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Law concerning an increase of the punishment fixed by the Law No. 56 of April 5th, 1888, § 58, as far as illegal trawl fishery is concerned.


Illegal fishery by means of trawl, in Danish territorial waters (see Law No. 56 of April 5th, 1888, § 1, No. 2), is to be punished with fines of from 500 to 4,000 Crowns, payable to the Treasury. In fixing the punishment regard is to be had to whether illegal fishery has been carried out by means of steam, which is to constitute an aggravating circumstance. The illegal fishing instruments, including the hawser which has been used for the illegal fishery, as well as the captured fish on board, are to be forfeited to the Treasury. The vessel may be laid under embargo, in accordance with an eventual decree to that effect, and sold to cover fines and costs. This Law is to take effect immediately.


Confirmed April 7th, 1900.


No. 42.-1665, March 1: Proclamation of Thomas Temple as Governor of Nova Scotia.

Whereas our Most Gracious and Dread Sovereign, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, Defender of the Faith &c. hath, by his Letters Patent, and Commission, under the Great Seal of England, in the fourteenth year of his reign, constituted and appointed me Thomas Temple, Knight and Baronet, to be his Lieutenant, and Governor of the country of Nova Scotia, and Acadia, and Admiral under His Highness the Duke of York, of all the harbours and seas thereunto belonging:

Now therefore, to the end the Gospel of Jesus Christ may be propagated amongst the natives; His Majesty's interest in these parts secured; and for the encouraging, and promoting of trade, and protecting His Majesty's subjects in their just rights. I have thought meet to publish and declare; and do hereby in His Majesty's name will, and require, that all persons whatsoever that shall come into, or inhabit in, these parts of Nova Scotia or L'Acady etc. aforesaid, shall observe and give due obedience to all laws, acts, statutes made, and standing in force for the government of His Majesty's subjects in his Kingdom of England, upon pain of their suffering the penalties thereby appointed to the breakers thereof. And further being authorised, and commanded to make such other acts, and orders as shall from time to time be found requisite and necessary, for the better regulating and carrying an end of planting, fishing trading, &c. in these parts, and finding the great prejudice, and damage which is like to ensue in defect hereof, do also by virtue of the authority given me as aforesaid make, appoint, publish, and declare these ensuing orders to be observed throughout this country of NovaScotia, and L'Acady and the harbours and seas thereunto belonging.

It is therefore hereby ordered and enacted, that if any person or persons, shall presume to come into any part of this jurisdiction, and plant, build, fish or trade without licence first had, and obtained from the Governor or his Deputy, shall forfeit such ship, or vessel which they shall so come in, and all such goods as shall be found on board the said ship, or vessel, or undergo such other punishment as the Governor, or his Council, shall see cause to inflict, And all such as have, or hereafter may obtain licence shall duly observe all such laws, and orders which are now made and published, or hereafter shall be made and published in this jurisdiction.

And seeing the glory of God, and our eternal good, are the great concernments of our life, and chiefy to be attended. It is therefore firstly ordered, and be it hereby enacted, that all persons shall duly observe the Lords day: nor shall any take liberty by fishing, or working about their fish, (unless in case of absolute necessity) nor by sporting, or drinking to profane the same, on penalty of twenty shillings for every such default.

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Whereas experience by sad effects, hath taught that coasting vessels have greatly hindered, and many times overthrown the trade, and employment of fishing where they come; it is ordered, that no barque, ketch, or other vessel from New-England, shall come into this jurisdiction, and bring any liquors, goods and merchandise, and trade the same, only such as have licence to furnish such fishing-boats as they undertake to supply with salt, provisions, and fishing craft: and also that they that are so licenced do not coast from harbour to harbour, and trade and barter with any save only those boats which they supply as abovesaid; neither shall any such barques or vessels, commit any goods to any others to trade for them, upon what pretence soever, on penalty of paying the treble value of all such goods, liquors, &c. so traded.


It is ordered, that all inhabitants and fishermen, that have continued two months in this jurisdiction, shall not depart the same without licence, first had from the Governor, Deputy Governor, or some of his Assistants; and if any ship, or vessel shall carry them away without such licence, they shall pay all such debts as the said persons did owe to any in this jurisdiction, or to any else where that were their present suppliers.

It is ordered, that all persons licenced to fish in this jurisdiction, being settled in any free place, to make his voyage, he shall not be disturbed, nor interrupted, or if any do disturb any so settled, they shall pay double damages occasioned by the disturbers. Always provided, that if there be conveniences adjoining to the place of any so settled, others may take up such accommodation, by them without breach of this order.

It is ordered, that all fishermen and others within this jurisdiction, shall labour and endeavour the preserving of the fish and the banks; in order thereunto, none shall take fish at the time they come to spawn: nor shall any spilt fish on the fishing ground, and if any so do, and throw overboard the heads and bones, &c. he or they shall pay for every such offence fifty pounds.


It is ordered, that no person being upon making of dry fish shall save the said fish with pickle: and if any so do, all such

fish shall be forfeit, and seized for the relief of the poor in this jurisdiction.


It is ordered, that no person or persons, shall entertain or employ any man whom he knows to be engaged in service to another (except the first release him) upon penalty of paying double damages that do arise thereby.

It is ordered, that no fisherman, or company of fishermen shall pay or deliver fish unto any other but to their suppliers, or their order, until he or they have first paid for boat-hire, provisions, salt, and craft, and what else he is engaged to do (except he or they have otherwise contracted) upon penalty of paying double damages unto his or their suppliers.


It is further ordered, that all those that have licences, shall renew them once every year.

By the governor the first of March in the seventeenth year of His Majesty's reign.

No. 43.-1759: Statute of Nova Scotia, 33 Geo. II, Cap. 2.

An Act for Regulating and Maintaining a Light-House on Sambro Island.

WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of this province, entitled, An Act for erecting a Light-House at the entrance of the harbour of Halifax, made and passed at their Session begun and holden at Halifax, the second day of October, 1758, the sum of One Thousand Pounds out of the monies then in the treasury of the Province, collected from the duties on spirituous liquors, was appropriated for the erecting a Light-house on the island commonly called and known by the name of Sambro Outer Island, at the entrance of the harbour of Halifax; and it was enacted, that until such LightHouse should be erected, the commissioners appointed for carrying the said Act into execution should cause a beacon and light to be placed on the said Island for the benefit of vessels coming into the said harbour:

Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor, Council, and Assembly, and by the authority of the same it is hereby enacted, That from and after the first day of September next, there shall be paid by the master of every merchant vessel coming into or going out of the harbour of Halifax, at her going out of the said harbour, (other than coasters and fishing vessels, and such transport or other vessels employed in His Majesty's service, as shall, by their charter party, be exempted from paying port charges) a duty of six pence per ton currency, for so many tons as shall appear to the satisfaction of the receiver, or by the oath of the master, (which oath the said receiver, is hereby authorized to administer) to be the real burthen thereof.

II. Provided, That all ships or vessels wholly belonging to any person, that is a freeholder and inhabitant in this province, shall only pay four-pence per ton: the said duty to be paid before clearing the said vessel, to such person or persons as shall hereafter be ap

pointed by His Excellency the Governor for that purpose; who are hereby authorized to demand and receive the same, and upon refusal of payment, to sue for and recover the said duty before two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, or in case the sum shall not exceed forty shillings, before one justice.

III. And be it further enacted, That no vessel shall be deemed a fishing vessel, within the meaning of this Act, excepting such as shall be wholly employed in that business, nor shall any vessel be deemed a coaster, excepting such as shall be wholly employed within the province.

IV. And be it hereby further enacted, That every coasting vessel shall pay, in lieu of the said duty, at the rate of twenty shillings per annum, and no more, to be received and recovered in manner as aforesaid.

V. And be it further enacted, That all monies arising by the aforesaid duty, shall be paid into the treasury of the Province, and be applied towards the support of the said Light-House; to be issued for the said purpose, by warrant under the hand and seal of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being of the Province; and in case there be more monies raised than is necessary for the support of the said Light-House, the surplusage to be applied to the uses of the Government.

No. 44.-1770: Statute of Nova Scotia, 10 Geo. III, Cap. 10.

An Act for the benefit of the Fishery on the Coasts of this Province.

Whereas it is apprehended that the frequent scarcity of fish on the banks near the shores of this province, may be occasioned by fishermen throwing into the sea the offal of the fish they kill; for remedy whereof,


I. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, That from and after the publication hereof, if any fishermen in any vessel, bark or boat, shall presume to throw into the sea within three leagues of any of the shores of this province, any heads, bones, or other offal of the fish they may take, the master of such fishing vessel, bark, or boat, shall, upon due conviction thereof, by the oath of one credible witness, before any one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, or by the view of the said Justice, pay for each and every such offence the sum of five pounds.

II. And be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred and arising by this Act, shall be applied, one moiety to the person who shall inform and sue for the same, the other moiety to be paid into His Majesty's Treasury for the use of the province, the same to be levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels, together with the charges of such distress and sale, rendering the overplus (if any be) to the owner or owners thereof.

III. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this Act shall extend to the debarring any fishermen in boats, who split and dress their fish on shore, from throwing the offal of their fish into what is called the land-wash.

No. 45.-1785: Extract from Statute of Prince Edward Island, 25 Geo. III, Cap. 4.

An Act to amend, render more effectual, and to reduce into one Act, the several Laws made by the General Assembly of this Island, relative to the duties of impost on wines, rum, brandy and other distilled spirituous liquors; and for allowing a drawback upon all wines, rum, brandy, and other distilled spirituous liquors exported from this Island.

BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Assembly, That from and after the publication hereof, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid unto His Majesty, his heirs, and successors, to and for the public uses of this Island, and towards the support of his Government therein, by the importers of all wines, rum, brandy, and other distilled spirituous liquors which shall or may be imported, or by any ways or means brought into this island, the several rates and duties as follows, viz. for every gallon of wine, the sum of sixpence, as also for every gallon of rum, brandy, or other distilled spirituous liquors, in lieu of all former duties, the said sum of six pence. II. And be it further enacted, That all the rates, duties and imposts before mentioned, shall be paid in lawful money of this island (being at the rate of five shillings per Spanish milled dollar) by the importer or importers of any such wine, rum, brandy, or other distilled spirituous liquors unto the collector and receiver, or collectors and receivers for the time being, appointed for entering and receiving the same, at or before the landing thereof: Provided nevertheless, that when the duty to be paid by any importer or importers of such wine, rum, brandy, or other distilled spirituous liquors, shall amount to a sum exceeding ten pounds, and not more than fifty pounds, the said collector and receiver, or collectors and receivers of the said duties, is or are hereby authorised to give credit for the payment thereof for the space of three months. And in like manner, if the said duties shall exceed the sum of fifty pounds, and not amount to more than the sum of one hundred pounds, the said collector and receiver, or collectors and receivers, is or are hereby authorised to give credit for payment thereof for the space of six months: and if the said duties shall exceed the sum of one hundred pounds, then he or they are hereby further authorised to give credit for the payment thereof for the space of nine months.

III. Provided always, That sufficient security be given for the payment of the said duties within the said several times so as aforesaid limited for the payment thereof.

IV. And be it further enacted, That all masters of ships, coasting, fishing, and all other vessels whatever, coming into any harbour, port, river, creek, or on any part of the coasts of this island, and its dependencies, shall before breaking bulk, and within twenty-four hours after his or their arrival, make report, in writing, and upon oath, to the collector and receiver, or collectors and receivers of the duties for the time being, of all wine, rum, brandy, or other distilled spirituous liquors, on board the said ship or vessel, specifying therein the kinds of casks or other vessels in which the same shall be contained, together with the marks and numbers thereof, and that they have not landed or suffered to be landed, sold, bartered, or exchanged,

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