PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BOARD RESOLUTION No. 2011-23 Series of 2011 Easy: K (Knowledge), Moderate: U (Understanding), C (Comprehension), Difficult: A (Analysis), B (Synthesis), E (Evaluation); WHEREAS, the list of competencies PROMULGATION OF THE SYLLABI OR TABLE includes in a generic manner those needed WHEREAS, Sec. 4 (c), Article II of RA 7920, known as the "New Electrical Engineering Law", states that the Professional Regulatory Board of Electrical Engineering, the Board, shall "Prepare the examination questions in accordance with Section 19 hereof or modification thereof; prescribed the syllabi of the subjects and their relative weights for the licensure examinations"; WHEREAS, Sec. 9 (h) of RA 8981, called as the "PRC Modernization Act of 2000", provides to wit: "(h) To prepare, adopt and issue the syllabi or tables of specifications of the subjects for examinations in consultation with the academe, determine and prepare the questions for the licensure examinations which shall strictly be within the scope of the syllabus or table of specifications of the subject for examination ****". , WHEREAS, the said syllabi or tables of specification (TOS) are the bases for the test questions that will be inputted into the computer test question bank; WHEREAS, these requirements can be embodied in the syllabi or TOS for the licensure examination subjects; WHEREAS, the adoption of the syllabi or TOS will appropriately incorporate the competencies covering the topics and subtopics, or areas and sub-areas, of concepts and sub-concepts under the Board Licensure Examination subjects, holding that the TOS will provide not only the percentage weights and number of items but also the levels of difficulty classified into and respectively described as by the industry; WHEREAS, the TOS was refined by the Board with the assistance of PRC consultant for Test Construction and Development and was noted by the CHED Technical Committee on Electrical Engineering Education (representatives from business and industry, Accredited Professional Organization, and the Higher Education Institutions); WHEREAS, thereafter, the Board decided to implement the TOS through the issuance of a Board Resolution; and WHEREAS, TOS will bring forth quality licensure examinations for Registered Electrical Engineers and Registered Master Electricians with more effective and valid test questions framed therefrom; NOW, THEREFORE, the Professional Regulatory Board of Electrical Engineering (PRBEE) RESOLVES, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to issue and promulgate a Resolution on the Syllabi or Tables of Specifications of the subjects for the Licensure Examination for Registered Electrical Engineers and Registered Master Electricians, Annex "A", as an integral part of this Resolution. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that this Resolution with ANNEX "A" hereof shall apply in the September 2011 Licensure Examinations for Registered Electrical Engineers and Registered Master Electricians and subsequent schedules thereof. RESOLVED, FURTHERMORE, that this resolution shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette, or any newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines. RESOLVED, FINALLY, that copy of this Resolution shall be furnished to the UP Law Center, the Board, Rating Division, Records Division, and the CHED for the latter's |