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(4th Count.)

Feloniously did dispose of and put away (n), a certain false, forged, and counterfeited pro

[blocks in formation]

ceipt, for any note, bill, or other security for payment of money, or warrant or order for payment of money, or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person (or corporation) knowing the same to be false, altered, forged, or counterfeited, then every such person being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be deemed guilty of felony without benefit of clergy.

hereby made, enacts, that if any person or persons shall falsely make, forge, counterfeit or alter, or cause, or procure to be falsely made, counterfeited, or altered, or willingly act or assist in the false making, forging, counterfeiting, or altering, any deed, will, testament, bond, writing obligatory, bill of exchange, promissory note for payment of

money, indorsement, or assignment of any bill of exchange or promissory note for payment of money, acceptance of any bill of exchange, or any acquittance or receipt, either for money or goods, or auy accountable receipt for any note, bill, or other security for payment of money, or any warrant, or order for payment of money, or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person or persons, body or bodies politic or corporate whatsoever, or shall offer, dispose of, or put away, any false, forged, counterfeited, or alter

In the stat. 7 G. 2. there is no express saving of corruption of blood, as in the others, and by s. 4. of the stat. 2 G. 2. c. 25. the act is not to extended deed, will, testament, boud, to Scotland.

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writing obligatory, bill of exchange, promissory note for payment of money, indorsement, or assignment, of any bill of exchange, or promissory note for payment of money, acceptance of any bill of exchange, acquittance, or receipt, either for money or goods, accountable receipt for any note, bill, or other security for pay

missory note for the payment of money, the tenor of which said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited note is as followeth, that is to say, (note as before,) with intent to defraud the governor and company of the bank of England, he the said J. B. at the said time of his so disposing of and putting away the said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited note, then and there, to wit, on, &c. at, &c. well knowing the same last-mentioned note to be false, forged, and counterfeited, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(5th Count.) Feloniously did forge and counterfeit a certain other bank note, the tenor of which said lastmentioned forged and counterfeit bank note is as followeth, that is to say, (note as before,) with intent to defraud one J. S. against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c. (6th Count.) Feloniously did dispose of and put away, a certain other forged and counterfeited bank note, the tenor of which said last-mentioned forged and counterfeited bank note is as followeth, that is to say, (note as before,) with intent to defraud the said J. S. he the said J. B. at the time of his so disposing of and putting away the said last-mentioned forged and counterfeit bank note, then and there, to wit, on, &c. well knowing such last-mentioned note to be forged and counterfeited, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(7th Count.) Feloniously did falsely make, forge, and counterfeit, and cause and procure to be falsely made, forged, and counterfeited, and willingly act and assist in the false making, forging and counterfeiting a certain other promissory note for the payment of money, the tenor of which said last-mentioned forged and counterfeited note is as followeth, that is to say, (note as before,) with intention to defraud the said J. S. against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

ment of money, warrant, or order, for payment of money, or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person or person, body or bodies politic or corporate, knowing the same to be false, forged, counterfeited, or altered, then every person or persons so offending,

and being thereof lawfully convicted, according to the due course of law, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death as a felon, without benefit of clergy.

(n) See the stat. 45 G. 3. c. 89. in the preceding note.

(8th Count.) Feloniously did dispose of and put away, a certain other false, forged, and counterfeited promissory note for payment of money, the tenor of which said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited note is as followeth, that is to say, (note as before,) with intention to defraud the said J. S. the said J. B. at the said time of his so disposing of and putting away the said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited note, then and there, to wit, on, &c. well knowing the same last-mentioned note to be false, forged, and counterfeited, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

135. For having in possession forged bank of England notes without lawful excuse, knowing the same to be forged (0).

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(Commencement as in pr. 1.) Feloniously, knowingly, and wittingly, and without lawful excuse, had in his possession and custody, divers forged and counterfeited bank notes, that is to say, one forged and counterfeited bank note, the tenor of which said forged and counterfeited bank note is as followeth, that is to say, (here the note is set out), and one other forged and counterfeited bank note, the tenor of which said last-mentioned forged and counterfeited bank note is as followeth, that is to say, (here the other note is set out,) he the said A. B. then and there, to wit, on, &c. at, &c. well knowing the same notes

(0) See the stat. 41 G. 3. c. 39. supra. By the stat. 45 G. 3. c. 89. s. 6. it is enacted, that if any person or persons shall purchase, or receive from any other person or persons, any forged or counterfeited bank note, bank bill of exchange, bank post bill, or blank bank note, blank bank bill of exchange, or blank bank post bill, knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited, or shall knowingly or wittingly have in his, her, or their possession or custody, in his, her, or their dwelling-house, out

house, lodgings, or apartment,
any forged or counterfeited
bank note, bank bill of ex-
change, or bank post bill, or
blank bank note, blank bank
bill of exchange, or blank
bank post bill, knowing the
same to be forged and coun-
terfeited, without lawful ex-
cuse, (the proof whereof shall
upon the person accused,)
every person or persons so of-
fending, and being thereof
convicted according to law,
shall be adjudged a felon, and
shall be transported for the
terin of 14 years.

to be forged and counterfeited, against the form of the statute, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(2nd Count.) Feloniously, knowingly, wittingly, and without lawful excuse, had in his possession and custody a certain other forged and counterfeit bank note, the tenor of which said last-mentioned forged and counterfeited bank note is as followeth, that is to say, (the first note in the preceding count is here set out again,) he the said A. B. then and there, to wit, on, &c. at, &c. well knowing the same last-mentioned note to be forged and counterfeited, against the form of the statute, &c. and against the peace, &c.

156. Indictment for forging, &c. a bill of exchange, an acceptance thereof, and an indorsement thereon.

(Comm. as in pr. 1.) (a) Feloniously did falsely make, forge, and counterfeit, and cause and procure to be falsely made, forged, and counterfeited, and willingly act and assist in the false making, forging, and counterfeiting,* a certain bill of exchange; the tenor of which said false, forged, and counterfeited bill of exchange is as follows, that is to say (b),

No. £54. 1s.

Bristol, America, 17th Sept. 1797. Three months after sight pay to Messrs. S. R. and Son, or order, fifty four pounds one shilling, value received.

To Mr. R. G.

Old Change,


A. M.

with intention (c) to defraud A. S. against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(Second count for uttering, &c. (d).) Feloniously did utter and publish as true a certain false, forged, and counterfeited bill of exchange; which said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited bill of exchange is as follows, that is to say, (set out the bill as before,) with intention to defraud the said A. S. (he the said A. B. at the said time he so uttered and published the said lastmentioned false, forged, and counterfeited bill of ex

(a) See the stat. 2 G. 2. c. 25. 7 G. 2. c. 22. 45 G. 3.

c. 89. p. 489, 490. (b) See p. 39.

(c) See p. 103.

(d) See the st. 2 G. 2. c. 25. 45 G. 3. c. 89. see p. 489, 490.

change as aforesaid, then and there, to wit, on, &c. at, &c. well knowing the same to be false, forged, and counterfeited, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(Third count (e) for forging an acceptance.) That the said A. B. having in his possession a certain other bill of exchange (f), whose tenor follows, that is to say, (set out the bill,)* on, &c. with force and arms, at, &c. feloniously did falsely make, forge, and counterfeit, and cause and procure to be falsely made, forged, and counterfeited, and willingly act and assist in the false making, forging, and counterfeiting, on the said last-mentioned bill of exchange,** an acceptance of the said last-mentioned bill of exchange, to the tenor following, that is to say, Accepted, R. G. Nov. 13th, with intent to defraud the said A. S. against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(Fourth count, for uttering a forged acceptance, as in the last count to the *.) On which said last-mentioned bill of exchange was written a certain false, forged, and counterfeited acceptance of the said last-mentioned bill of exchange, whose tenor follows, that is to say, accepted, R. G. Nov. 13th, on, &c. with force and arms, at, &c. feloniously did utter and publish as true the said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited acceptance of the said last-mentioned bill of exchange, with intent to defraud the said A. S. (he the said A. B. at the time of uttering and publishing as true the said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited acceptance of the said last-mentioned bill of exchange, then and there, to wit, on, &c. at, &c. well knowing the said last-mentioned false, forged, and counterfeited acceptance to be false, forged, and counterfeited, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c.

(Fifth count, for forging an indorsement, &c. as in the third count to the **.) an indorsement (g) of the said last

(e) See the stat. 45 G. 3. c. 89. vide supra, p. 490.

(ƒ) It is usual, in a count of this kind, first to aver the date, direction, and other circumstances of the bill, and then to set it out, but the first averments seem to be superAuous, and the above form is

much more concise. It does
not appear to be absolutely
essential to set out the whole
of the bill, since the accept-
ance only is alleged to have
been forged. See p. 95, 6.
(g) See p. 100. R. v. Biggs,
3 P. Wms. 419. See the stat.
p. 489, 490.

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