Imágenes de páginas

and that no

Allowance hath been

made before.

repay the whole Duties,


Days between which, and the Places where the fame were fo made, finished, prepa red, or whitened refpectively, and the Quantities and Kinds of the Sope which were actually employed, spent, and confumed therein, and that no Allowance by virtue of this Act, was before made to fuch Manufacturers refpectively, or for his, her, or their Benefit, of the Duties payable by this Act, for the Sope fo fpecified in fuch Affidavit or Affirmation, or any Part thereof; and that upon the making of every fuch Affidavit or AffirmaCollector to tion, the faid Collector, out of the Money in his Hands of the faid Duties upon Sope by this Act granted, fhall pay to the faid Manufacturers respectively fo much as the whole Duties granted by this Act, for the Sope specified in every fuch Affidavit ór Affirmation taken by the faid Collector and Supervifor jointly, or by the faid Collector, fingly, doth amount unto, without any delay; and in case the fame were adminiftred by the Supervifor only, then upon a Certificate thereof made and figned by the faid Supervisor, (which he is hereby required to make and fign upon Demand), the faid Collector fhall, out of any Monies in his Hands of the faid Duties on Sope, furthwith pay to the faid Manufacturers refpectively, the faid Duties fo payable by this Act for the Sope fo spent and confumed,


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confumed, as aforefaid; and in cafe the Collector fhall not then have Money sufficient in his Hands to fatisfy fuch Payments, That then, and in every fuch cafe, the Commiffioners of the faid Duties on Sope, for the Time being, upon a Certificate thereof from the faid Collector (who is hereby enjoined and required to make and fign fuch Certificate) fhall furthwith cause fuch Payments to be made out of any Monies arifing by the faid Duties on Sope by this Act granted, without any further Delay.

vits, &c. not

§ 17. AND it is hereby declared and Such Affidaenacted, That the faid Affidavits, Affir- to be ftamped, mations, and Certificates, touching the &c. faid Allowance to the Woollen and Linen Manufactures aforefaid, fhall and may be written or printed upon Paper not stamped or marked for any the duties charged by any Act upon Stamped Vellum, Parchment, or Paper; and that no Fee, Gratuity, or Reward, whatsoever, shall be required, demanded, or taken from any the faid Manufacturers, for making any the Payments of the faid Allowance for Sope confumed in the faid Woollen or Linen Manufactures, or for making or taking any the faid Affidavits, Affirmations, or Certificates, relating thereunto, (except four-pence for writing every fuch Affidavit, Affirmation, or Certificate), up


Such Affidavits, &c. falfe,

on Pain that any of the faid Officers of fending therein, fhall, for every such Offence, pay treble Damages to the Party grieved, befides Cofts of Suit, to be recovered in fuch Manner as any other Penalties relating to the Duties upon Sope are by this Act to be recovered.

§ 18. AND for the better preventing forfeits treble Frauds and Abuses in obtaining the Althe Value of lowances last mentioned, it is hereby fur

the Allow


ther enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, in fuch Affidavit or Affirmation, fwear, affirm, or alledge any Matter or Thing that fhall be falfe and untrue, with an intent to defraud her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, fuch Perfon or Perfons offending therein, shall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe treble the Value of the Allowance for which fuch Affidavit or Affirmation fhall be made, to be recovered in like Manner, (to wit), One third Part thereof to the Use of the Queen's Majesty, and the other two Thirds thereof, with Cofts of Suit, to the Use of the Informer or Profecutor; and if any Perfon or Perfons, being once fence, Perju- convicted of any fuch Offence, fhall again offend in the like Kind, and be thereof duly convicted in any Court of Record at Westminster, or in any the Courts of Scotland, every fuch Perfon or Perfons, for fuch other Offence, fhall fuffer in Cafes of wilful and corrupt Perjury.

Second Of





CLAUSES of an A&t tertio Georgii
Regis, entituled,

An ACT for redeeming the Duties and Re-
venues, &c. and for taking off the Duties
on Lintfeed imported, and British Linen

$38. AND whereas by the Act of Ton

nage and Poundage made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles, the Second, and the Book of Rates thereto annexed, and by other Acts of Parliament fince made, and now in Force, feveral Duties are payable to his Majesty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon Lintfeed imported; and it having been found, by Experience, that thofe Duties are a Difcouragement to the Importation thereof, and that fhould they be difcontinued and taken off, the fame would tend to the Service of the Woollen and other Manufactures, and to the Improvement of Tillage in this Kingdom: Be it further enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the firft Lintfeed may Day of August, One thousand seven hundred and feventeen, it fhall and may be

[blocks in formation]

be imported Duty free.

lawful to and for any Person or Persons to import Lintfeed into this Kingdom, without paying to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, any Cuftom, Subfidy, or other Duties, for the fame; any Thing in the faid Act of Tonnage and Poundage, or any other Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary in any ways notwithstanding.

$39. AND whereas in and by the Act of Tonnage and Poundage, and the faid Book of Rates, which Act has been by feveral subsequent Acts of Parliament continued, and is now in Force, a Duty of Sixpence is payable upon the Exportation of every Piece of Linen Cloth of British Manufacture made of Hemp or Flax, fine or coarse, not exceeding forty Ells, (except Britifh made Sail-Cloth, which by Law is permitted to be exported Duty free): And whereas the faid Duty is a Difcouragement to the faid Manufacture, which employs many thoufands of the Poor of this Kingdom; Be it further enBritish Linen acted, by the Authority aforefaid, That may be ex- from and after the faid firft Day of August, One thousand feven hundred and feventeen, it fhall and may be lawful, to and for any Perfon or Perfons to export out of this Kingdom, to Parts beyond the Seas, all Sorts of Linen Cloth of the Manufacture of this Kingdom which fhall be made

ported Duty



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