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highly difpleafed with him, and threatening him with fome grievous punishment for his ungodly practices. At another time, whilft he was throwing out oaths, he was feverely reproved by a woman, who was herself a notorious finner, and who told him he was the ugliest fellow for fwearing that ever she heard in all her life, that he was able to spoil all the youth of the town, if they came but into his company.' This reproof, coming from a woman whom he knew to be very wicked, filled him with fecret fhame, and wrought more with him than many that had been given him before by thofe that were fober and godly, and made him, from that time, very much refrain from it. A little time after this, he fell into company with a poor man that made a profeffion of religion, whofe conversation of religion and of the fcriptures fo affected Mr. Bunyan, that he began to read the bible, and with fome degree of pleafure, efpecially the hiftorical part; for as yet he was ignorant both of the corruption and depravity of his nature, and of the want and worth of Jefus Chrift. This however produced an outward reformation in his life and converfation; and he fet the commandments before him as his guide to heaven; which, while he thought he kept, he had comfort; but when he broke any of them, his confcience was filled with guilt and horror: neverthelefs, by a partial repentance, and promifes to GOD of future amendment, he quieted himfelf; thinking then (to use his own words) that he pleafed GOD" as well as any man "in England." In this ftate he continued about a year, his neighbors all wondering at his reformation; and they, who formerly spoke ill of him, now began to praife and commend him, both to his face and behind his back; which, as he knew nothing yet of Chrift, nor the nature of grace, nor faith, nor hope, only filled him with pride and hypocrify. "I was all this while (fays he) ignorant of Jefus Chrift, and going about to establish my own righteoufnefs; and had perifhed therein, had not "GOD, in mercy, fhewed me more of my state by nasture."

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His father brought him up to his own bufinefs, which was that of a tinker: And going one day into Bedford to feek work, he heard three or four poor women, fitting together, converfing of the things of GOD. He drew near to them, to hear what they faid, for by this time he was a great talker, particularly about himself, in matters of religion; "but (fays he) I heard but understood not; for they were far above out of my reach." Their talk was


about the new birth, the work of GOD in their hearts, how they were convinced of their miferable ftate by nature, and how GOD had visited their fouls with his love in the Lord Jefus, and with what fcripture promises they had been refreshed, comforted and fupported against the temptations of the devil: They further fpoke of the devices of fatan, how they had been borne up under his affaults, and delivered out of their afflictions; and alfo of the deceitfulnefs, wickednefs, and unbelief of their hearts; loathing and abhoring themselves and their own righteouinefs as filthy and infufficient to do them any goed. "And methought (fays he, ufing an expreffion of the "most beautiful fimplicity) they fpake, as though you did "make them speak ;" and all with fuch pleafantnefs of "fcripture language, and fuch appearance of grace, that "they feemed to me as if they had found a new world; "and were people that dwelt alone, and were not to be reckoned

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among the nations. Numb. xxiii. 9." Upon this his heart mifgave him, and he doubted much of the goodness of his religious ftate, being confcious, that in all his thoughts about religion and falvation, the new birth never entered into his mind, and that he was an entire ftranger to the treachery of his own wicked heart, the nature of fatan's temptations, and how they were to be refifted, and of the comfort of GOD's gracious promifes in the gofpel. However, the deep and lasting impreffions made on his mind by the converfation of thefe good people, led him frequently to difcourfe with them on the above important fubjects; by which means his heart was fo far changed, that he cordially embraced the truth on conviction of fcripture authority, and meditated therein continually with great delight: Yea, his whole foul became fo fixed on eternity, and the things of the kingdom of GOD, that neither pleafures nor profits, perfuafions nor threats, could move him from his ftedfaftnefs. "Although, I may speak it "with fhame; yet (fays he) it is a certain truth, that it "would have been as difficult for me to have taken my "mind from heaven to earth, as I have found it often "fince to get it again from earth to heaven."

After this feafon of illumination and rejoicing, he endured many fevere conflicts; without were fightings, and within were fears. One of the first trials of his faith and conftancy was that of fome profeffors holding the truth in unrighteoufnefs, viz. the Ranters, whofe gofpel-liberty was mere licentioufnefs: But he, being defigned of GOD for better things, was kept from thefe enormnities and the

vile delufions of this truly antinomian fect, though in the prime and vigor of his life. But the bible was particuLarly precious to him in thofe days, and he read and meditated in it with more than ordinary light and pleafure; praying earnestly, that he might not be left to lean to his own understanding, but might know the truth, and be kept in the way to life and glory.

After many fevere and uncommon fpiritual conflicts, which he relates at large in his treatife, entitled "Grace

abounding, &c." he was led, at length, to open his mind to fome religious people in Bedford, and particularly to thofe whofe difcourfe he had over-heard at his first fetting out. They made his cafe known to Mr. Gifford their minifter, who, after converfing with him and hoping him to be fincere, invited him to attend the fociety meetings held at his own house. Here he heard of the Lord's dealings with others, and the inftructions and encouragement Mr. Gifford gave them from time to time, by which he received further conviction, and faw more and more of the inward vanity, deceitfulnefs, and wretchedness of his own heart: Infomuch that he thought he grew worfe and worfe, and was farther from converfion than ever, and was exceedingly difcouraged. Yet fometimes this fcrip ture afforded him comfort, I girded thee, though thou hast not known me, Ifa. xlv. 5. He had fuch a view of his original and inward pollution, that he was more loathfome in his own eyes than a toad, and thought he was fo in the fight of GOD. At this fight of his vilenefs, he was almoft driven to defpair; being ready to conclude, that fuch a condition was inconfiftent with a ftate of grace, and that he was forfaken of GOD and given up to the devil and a reprobate mind. In this ftate he continued for feveral years.

He remarks, that while he was thus exercifed with the workings of corruptions and the fear of damnation, he was furprifed at two things; the one was, to fee old people hunting after the things of this life, as if they fhould live here always; the other was, to find profeffors diftreffed and caft down when they met with outward loffes, as of a hufband, wife, child, &c. &c. "What seeking (fays he) "after carnal things by fome, and what grief in others for "the lofs of them; whereas if I knew but that my foul "was in a good condition, how rich fhould I efteem my"felf, though bleffed but with bread and water: I fhould "reckon thefe but fmall afflictions, and fhould bear them "as little burdens: But a wounded fpirit who can bear!"

In this ftate he remained a great while, lamenting that GOD had made him a man and not a beast or bird or fish, whofe condition he coveted, because they were not, like himfelf, obnoxious to the wrath of GOD and to be fent to hell when they died. But when GOD's time to comfort him was come, he providentially heard a fermon from Sol. Song, iv. 1. Behold thou art fair, my love, behold thou art fair. The minifter made thefe two words my love, the fubject of his fermon; from which, after he had a little opened his text, he difcourfed on the following heads; 1. That the church, and fo every faved foul is Chrift's love, when lovelefs. 2. Chrift's love, without a caufe. 3. Chriff's love, though hated of the world. 4. Chrift's 'love, when under temptation and defertion. 5. Chrift's love, from firft to laft.' That which more particularly fuited his cafe was the fourth head; and, in the application of which, in thefe words, he found his heart filled. with hope and comfort, and belief that his fins would now be forgiven. If it be so (faid the preacher) that the faved foul is in Chriff's love, when under temptation and defertion; then, poor tempted foul, when thou art afsaulted and afflicted with temptations, and the hidings of thy Saviour's face, yet think on these two words, my love STILL.' In further meditating on this difcourfe he experienced fuch a display of GOD's mercy and love, that he could fcarce contain himself; he thought he could have told of GOD's goodness to the very birds of the air, if they could have understood him; faying, "furely I fhall not forget this forty years hence; but, alas, (adds he) within lefs than forty days I began to queftion all again." However he was enabled to go on, believing that it was a true manifeflation of grace unto his foul; notwithstanding at times he had loft much of the life and favor of it.

As Mr. Bunyan was defigned in a very eminent degree to speak to others in cafes of confcience, he was led on in fuch a manner, as to be richly furnished from his own experience to encourage profeffors of all defcriptions in the way of falvation; and he has explained at large, in his treatise, before-mentioned, the grounds he had to believe, that GOD had appointed him to teftify of his grace to others. Accordingly, after fome private trials, he ventured openly to preach the gofpel, in which (he fays) he was attended with feals and fuccefs far beyond his expectation.

After he had publicly preached for five or fix years before the restoration; on the twelfth of November, 1660,


he was apprehended by one Juftice Wingate, at or near Harlington, in Bedfordshire, and committed to prifon, where were above fixty diffenters. Here with only two books-the bible and the book of martyrs, he employed his time for twelve years and a half in preaching to and praying with his fellow-prifoners, in writing feveral of his works, and in making tagged laces for the fupport of himnfelf and his family. Indeed, his wife (whom he had married about two years before, having buried his former) made every effort to procure his release both at London, and at Bedford affizes; but in vain. In the last year of his imprisonment, upon the death of their former paftor, the baptift congregation at Bedford, to whom he was joined, unanimously chofe him for their paftor, Dec. 12, 1671. Bishop Barlow of Lincoln procured his enlargement; after which he travelled into various parts of England to vifit and confirm his brethren; and this procured him the title of bishop Bunyan. In the reign of James the II, upon the famous declaration for liberty of confcience, Mr. Bunyan, by the voluntary contributions of his friends, built a public meeting-houfe at Bedford, and preached conftantly to Jarge congregations. He likewife frequently came to London, and preached among the nonconformifts there: And, it is faid, the learned Dr. John Owen was often one of

his hearers.

He died at his lodgings on Snow Hill, London, of a fever, contracted by a journey to Reading in very bad weather, where he had been to make up a difpute between a young gentleman and his father. This was on the thirty-fift of August, 1688, in the fixtieth year of his age. His body was interred in Bunhill Fields. He had, by his first wife, four children, one of which, whom he tenderly loved, was blind. His fecond wife furvived him but four years, dying in 1692.

He appeared in countenance (fays the continuator of his life) to be of a ftern and rough temper; but in his converfation he was mild and affable; not given to loquacity, or much difcourfe in company, unlefs fome urgent occafion required it; obferving never to boast of himself or his parts, but rather feem low in his own eyes, and fubmit himself to the judgement of others; abhoring lying and fwearing; being juft in all that lay in his power to his word; not feeming to revenge injuries, loving to reconcile differences, and making friendship with all. He had a fharp quick eye; accomplished with an excellent difcerning of perfons, being of good judgement, and quick

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