Imágenes de páginas

Provided, That in establishments for manufacturing lumber or brick, such checks shall not be redeemable in cash except on regular pay days.

Checks issued as credits, redeemable in merchandise.-Johnson v. Spartan Mills, 68 S. C., 339; 47 S. E., 695. Proviso not repealed by amendment to Sec. 3480.-Pearson v. Mills Mfg. Co., 82 S. C., 506; 64 S. E., 407.

Amendment does not repeal proviso of Sec. 3479.-Pearson v. Mills Mfg. Co., 82 S. C., 506; 64 S. E., 407.

A. D. 1912,

A. D. 1912.






CHAPTER LXXXVI. The Supreme Court and Its Officers.
CHAPTER LXXXVII. Circuit Courts and Judges.




LXXXIX. The City Court of Charleston.

XC. Court for the Arbitration of Mer cantile Disputes in the City of Charleston.

XCI. Attorneys, Solicitors and Counsel lors.



XCII. Special

Provisions Respecting Courts and the Administration of Justice and Certain Rights and Remedies.


Of the Supreme Court and Its Officers.

[blocks in formation]

A. D. 1912,


bers of, term

Section 3481. The Supreme Court shall consist, of a Chief Justice and three Associate Justices, who shall be court, memelected by a joint viva voce vote of the General Assembly of office, &c. for the term of eight years, and shall continue in office civ 02, } until their successors are elected and qualified, and shall be 2721: so classiffied that one of them shall go out of office every two years. Any three of the Justices shall constitute a quorum. It shall be the duty of all the Justices to be present, and the Chief Justice shall preside. In the absence of the Chief Justice the Justice oldest in commission shall preside. If at any stated term of the Court a quorum thereof shall not attend on the first day of the term, the Justice or Jus- adjourn if a tices attending shall have the authority to adjourn the Court present. from day to day for ten days after the time appointed for the commencement of the said term unless a quorum shall sooner attend; or unless a sufficient number of men learned. in the law commissioned by the Governor as provided in Section 3489 to make a quorum shall sooner attend; and the business of the Court shall not in such case be continued over the next stated term thereof until the expiration of said ten days.

A Judge elected to fill vacancy holds only for the unexpired term.—Simpson v. Willard, 14 S. C., 191.

Court may

quorum is not

Civ. '02, §

Sec. 3482. The Justices of the Supreme Court shall Qualification qualify within twelve months after the date of their elec- of. tion by taking the Constitutional oath or the office shall be 2722. declared vacant by the Governor. The oath shall be administered by a Justice of said Court or by a Circuit Judge.

Civ. '02, §

Sec. 3483. The Supreme Court shall be a Court of record, A Court of and the records thereof shall at all times be subject to the Record. inspection of the citizens of the State or other persons 2723. interested. The records shall be kept in the manner. prescibed by the Justices of the Court.

How appoint

Sec. 3484. The Supreme Court shall appoint a Messenger Messenger of the Court, a Librarian, who shall be in charge of the and Librarian. Library of the Court, and an Attendant, to hold for the ed. term of four years, and subject to removal by the Court, and -Civ. '02, shall prescribe the duties of the officers so appointed. The Messenger shall receive an annual salary of two hundred Hollars and the Librarian a salary of eight hundred dollars


A. D. 1912.

Clerk of.

Fees and sal

Civ. 02,


per annum. The Attendant shall receive a salary of two
hundred dollars.

Sec. 3485. The Supreme Court shall also appoint a Clerk. ary of Clerk. who shall hold his office for four years, and who shall have the custody and keeping of its records, and shall furnish certified copies thereof to persons desiring the same, upon the payment of the fees prescribed by law. And he shall receive a fee of fifty cents for each remittitur in civil cases, to be taxed as their costs and disbursements, and a similar fee for each certificate. His salary shall be eight hundred dollars per annum, to be paid out of the State Treasury. on the warrant of the Comptroller-General.

Reporter to



Sec. 3486. The Supreme Court shall appoint a Reporter be appointed for the term of four years, who shall take the constitutional oath before any one of the Justices or the Clerk of the Civ. 02. Supreme Court. It shall be the duty of the Justices of the Supreme Court to deliver to the Reporter full notes of all decisions made by them which they shall deem of sufficient importance to publish. The Reporter shall faithfully prepare all such decisions for publication; and whenever, in the opinion of the Court, it shall be necessary for a proper understanding of the decision, he shall report therewith a brief statement of the case and arguments. It shall be his duty, in addition to the report of the cases where he may be instructed to prepare under the order of the Court, to append the titles of all other cases decided by the Court during the period covered by each volume prepared by him, stating in a short note the principle or principles decided in each case, and also adding a list of all cases cited by the Court in its decisions, as well as what cases previously decided have been overruled, modified or confined, and what Statutes have been construed by said Court dung said period. He shall also append to each volume an alphetical list of all cases reported, and an alphabetical list of all cited, criticised, affirmed, overruled or modified, and a fur and complete index to the contents of the volume. There shall be appointed at the session of the General Assembly in 1901, and every two years thereafter, a committee of three, to be composed of one member of the Senate, to be appointed by the President of the Senate, and two members of the House, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House, to serve fo

wo years, whose duty it shall be to procure and contract or a period of two years with a competent publisher for he publication and disposition, according to the contract, If the advance sheets of decided cases, and of the Supreme Court Reports in volumes of not less than six hundred ages; the contract to fully stipulate style of binding, type, paper, number of volumes of each edition, and the method and manner of disposition of the same; which committee hall report to both Houses at each session. And the Reporter shall carefully, properly and promptly prepare nd deliver to the publisher the copy or manuscript for he advanced sheets of all decided cases, as the decisions re filed, and for each volume of the Reports as often as he decisions of said Court shall be sufficient to constitute a olume of not less than six hundred pages; he shall receive salary of thirteen hundred dollars per annum, payable pon the warrant of the Comptroller-General.

A. D. 1912,

Salaries of Justices.

Civ. '02, 1905,

XXIV, 845.

Sec. 3487. The Chief Justice hereafter to be elected shall
eceive an annual salary of three thousand dollars, and the
ssociate Justices hereafter to be elected shall each receive 2727.
n annual salary of three thousand dollars; they shall not
e allowed any fees or perquisites of office, nor shall they
old any other office of trust or profit under the State, the
nited States or any other power.


how filled.

Civ. '02, S

qualified in

Sec. 3488. All vacancies in the Supreme Court shall be led by elections as herein prescribed: Provided, That if e unexpired term does not exceed one year such vacancy 2728. ay be filled by Executive appointment, but when a vacancy so filled by either appointment or election the incumbent all hold only for the unexpired term of his predecessor. Sec. 3489. No Justice shall preside in any case, or at the Justices disaring thereof, in which he may be interested, or when certain cases. ther of the parties shall be connected with him by affinity Civ. '02, consanguinity within the sixth degree, or in which he ay have been counsel, or has presided in any inferior ourt. In case all or any of the Justices of the Supreme ourt shall be thus disqualified, or be otherwise prevented om presiding in any cause or causes, the Court, or the stices thereof, shall certify the same to the Governor of e State, and he shall immediately commission specially e requisite number of men learned in the law for the trial


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