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van Doren, Carl, (ed.) Cambridge
History of American Literature",
I., II., reviewed, 100, 702.
VAN TYNE, C. H., (R) Becker's Eve
of the Revolution", 734.
Vashon, G, Indian agent, 255.
nomic Development of Modern Eu-
rope", 273; "The Higher Learning
in America", reviewed, 714.
Vedel, General, at Baylen, 611.
Venezuela, González's Biografía del

General José Félix Ribas ", review-
ed, 116; Ponte's "La Revolución de
Carácas", reviewed, 743.

Vidal de la Blache, P., deceased, 144.
Vienna, treaty of (1864), 244.
Villiers, M. de, "Histoire de la Fon-
dation de la Nouvelle Orléans ", re-
viewed, 479.

VINCENT, J. M., (R) Brooks's "Gov-
ernment and Politics of Switzer-
land", 507.

Violette, E. M., "History of Missouri",
reviewed, 284.

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War-Scare of 1875, by J. V. FULLER,
196-226; Radowitz mission, 197-
198; Law of the Fourth Battalions,
199-204; French appeal to Russia,
205-210; exposé in the "Times",
211-213; protests by England, Aus-
tria, and Russia, 214-218; position
of Bismarck, 219-226.
"War Time Control of Industry", by
H. L. Gray, reviewed, 96.
Washington and his Colleagues", by
H: J. Ford, reviewed, 735.
Wehberg, Hans, "Problem of an In-
ternational Court of Justice", re-
viewed, 687.

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Weil, M. H., "La Morale Politique du
Grand Frédéric d'après sa Corre-
spondance", reviewed, 124.
Welch, Thomas, 382, 390, 392.

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'Wisconsin, English Settler in Pio-
neer", ed. M. M. Quaife, reviewed,
Wisconsin, State Historical Society,
Collections, XXV., reviewed, 519.
Witte, S. I., 56, 71-72.

"Women and the French Tradition",
by F. L. Ravenel, reviewed, 123.
Wood, E. O., "Historic Mackinac",
reviewed, 102.

"Woodrow Wilson, an Interpreta-

tion", by A. M. Low, reviewed, 715.
Woodson, C. G., "Century of Negro
Migration", reviewed, 520.
"Work of the Hague", by W. Schück-
ing and H. Wehberg, reviewed, 687.
"World Court in the Light of the

United States Supreme Court", by
T: W. Balch, reviewed, 521.
Wright, I. A., "Early History of
Cuba", reviewed, 500; 'Santiago
de Cuba and its District", review-
ed, 742.

Wright, Silas, 397, 415.

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Yarmouth, William Seymour, Lord,

Yorck, H. D. L., Count von, Prussian
commander, 617.

Zeydel, E. H., "Holy Roman Empire
in German Literature", reviewed,

Frank A. Vanderlip's

New Book

What Happened to Europe

Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip's name is sufficient guarantee for any statement he may make, but when in addition his subject is one as vital and timely as the European financial and industrial situation today, every banker, every man with commercial interests, in fact, every well-informed citizen will find WHAT HAPPENED TO EUROPE essential to a clear understanding and grasp of our present and future European relationships. $1.25.

The Economic Foundations of Peace


Editor of the London "Observer"

The League of Nations is conceived by the writer as an edifice with two wings, the economic and the political. Many main problems of both interests are passed under review, but the single purpose of the author is to explain and illustrate the growing economic problems of world partnership.

The Economic World Before the War, Economic Consolidation Between the Allies and America, The Food Basis of European Stability, The Coming of a League, Labor and the League, "Economic Justice," An Economic Study of Russian Reconstitution, America and the League, The Question of Free Trade, The Future of Armaments as Affected by the Preventive and Creative. Use of Economic Power, Britain and America-these and many other topics are discussed in this important work.

"The Economic Foundations of Peace" is a timely and accurate analysis of world conditions and perhaps the most far-reaching discussion of the subject that has yet been gathered into a single. volume.

Cloth, Large 8vo, XXIV + 574 pp. Price, $3.25.

The Macmillan Company, Publishers, New York

Problems of Reconstruction

By ISAAC LIPPINCOTT, Associate Professor of Economics, Washington University. $1.60.

"From an industrial point of view the nations at war are confronted with two groups of problems. Stated briefly, the first group contains questions of concentrating industrial effort largely on war production, of diverting men, materials and financial resources to the essential industries and of curtailing the operations of all the rest, of regulating commerce with foreign countries, and of forumlating policies and methods for the accomplishment of these ends. In short, this is principally a question of development of war control with all this implies. The second group of problems arises out of the first. It involves such questions as the dissolution of the war organization, the removal of the machinery of control, the restoration of men, funds, and materials to the industries which serve the uses of peace, and the reestablishment of normal commercial relations with the outside world. The latter are post-war problems. Their prompt solution is necessary because the war has turned industrial and social life into new channels, and because it will be necessary for us to restore the normal order as quickly as possible. These brief statements outline the task of this volume."

Reconstruction and National Life

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Among the topics which Professor Lavelle takes up are The Problem: Europe's Unsettled Questions; Revolution and Reconstruction in France; The Basis of Reconstruction in Germany; Idealism in German Politics; The Russian Problem and the Revolution; The New Idealism in England.

The Macmillan Company


New York

The Annexation of Texas


Author of "The Troubadours at Home," "Our Struggle
for the Fourteenth Colony," "Arnold's March from Cam-
bridge to Quebec," etc.; Recently Professor of Modern
History in Dartmouth College.


Based almost exclusively (with the exception of certain preliminary matters) on first-hand sources, though all previous works of any importance on the subject have been fully examined. Use has been made of substantially all the diplomatic papers-American, British, French, Mexican and Texan-bearing upon the question, and also a rather large amount of other valuable material both manuscript and printed, such as executive and legislative documents, letters, speeches, diaries and periodicals. All discoverable sources of information, indeed, have been examined.


I. The Beginnings of the Annexation Question

II. Texas and Mexico, 1836-1843

III. Texas and the United States, 1836-1843

IV. Texas and Europe, 1836-1843

V. Tyler Desires to Effect Annexation

VI. Tyler Proposes Annexation.

VII. Foreshadowings of the Annexation Struggle

VIII. The Annexation Treaty is Negotiated

IX. The Annexation Issue is Placed Before the Country

X. The Administration Changes Front

XI. The Negotiations are Made Public

XII. The Annexation Question is Thrown into Politics

XIII. The Fate of the Treaty

XIV. The Issue is Re-shaped

XV. The Annexation Question in the Presidential Campaign XVI. Annexation is Offered to Texas

XVII. The Attitude of Rejected Texas

XVIII. The Policy of England and France in Reference to the

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