Imágenes de páginas

nfants, wives, idiots or lunatics, for leave to become memers of any corporation formed under this Chapter for raining and improving the swamp in which the lands of uch infants, wives, idiots and lunatics are situated, in espect of such lands, and the said Court shall have power inquire into the propriety of granting such leave, and to ake such order therein as may seem meet; and if the Court all grant leave, it shall be lawful for the person who shall ave presented the petition to become a party to the articles association for forming such corporation in respect of ch land, and the same shall be as binding and effectual, all intents and purposes, as if such person had been the tual proprietor of such land.

A. D. 1912,

What to be deemed inland



Civ. '02, § 2245.

When swamp or bottom lands to be

land swamp.

Sec. 3026. Every swamp, except such as are commonly lled river swamps, or river bottoms, or river margins, swamps. all be deemed an inland swamp, for the purposes of this Civ. '02, § apter. Sec. 3027. Every corporation formed under the pro- officers of ions of this Chapter shall have a Chairman and a Secre- &c. y, and shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings. Sec. 3028. Whenever two-thirds or more of the propries of the swamp or bottom lands lying on any river, creek other water course, owning not less than two-thirds of deemed an insuch swamp or bottom, shall enter into written articles agreement that such swamp or bottom shall be deemed taken to be an inland swamp, and be subject to the visions of this Chapter, such swamp or bottom shall reupon be deemed and taken to be an inland swamp, and subject to all the provisions of this Chapter, in the same nner as other inland swamps, and the owners thereof 11 be invested with all the rights, powers, and privileges, hereinbefore given to the owners of inland swamps, and 11 be subject to the same conditions and obligations. ec. 3029. Where such inland swamp is owned to the When owner unt of two-thirds by one individual, he or she shall pos- swamp may all the rights and powers conferred by this Chapter of a corporahe corporation aforesaid.

of inland

have the right


Civ. '02, § 2246.

A. D. 1912.





LIV. The State Hospital for the Insane.
LV. Estrays.

CHAPTER LVI. Wrecks and Shipwrecked Goods.
CHAPTER LVII. Immigrants and Seamen.


CHAPTER LVIII. Protection of Fish and Sheep..
LIX. Gambling Contracts and Contracts of
Sale for Future Delivery.


LX. Licenses.

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A. D. 1912,

Regents to be

appointed by Governor ;

Section 3030. The Governor shall appoint Five Regents f the State Hospital for the Insane, who shall hold their ffices for six years from the day of appointment, except number pon the occurrence of a vacancy in the regency, when the term; Governor shall fill the same by an appointment for the civ. '02, § nexpired term only.





Civ. '02, §

Purpose of.

Civ. '02, S 2249.

Sec. 3031. The said Regents, by the name of "The Regents inegents of the State Hospital for the Insane of South Corporated; arolina," shall form a body corporate in deed and in law, or all the purposes of the said institution, with all the 2248. owers incident to corporations; and are hereby authorized d empowered to make and establish all rules, regulations hd by-laws for the government of the institution, which, hen made, shall be reported to the next Legislature for eir approval or rejection, but until rejected by the Legisture shall be in force; and to fix the amount of the salaes or emoluments of the officers or medical attendants, t otherwise provided for by law, and to establish the tes of admission, maintenance and medical attendance for e subjects of the said institution other than beneficiaries. Sec. 3032. The State Hospital for the Insane shall be aintained solely for the support, custody and treatment insane persons. No other class of patients shall be mitted, except as provided in Section 3052. No patient all be received into the Hospital without the proper pers, hereinafter specified, from the Judge of Probate the County in which the patient resides, together with e evidence taken under Section 3038 as to the financial nding of the patient. A person shall be considered insane fit to be a patient in the Hospital who exhibits in the sanity. st place such a degree of brain disability or mental aberran as to render him or her dangerous to others or danrous to his or her own life or person, or dangerous to operty; in the second place, this disability must not be nsient like delirium in a fever, but of a more or less manent character; in the third place, lack or loss of ntal ability to properly conduct his or her usual work or siness shall be considered along with aberrant conduct in ermining the question of a person's insanity.

Sec. 3033. In order of admission into the Hospital when means of accommodation are crowded, preference shall


Degree of in

A. D. 1912.





be given to recent curable cases over chronic or incurabl cases. Among those to whom preference shall be last give Civ. 02, shall be idiots or any who have been imbeciled or weakminded from childhood, to those who are subject to epilepti convulsions, and to those whose temporariy insanity is pr duced by the injurious use of alcoholic drinks or opiates. Sec. 3034. When a relative, friend or other citizen interfor admission. ested is desirous of placing a person in the State Hospita Civ. '02, for the Insane as a patient, he shall apply to the Judge of Probate of the County in which such person resides, and the Judge of Probate, without delay, shall proceed to investigate the case by examining witnesses or not, as he sees fit, and if he is reasonably convinced that the application is a just one, he shall have prepared answers as full and explicit & is practicable to the list of interrogatories prepared by the Regents, which answers he shall forward at once to the Superintendent of the Hospital with an application for the admission of the person.

Duty of Su


Sec. 3035. On receiving the application and the answers perintendent. to the specified interrogatories, the Superintendent shall Civ. 02, promptly forward a reply to the Judge of Probate, in accordance with the crowded condition of the Hospital. and in accordance with the above instructions as to the order of admission of patients, whether the person can be received or not. And if to be received, whether as a paying patient in full or part, or a beneficiary, and if in part, what part, or how much expense to be borne by the patient, and if necessary the Superintendent may refer the application to the Board of Regents before final answer.

Admission of

the Hospital





Sec. 3036. When informed by the Superintendent that patients to the person can be received as a patient in the Hospital, and for the In-on what terms, if any, and under what class, the Judge of Probate shall call two physicians to certify to the insanity Civ. 02, of the person for the purpose of securing his or her commitment, as is provided for in Section 3047. If the Judge of Probate believes that satisfactory evidence has been adduced to show the person to be insane, the Judge of Probate must make certificates as required by the Board of Regents and send to the Hospital the insane patient, with a certified copy of the certificate committing him or her to the Hospital. The original certificate committing the insane patient

A. D. 1912,

intendent may

tients; with



o the Hospital shall be kept on file in the office of the Probate Court. The Judge of Probate shall deputize the Sheriff or his deputies or other officers, or a friend or friends of the insane party, to carry him or her to the Hospital: Provided, however, That the Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, may receive into his custody and when Superetain in said Hospital, for a period not exceeding five days, receive paithout an order from the Judge of Probate, any person as out order of sane whose case is duly certified to be one of violent and angerous insanity and emergency by two reputable physians, which certificates shall be separately signed and shall onform to all the requirements as now provided by law. n addition to such certificates, an application, signed by Magistrate of the County or the Mayor or Alderman, tendant or Warden of the County, city or town in which ich insane person resides or is found, shall be left with the uperintendent of said State Hospital for the Insane, and id application shall contain the answers to the list of terrogatories now in use by the Regents of said Hospital: rovided, further, That when such insane person is comitted and received in said State Hospital for the Insane, e party committing such person shall give a bond in the m of one hundred dollars to the Treasurer of said instituon, with condition that he or she will within five days. ocure an order for the commitment of said patient as now ovided by law, and failing therein said insane person all be removed or discharged by the Superintendent of id institution and suit brought by him (if he sees proper to do) on said bond for the cost of maintenance of said rson while confined.

veying insane

Civ. '02,

Sec. 3037. The following fees and charges shall be paid Fees for conr the conveying of said insane party: to the officer or person to Hosrson conveying such insane party, two dollars per day pital. d twelve cents per mile one way, and out of which said 2254. leage herein allowed, shall be paid all the costs and penses of said insane person if it shall be necessary to ploy a guard in conveying such insane person, such guard ill receive one dollar per day and his actual railroad fare. id charges shall be paid out of the County treasury on ler of the Supervisor. For the duties required under the ovisions of this Chapter of the Judge of Probate, he shall

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