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Official Papers relating to the Roman Catholic Religion in Malta.

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, May 24th 1813.

§. 1.

Copy of a Letter from Sir Alexander John Ball to the Right honourable William Windham, dated

Malta, 7th May 1807.


I Have the honour to acquaint you, that the see of Malta became vacant on the 30th ultimo, by the death of Monsignor Labini, the late bishop of this diocese, and titular archbishop of Rhodes.

Whilst J wait the commands of His Majesty relative to the appointment of a successor to that important dignity, I think it my duty to communicate such information as may be required, regarding the former mode of election, and other particulars.

At the period of the grant of these islands to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem by the emperor Charles the Fifth, that sovereign established, that whenever the see might become vacant, three ecclesiastics of their society were to be named by the gran master and council of the order, one of whom should be elected to the bishoprick by his (the emperor's) successor in the crown of the Two Sicilies; and the person so elected became ex officio a dignitary, or grand cross of the order.

The revenues of the see are very considerable, amounting to nearly three thousand eight hundred pounds currency at Malta, besides the two palaces attached to the dignity, forage for horses, and some other inferior advantages.

Of the above revenues, upwards of two thousand pounds arise from land and other property, situated in Malta; and the remainder is derived from the rents of certain lands in the Island of Sicily; which, it may be observed, are fully secured from alienation, by the circumstance of a Benedictine convent at Calania holding property of equal value in this island.

I am fully aware, Sir, that the bishop of Malta ought to enjoy such a revenue as will enable him to support his dignity, as head of the church; but I beg, with great leference, to observe, that in an island of limited a circumference, and where the estates of the richest native inhabitants are comparatively so very inferior (for there is scarcely one instance of an individual possessing a fourth part of the revenue of the bishop), so large an income in the hands of one ecclesiastic may give him an undue influence, especially when it is considered that the dignity itself bestows very considerable patronage, and that all persons connected with the church are placed beyond the reach of the civil power, and are amenable only to the ecclesiastical court. I should, therefore, with deference submit, wheter it might not be advisable that the annual revenue of the bishop be, in future, limited to two thousand pounds; and that the overplus be applied, partly for the benefit of the seminary for educating the clergy, partly in the amelioration of the condition of the parochial priests, whose stipends are, in many instances, inadequate to their support, and the remainder to be disposed of for other pious uses.

Such an arrangement, I have reason to believe, would prove highly satisfactory to the clergy and to the peoble; and I am fully persuaded, that any candidate for the bishoprick would be amply satisfied with the salary proposed, as fully adequate to the support of his dignity.

I further beg leave, Sir, to suggest, that should the person, to be nominated bishop of Malta, be a member

of the order of St. John, it ought to be stipulated, that he shall not continue to wear the insignia of that institution, or to exercise any authority as such.

The suggestion I am particularly desirous of submitting to the approval of His Majesty, from a conviction that the inhabitants will still regard the order as existing in the island, whilst the insignia continues to be worn by the head of the church. So much, indeed, did the late bishop consider himself the representative of the order, that he continued to administer to the effects of such of the knights as have died here, since the island was ceded to Great Britain.

The proceeds of such effects remain still in deposit; and, I conceive, that the amount may, with great propriety, be applied towards the maintenance of the public hospitals, which are at present a very serious expense to government.

I have only to add, Sir, that the chapter yesterday assembled in the cathedral church, and elected one of their number (the archdeacon Xerri), to officiate as head of the church, during the avancy of the see, under the title of Vicario Capitolare.

I have, etc.

To the Right Hon. William

Windham, etc. etc. etc.

(Signed) ALEX. BALL.

Copy of a Letter from Sir Alexander John Ball, to the Viscount Castlereagh, dated

My Lord,

Malta, 6th January 1808.

I Have the honour to transmit to your Lordship, the copy of a letter which I have received from the marquis Circello, signifying the nomination by the Pope of Monsignor Mattei, titular bishop of Paphos, to the vacant

sec of Malta; and expressing the desire of his Sicilian majesty, that that prelate may be allowed to enter immediately upon the functions of the bishoprick, and the enjoyment of the revenues attached to it. In my answer to the marquis (a copy of which I enclose for your Lordship's information.) I have stated, that however much I am inclined to favour views of Monsignor Mattei, I must decline giving effect to the papal bull until His Majesty's pleasure is known.

In justice, however, to this gentleman, I think it proper to add, that of the candidates for the vacant see, none is more attached to the British government, or, in my opinion, better qualified to fill with respectability the high situation to which he aspires.

I beg, however, with great deference to suggest, that should Mons." Mattei's nomination be sanctioned by His Majesty, he should be required to accede to the terms proposed in my letter on this subject, addressed, to your Lordship's predecessor in office; as without some restriction, the bishop of Malta, possessing a larger revenue than is necessary for the support of his dignity, might become a formidable opponent to the measures of government. In proof of this assertion it may be proper to state, that since the death of the late bishop of the diocese, I have discovered that several adherents of the order, and of the French party, were pensioned by that prelate.

I have the honour, etc.

The Right


Hon. Viscount Castlereagh,

etc. etc. etc.

§. 2,

Copy of a Letter from the Marquis of Circello, to Sir A. Ball; dated Palermo, 28th October 1807.


Tra i Vescovi preconizzati dalla Santità di Papa Pio VII, nell' ultimo consistorio delli 18 del passato Septembre vi è stato Monsig. D. Ferdinando Mattei per vescovo di codesta chiese. Il Re, mio signore, essendo stato informato di ciò, è ben volentieri divenuto ad ordinare, che si dià il solito corso ed effetto alle Bolle Apostoliche, allo stesse spedite, e che in consequenza sia egli autorizzato alla percezione delle rendite, che la mensa vescovile di Malta gode in questo regno.


Non dubitando, che questa benigna determinazione presa dalla Maestà Sua à favore di Monsignor Mattei sarà per riuscire grata a V E. trattandosi di un sogetto da lei particolarmente raccomandato, allorchè si portò egli in questa capitale, e che ha saputo meritarsi colla sua famiglia la di lei stima, e la considerazione del governo di Sua Maesta Brittannica, mi affretto di renderne informata L' E. V. e profitto di questa occasione per esprimerle, la conferma dd particolare ossequio con cui ho l'onore di dirmi,

di V. E.

Devmo Obmo Servo vero
(Signed) Il Marchese di CIRCELLO.

Palermo, 28 Ottobre 1807.

Sign. CAV. BALL,


A Copy

(Signed) ALEX JN BALL.

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