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By G. S. MEAD.

Among the many kinds of Flycatchers (Muscicapidæ) inhabiting the Papuan Islands, while there is dissimilarity in so large a number of species, yet there are not those striking differences amounting almost to contrasts which characterize birds of greater size. Many species have been unnoticed by travellers and other writers; many exist only in cabinets and collections, labelled and ticketed, or at most given a few lines of technical summarization in catalogues. With the rank and file of birds anything more than this is impossible. Sometimes a particularly attractive specimen of Malurus or Rhipidura or Pratincola calls attention to itself, or mere accident brings an individual to the notice of the explorer or student.

Thus Mr. Wallace notes pointedly "the abnormal red and black flycatcher," Peltops blainvillii, so named by Lesson and Garnot many years since. It is a sprightly, highly colored bird with the predominant hues strongly contrasted and still further accentuated by spots of white on the head and beneath the wings. In flight this active little flycatcher presents in turn these conspicuous markings with striking effect. The red tint is a bright crimson spread over the lower back and tail coverts. The main color is a steely-green black covering with greater or less intensity the seven inches of total length. The genus is represented by this species only.

The same notable expedition to South Eastern New Guinea that secured the two beautiful prizes Cnemophilus macgregorii and Amblyornis musgravianus, discovered also a new species of flycatcher, viz., Rhipidura auricularis. It is described as having the "upper surface smoky gray; head brownish black; tail the same above and below; bill dark brown; legs black." The head is marked by black and white stripes, found upon the wings as well. Upon the chin, throat and breast similar

lines of unequal width are plainly drawn. The under parts are in general buff varied with black and gray. Dots and bars of white appear on the wings and tail. Its total length

is about six inches.

Rhipidura leucothorax, the Whitebreasted Fantailed Flycatcher, is much more widely distributed, being met with in different parts of New Guinea. The descriptive name here describes very imperfectly, for the breast is by no means entirely white as might be inferred; black is almost as prominent, alternating with the white which shows in spaces, though lower down it crowds the black into narrow bands or crescents. The general color of the bird above is brown, becoming dark upon the head, still darker over the bill. The wings are black, finished off with white spots. This is the appearance too of the tail feathers as well as of the under side of the wings. There are also white streaks and lines about the sides of the head and throat. Bill black above. Length 8 inches.

The family of Wood Songsters (Pacilodryas) are all small birds rarely exceeding 6.5 inches in total length. The coloration is in general black and white, the former greatly predominating. Poecilodryas albinotata at first sight looks in color not unlike those fine drongos, the Edolias. In this instance, however, leaving the disparity of size out of account, the gray is not nearly so uniform, a dull black and a deep black appearing on the wings, tail and throat including the side face. A patch of white meets the black on the sides of the neck. White again is seen on the abdomen and under tail coverts, becoming discolored along the flanks and sides of the body.

Pacilodryas papuana comes from the same region of the Arfak Mountains as the foregoing species. It is considerably smaller in size measuring only 4-5 inches inches in length, but of brighter color. This is a yellow, somewhat dull an becoming light brown on the wings and tail. Head and neck are darker than the body. A crescent of orange runs from the bill over the eye.

It is not un

Poecilodryas leucops shares the same habitat. like the preceding in coloration of the body but that of the head, nape and throat is entirely different. In this case it is

a dark gray, to gray on the neck with darker feathers over the eye. White marks the upper throat and chin and appears as a prominent spot in front of the eye. Total length nearly five inches.

From the Arfak Mountains also comes Pacilodryas bimaculata and from the same general region Pacilodryas hypoleuca and P. brachyura and P. cinerea. The first is conspicuously black and white, the former color preponderating very largely of course, while the white shows as bands and bars or stripes. It is most apparent on the lower parts where it may be reckoned as the ground color.

P. hypoleuca, the Whitebellied, is a rather larger bird, reaching the length of 6 inches. The general color is dusky above, relieved by white patches on the head. The same color covers the under parts set off by black on breast and throat. The last named-P. brachyura, the Shorttailed-is marked similarly with the tones rather deeper and clearer. Length 5.5 inches.

Monachella mulleriana or saxicolina, a Chatlike Flycatcher, is a lively little bird found as well in the south of New Guinea along the Fly River, as in the north among the Arfak Mountains. It is of grayish plumage above becoming nearly white on the rump and tail coverts; tail feathers and wings are dark brown. The head is also dark brown with a line of white over the eye. A spot of black lies near the bill. Below the colors are nearly those of the upper parts, that is, the body is a soft white, the wings brown. Bill and feet black. The sexes are alike in markings and size, the length being about six inches. They are both assiduous in the pursuit of insects, generally along streams on level spaces.

Monarcha or Muscipeta melanopsis, the Carinated Gray Flycatcher, has a ring of short black feathers about the large full eye, a discriminating characteristic, imparting with the strong prominent bill a singular appearance to this Australian bird. The entire throat and part of the face are also black, crowded upon by the soft slate color which becomes deeper over the rest of the body. The long tail above is dusky; below, as wings and on the abdomen, the color is a

well as under the

bright rufous. The female is unmasked about the head and throat. Feet plumbeous. Length 7 inches.

One of the loveliest, certainly the most brilliant of Flycatchers is Monarcha chrysomela, the Golden hooded. Blueblack and gold are the boldly contrasted colors of this bright little creature whose length is 6 inches. The ground color is orangeyellow; this is almost equally rich whenever it is spread. Jet black with a blue gloss covers the entire throat and upper breast, the upper back, the outer wing feathers and tail. An irregular stripe of the same bends round the shoulder. The deepest black is on the throat where the thick plumage is metallic. The crown is roughened into a kind of


The bill and feet are black. All besides, as has been said, is a lovely yellow, making the bird a most conspicuous object among the dark trees.

Todopsis cyanocephala of the Muscicapide is adorned with a blue crown, as its name indicates. This rich color appears besides on the neck, back and wings though of a somewhat different shade. A purpleblack runs down the lower back and covers the tail, excepting the two middle feathers which are of bluish tinge. The under parts are of a dark purple also, becoming black beneath the wings. The bill and feet are dull black. The length of the male bird is rather more than six inches, the female about an inch less. Her coloring is almost as rich, but different. A warm brown takes the place of black above, a light buff of the black below, though along the sides as far as the under tail coverts the brown reappears. Blue colors the head and stripes the neck, showing lighter on the tail where it is much mingled with white.

Malurus albiscapulatus is scarcely 4 inches in length but is not only of rich velvety plumage but of conspicuous appearance also, for its white patches on a black ground color attract attention at once. These patches occur on either side of the body both above and below, those above showing finely when the bird is in flight, those below lining the chest from the bend of the wings. Elsewhere the plumage is a deep black of a bluish cast, soft and lustrous. The home of the species is in Southeast as well as Northwest New Guinea.

Caterpillarcatchers (Campephaga) abound in New Guinea of varying degrees of beauty, some being bright of hue, others almost somber. A few individuals not in strict order are considered here.

Campephaga sloetii or aurulenta, according to d'Albertis (Vide Journal), is a rare bird in collections but is distributed all over New Guinea. He found it most numerous far up the Fly River, but obtained but one specimen in a native's garden, feeding on the small berries of a tall tree. It is a yellow bird, very vivid on certain parts, duller on the wings where there is more or less black and white as well, and golden yellow on the breast and abdomen. The head, sides of head and throat are marked with gray, black greenglossed, and a band of white. White inclining to yellow lines the under wings. Bill, feet and eyes are black. The bill is short and strong.

Where the male bird is brilliant and positive in color, the female assumes paler shades and neutral tones. She is somewhat longer, measuring nearly 8 inches in total length.

The tail feathers of the male are marked with white, especially the outer ones.

The mountain Cuckoo-shrike, Campephaga montana or Edoliisoma montana is a fine bird from the Arfak region. The contrasted colors, bluegray above, black below, are so carefully marked as to render their wearer easily distinguished from his kind. The same may be said of the female who is equally conspicuous in unusually clear colors and a perfectly black tail.

The Bluegray Campephaga, Campephaga strenua (Schl.), from about the same region is colored mainly as its name indicates, the customary black appearing on the throat and in a line on the head. The bill and feet are also black; some of the tail feathers likewise, but a rusty tinge marks the lower wing coverts. The bill is unuusally powerful for so small a bird.

Campephaga melas or Edoliisoma nigrum is found in different parts of Papua. It is a larger bird and with a coloration not at all characteristic of the class to which it bears so similar a name. The male is of a glossy black, reflecting purple along

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