Imágenes de páginas


Ethnology, Social Life, etc., Manners and customs of the Japanese, in the nineteenth century. From recent Dutch visitors of Japan and the German of Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold. [Edited by Mrs. W. Busk.] London: John Murray, 1841. xi, 423 pp. 8°.

New York: Harper & Brothers, 1841. xi, 13-298 pp. 16°. (The family library no. 132.)

Appeared first in the Asiatic Journal, 1839-1840 (passim). Marre (Francis). L'instruction publique au Japon. (Correspondant. v. 216 (n. s. v. 180), pp. 252-275. Paris, 1904.) Masujima (Rokuichiro). The Japanese civil code regarding the law of the family. (Amer. Law Rev. v. 37, pp. 530-544. St. Louis, 1903.) Matsumoto (Julius Kumpei). Japan and their social position. (Far East. v. I, no. 5, pp. 9-15. Tokyo, 1896.)

The women of

[blocks in formation]

Munzinger (C.) Die Japaner. Wanderungen durch das geistige, soziale und religiöse Leben des japanischen Volkes. Berlin: A. Haack, 1898. 3 p.l., 417 pp. 8°.

Murray (David). Official report [as] superintendent of schools and colleges in Japan. (In: U. S. Dept of Int. Bureau of Ed. Circular, no. 2. 1875.) Mury (Francis). Japon, Corée, Mandchourie, rivalité de la race blanche et de la race jaune. (Soc. normande de géog. année 27, 1905. pp. 33-56. Rouen, 1905.)

[blocks in formation]

Norman (Henry). The real Japan: studies of contemporary Japanese manners, morals, administration and politics. London, 1892. 8°.

London, 1892. 2. ed. 8°.

Ohashi (M.) Scientific Jiu-Jitsu. The Japanese system of physical culture... New York : R. K. Fox [cop. 1904]. I p.l., 70 pp., I port. illus. 12°.

Okakura-Yoshisaburo. The Japanese spirit. With an introduction by G. Meredith. New York: J. Pott & Co., 1905. xiv, 15-127 pp. 12°.

Oshima Tane-Hito. Essai d'ethnographie japonaise. (Revue française du Japon. v. 1, pp. 203215. Tokyo, 1892.)

Palmer (H. Spencer). Hana-awase. 4 pl. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 19, pp. 545564. Tokyo, 1891.)

A card game.

[blocks in formation]

Pfizmaier (August). Erörterungen und Aufklärungen über Aino. (Kais. Akad. d. Wissensch. Philos.-Hist. Cl. Sitzungsb. Bd. 100, pp. 1023

II02. Wien, 1882. 8°.)

Untersuchungen über Ainu-Gegenstände. (Kais. Akad. d. Wissensch. Philos. Hist. Cl. Sitzungsb. Bd. 103, pp. 333-412. Wien, 1883. 8°.)

Pourquoi les Japanais ont été vainqueurs? (Grande Rev. année 9, v. 36 (1905, v. 4), pp. 530; 266-300. Paris, 1905.)

Préville (A. de). Par ou les japonais sont-ils arrivés au Japon? (Sci. Sociale. v. 31, pp. 64-82. Paris, 1901.)

Progress (The) of education in Japan. I pl. (Far East. v. I, no. 10, pp. 1–8. Tokyo, 1896.)

Puini (Carlo). Le origini del popolo e della civiltá giapponese. (Rivista italiana di sociologia. anno 8, pp. 533-564. Torino, 1905.)

Roux (Paul). La prostituée japonaise au Tonkin. (Soc. d'Anthrop. de Paris. Bull. et Mém. ser. 5, v. 6, pp. 203-210. Paris, 1905.)

Sakamoto (Saburo). *Das Ehescheidungsrecht Japans. [Heidelberg.] Berlin: [Mayer & Müller,] 1903. I p.l., viii, 107 pp. 8°.

Salwey (Charlotte M.) On pastimes and amusements of the Japanese. 6 pl. (Transac. and Proc. of the Japanese Soc. v. 5, 1898-99. pp. 76-91. London, 1901.)

Satow (E.) The use of the fire-drill in Japan. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 6, pt. 2, pp. 223-225. Yokohama, 1878.)

Sgorok [Japanese game of Kioto]. Tokio, Me-je 30 (1897).

Shaw (A. C.) Aspects of social life in modern Japan. (Japan Soc., London. Trans. and Proc. v. 3, sec. I, pp. 42-50. London, 1897.)

Shidachi (T.) Ju-jitsu. The ancient art of self-defence by sleight of body. 4 pl. (Trans. and Proc. Japan Soc. v. 1, pp. 4-14; 17-21. London, 1892.)

"JU-JITSU." [Criticism of article by T. Shidachi. The Japanese Ju-jitsu claimed to be simply a form of wrestling.] (Saturday Rev. v. 73, pp. 510. London, 1892.)

Siebold (H. von). Ethnologische Studien über die Aino auf der Insel Gesso. (Zeitsch. für Ethnol. v. 13, supp. Berlin, 1881.)

Siebold ([Philipp Franz] von). Verhandeling over de afkomst der Japanners. [Batavia: Lands Drukkery, 1832.] nar. 8°. (In: Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. v. 13, pp. 183-275, 2 tab.)

Smith (Theodate L.) The Japanese Women's University at Tokyo. (Pedagog. Seminary. vol. xi, pp. 484-487. Worcester, Mass., 1904.)


Ethnology, Social Life, etc., cont'd.

Smith (W. Harding). The Cha-no-yu, or tea ceremony. 7 pl. (Transac. and Proc. Japan Soc., Lond. v. 5, pp. 42-70. London, 1900.) Stead (Alfred). Socialism in Japan. (Independent Rev. v. 4, pp. 244-259. London, 1904.) Suyematsu (K.) Japanese education. (Independent Rev. v. 6, pp. 191-200. London, 1905.) Terakoya (Les), ou anciennes écoles primaires du Japon. (Revue française du Japon. v. 2, pp.232Tokyo, 1893.)


Terry (T. Philip). Jiujutsu: Japanese selfdefense without weapons. (Outing. v. 41, pp. 1218. New York, 1902.)

Thiel (F.) Das Kojitsu Sōsho (Sammlung alter Gebräuche) des Teijō. (Mitteil. d. deut. Gesellsch. f. Natur- u. Völkerkunde Ostasiens. v. 10, pp. 133155. Tokyo, 1905.)

Tissot (Ernest). La vie de Société au Japon, d'après des auteurs japonais. (Bibliothèque univers. & rev. suisse. v. 13, pp. 80-105; 297-313; 511-529. Lausanne, 1899.)

Toldt (Carl). Die Japanerschädel des Münchener anthropologischen Institutes. (Aus dem anthropologischen Institute des Herrn Prof. J. Ranke in München.) diagrs., tab. (Archiv. f. Anthrop. v. 28, pp. 143–183. Braunschweig, 1902.)

Torök (Aurel von). Ueber den Yézoer Ainoschädel aus der ostasiatischen Reise des Herrn Grafen Béla Széchenyi und über den Sachaliner Ainoschädel des königlich-zoologischen und anthropologisch-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden. Ein Beitrag zur Reform der Kraniologie. (4ter Theil.) tabs. (Archiv. f. Anthrop. v. 26, pp. 95144, 247-315, 561-689. Braunschweig, 1899-1900.)

United States.-Education Bureau. Circulars of Information, 1885. No. 4. Education in Japan. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1885. 56 pp.


Uzanne (Octave). La femme au Japon: notes et opinions sommaires d'un étranger. (La contemp. v. 7, pp. 185-208. Paris, 1902.)

W. (T.) La réforme de l'organisation scolaire au Japon. (Rev. internat. de l'enseignement. v. 45, pp. 309-310. Paris, 1903.)

Le conseil supérieur de l'instruction publique au Japon. (Rev. internat. de l'enseignement. v. 44, pp. 193-197. Paris, 1902.)

Watts (Talbot). Japan and the Japanese, with illustrations of their manners, costumes, religious ceremonies, &c. New York, 1852. pl. 8°.

Weulersse (Georges). La femme au Japon. (Rev. Polit. & Parlement. v. 35, pp. 550-579. Paris, 1903.)

Une grande école moderne à Tokyo. (Le Keio Giudjikou). (Rev. internat. de l'enseignement. v. 45, pp. 35-38. Paris, 1903.) Yatsu (Naohidé). Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku (Imperial University of Tokyo). (Pop. Sci. Monthly. v. 64, pp. 466–473. New York, 1904.)

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For Japanese serial official publications on the subject see above Official Publications, subdivisions of Agriculture & Commerce, Bank of Japan, Finance Department, Home Department, Record Bureau, Statistical Department.


Droppers (Garrett). Monetary changes in Japan, 1877-1897. n. t. p. [Washington, 1898.] 18 pp. 8°. (U. S. 55. Cong., 2. sess., S. doc. 126.)

Another copy. (In: U. S. Foreign affairs. Collected docs. v. 112, pp. 1313-1330.) Hattori (Yukimasa). The foreign commerce of Japan since the restoration. 1869-1900. 79 pp. (Johns Hopkins Univers. Studies. ser. 22, no. 9-10. Baltimore, 1904.)

Hesse (Albert). Die Entwickelung der japanischen Finanzen. (Jahrb. f. Nationalökonomie u. Statistik. ser. 3, v. 28, pp. 84-90. Jena, 1904.)

Hitchcock (Frank H.) Our trade with Japan, China, and Hongkong, 1889-99. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1900. 168 pp. 8°. (U. S. Foreign Markets, Section of. Bull. 18.)

Japan.-Finance Dept. Returns of the foreign trade of the empire of Japan... 1868-99. Tokyo, 1899. I p.l., xxxvii, 265 pp. 8°.

Longford (Joseph Henry). Notes on the foreign trade and shipping of Japan, 1872-1900. London: Harrison & Sons, prtrs., 1901. 10 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. For. Off. Dipl. & cons. rpts. Mis. ser. 564.) Cd. 787.

Meijlan (G. F.) Geschiedkundig overzigt van den handel der Europezen op Japan... [Batavia: Lands Drukkery, 1833.] 8°. (In: Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. v. 14. 6 p.l., pp. 1–377.)

Muensterberg (O.) Japans auswärtiger Handel von 1542 bis 1854. Bearbeitet nach Quellenberichten. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1896. xxxviii, I 1., 312 pp. 8°. (Muenchener volkswirtschaft

liche Studien. 10.)

Siebold (Philipp Franz von). Met oorkonden gestaafd vertoog van de pogingen door Nederland en Rusland gedaan tot openstelling van Japan voor de scheepvaart en den zeehandel van alle natiën. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. Zalt-Bommel: J. Noman & Zoon, 1854. 37 pp. 4°.

Soyeda (J.) History of banking in Japan. (In: History of banking in all the leading nations. vol. 4. pp. 409-544. 1896.)

Takaki (Masayoshi). The history of Japanese paper currency. (1868-1890.) Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins Press, 1903. 60 pp. 8°. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & Polit. Science. Ser. xxi. No. 5.)

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Economics and Industries, cont'd.

Arbitrage (L') des baux perpétuels au Japon. (Rev. gen. de droit internat. public. v. 12, pp. 492516. Paris, 1905.)

Arrai Tsikougo no Kami Sama (or Fak Sik Sen See). Fookoua siriak; ou, Traité sur l'origine des richesses au Japan; traduit de l'original chinois. Paris, 1828. 8°.

Atkinson (R. W.) The chemical industries of Japan. Ame. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 7, pp. 313-322. Yokohama, 1878.)

Ni-hon jo shu hen. [Sake brewery of Japan.] Tokio, 1883. 2 p.l., 151 pp., 20 pl. 4°. (Ri-ko kai sui, no. 5.)

The water supply of Tokio. I table. (Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions. v. 6, pt. 1, pp. 87-98. Yokohama, 1878.)

B. (F.) Die Strassenbahnfrage in Tokio. (Ztschr. f. Kleinbahnen. Jahrg. 8, pp. 335-339. Berlin, 1901.)

Bahlsen (Emil). Goldgewinnung in Japan. (Berg. u. huettenmaenn. Zeitung. Jahrg. 60, pp. 101-103; 113-115. Berlin, 1901.

Baltzer (F.)

Die Hochbahn von Tokio. (Ztschr. d. Vereines deutsch. Ingenieure. pp. 1689-1698; 1805-1812; 1847-1852. 1903.)

v. 47, Berlin,

Die Verkehrsverhältnisse und Eisenbahnen von Tokio und der Entwurf zu einer Hochbahn daselbst. (Archiv f. Eisenbahnwesen. Jahrg. 22, pp. 1227-1289. Berlin, 1899.)

Die neuen Bauvorschriften für die japanischen Eisenbahnen. I pl. (Archiv f. Eisenbahnwesen. Jahrg. 24, pp. 995-1008. Berlin, 1901.) Die japanischen Eisenbahnen. (Archiv f. Eisenbahnwesen. Jahrg. 24, 1901, pp. 497-543. Berlin, 1901.)

Ban (N.) What the United States buys from Japan. Minister Hubbard's trade report, and The views of the Japanese Press. Compiled by N. Ban (of the Tokyo-Economist). Yokohama: "Japan Gazette" Office, 1887. 18 pp. 8°.

Bank (The) of Japan. Growth of the Japanese banking system. (Bankers' Maga. v. 58, pp. 53655I. New York, 1899.)

Bellesort (André). Old and new Japan. (Living Age. ser. 7, v. 8, pp. 337-347; 416-427; 474-483. Boston, 1900.)

Bellet (Daniel). Le salaire et la concurrence industrielle de l'ouvrier japonais. (Jour. d. économistes. ser. 5, v. 35, pp. 230-238. Paris, 1898.) Bellows (E. C.) Japanese trade in 1900. (Consular Reports. v. 67, pp. 223-231. Washington, 1901.)

The financial system of Japan. (Consular Repts. v. 72, pp. 438-449. Washington, 1903.) Railways in Japan. (Consular Reports. v. 66, pp. 475–476. Washington, 1901.)

Sake brewing in Japan. (Consular Reports. v. 68, pp. 388-393. Washington, 1902.) Birkenhead (Hannah M.) Suma mura fifty years ago. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 20, pp. 248-258. Yokohama, 1893.)

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

De la reconciliation de l'or avec l'argent ou du bimétallisme moyen dans le nouveau code civil japonais. (Revue française du Japon. v. I, pp. 121-150. Tokyo, 1892.)

Bolce (Harold) Phases of railroading in Japan. Oriental customs and contrasts. (Booklovers Maga. v. 4, pp. 351-362. Philadelphia, 1904.)

Bolle (J.) Der Seidenbau in Japan. Nebst einem Anhange von demselben Verfasser "Die Gelb-oder Fettsucht der Seidenraupe eine parasitäre Krankheit." Budapest: A. Hartleben, 1895. ix, 141 pp. 4°.

Bonar (H. A. C.) On maritime enterprise in Japan. 34 pl. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 15, pp. 103-125. Yokohama, 1887.) Bourgarel (Georges). Le commerce du Japon son histoire et sa situation actuelle: rapports commerciaux avec la France. (Société Sinico-Japonaise. Mémoires. Tome 10, pp. 89-108; 156–175. Paris, 1891.)

Brandt (M. von). Die japanischen Finanzen in ihrer Beziehung zu dem russisch-japanischen Kriege. (Ztsch. f. Socialwissensch. Jahrg. 7, pp. 445-450. Berlin, 1904.)

Bure (Pierre). [Rapports sur le] Japon. (Recueil consulaire. v. 118, pp. 177-313. Bruxelles, 1903.)

Canada.-Chinese & Japanese Immigration, Comm. on. Report... 1902. Ottawa: S. E. Dawson, 1902. xiv, 1 l., 430 pp. 8°.

Cawley (George). Some remarks on constructions in brick and wood, and their relative suitability for Japan. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. V. 6, pt. 2, pp. 291-317. Yokohama, 1878.)

Chemins (Les) de fer japonais. [Tokyo? 1899.] I p.l., 21 ff., 14 pl. ob. 4°.

Commercial Japan in 1899. (Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of U. S. no. I, ser. 1899-1900, pp. 22-157. Washington, 1899.)

Commercial Japan in 1900. (Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, U. S. ser. 1901'02, no. 6. (Dec. 1901), pp. 2219-2315. Washington, 1902.)

Commercial Japan in 1904. I map. (Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the U. S. no. 8, ser. 1903/04, pp. 2872-3017. Washington, 1904.)

Customs regulations and fees in Japan. (Consular Reports. v. 61, pp. 277-285. Washington, 1899.)

Economics and Industries, cont'd.
Customs tariff of Japan. (Board of Trade
Jour. London, 1898. 8°. v. 25, pp. 546-563.)
Dautremer (J.) Situation de la vigne dans
l'empire du Japon. D'après les rapports de M.
Foukouba Yahito... et les rapports officiels du
Ministère de l'Agriculture du Japon, et traduits du
Japonais par. J. D. I map. (Asiatic Soc. of
Japan. Transactions. v. 14, pp. 176-185. Yoko-
hama, 1886.)

Description d'un ancien instrument japonais destiné à marquer les heures des marées et les phases de la lune. (Revue française du Japon. v. 1, pp. 45-50. Tokyo, 1892.)

Divers (Edward). The training of engineers in Japan. (The Engineer. London, 1898. f°. v. 85, PP. 434.)

Dockyard and engine works at Nagasaki. (Engineering. v. 75, pp. 40-41. London, 1903.)

Droppers (Garrett). The effect of the adoption of the gold standard upon the industries of Japan. n t.-p. [Washington, 1898.] 3 pp. 8°. (U. S. 55. Cong., 2 sess. S. doc. 139.)

Another copy. (In: U. S. Foreign Affairs. Collected docs. V. 112, pp. 1331-1333.)

A Japanese credit association and its founder. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 22, pp. 69-102. Yokohama, 1894.)

Dumoret (Marcel). La vie ouvrière au Japon. (La nouv. rev. v. 135 (n. s. v. 16), pp. 303-315. Paris, 1902.)

Dyer (E. Jerome). Japan: a new commercial competitor. (New Century Rev. v. 3, pp. 161170. London, 1898.)

Eckstein (Gustav). Die Arbeiterbewegung im modernen Japan. (Neue Zeit. Jahrg. 22, v. I, pp. 532-540. Stuttgart, 1904.)

Eisenbahnen (Die) Japans. I map. (Archiv für Eisenbahnwesen. Berlin, 1893-98. 8°. v. 16, pp. 584-588; v. 17, pp. 747-753; v. 21, pp. 952-970.)

Elgar (F.) Japanese shipping. 10 plates. (Japan Soc., London. Trans. and proc. v. 3, sec. 2, pp. 59-79. London, 1897.)

Eltzbacher (O.) Japan's financial position. (Nineteenth Century & After. v. 55, pp. 543-554. London, 1904.)

Empire du Japon. Résultats généraux de l'exploitation des chemins de fer pendant les exercises 1899-1900 et 1898-1899. (Annales d. ponts & chaussées. pt. 2, sér. 8, année 72, pp. 163-165. Paris, 1902.)

Empire du Japon. Résultats généraux de l'exploitation des tramways pendant les années 1895, 1894, 1893, 1892, 1891 et 1890. (Annales d. ponts et chaussées. 2. partie. Paris, 1898. 8°. Sér. 7, 8, p. 937.)

Erckert (F. C. von). Die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse des Hokkaido. (Mitteil. d. Deutsch. Gesellschaft f. Natur- u. Völkerkunde Ostasiens. v. 10, pp. 17-74. Tokyo, 1905.)

Essars (Pierre des). Les Banques au Japon. (Soc. de statist. de Paris. Jour. v. 40, pp. 79-87. Paris, 1899.)

Finances (Les) du Japon. (L'econ. français. Année 31, v. 2, pp. 674-675. Paris, 1903.)

Firth (Alfred Richard). Report on agriculture and horse and cattle breeding in Kagoshima Prefecture. London: Harrison & Sons, prtrs., 1900. 10 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign Office. Dipl. and Cons. repts. Misc. ser. 539.) Cd. 353-4.

Flora (Federico). Le finanze del Giappone. (Nuova antologia. v. 194 (ser. 4, v. 110), pp. 688696. Roma, 1904.)

Foreign capital and Japanese investment. (The Engineer. London, 1898. f°. v. 85, p. 372.)

Foreign capital in Japan. The prospects of land tenure under the new treaties. (Engineer. London, 1899. fo. v. 87, p. 102.)

Foreign insurance business in Japan. Translation of an imperial ordinance relative to agencies of foreign insurance companies in Japan. (Consular Reports. v. 65, pp. 37-40. Washington, 1901.)

Foreign (The) trade of Japan for 1897. (Engineering. London, 1898. f. v. 65, pp. 570571; 765-766.)

Foreign (The) trade of Japan in 1900. (Board of Trade Jour. v. 33, pp. 109-115. London, 1901.)

Foreign (The) trade of Japan in 1901. (Board of Trade Jour. v. 34, pp. 517-519. London, 1901.)

Formosa. Report on trade of North Formosa, 1897-1902, 1904. London, 1898-1905. 8°. (British Dipl. and cons. trade repts., ann. ser.)

Foxwell (Ernest). The protection of labour in Japan [résume of a book by Saito Kashiro of the dept. of Agriculture and commerce in Tokyo]. (Jour. dept. of Labor. v. 9, pp. 502-527. Wellington, New Zealand, 1901.)

France.-Commerce, Direction du. Annales du commerce extérieur. Faits commerciaux. Japon. nos. 48, 52, 53 (1872-85). n. t.-p. 8°.

Legislation commerciale. Japon. nos. 2-5, 7-9. [Paris,] 1856-98. 8°.

Rapports commerciales des agents diplomatiques et consulaires. nos. 62, 137-8, 232, 315. [Paris, 1892-95.] 8°.

Revue de l'année... au point de vue économique, 1891-2, 1894. [Paris, 1892-5.] 8°. France.-Commerce, Ministère du. Exposition de Kioto. Production minière, agricole et industrielle du Japon. [Paris:] P. Dupont [1895]. 86 pp. 8°. (Raps. com. des agts. dipl. et cons. de France. no. 302.)

François (Gustave). Notes sur le Japon. (Jour d. économistes. sér. 5, v. 50, pp. 235-244. Paris, 1902.)

François (G.) Les progrès economiques du Japon. (Rev. d'économie polit. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 12, pp. 857-874.)

Franconie (J.) Les conséquences financières de la guerre russo-japonaise. (Questions diplomat. et col. v. 20, pp. 8-21. Paris, 1905.)

Fronmageot (Henri). Loi du 7 mars 1899 sur la marine marchande. (Annuaire de législation étrangère. année 29, pp. 800-807. Paris, 1900.)

Economics and Industries, cont'd.

Garnier (Joseph). Traité des finances de l'État. Traduction en japonaise par Ri-sa-ron. Tokiyo, 1878. 2 v. 12°. (Japan. Finances,

Ministère des.)

Text in Japanese.

Geerts (A. T. C.) On the drinking water of Yokohama and the necessity for its improvement: being the result of a systematic inspection and analysis of the wells of Yokohama. 2 maps. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Transactions. v. 7, pp. 211-224. Yokohama, 1879.)

Geerts (Dr. [J. A.]) Useful minerals and metallurgy of the Japanese. plates. (Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions. v. 3, pt. 1, pp. 1-15, 26-47, 85–93; v. 4, pp. 34-47, 89-108; v. 5, pt. 1, pp. 25-37. Yokohama, 1875-77.)

Goodchild (John G.) On the evolution of the Japanese clock. Roy. Scottish soc. of arts. Transactions. v. 16, pp. 42-53. Edinburgh, 1903.) Goto (Ozaki). Les finances du Japon et la durée de la guerre. (La rev. v. 53, pp. 321-331. Paris, 1904.)

Gregory (Geo. Elliott). Japanese fisheries. (Asiatic Soc. of Japan


pp. 102-113. Yokohama, 1877.)

v. 5, pt. I,

Goto (Rokuya). Die japanische Seeschiffahrt. Berlin: E. Ebering, 1902. 8°. xv, 81 pp. (Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Studien. Heft 15.)

Great Britain.-Foreign Office. Report on the foreign trade of Japan. 1885, 1886-7, 18891893, 1896. London, 1886-1896. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887-1897.)

Dipl. and cons. trade repts. nos. 47, 279, 797, 961, 1118, 1277, 1469, 1811 ann, ser.

Same, separate, 1896.

Report on trade of Japan. 1886-1888, 1896-1902, 1904. London, 1887-1905. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887-1904.)

Dipl. and cons. trade repts. nos. 200, 426, 614, 1937, 2109, 2277, 2397, 2789, 3009, 3377 ann, ser.

Same, separate, 1896-1902, 1904.

Commercial reports from H. M. consuls in Japan, 1865-1884. London, 1866-1885. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1866/1884-5.

These reports were superseded by the annual and miscellaneous series respectively of the Dipl. and cons, trade repts. See under various districts.

Treasury. Reports by Mr. Arbuthnot to the treasury on the subject of Japanese currency in 1862 and 1863; and documents referred to therein. [London, 1866.] 28 pp. f°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1866. v. 50.) Foreign Office. Correspondence respecting the revision of the Japanese commercial tariff. London, 1867. 18 pp. fo. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1867. v. 74.)

Report of journeys in China and Japan, performed by Messrs. Alabaster, Oxenham, Markham and Dr. Willis, of H. M. consular service. London, 1869. 38 pp. f. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1868-9. v. 64.)

Further reports on silk culture in Japan. London, 1870. 4 pp. fo. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1870. v. 65.)

[blocks in formation]

Report by Mr. Adams, secy. to H.M. legation in Japan, on the central silk districts of Japan. London, 1870. 18 pp. f°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1870. v. 65.)

Report on the manufacture of paper in Japan. London, 1871. 24 pp. f°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1871. v. 67.)

Report of a tour in Japan, by Mr. Troup, from Je. 16 to Jly. 1, 1870. London, 1871. 6 pp. fo. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1871. v. 67.) Report by Mr. Adams on the deterioration of Japanese silk. London, 1871. 6 pp. fo. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1871. v. 67.)

Report on the manufacture of tea in Japan, illustrated with drawings by a native artist. London, 1873. 21 pp. f°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1873. v. 66.) Report by H. M. acting consul at Hakodate on the lacquer industry of Japan. don, 1882. 28 PP. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1882. v. 72. Japan 2, 1882.)


Report on the financial affairs of Japan. London, 1884. 14 pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1884. v. 82.)

Reports on the financial affairs of Japan. London: Harrison & Sons, prtrs. [1884] 14 pp. C.-4028.) 8°. (Japan, 1884. No. 2. Report by Mr. French on the railways of Japan. London, 1885. 20 pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1884/5. v. 81. Japan 1, 1885.) Import trade of Great Britain with Japan. London, 1887. IO Pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887. v. 82. Dipl. and cons. trade repts. no. 7, misc. ser.)

Native cotton manufactures of Japan. London, 1887. 2 pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887. v. 82. Dipl. and cons. trade repts. 18, misc. ser.)


Report on Japanese regulations controlling establishment of exchanges. London, 1887. 8 pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887. v. 82. Dipl. and cons. trade repts. no. 56, misc. ser.)

Native cotton manufactures of Japan. London, 1887. 30 pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887. v. 82. Dipl. and cons. trade repts. no. 49, misc. ser.)

Report on various native manufactures of Japan. London, 1887. 6 pp. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1887. v. 82. Dipl. and cons. trade repts. no. 50, misc. ser.)

[blocks in formation]

Japanese currency. London, 1894. 8°. (In: Parlt. Papers, 1893/4. v. 90. Dipl. and cons. trade repts. no. 315, misc. ser.)

10 pp.

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