Imágenes de páginas

543 Miscellaneous Notices relating to China and our Commercial intercourse with that Country including a few translations from the Chinese Language by Sir George Thomas Staunton. 2nd ed.; enlarged in 1822, and accompanied in 1850, by introductory observations on the Events which have affected our Chinese Commerce during that interval. London, Murray, 1822-50, 8° *544 Beautés de l'Histoire de la Chine, du Japon et des Tartares...... par Fr. M. de Beaumont. 2e. ed. Paris, Alexis Eymery, 1825, 2 vols. 12o bd. in 1 vol. *545 The Mulfuzat Timury, or autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur, written in the Jagtay Turky language, turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussyny, and translated into English by Major Charles Stewart. London, Or. Transl. Fund, 1830, 4°

*546 British Relations with the Chinese Empire in 1832-Comparative Statement of the English and American Trade with India and Canton. London, Parbury Allen & Co., 1832, 8°

547 China. An Outline of its Government, Laws, and Policy; and of the British and Foreign Embassies to, and intercourse with that Empire, by Peter Auber. London, 1834, 8°

*548 A Sketch of Chinese History, ancient and modern: comprising a Retrospect of the Foreign intercourse and trade with China, by the Rev. Charles Gutzlaff. London, Smith Elder & Co., 1834, 2 vols. 8°

*549 Journal of a Residence in China and the neighbouring Countries from 1830 to 1833 by David Abeel-revised and reprinted from the American Edition with an introductory Essay by the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Wriothesley Noel, M.A. London, James Nisbet & Co., 1835, 12°

*550 An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China; and of the Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China, by Sir Andrew Ljungstedt-a Supplementary Chapter, descriptive of the City of Canton, republished from the Chinese Repository, with the Editor's permission. Boston, James Munroe & Co., 1836, 8°

*551 The Chinese: a General Description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants by John Francis Davis, Esq. London, Charles Knight & Co., 1836, 2 vols. 12o, bd. in 1.

*552 An Historical and Descriptive Account of China...... by Hugh Murray—John Crawfurd-Peter Gordon-Capt. Thomas Lynn-William Wallace-and Gilbert Burnett. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1836, 3 vols. 18°

Vide a Review of this Work in the Chinese Rep. V. 193 & VI. 59.

*553 Relation des Mongols ou Tartares par le Frère Jean du Plan de Carpin, de l'ordre des Frères mineurs, Légat du Saint-Siege apostolique, Nonce en Tartarie pendant les années 1245, 1246, 1247, et Archevêque d'Antivari, première édition complète publiée...... par M. d'Avezac. Paris, 1838, 4°

Vide Charton's Voyageurs du Moyen Age p. 223.

*554 China opened: or a Display of the Topography, History, Customs...... of the Chinese Empire, by the Rev. Charles Gutzlaff, revised by the Rev. Andrew Reed, D.D. London, Smith Elder & Co., 1838, 2 vols. 12° (bd. in 1 vol.)

There is at the end of the second volume a List of Cities and Places of which the Latitude and Longitude have been determined by the Jesuits taking the Meridian of Peking as their basis.

Reviewed by Dr. S. W. Williams in the Ch. Rep. VIII. 84.

*555 The Fanqui in China in 1836-37, by C. Toogood Downing, Esq., M.R.C.S. London, Henry Colburn, 3 vols. 12° (in 1 vol.)


556 Description of the City of Canton; with an Appendix, containing an Account of the Population of the Chinese Empire, Chinese Weights and Measures. Canton, 1839, 8°, 2nd ed.

*557 Narrative of the late Proceedings and Events in China by John Slade, Editor of the Canton Register. China, Canton Register Press, 1839, 8°

*558 Description de la Chine et des Etats tributaires de l'Empereur par M. le Marquis de Fortia d'Urban. Paris, Chez l'Auteur, 1839-1840, 3 vols. 12°

Tome premier 1839 contenant la Partie Septentrionale-Tome second 1840 contenant les deux Parties Moyennes ou Centrales-Tome troisième 1840 contenant la Partie Méridionale, l'Empire d'Annam et l'Empire Birman.

*559 Histoire antediluvienne de la Chine ou Histoire de la Chine jusqu'au déluge d'Yao l'an 2298 avant notre ère par M. le Marquis de Fortia d'Urban. Paris, 1840, 2 vols. 12°

*560 Le Chine et l'Angleterre ou Histoire de la Déclaration de guerre faite par la reine d'Angleterre à l'Empereur de la Chine par M. le Marquis de Fortia d'Urban. Paris, 1840, 12°

Agricole-Joseph-François, marquis de Fortia d'Urban, was born at Avignon in 1756 and died in 1843.

China and its Resources, and Peculiarities, physical, political, social, and commercial; with a View of the Opium question and a Notice of Assam by Robert Mudie. London, Grattan & Gilbert, 1840, sm. 8°

*562 Discours sur l'Empereur Kien-Long, suivi des Extraits de six volumes publiés sur l'Empire de la Chine par M. le marquis de Fortia d'Urban. Paris, 1841, 12°

*563 China, or Illustrations of the Symbols, Philosophy, Antiquities, Customs, Superstitions, Laws, Government, Education and Literature of the Chinese derived from original sources and accompanied with drawings from native works by Samuel Kidd. London, Taylor & Walton, 1841, 8°

"The Author of this Work was a Missionary at Malacca seven years, from whence he returned to England in 1832, and was afterwards appointed Professor of Chinese in University College, London. Ch. Rep. XVIII. 419.

*564 The Chinese as they are: their moral, social and literary character; a new Analysis of the Language, with succinct Views of their principal Arts and Sciences by G. Tradescant Lay. London, William Ball & Co., 1841, 8° (2 copies.)

*565 China en de Chinezen, door J. F. Davis, opper commissaris van wijlen zijne gr. Britt. Majestrit in China, naar de laatste uitgave, waarin de geschiedenis van het handelsverkeer met de engelschen tot op dit oogenblik toe behandeld wordt uit het engelsch vertaald door Mr. C. J. Zweerts. Te Amsterdam, Bij. G. J. A. Beijerinck, 1841, 3 vols. 8°

*566 Ten Thousand Things relating to China and the Chinese; an Epitome of the Genius, Government, History, Literature, &c., of the people of the Celestial Empire together with a Synopsis of the Chinese Collection by William B. Langdon, Esq. London, 1842, 8°

*567 A Complete View of the Chinese Empire; exhibited in a geographical Description of that Country, a Dissertation on its Antiquity, and a genuine and copious Account of Earl Macartney's Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. London, J. S. Pratt, 1842, in 32.

568 Narrative of the Second Campaign in China by Keith Stewart Mackenzie. London, Richard Bentley, 1842, 12°

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*569 Sketches of China and the Chinese by Auguste Borget. London, Tilt & Bogue, 1842, folio.

*570 Narrative of the Expedition to China, from the Commencement of the War to its termination in 1842, by Commander J. Elliot Bingham, R.N. 2nd ed. London, Henry Colburn, 1843, 2 vols. 12° in 1.

*571 The War in China. Narrative of the Chinese Expedition from its formation in April 1840 to the treaty of peace in August 1842, by D. McPherson, M.D. 3rd ed. London, Saunders & Otley, 1843, 8° (2 copies.)

*572 Doings in China. Being the personal Narrative of an Officer engaged in the China Expedition from the recapture of Chusan in 1841 to the Peace of Nankin in 1842, by Lieut. Alexander Murray. London, Richard Bentley, 1843, 8°

*578 The Closing Events of the Campaign in China: the Operations in the Yangtze-kiang, and the Treaty of Nanking, by Capt. Granville G. Lock, R.N. London, John Murray, 1843, 12°

*574 Schetsen en Tafereenlen uit China door J. F. Davis. Groningen, W. van Boekeren, 1843, 2 vols. 8°

575 Mémoire sur la Constitution politique de la Chine au XIIe siècle avant notre ère par M. Ed. Biot-extrait du Tome II de la 1ere Série des Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Paris, Imp. Roy., 1844, 4°

*576 A History of China from the earliest Records to the treaty with Great Britain in 1842 by Thomas Thornton, Esq., (in 2 vols. 8°) Vol. I. London, Wm. H. Allen & Co., 1844.

*577 An Aide-de-Camp's Recollections of Service in China, a Residence in Hongkong and Visits to other Islands in the Chinese seas, by Captain Arthur Cunynghame. London, 1844, Saunders & Otley, 2 vols. 12° (bd. in 1.)

*578 The Chinese War: an Account of all the Operations of the British Forces from the commencement to the Treaty of Nanking by Lieutenant John Ouchterlony, F.G.S. London, Saunders & Otley, 1844, 8°

*579 Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis, from 1840 to 1848; and of the combined naval and military operations in China: comprising a complete Account of the Colony of Hongkong, and remarks on the character and habits of the Chinese from notes of Commander W. H. Hall, R.N., with personal observations, by W. D. Bernard, Esq., A.M., Oxon. London, Henry Colburn, 1844, 2 vols. 8°

*580 The Nemesis in China, comprising a History of the late War in that Country; with a complete Account of the Colony of Hongkong from the Notes of Captain W. H. Hall, R.N., and the personal observations of W. D. Bernard, Esq., A.M.. Oxon. Henry Colburn, 1846, 3rd ed. 12°

*581 The History of China and India, pictorial and descriptive by Miss Corner...... London, Dean & Co., 1846, 8°

*582 China; political, commercial, and social; in an official Report to Her Majesty's Government by R. Montgomery Martin. London, James Madden, 1847, 2 vols. 8°

*588 Gützlaff's Geschichte des Chinesischen Reiches...... von Karl Friedrich Neumann. Stuggart und Tubingen, 1847, 8°

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584 Essai sur l'histoire de l'instruction publique en Chine et de la Corporation des Lettres depuis les anciens temps jusqu'à nos jours...... par Edouard Biot. Paris, B. Duprat, 1847, 8°

*585 Desultory Notes on the Government and people of China, and on the Chinese Language, illustrated with a Sketch of the Province of Kwangtung, shewing

its Division into Departments and Districts by Thomas Taylor Meadows. London, Wm. H. Allen & Co., 1847, 8°

*586 Five Years in China; from 1842 to 1847, with an Account of the Occupation of the Islands of Labuan and Borneo by Her Majesty's Forces by Lieutenant F. E. Forbes, R.N. London, Richard Bentley, 1848, 8°

*587 China, during the War and since the Peace by Sir John Francis Davis, Bart., F.R.S., late Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary in China; Governor and Commander-in-chief of the Colony of Hongkong. London, Longman, 1852, 2 vols. 12° (bd. in 1 vol.)

*588 The Life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China; with Memoirs of the Court of Peking; including a Sketch of the principal events in the History of the Chinese Empire during the last fifty years by the late Rev. Charles Gutzlaff. London, Smith Elder & Co., 1852, 12°

589 Chine ou Description historique, géographique, et littéraire de ce vaste Empire, d'après des documents chinois: Premiere Partie, comprenant un Résumé de l'histoire et de la civilisation chinoises depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'à nos jours par M. G. Pauthier. Seconde Partie, Arts, Littérature, Moeurs, etc., par M. Bazin. Paris, Didot, 1853, 2 vols. 8°

*590 Lewchew and the Lewchewans; being a Narrative of a Visit to Lewchew, or Loochoo, in October 1850, by George Smith, D.D., Lord Bishop of Victoria. London, T. Hatchard, 1853, 8°,-95 pages bound with

-The Seventh Report of the Loochoo Mission Society for 1851-52. Lon-
don, 1853, 8°, p. 32.

-Loochoo Mission: Extracts from the Journal of the Society's Missionary,
Dr. Bettelheim, 1850-52. London, n. d. 8°, p. 61.

*591 The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation thereof compiled by the Padre Juan Gonzales de Mendoza and now reprinted from the early translation of R. Parke edited by Sir George T. Staunton, Bart., with an Introduction by R. H. Major, Esq. London, printed for the Hakluyt Soc., 1853, 8°

*592 L'insurrection en Chine depuis son origine jusqu'à la prise de Nankin par M. M. Callery et Yvan. Paris, Lib. nouvelle, 1853, 12°

*593 History of the Insurrection in China; with Notices of the Christianity, Creed, and Proclamations of the insurgents by M. M. Callery and Yvan. Translated from the French with a supplementary Chapter, narrating the most recent events, by John Oxenford. 2nd ed. London, Smith Elder & Co. 1853, sm. 8°

*594 A History of China to the present Time including an Account of the Rise and Progress of the present religious insurrection in that Empire. London, R. Bentley, 1854, sm. 8°

*595 Les Chinois pendant une période de 4458 années-Histoire, Gouvernement, Sciences...... par H. de Chavannes de la Giraudière. 2e. ed. Tours, Mame, 1854, 8°


*596 Impressions of China, and the present Revolution: its progress and prospects by Capt. Fishbourne, Commander of the Hermès, on her late visit to Nankin. Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, London, 1855, 12°

*597 Eight months' Journal kept on board one of her Majesty's Sloops of war during visits to Loochoo, Japan, and Pootoo, by Alfred Laurence Halloran, Master, R.N. London, Longman, 1856, 8°

*598 The Chinese and their Rebellions, viewed in connection with their national philosophy, ethics, legislation, and administration to which is added an Essay on civilisation and its present state in the East and West by Thomas Taylor Meadows. London, Smith Elder & Co., 1856, 8°

*599 The Middle Kingdom; a Survey of the Geography, Government, Education, Social Life, Arts, Religion, &c., of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants, by S. Wells Williams. 4th ed. New York, Wiley & Halsted, 1857, 2 vols. 12° *600 Life in China by Rev. William C. Milne, M.A. London, G. Routledge & Co., 1857, 8°

*601 Le Christianisme en Chine en Tartarie et au Thibet par M. Huc, ancien missionnaire apostolique en Chine, 4 vols 8° bound in 3 vols.

Tome Premier, Paris, 1857-Depuis l'apostolat de Saint Thomas jusqu'à la découverte du Cap de Bonne Espérance. Tome Second, Paris, 1857-Depuis le passage du Cap de Bonne Espérance jusqu'à l'établissement de la dynastie Tartare-Mantchoue en Chine. Tome Troisième, Paris, 1857-Depuis l'établissement de la dynastie Tartare-Mantchoue jusqu'à la mort de l'empereur Khanghi. Tome Quatrième Paris, 1858-Depuis la mort de l'empereur Khanghi jusqu'au traité de Tien-Tsin en 1858. *602 La Vie réelle en Chine par le Révérend William C. Milne traduite par André Tasset avec une introduction et des notes de M. G. Pauthier. Paris, Hachette, 1858, 12°

*603 Arbeiten der kaiserlich Russischen Gesandtschaft zu Peking über China, sein Religion...... aus dem Russischen nach dem in St. Petersburg 1852-57 veröffentlichten original von Dr. Carl Abel und F. A. Meklenburg. Berlin, 1858, 2 vols. 8° bd. in 1 vol.

*604 L'Angleterre, la Chine et l'Inde, par Don Sinibaldo de Mas, Envoyé extraor dinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de la reine d'Espagne en Chine. Paris, Jules Tardieu, 1858, 8°

*605 Expédition des mers de Chine.

Rapports adressés à S. Exc. le Ministre de la Guerre par le Capitaine Labbe, Chef du génie du corps français publiés par les soins du dépôt de la guerre. Paris, Imp. Imp., 1858, 8°

*606 China: being "The Times" special Correspondence from China in the years 1857-58, with corrections and additions by the author, George Wingrove Cooke. New ed. London, Routledge, 1859, 8°

*607 Organisation militaire des Chinois ou de la Chine et ses armées suivi d'un aperçu sur l'administration civile de la Chine par P. Dabry. Paris, Henri Plon, 1859, 8°

*608 The Past and Future of British Relations in China by Captain Sherard Osborn, C.B., R.N. William Blackwood, Edinb. & London, 1860, 8°

609 Société orientale de France-Mémoire adressé à l'empereur Hien-Foung actuellement régnant par un Lettré chinois sur la conduite à suivre avec les puissances européennes traduit du chinois par M. G. Pauthier. Paris, 1860, ppt. 8°

*610 Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by themselves described by Rev. R. H. Cobbold, M.A., Rector of Broseley, Salop, late Archdeacon of Ningpo. London, Murray, 1860, 8°


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