Perthshire, Marmaduke Ramsay, esq. M.A. F.L.S. Fellow and Tutor of Jesus College, Cambridge; brother to Sir Alex. Ramsay, of Balmain, co. Kincardine, Bart. He was the fifth son of Sir Alexander the first and late Baronet, by Elizabeth daughter and coheiress of Sir Alexander Bannerman, Bart., and graduated B.A. as 15th Wrangler 1818, M.A. 1821. Lately. In Perthshire, Clerk Rattray, esq. one of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. At Edington Lodge, Perthshire, aged 24, Wm. Jenkins, esq eldest son of Geo. Danvers Jenkins, esq. of Thames Ditton. IRELAND. Aug. 11. At Cove, near Cork, aged 77, Dr. William Coppinger, Roman Catholic Bishop of Cloyne. He was consecrated in 1788. Lately. At Killarney, Lt-Col. Wm M'Carthy, late of 96th Regt. He was appointed Lieut. in the Irish brigade 1794, in the Minorca reg. 1799, Capt. 97th Foot 1801, Major 1809, Lt.-Col. of 96th Foot 1814. He was in active service during the whole of the French revolutionary war. At Maypark, co. Waterford, aged 38, Sarah-Catherine, wife of George Meara, esq. and sister to Lord Viscount Bangor ; the third dan. of the Hon. Edward Ward, by Lady Arabella Crosbie, dau. of Wm. Earl of Glandore. She was married Oct. 5, 1825. [Sept. ABROAD.-March 4. At Belton, near Grahamstown, South Africa, Wm. Wait, esq. formerly of Bristol. March 25. On his passage from Madras to England, H. C. Fraser, esq. Captain 1st Royals. April 10. On his passage home from Madras, C. J. Broun, esq. of E.I.C.'s Civil Service. April.. At Madras, J. H. Stapleton, esq. 39th N.I., eldest son of Rev. A. Stapleton, Vicar of East Budleigh. May. At Bermuda, Lieut.-Col. Wm. Lloyd, R.A. He was appointed First Lieut. 1795, Captain 1807, brevet Major 1814, and Lieut.-Col. 1826. June 30. In Madeira, aged 22, Hugh, only son of Pudsey Dawson, esq. of Sinnington Manor, co. York. July 7. At Jamaica, Charlotte, third dau. of the late Anth. Gilbert Storer, esq. of Purley Park, Berks. July 12. At Jersey, Col. Alex. Mackenzie, formerly of 36th foot, and late of York Light Inf. son of the late Wm. M. esq. of Greenard, Ross-shire. July 26. On board his Majesty's ship Dublin, Lieut. J. Mure. July 29. On his passage from Bourdeaux to London, Lieut. George Hennel, half-pay. BILL OF MORTALITY, from Aug. 24 to Sept. 20, 1831. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW, Sept. 23. Smithfield, Hay 2l. 15s. to 4l. Os. Straw 14. 10s. to 14. 16s. Clover 3l. 10s. to 61. Os. SMITHFIELD, Sept. 26. To sink the Offal—per stone of 8lbs. od. | Lamb........ Od. to 4s. Mutton...... ....................................... 35. 6d. to 4s. 4d. Beef. od. to 5s. Od. Od. to 5s. Od. 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Head of Cattle at Market. Sept. 26: Beasts. 3,156 Calves 164 Sheep and Lambs 24,640 Pigs COAL MARKET, Sept. 26, 24s. Od. to 35s. Od. 190 TALLOW, per cwt.-Town Tallow, 45s. 6d. Yellow Russia, 41s. Od. SOAP.-Yellow, 76s. Mottled 82s. Curd, 925. 0d.—CANDLES, 7s. Od. per doz. Moulds, 95. PRICES OF SHARES, Sept. 19, 1831, At the Office of WOLFE, BROTHERS, Stock & Share Brokers, 23, Change Alley, Cornhill. CANALS. Price. Div.p.ann. Birmingh. (1-8th sh.) 245 . 17 0 120 0 6 0 West Middlesex 122. Dudley Grantham Huddersfield Ellesmere and Chester Forth and Clyde Glamorganshire Grand Surrey Grand Western INSURANCES. 70 625 237 290 0 13 12 8 Atlas 94 13 0 British Commercial 44 County Fire 37 2 10 Eagle 82 dis. Globe Hope Life 6s.6d. 5 Imperial Fire Ditto Life Protector Fire. 211 0 164 Provident Life Hammersmith Southwark. Do. New 7 per cent. Vauxhall o do. o do. Rochdale 120 0 5 3 2 Sheffield Warwick 1 0 MISCELLANEOUS Australian (Agricult1) Annuity, British 13 dis. Auction Mart. Carnat.Stock, 1st class 924 4 p.ct. 1 5 8 o'clock Day of 11 o'clock [ 288 ] METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W. CARY, STRAND, Fahrenheit's Therm. Fahrenheit's Therm. South Sea Stock, Sept. 2, 914; 3, 92; 26, 91. New South Sea Annuities, Sept. 1, 80; 16, 804; 20, 804; 26, 80§. Jate RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. Since the memoir of Bishop Cornewall, in p. 370, was printed, we have derived the following information respecting his family from Blakeway's Sheriffs of Shropshire-a very valuable body of local biography, to which we hope to do justice in an early review. The Cornewalls have not long possessed Delbury, or Diddlebury, it having been purchased of Richard Bawdewin, esq. by the Bishop's father. This was Capt. Frederick Cornewall, R. N. the M.P. for Leominster, whom in p. 370 we have incorrectly styled brother to the Bishop. Capt. Cornewall was of the family seated at Berrington in Herefordshire; and the Bishop's mother was Mary, daughter of Francis Herbert, esq. of Ludlow, by Mary daughter of Rowland Baugh, and Mary sister and coheiress of Henry Lord Folliott, a Peer of the kingdom of Ireland. Francis Herbert, esq. was M.P. for Montgomery, and was cousin to Henry-Arthur Earl Powis, in the remainder to whose barony of Herbert of Chirbury, he was included by the patent of 1749. This was the fourth creation of that title (see Nicolas's Synopsis of the Peerage); not the third, as Blakeway. It will thus be seen whence the late Bishop of Worcester derived his names of Folliott and Herbert; and that of Walker also came to him from the same connections. Francis Walker, esq. of Ferney Hall in the parish of Clungunford, Salop, was grandson of Rebecca, another of the sisters and coheirs of Henry Lord Folliott; and bequeathed his estates to the Bishop. In reply to the observations of E. I. C. (p. 137), R. S. begs to assure him there can be no doubt but that the inscriptions and sculptures (Christ Church, Cork,) are contemporaneous. The former being raised as well as the latter, makes it impossible they could be subsequent additions. The doubt has probably arisen with E. I. C. from his supposing they are Protestant tombs. There is little doubt they were Roman Catholic. For, though the Protestant Church became the Established from Queen Elizabeth's reign (1558), yet the Roman Catholics retained sole possession of all Corporation honours, till ejected by the sword of Oliver Cromwell; and if E. I. C. refers to Moryson's History of Lord Montjoy's Administration in Ireland, he will find that on Queen Elizabeth's death the Corporations of Cork, Limerick, Waterford, and other places, took forcible possession of the churches, and celebrated mass, and that Lord Montjoy was obliged to go in person, to repress these insolencies," and enforce acknowledgment of the title of King James the First. Scraps from a Note book, No. II. was printed in our Feb. number, p. 120. The Rev. THOMAS DYER, of Abbess Roding in Essex, writes: “As the only means of conveying my thanks to your Correspondent J. B. who has been so liberal as to give me the sum of six pounds towards repairing the monument of Lady Luckyn in the chancel of this church, I must beg the favour of your indulging me with a few lines of your widely circulated Magazine. According to his request, the above-mentioned sum has been solely expended on the restoration of the monument, and I trust the work has been satisfactorily done by Mr. Bacon of Sawbridgeworth, Herts. I lament exceedingly that the adjoining one, erected to the memory of Sir Gamaliel and Lady Capell, the father and mother of Lady Luckyn, still remains in a dilapidated state. Should this account meet the eye of the noble family of Verulam, I still hope that the trifling sum of four or five pounds required for the restoration of it, may yet be contributed towards so desirable an object. In your Magazine for the year 1797 will be found a description of these monuments; therefore I will not fill your pages with a needless repetition." H. PIDGEON remarks, that the Rev. Leonard Hotchkis, M.A. (noticed in p. 2), was born in the parish of Chirbury, co. Salop, in the year 1691, admitted of St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1709, appointed fourth Master of the Royal Free Grammar School in Shrewsbury in 1713, and succeeded as second, third, and Head Master. To the last respectable situation he was elevated in 1735; he resigned it in 1754, and died at Shrewsbury in 1771, and not in 1754, as stated in Literary Anecdotes. He was buried in the Chapel attached to St. Mary's Church on the 15th November of the aforenamed year. His connection with Shrewsbury School existed for nearly half a century, and in the library there is a fine portrait of him, considered to be a striking likeness. He was much respected by his contemporaries, and the intimate friend of the learned Dr. Taylor. The name of Hotchkis is by no means singular in Shropshire; the above Leonard had a brother Richard, Rector of St. George in Barbadoes. Mr. EVANS, of Worcester, remarks, "In p. 134, I observe that Mr. BOADEN makes the late Mrs. Siddons's birth to occur on the 5th July, 1755, whereas, according to the register of her baptism in the parish church of Brecknock, she was born on the 14th of that month: but it is rather a singular circumstance, that in the register she is made the daughter of George Kemble, whilst her father's name was Roger. How this error crept into the register, the distance of time will not now allow me to determine." |