, by Richard, upon his return from the Holy Land; and relate wholly to maritime affairs; they are still extant, and considered of

" Et quant Blondel eut dit la moitié de la chanson, le Roy Richart se prist à dire l'autre moitié et l'acheva." Favine, p. 1406. Fauchet. Recueil, p. 93. 1 About the year 1193.

m Transl. " I have many friends; but they give poorly; theirs is the shame, if for want

of a ransom I have been here two winters a prisoner."

■ Poésies des Troubadours, tom. iv. p. 183.

• "I say it not reproachfully; but I am still a prisoner."

▸ Poésies des Troubadours, tom. iv. p. 183.

Near France, department of Lower Charente; in the time of Richard it was part of

the possessions of England.

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