1. I personally know MR. STANLEY SAIYORK CHAN JIM, the applicant for Philippine citizenship since 1998 up to the present. 2. I have known MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM as a person of good moral character; he is benevolent; he had extended help and assistance without considering the latter's status in life, religion, political persuasion race or creed; he is active in all social and civic organizations that promotes good and relevant social values and promotion of Filipino good customs and traditions and support of all the duly constituted authorities of the Philippines. 3. I have known MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM to have not committed any violations of the laws of the Philippines; he has not been charged or accused of any crime or offenses involving moral turpitude. 4. I have known MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM to be not sick of any disease or illness that is contagious or hazardous to the health and safety of the general public and the Filipinos in particular. 5. I have known MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM to have conducted himself in the best way and manner that is truly Filipino, who is caring, loving, hospitable, benevolent and charitable to everyone who may need his help and assistance. 6. I have known MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM to have engaged in honest profession and business that promotes Filipino rights interest and development of health and development of Filipino workers and employees. 7. I have known MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM to have duly paid all legitimate and valid taxes, dues and assessments to the government of the Philippines and all its duly constituted authorities. 8. I am executing this affidavit to attest that MR. STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM should be declared a citizen of the Philippines considering that he will be an asset and not a liability to the Philippines, and for all legal intents and purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signatures this_____day of January 2011. (Sgd.) JED LARRY C. TIU Com. Tax Certificate No. 10550349 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 28th day of February 2011 in Manila, Philippines with his above valid Community Tax Certificate and Identification Card. I Certify That I have examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has read and understood the contents of his affidavit he freely and voluntarily executed in my presence. (Sgd.) ATTY. ARSENIO C. REYES, JR. Until December 31, 2011 Doc. No. 435; Page No. 88; Book No. 18; Series of 2011. DECLARATION OF INTENTION TO BECOME CITIZEN OF THE PHILIPPINES COMES NOW, the petitioner and unto this Honorable Office, respectfully avers; a. That his full name is STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM; b. That his present place of residence is at 11 Faith Street, Grace Village, Brgy. Apolonio Samson, Quezon City, and he has the past lived at 15 Filomena, Balubaran, Valenzuela, Metro Manila. He first arrived in the Philippines last April 25, 2000 via Philippine Airlines Flight PR307 debarking at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Parañaque City; c. That he was born on March 23, 1984, in the Philippines and is at present a citizen of China under whose laws Filipinos may become naturalized citizens thereof; d. That he is single; e. That he has resided continuously in the Philippines for at least a period of ten (10) years immediately preceding in the filing of this petition, for he has a native born and arrived in Manila since 2000; f. That he speaks and writes English and Tagalog; g. That his profession is an Assistant Manager in North Hill Plastics Industries; h. That he is deriving a decent income from said job, enough to support himself: i. That he believes in the principles underlying the Philippine Constitution. He has conducted himself in a proper and irreproachable manner during the entire period of his residence in the Philippines in his relation with the constituted government as well as with the community in which he lives. He has mingled socially with Filipinos, and has evinced a sincere desire to learn and embrace the customs, traditions, and ideals of the Filipinos. He has all the qualifications required under Section 2, and none of the disqualifications under Section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. 473; j. That he is not opposed to organized government or affiliated with any association or group of persons who uphold and teach doctrines opposing all organized governments. He does not defend or teach the necessity or propriety of violence, personal assault or assassination for the success and predominance of their ideas. He is not a polygamist or a believer in the practice of polygamy. He has never been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude. He is not suffering from mental alienation or any incurable contagious disease. He is a citizen of a nation that is not at war with the Philippines. k. That it is his intention in good faith to become a citizen of the Philippines and to renounce absolutely and forever allegiance and fidelity to any foreign state or sovereignty, and, particularly to China which at this time he is a citizen. He will reside continuously in the Philippine from the date of the filing of this petition up to the time of his admission to Philippine citizenship; I. That he has not heretofore made petition for citizenship to any court; m. That herewith attached with this petition are, to wit: 1. ACR/ICR/I-CARD of the Petitioner 3. Birth Certificate 4. 4 pieces of passport size ID pictures with signature (infront) 5. Notarized Declaration 6. 4 pieces of Doc. Stamp Wherefore, petitioner formally declares his intention to become a Citizen of the Philippines in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 473. Petitioner prays for other reliefs deemed just and equitable under the premises. City of Manila, June 16, 2010. (Sgd.) STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM 11 Faith Street, Grace Village SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of June, 2010 at the City of Manila, affiant exhibited to me his Passport No. HA9027655 issued on January 7, 2004 in Hongkong, PROC. Doc No. 422; Page No. 86; Book No. 43; Series of 2010. Republic of the Philippines QUEZON CITY POLICE DISTRICT Ciry Hall Complex, Quezon City a certify that the person whose name picture, and thumb print appear below has passed rication which was conducted by this station The result(s) of which is/are listed below NAME: STANLEY SAI-YORK CHAN JIM DATE OF BIRTH: 3/23/1984 ACE OF BIRTH: MANILA CIVIL STATUS: SINGLE SEX: MALE NATIONALITY: CHINESE PURPOSE: NATURALIZATION REMARKS: NO DEROGATORY RECORD.. J. Imber 1198423 LUMEN FOR AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE DISTRICT DIRECTOR ROSELLER C. GAMAYON POLICE SR INSPECTOR -CHIEF, PCS Not valid if there are erasures or alterations. This Police Clearance Certificate is valid for REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE IMMIGRATION FORM CID No 23-A No. 201050 Annex · C-1" |