Imágenes de páginas


En este índice, las regiones se ordenaron en una secuencia de este a oeste, comenzando en el Pacífico. Con pocas excepciones, los subtítulos reflejan consideraciones de conveniencia bibliográfica y geográfica. No indican provincias culturales como tales, sino que tienen la finalidad primordial de facilitar la referencia exacta a regiones determinadas, con un mínimo necesario de repeticiones.

[blocks in formation]


In this index, the main regional headings follow a general east-towest sequence, beginning in the Pacific. With few exceptions, subheadings reflect considerations of bibliographical and geographical convenience. They do not indicate cultural provinces as such, but are intended primarily to facilitate unambiguous reference to particular areas with a minimum of necessary cross-referencing.

[blocks in formation]

0. GENERAL (trabajos no restringidos geográficamente, excepto en términos de "los trópicos" o comparaciones multiregionales):

Ehrenfels 1957;

FAO Staff 1957;

[blocks in formation]

Allouard 1951; Ames 1939; Anderson, E. 1952, 1960; Ansonymous 1948; Anvery 1934; Aubert de la Rüe 1958; Aubert de la Rüe, Bourlière, and Harroy 1954, 1957; Bartlett 1955, 1956, 1957a, 1959, 1961; Bates, M. 1952; Bennett, H.H. 1943; Bews 1935; Birch 1958, 1960; Blaut 1959; Blumenstock 1958; Bramao and Dudal 1958; Brown, D. 1944a, b, c; Budowski 1956b; Burgy and Scott 1952, 1953; Burkill 1935, 1953; Carneiro 1956, 1958, 1960; Charter 1955; Christian 1958; Conklin 1954, 1959a, b, 1961; Demangeon 1947; Deutche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1957; Dommergues 1956; Dryness and Youngberg 1957; Dumond 1961; Egler 1958; Ekwall 1955; Erasmus 1956; Fagg] 1956; FAO 1957; Faucher 1949; Ferdon 1959; Fickendey 1941; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1959; Forde 1952, 1956a; Fosberg 1958; Fosberg, et al. 1958; Fowells and Stephenson 1934; Friedrich 1904; Frith 1955; Gaussen 1958; Goldschmidt 1959a, b; Gourou 1947, 1953, 1956; Gray 1944a,b,c; Greenaway 1956; Grist 1955; de Haan 1954, 1959; Hagreis 1930-31; Hardy 1933; Harris 1959; Heizer 1955; Holdridge 1959a, b; Hosking 1937; Hubbard 1944; Imperial Agricultural Bureaux 1944; INÉAC 1947; International Labour Office 1953; Joubert 1933; Kellogg 1948, 1956; Klemmedson, Schultz, Biswell, and Biswell 1958; Kuhnholtz-Lordat 1939; Leach 1959; Löffler 1960; Loucher 1949; Lowie 1938; MacLeish, Henne frund, Lacy, and Provinse 1940; Marshall, C. 1958; Masefield 1951; Meggers 1954, 1959; Miles 1943; Morrison 1959; Nye and Foster 1961; Nye and Greenland 1960; Ochse 1959; Ochse, et al. 1961; Ooi Jin-Bee 1958; Pelzer 1945, 1958a; Pendleton 1949, 1950, 1954, 1958; Piggott 1959; Piggott 1959; Quiggin 1958; Read 1948; Richards, P.W. 1952; Robb 1959; Romell 1955; Rounce and Milne 1936; Royer 1958; Russell 1950; Sauer, C.O. 1950, 1952, 1956; de Schlippe 1955b, 1957, 1959; Scott, V.H. 1956; Scott and Burgy 1956; Senstius 1930-31; Simoons 1958; Skutch 1959; Small 1937; Spencer 1959; Stamp 1926, 1958a, b; van Steenis 1937, 1958; Steward 1955a, b; Tansley and Chipp 1926; Tempany 1951; Tempany and Grist 1958; Thomas, W.L. 1956; Troll 1958; U.S. Department of Agriculture Library 1942-; Vayda 1961; Versluys 1956; Vlamis, Schultz, and Biswell 1955; Wagner 1960; Watters 1960a; Webster's Third New... 1961; Werth 1954; Whittlesey 1937a, b; Whyte 1944, 1958; Willis 1922; Wind, et al 1930-31; Wohltmann 1892; Wood, R.C. 1934; Wright and Twyford 1957.

1. OCEANIA (general y comparativo):


Barrau 1960, 1961; Bartlett 1957a, 1961;
Fraske 1956; Goodenough 1955,
Massal and Barrau 1956a,b;

Finsch 1893;

Huberman 1949;

OCEANIA (general and comparative):

Cook, J. 1777; Erskine 1853; 1956; Heine-Geldern 1932; Merrill 1945; Vayda 1961;

Watters 1960b.


Polinesia (inclusive Fiji
y adyacencias):

1.1 Polynesia (including Fiji
and the outliers):

Barrau 1956, 1957, 1961; Best 1924, 1925, 1959a; Block 1933; Brown,
G. 1910; Buck, P.H. 1930; Burrows 1937; Cassidy and Pahalad 1954;
Coulter, J.W. 1931, 1941; Cumberland 1941; Eckardt 1882; Ellis 1853;
Firth 1939, 1959; Forster 1778; Handy 1940; Hargreaves, R.P. 1959;
Harwood 1950; Horne 1881; Jolliffe 1954; Mercer and Scott 1958;
1948; Sahlins 1958a, 1960; Vayda 1956, 1961; Watters 1958a, b;
Williams, T. 1858.


1.2. Micronesia:

1.2. Micronesia:

[blocks in formation]

1961; Bascom 1948; Block 1933; Burrows Eiler 1935; Pelzer 1947; Watters 1960b.

[blocks in formation]

Allan, C.B. 1957; Austen 1945-46; Babcock 1946; Barrau 1954, 1956a, b, c,d, 1958a, b, 1959b; Bell, F.L.S. 1946-48, 1953; Belshaw 1953; Blackwood 1935; Bromilow 1910; Brown, G. 1910; Codrington 1891; Deacon 1934; Fraske 1959; Friederici 1912; Glaumont 1897; Guiart 1956, 1958; Guiart and Robert 1960; Guiart and Tercinier 1956; Hadfield 1920; Hogbin 1937, 1939a; Hogbin and Wedgwood 1953; Humphreys 1926; Ivens 1927, 1930; Leenhardt 1937; Long 1958; Malinowski 1935; Oliver 1949, 1955; Powell 1883; Schneider 1954; Spoehr 1958; Ward, R.G. 1960; Watters 1960b; Woodford 1890.

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