Imágenes de páginas

Mommsen, Christian Mathias Theodor. The History of Rome. Tr. by Rev. Wm. P. Dickson. New York, 1869-71. 4 v. More, Mrs. Louise Bolard. Wage Earners' Budgets: a study of standards and cost of living in New York City. New York, 1907.

Morgan, Lewis H. Ancient Society, or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarianism to Civilization. New York, 1878.

Ostrogorski, M. The Rights of Women: a comparative study in history and legislation; tr. under the author's supervision. London, 1893.

Patten, Simon Nelson. The New Basis of Civilization. New York, London, 1907.

Paulsen, Friedrich. German Universities, Character and Historical Development; tr. by Frank Thilly and William W. Elwang. New York, 1906.

Pearson, Charles Henry. "The Decline of the Family." In his National Life and Character; A Forecast, Chap. v. London, 1893.

Ploss, Herman Heinrich. Das Weib in Der Natur-und-völkerkunde: anthropologische studien. Lpz. 1905, 2 v.

Riis, Jacob August. The Peril and the Preservation of the Home. Philadelphia, 1903.

Rowntree, B. Poverty: A study of town life. Ed. 3. London, 1902.

Russell, Bertrand Arthur William.

German Social Democracy:

with an appendix on social democracy and the woman question in Germany by Alys Russell. London, 1896. Salmon, Lucy Maynard. Domestic Service. Ed. 2. New York,


Sayce, A. H. Social Life Among the Assyrians and the Babylonians. London, 1893.

Spahr, Charles B. An Essay on the Present Distribution of Wealth in the United States. New York, 1896.

Starr, Frederick. Some First Steps in Human Progress. Meadville (Penn.), 1895.

Starcke C. N. The Primitive Family. New York, 1889.

Smith, Richard Mayo.

Science of Statistics. 2 v. New York,


Stopes, Charlotte C. British Freewomen; Their Historical Privilege. London, 1894.

Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Sociology. 3 v. New York,


Stubbs, William. The Constitutional History of England in its Origin and Development. Oxford, 1874-78. (3 v.) Thomas, William Isaac. Sex and Society: studies in the social psychology of sex. Chicago, 1907.

Thwing, Charles Franklin and Thwing, Carrie F. Butler. The Family: a historical and social study. Boston, 1887. Toynbee, Arnold. Lectures on the Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century in England. Ed. 3, London, 1890. Traill, Henry Duff. Social England; a record of the progress of the people from the earliest times to the present day, by various writers. New York, 1890-97. (6 v.) Turner, George. Nineteen Years in Polynesia: missionary life, travels, and researches in the islands of the Pacific. London, 1861.

Tyler, John Mason. Man in the Light of Evolution. New York, 1908.

Tyler, Edward Burnett. Anthropology: an introduction to the study of man and civilization. New York, 1891. Uhlhorn, Johann Gerhard Wilhelm. The Conflict of Christianity With Heathenism; ed. and tr. with the author's sanction

by E. C. Smythe and C. J. Ropes. New York, 1879. Van Vorst, (Mrs. John and Van Vorst, Marie.) The Woman Who Toils: being the experience of two ladies as factory girls. New York, 1903.

Veblein, Thorstein. The Theory of the Leisure Class: an economic study of institutions. New York, 1902.

Vinogradoff, Paul. The Growth of the Manor.

Ward, Lester Frank. Applied Sociology: a treatise on the conscious improvement of society by society. Boston, New York, 1906.

Dynamic Sociology, or applied social science as based upon statical sociology and the less complex sciences. New York, 1883. (8 v.).

Pure Sociology: a treatise on the origin and spontaneous development of Society. New York, 1903.

Webb, Beatrice (Potter) and Webb, Sidney. Industrial Democracy. 1897.

Problems of Modern Industry. 1902.

Westermarck, Edward Alexander. The History of Human Marriage. London, 189.

Wright, Carroll Davidson. The Industrial Evolution of the United States. Meadville, Penn. 1897.

Outlines of Practical Sociology with pecial Refer

ence to American Conditions. New York. 1899. Reports of Labor Commissioners of various countries. Magazine articles.

U. S. census Reports.



(Complete in three numbers, with title-page and table of contents.)
No. 1. The decline of landowning farmers in England, by Henry
Charles Taylor. 1904. 66 p. 25 cents.

No. 2. History of agriculture in Dane County, Wisconsin, by Benjamin
Horace Hibbard. 1904. 148 p. 75 cents.

No. 3. A history of the Northern Securities case, by Balthasar Henry
Meyer. 1906. 136 p. 60 cents.


(Complete in two numbers, with title-page and table of contents.)
No. 1. The labor contract from individual to collective bargaining,
by Margaret Anna Schaffner. 1907. 182 p. 50 cents.
No. 2. The financial history of Wisconsin, by Raymond Vincent Phe
lan. 1908. 294 p. 50 cents.


(Complete in two numbers, with title-page and table of contents.)
No. 1. The labor history of the Cripple Creek District, by Benjamin
McKie Rastall. 1908. 166 p. 50 cents.

No. 2.

A congressional history of railways in the United States to
1850, by Lewis Henry Haney. 1908. 274 p. 50 cents.


(Complete in three numbers, with title-page and table of contents.)
No. 1. Economic influences on educational progress in the United
States, 1820-1850, by Frank Tracy Carlton. 1908. 136 p.
50 cents.

No. 2.

No. 3.

A financial and administrative history of Milwaukee, by Laur-
ence Marcellus Larson. 1908. 182 p. 50 cents.

The indirect central administration of Wisconsin, by James
Duff Barnett. 1908. 111 p. 25 cents.


(Complete in three numbers, with title-page and table of contents.)
No. 1. Financial history of Kansas, by James Ernest Boyle. 1908.
178 p. 50 cents.

No. 2. The labor argument in the American protective tariff discus
sion, by George Benjamin Mangold. 1908. 115 p. 35 cents.
No. 3. The rise and decline of the wheat growing industry in Wis-
consin, by John Giffin Thompson. 1909. 249 p. 50 cents.


(Complete in two numbers, with title-page and table of contents.)
No. 1. A congressional history of railways in the United States,
1850-1887, by Lewis Henry Haney. 1910. 326 p. 50 cents.
No. 2. The most favored nation clause in commercial treaties, by
Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck. 1910. 122 p. 40 cents.

No. 1.

No. 2.


The Knights of St. Crispin, a study in the industrial causes of
trade unionism, by Don D. Lescohier. 1910. 102 p. 40

The effects of industrial changes upon the status of women,
by Theresa Schmid McMahon, 1912. 132 p. 25 cents.

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