Archaeologia Cantiana, Volumen10Kent Archaeological Society., 1876 |
xxxv | |
xliv | |
liv | |
lxix | |
lxxxvi | |
xcvi | |
civ | |
cxxix | |
10 | |
29 | |
39 | |
75 | |
81 | |
90 | |
93 | |
99 | |
250 | |
259 | |
269 | |
282 | |
298 | |
316 | |
352 | |
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Términos y frases comunes
Abbate acres alias anno Archæological Archiepiscopo Bethersden Brabourne bronze buried Canterbury chancel Chilham church Cinque Ports Cobham Court daughter daye Deering Deeringe Deryng dicto Comite dimidio f dimidio feodo quod Domino Rege Dover Edward Dering Edward III Elham Elizabeth eodem Faversham filio Folkestone fuit vxor gent Hamone Henrico Henry heredibus Johannis Horton hypocaust ibidem idem iiij iiija Item respondent j. f. quam John John Philipot Jurats Kent King land Lasto Leyburne London Lord Lyminge Maidstone Manors Mary Mayor milite Morstone Nicholas Northewode onerantur Ospringe parish Philipot predicto Prior pro dimidio feodo quarterio j. f. quod quod Willelmus Rectory Regis Ricardo Richard Robert Rogero Roman Sancti Augustini Scott Sittingbourne sonne sub nomine Summa tallage tenet tenuerunt apud tenuit apud terram Thomas Thome town Tunbridge VIII viij viija vnius feodi quam vno feodo quod weregild wife Willelmo William Lovelace
Pasajes populares
Página c - Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God.
Página 211 - With shriller throat shall sing The sweetness, mercy, majesty, And glories of my King; When I shall voice aloud how good He is, how great should be, Enlarged winds, that curl the flood, Know no such liberty. Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.
Página 270 - ... iniquitate cognoscat et a sacratissimo corpore ac sanguine Dei et Domini Redemptoris nostri Jesu Christi aliena fiat atque in extremo examine districte ultioni subjaceat.
Página 270 - Benedicti regulam in eodem monasterio insti | tutus esse dinoscitur, perpetuis ibidem temporibus inviolabiliter observetur. preterea quascu(m)que possessiones, quecumque bona idem monasterium in presentiarum iuste et canonice possidet aut | in futurum concessione pontificum, largitione regum vel principum, oblatione fidelium seu aliis iustis modis, prestante Domino, poterit adipisci, firma vobis vestrisque successoribus et illibata permaneant.
Página 276 - Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre confirmacionis, communicionis et innovacionis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit indignacionem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum.
Página 238 - I have heard say, moreover, that when the people be commanded to make fires and tokens of joy for the taking of the French king, divers of them have spoken that they have more cause to weep than to rejoice thereat. And divers, as it hath been...
Página cxxxvi - And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth Thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse Thee to Thy face.
Página 237 - The court of the clerk of the market is incident to every fair and market in the kingdom, to punish misdemeanors therein ; as a court of pie poudre is, to determine all disputes relating to private or civil property.
Página lxv - At the eastern horns of the altar were two wooden columns, highly ornamented with gold and silver, which supported a great beam, the ends of which beam rested on the capitals of the two pillars. This beam, placed across the church, and decorated with gold, supported the Majesty of the Lord, the image of St. Dunstan and St. Elphege ; also seven shrines decorated with gold and silver, and filled with the relics of many saints.
Página xciii - The Catalogue of the Chancellors of England, the Lord Keepers of the Great Seale : and the Lord Treasurers of England.