Third Supplemental Appropriation Bill: 1957, Hearings ... 85th Congress, 1st Session1957 - 328 páginas |
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84th Congress activities additional amount additional funds administrative expenses agencies amended annuity Appropriation Act approved authorized Average number basis BEASLEY bill budworm building Bureau Capitol Chairman COLANTONIO Commission Commissioner committee commodities Commodity Credit Corporation Congress cost Department District District of Columbia effect equipment evacuation February 28 figure financing fiscal year 1957 Fish and Wildlife Flood Indemnity flood insurance FOGARTY Foreign Service Full-time Full-time equivalent Government hospitals House Document included International IRONS July June 30 justification KIRWAN loan MCQUAID MEISTRELL ment months mortgage NORRELL obligations Office operation Panama Canal Part-time payment percent Personal services personnel positions proposed Public Buildings Service Public Law RABAUT record reimbursement retirement Revised estimate ROONEY Salaries and expenses SCHOEN SIKES statement supplemental appropriation supplemental estimate supplemental request TABER THOMAS tion transfer United Nations VURSELL wage wage-board WHITTEN WILCOX Wildlife Service workload
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Página 162 - States, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of the Census. The...
Página 67 - Law 763 provides that the compensation of such employees shall be fixed and adjusted from time to time as nearly as is consistent with the public interest in accordance with prevailing rates. A general survey of Government and industrial employees...
Página 48 - Secretaries. The Commissioner shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. He shall receive compensation at the same rate as that provided for Grade GS-18.
Página 7 - That any surplus accruing to the fund in any fiscal year shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts during the ensuing fiscal year: Provided further.
Página 29 - The present appropriation of $852,500 does not include costs of reorganization as provided in the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (70 Stat. 1119). Included in the supplemental estimate of $239,000 is $124.000 for additional personal-service costs and $115,000 for expenses. The estimate for personal services covers the salary costs of some of the additional positions provided in the reorganization of the Service for approximately 3 months of fiscal year 1957. The estimate of $115,000 for expenses covers...
Página 178 - Such committee shall consist of not less than three nor more than fifteen persons familiar with the problems of insurance or reinsurance, to advise the Administrator with respect to the formulation of policies and the execution of functions under this Act.
Página 48 - Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife. Such Assistant Secretary shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be compensated at the same rate as other Assistant Secretaries.
Página 15 - Act of 1954, all changes in rates of compensation or salary which result as provided herein shall be held and considered to be effective as of the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after the date of enactment of this Act.
Página 79 - Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the appropriations for similar purposes for preceding fiscal years.
Página 307 - HR 7619 (An Act To adjust the rates of compensation of the heads of the executive departments and of certain other officials of the Federal Government, and for other purposes), approved July 31, 1956.