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'HE religious thought of the present day is directed with unusual interest to the Per

son of Christ. Lives of Jesus are written, not so much, it would seem, to give a distinct picture of the events which marked his public course, and to make the reader familiar with the divine lessons which he taught, as to propound a theory of his nature and explain the secret of his power. Men study the record of his words for the purpose of finding some hint of the plan of his life, of the end which he meant to reach and the means which he chose for reaching it; or rather, it may be, for the purpose of obtaining support to a theory of his person which has already been formed in agreement with their favorite philosophy. Even writers of fiction are ready with an answer to the question, "What think ye of Christ? And in many instances

their answer is one which the apostles would have promptly rejected, as coming from beneath, and not from above. Still it is given, and is read, and is received by many who are almost as ignorant of the Gospels as are the writers whom they admire. But this direction of thought to the person of Christ is not, on the whole, to be deplored. Much of the thinking may indeed be too bold, too speculative, too irreverent; it may be more eager to uproot Christian faith than to provide a substitute for it; it may lead astray some and perplex others; - but it shows the power of Christ in the world; it proves him to be the central character of history; it turns the eyes of mankind to him, the only true Light; and, under the wise direction of God, who makes the wrath of man praise him, it will result in honor to the Saviour and blessing to his church. The progress of truth will not be arrested. And even if some do not preach Christ at all, but only speak of him and call attention to him, this will not be wholly in vain; for their mistakes about his person will lead others to search the Scriptures anew and obtain clearer views of that person. We speak of clearer views advisedly; for the ideas which Christians have of their Lord may be substantially correct, and yet very indistinct. The truth may perhaps have been received by them, without deep and earnest study. They need therefore to examine it

afresh and prove it, that they may hold it fast with a stronger faith. And to aid some of them, if possible, in this work, we propose to speak briefly of the Person of Christ, of his deity and humanity, and of the union of these in his one personality.

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