the Sponsors being Jaimy Uy and Nenette Puyat wedlock 1989 1989 as appears from the Baptismal Register No.1... Page.17.3... .2011... Rev. FR. ENRICE SALAZAR Parub Priest as appears from the Baptismal Register No.2 Page 14 Issued this- 14th... day of August of the Parish. for reference purpose line 7 2011.. Rev. FR. ENRICOS SALAZAR. Parish Priest SERETARUNYAR SHANTING BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION MANILA STATUS ADJUSTED TO LAWFUL PERMANENT ASIO NO 014885 MONDORA 2016.05 ACTING CHISH ASTO TIMPLEMENTATION FEECE 000200AED12/ INDIAR भारत गणराज्य REPUBLIC OF INDIA इसके राहत ARE TO REQUEST ANO के पर सभी है जिनका इससे ASQUARE ON THE NAME OF THE अनुरोध एवंIDIA ALL THOSE WINGMIT टोक के स्वतंत्र रूप से आने-जाने हैं BEARER TO PASS FREELY AND TO AFFORD HOM OR VEST ASSISTANCE AND PROTECTION OF WROCESOR धारवराय के राष्ट्रपति के आसे BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT OF INS REPUBLIC OF INΙΑ IND J4751588 ally MANILA 21/10/2010. 20/10/2020 14706/1989 AMANIL (Prakash Chand) Second Secretary (Cons.) Embassy of India 개진 PASSPORT 대한민국 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 26 AUG 2008 26 AUG 2018 PMYORKWON<<KYONGNAM >>> 7503326<<3 KGR 5 10 20 46F18082692066819V 8375696 BUREAU OF INNIGRATION ALIEN SOCIAL INTEGRATION OFFICE MARILA STATUS POSTANE PERMANENT RESIDENT UNDE DATED 24 FEEFKY RUVEL ST THE COMMISSIONER RAT EDGAR L 14 NOVEMBER 1997 ASIO NO 014883 ΑΤΑΡ ΝΟ 015 435 MENDOZA Impmalaluan 21-1-2000 ATTY. MARCELA EN LALUAN ACTING OF EXPRESS FOL OF 8425432 $500.00 Jow. 21, 2000 KP 44471 OLAT IN 114 440771 MENUORA 19 NR. 1897 DAN ELLAR 17 012936 000100613 100258439 اب ROCKWELL DUSHYANT SINGH CERTIFY: That on the date and at the place above written the aforesaid KYONG NAM KWON and were with their mutual consent lawfully joined together in holy matrimony by me in the presence of said witnesses, both of age; and I further certify that the Marriage License No. 6630358 issued CALOOCAN CITY on JULY 20th 10.0.2. in favor of said parties, was exhibited to me or no marriage license was ezhibited to me this marriage being of an exceptional character performed under Art/111 of Rep. Act 380: and that the consent or advice to such marriage was duly gwen, as required by law, by the person or persons above men tioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, we signed, (or marked with our fingerprint) this certificate in triplicate the 21st day of JULY 19.82. Rockwell & Lumph ROCKSOUBIMANI SINGH Thandchar Kiyong nam Ene KYONGCHAMPстем TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: CLEARANCE This is to certify that the person whose name, signature and thumbmarks appear below has requested a clearance from this Barangay and the results are stated below: BIRTHDATE: June 14, 1985 ALIAS: AGE: 26 CITIZENSHIP: Dien ADDRESS: 7401 Kampupot st. Phase 9 Marcelo Green P'que oity NAME: Aru Roshan Kwon Singh CIVIL STATUS: Single REMARKS: No derogatory records in our Barangay as of this date. With good moral character. 26 m/years in 7401 Kamoupot st. Phase 9 THIS CLEARANCE IS HEREBY ISSUED FOR PURPOSES OF: For Legal purровев This clearance is good only for one (1) year from date of issue. APPROVED BY: Hon. CHRISTOPHER V. AGUILAR Barangay Chairman REV. RAMESH CHANDEHAR WITNESSES Addise Ansebu ADD IS E ANS EBO OROEC PRIEST Facally pre 12/31/82 back) Signature Comm. Tax Cert. No. Issued on Issued at Note: This clearance is good only for one (1) year frum date of issue. O.R. No. Amount P100.00 Barangay Chairman August 19, 2011 Certificate of Employment This is to certify that Mr. Arun Roshan Kwon Singh is a regular employee of HewlettPackard Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited Philippine Regional Operating Headquarters since 02 November 2006 as ITO Svc Delivery Cons II in our Enterprise Business with a total annual income of PHP 608,611.68. This certification is being issued upon the request of Mr. Singh for whatever legal purpose it may serve him. For employment verification, please send an email to We will respond to you within 24 hours, Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 6pm. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Ms. Natasha K. Singh is an employee of Teleperformance Philippines from March 21, 2011 to present. She is designated as Recruitment Associate. Ms. Singh is receiving a Gross Annual Basic Salary of One Hundred Sixty Two Thousand Pesos (Php162,000.00) and a monthly Allowance of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP2,500.00). for Naturalization. Donna L. Liberato Human Resources Supervisor ANNEY "K" Copy of this record sent to FAASCU De La Salle Santiago Zobel School ACCREDITED Ayala Alabang Village, Muntinlupa City, Philippines 1780 Office of the Registrar STUDENT'S PERMANENT RECORD Date of Birth: June 14, 1985 Citizenship: GRADE/SECTION ONE-E FINAL Penmanship Grada O-Outatamiding (95.100) V- Very(94) G-Good (83) 5- Serefactory (50-64) F-F (757) N- Nerds Improvement (70-74) P-Pop (65-60) Nang grades |