Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

to Charles V, i, 217, 219, 221, 222;
ii, 368

Office, public, right to hold, i, 415, 419
onerous, refusal of, i, 420
Offices forbidden to Jews, i, 73
Jews indispensable, i, 99
Conversos disabled from, i, 126; ii,


removal of disabilities, ii, 407
confiscation of, i, 192, 581
sale of, ii, 212
life-tenure of, ii, 218

hereditary transmission of, ii, 219
transfer of, ii, 221

held without pay, ii, 223
become undesirable, iv, 388
Officials forbidden to trade, i, 270, 534,

their privileges, i, 265, 270, 367, 376,
377, 379, 412, 465; ii, 415, 417, 418,

their right to the fuero, i, 429, 522
their servants and slaves, i, 369
their character, i, 536

their perquisites, ii, 190, 252
of Suprema, their fees, ii, 200
to lodge in one house, ii, 207
houses furnished to them, ii, 208
their salaries, ii, 251

their number, i, 468, 516; ii, 209, 210,
211, 212, 215, 216
leniency shown to them, ii, 223
punished only by Suprema, ii, 225
they retain records, ii, 257
unsalaried, ii, 263

organized in confraternity, ii, 282
Order of Knighthood for, ii, 283
limpieza requisite, ii, 294, 296
collusion with informers, ii, 324
their penury, ii, 443, 444
sworn to secrecy, ii, 472

must be present at autos, iii, 214
personation of, iv, 344

their deterioration, iv, 388
of Portuguese Inqn., iii, 262
public, take oath to Inqn., i, 182, 352
Ointment, demonic, of witches, iv, 208,
214, 229, 231

Olavide, Pablo, case of, iv, 308
Old and New Christians, distinction
recognized, ii, 288

Old Christians, definition of, ii, 288, 298
forfeit limpieza, ii, 300

involved in confiscations, ii, 346
only witnesses for defence, ii, 540
their descendants disabled, iii, 177
Old Inquisition, its organization, i, 172
Oliva, his letters to Molinos, iv, 51

[blocks in formation]

Olmo, del, family of, ii, 221
Opinion in cases of limpieza, ii, 300
political, punished, iv, 276
Opposition to Inqn., i, 232, 239, 245,
260, 268, 439, 452, 465
to grant of canonries, ii, 417
Oran, tribunal of, i, 551
Orden de Procesar, ii, 475
Ordenamiento of Alcalá on usury, i, 98
de Doña Catalina, i, 116, 123
Ordenanzas Reales, i, 27

oppression of Jews in, i, 124
Order of Knighthood for officials, ii, 283
of S. Maria de la Espada Blanca, i,
Orders, holy, forbidden to descendants
of penitents, iii, 176
marriage in, iv, 336

minor, abuses of, i, 17; iv, 497
Orders, Military, absorbed by crown,
i, 34; iv, 370

competencias with, i, 505

Orders, Religious, their reform pro-
posed, i, 317

represented in Suprema, i, 323
subjected to Inqn., ii, 36

pay cost of imprisoned frailes, ii, 533
suppressed in 1820-3, iv, 439
growth of, iv, 490, 492
Ordinaries, their jurisdiction, ii, 6, 10
effort to exclude them, ii, 12, 14
negligence as to concurrence, ii, 15
appointment as inqrs., ii, 16
their concurrence omitted, ii, 18
Organization of Jews in Spain, i, 86
of Inquisition, i, 172

of tribunals, i, 231, 244; ii, 208, 593
Orihuela, tribunal of, i, 551
composition for, ii, 356

slaughtering of cattle in, iii, 382
Ortiz, Blas, his negligence as to con-
currence, ii, 15

punishes solicitation, iv, 97

made ingr. of Valencia, i, 384
Ortiz, Francisco, his temerity, i, 372
Ortiz, Francisco, case of, iv, 11

| Orts, Juan, inqr. of Aragon, i, 230, 239
Ostentation of Jews, i, 96
in dowries, ii, 333
Ostrogoths, their tolerance, i, 38, 39
Osuna, tribunal of, i, 551
Osuna, Francisco de, on prayer, iv, 3
on scholastic theology, iv, 5

Osuna, disciple of Francisca Hernandez, | Paradinas, inqr., stabbed, i, 214
iv, 9

escapes correction, iv, 17

Otaduí, Dr., his advice to Philip II, iii,

Otrosi, demand for torture in, iii, 42
Ottoboni, Card., persecutes Pelagini, iv,

attacks Molinos, iv, 54

See Alexander VIII.

Outlaws, safe-conducts for, i, 444
Outlawry of heretics, iii, 388
Oven, royal, of Aljafería, i, 391
Overcoming torture, iii, 30

Oviedo, Gonzalo Fern. de, on heresy,
ii, 2

Ownership of documents, ii, 220

Páramo on treatment of Jews, i, 36
his eulogy of Inqn., ii, 483
on acquittal, iii, 108
on Protestants, iii, 432
on mystics of Llerena, iv, 24
his abuse of women, iv, 121
Pardon of 1604, iii, 268

of 1627 and 1630, iii, 273
purchase of, iii, 363

Paredes, Fray Manuel de, his mysticism,
iv, 71

Pareja tried for solicitation, iv, 98
Pariahs created by limpieza, ii, 310
Paris, Council of 1212, on midwives, i, 81
Parish churches, sanbenitos hung in, iii,

Parque Castrillo, Duke of, prosecuted,
iv, 430

PACHECO, Ing.-genl., punishes Bp. Parra, Juan Adan de la, iii, 271, 291

of Murcia, i, 420

his conflict with Seville, i, 489
prosecutes Granada judges, i, 487
has but one vote in Suprema, ii, 168
banishes Englishmen, iii, 466, 572
condemns mysticism, iv, 30
Pacheco, Pedro, his grant from sale
of offices, ii, 215
his disgrace, ii, 438

Pact with demon, iv, 185, 188, 195, 205
Padilla, Inqr., suspended, i, 530
Padilla, Juan de, keeps clear of Inqn.,
i, 221

Padua, faculty of, on defence of accused,
iii, 56

Paging of records of trials, ii, 259
Palafox, Bishop, his portrait borrado,
iii, 498

Palencia, Bp. of, his appellate juris-
diction, ii, 110

Palermo, iniquity of tribunal, ii, 121
Pallavicini, Card., on persecution, iv,500
Palm of victory for acquittal, iii, 108
Palma, massacre in 1391, i, 109

number of officials in, ii, 212
autos of 1679 and 1691, iii, 225, 306;
iv, 526

Pampeluna, tribunal of, i, 552

relations with Saragossa, i, 225
political utility, i, 226
Pan asegurado, i, 388
Pan cotazo, i, 594

Paniagua, D. Pedro, case of, i, 514
Paños de la vergüenza, iii, 17
Papacy, popular disrespect for, i, 11
export of money to, i, 12
approves of Torquemada, i, 174
Paper, writing, for prisoners, ii, 517
Papers, all, returned to tribunal, ii, 474
detailed inventory of, ii, 497

Participation in Sabbat, iv, 232, 243,

Partidas on trade with Moors, i, 56
on slavery, i, 57

restrictions on Jews, i, 69, 74, 89
on confiscation, iii, 316
on magic, iv, 180, 182

law on heresy revived, iv, 411
law as to succession, iv, 462
Parvitas materiæ, none in solicitation,
iv, 110, 112

none in sorcery, iv, 196
Pascual of Aragon, his inqr.-generalship,
i, 310

Passes for free goods, i, 376, 384
Passo Honroso, the, i, 5

Passover bread, eating of, ii, 566
Pastoralis officii, bull, i, 275, 432; iv, 317,


Pastrana, Judaizers of, ii, 494; iii, 300
mystics of, iv, 7

Paternoy, Sancho de, i, 249, 257
Patiño, his services, iv, 486
Patrocinio, Sor, career of, iv, 92
Patronage, papal, resisted, i, 12
granted to sovereigns, ii, 416; iv, 291
royal, of canonries, ii, 429
of inquisitors, ii, 280
Patrones teólogos, iii, 51; iv, 154
Paul III exempts regulars from Inqn.,
ii, 32

confirms sale of pardons, ii, 107
Roman Inqn. not to interfere with
Spanish, ii, 127

on exclusion of New Christians, ii, 289,

relieves Moriscos from confiscation
ii, 395

his dispensations, ii, 406
limits duration of torture, iii, 22

Paul III relieves from irregularity, iii,

his dealings with Portugal, iii, 241-58
creates da Silva cardinal, iii, 244
abandons him, iii, 253

invites Jews to Italy, iii, 254
suspends Inqn. as to Moriscos, iii, 373
aids Magdalina de la Cruz, iv, 82
Paul IV threatens Melchor Cano, ii, 51
subjects regulars to Inqn., ii, 33
his brief of January 7, 1559, ii, 61
on exclusion of Conversos, ii, 290
claims benefices of heretics, ii, 319
grants canonries to Inqn., ii, 425
orders torture to discover accom-
plices, iii, 11

heresies treated as relapse, iii, 201
prosecutes Jews, iii, 254

suppression of witnesses' names, iii,

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Peláez, Anton, his deposition, ii, 105
Pelagini, iv, 46

their successors, iv, 61
Peliag the Jew, i, 51

Pellegrini di San Rocco, iv, 47
Peña, Francisco, his edition of Eymer-
ich, ii, 476

justification of secrecy, ii, 474
on insane convicts, ii, 59, 60
on death sentences, iii, 186

on conversion after sentence, iii, 193
Peña, Pedro, condemned for Molinism,
iv, 59
Peñalosa, Benito de, on limpieza, ii, 309
on the peasantry, iv, 478

on education, iv, 529
Penalties, see Punishments
Peñas, Benito, case of, ii, 494
Penas extraordinarias, iii, 101
Penas y penitencias, i, 337; ii, 389
Penance is punishment, ii, 389, 569
destroys limpieza, ii, 296, 299, 304,
307, 310, 311

its performance enforced, iii, 101
abridgement of, iii, 161
with suspension, iii, 109
spiritual, iii, 131

Penances, pecuniary, i, 337; ii, 389
Inqn, obtains them, i, 339
applied to tribunals, ii, 393
productiveness, ii, 397

proportioned to need of tribunal, ii,
396; iv, 219

replace confiscation, ii, 394
limited in Valencia, ii, 395

reconciliation a prerequisite, ii, 396
excessive, i, 226

Penca, iii, 135

Penitence, sacrament of, in solicitation,
iv, 109

Penitents of Inqn., ii, 389

penalties imposed on, i, 169-70
entitled to fuero, i, 433; iii, 150, 153
maintenance of, i, 567

costs collected from, ii, 533

their pictures in churches, iii, 171
disabilities of, iii, 173

hardships of descendants, iii, 177
stripping and flagellating, iv, 117
Penitential prison, iii, 150
Penitentiary, papal, its absolutions, ii,

Penitentiary, its pardons for crime, ii, | Petosiris, iv, 195


taxes of, ii, 402

Penn, George, case of, iii, 468
Pensions granted on offices, ii, 222
in jubilation, ii, 224

on canonries, ii, 428, 429
Penury of royal treasury, ii, 373
of officials, ii, 443, 444
People, oath required of, i, 353

Pepper bought with heretic money, ii,

Perales, contract of, i, 19

Pérez, Alonso, his visitation of Barce-
lona, i, 528

Pérez, Antonio, case of, iv, 254
burnt in effigy, iv, 268

pensioned by Henry IV, iv, 271
postmortem absolution, iv, 272
his blasphemy, iv, 332

his writings suppressed, iii, 542
Perez de Pineda, Juan, iii, 427, 428, 445
Performance of sentences, iii, 101
Perjury in cases of limpieza, ii, 304
of witnesses, ii, 554, 556

detected in ratification, ii, 547
in secular courts, ii, 554; iv, 379
Pernambuco, its capture, iii, 279, 282
Perpignan, placed under interdict., i,187
tribunal of, i, 552

auto de fe in, i, 264
violation of Concordia, i, 272
magistrates penanced, i, 285
arrest of officials, i, 469
sequestrated houses in, ii, 498
Perquisites of officials, ii, 190
of Suprema, ii, 195

Persecution, conscientious, ii, 1; iv, 525
financial element in, ii, 315, 357; iv,

Personas honestas, ii, 249
Personation of officials, iv, 344

punishment, iii, 189; iv, 345
frequency, iv, 348

Personation of priesthood, iv, 339
relaxation for, iv, 340, 342
doubt as to jurisdiction, iv, 341
penalties in Spain, iii, 207; iv, 341
confessions heard by laymen, iv, 344
Personnel of tribunals, ii, 209, 232
efforts for reduction, ii, 211
of Inqn, in 1746, ii, 597

Pertinacity entails relaxation, ii, 585;
iii. 195

Peseta, value of, i, 561, 565

Peso ensayado, i, 562

de oro, i, 560

de plata, i, 562

Petition, Inqn. must be addressed by
i, 356

Petrucci, Card., iv, 52, 55, 60
Pharmacopoeia of Schoderius, iii, 507
Phelippeaux, agent of Bossuet, iv, 66
Philip Augustus banishes Jews, i, 83
Philip I appealed to by Córdova, i, 196
admits papal appellate power, ii, 116
grants from confiscations, ii, 376
his death, i, 201

Philip II makes no appointments, 1, 299
his control of Suprema, i, 322
reclaims confiscations, i, 331
enforces jurisdiction of Inqn., i, 341,
343, 437; ii, 352
on official oaths, i, 352
regulates tax-exemption, i, 376
billeting of troops, i, 397

forbids concealed weapons, i, 402
on right to hold office, i, 416

at Córtes of Monzon in 1564, i, 442
evades complaints of Córtes, i, 485
suppresses Order of Santa María de
la Espada blanca, i, 508

revives tribunal of Galicia, i, 547
demands a forced loan, ii, 46

case of Carranza, ii, 50, 57, 62, 64, 69,
70, 73, 77, 79, 81, 86

impedes appeals to Rome, ii, 129, 130,

defines personnel of tribunals, ii, 210
objects to transfer of offices, ii, 221
requires inqrs. to be clerics, ii, 235
couples inqr. and fiscal, ii, 242
on nobles as familiars, ii, 281
on limpieza, ii, 291, 295, 306
restrains commutations, ii, 413
obtains canonries for Inqn., ii, 425
on denunciation of accomplices, ii,
462; iii, 373

on importance of secrecy, ii, 476
wants penitents for galleys, iii, 142
galleys for bigamy and blasphemy,
iv, 316, 331

on sanbenitos in churches, iii, 169
on expenses of execution, iii, 187
on windows overlooking autos, iii, 213
autos celebrated for, iii, 227

at Valladolid auto, iii, 441
milder measures for Judaism, iii, 235
his conquest of Portugal, iii, 265
forbids expatriation, iii, 271

his financial exhaustion, iii, 337
debasement of coinage, i, 562; iv, 482
maintains commutation of confisca-
tion, iii, 361

dealings with Moriscos, iii, 334, 339,

367, 371, 379, 381, 388

urges action against Protestants, iii,
435, 448

prohibits education abroad, iii, 449


Philip II, his savage censorship, iii,


renews law against sorcery, iv, 190
political use of Inqn., iv, 250
prosecutes Jeanne d'Albret, iv,
case of Ant. Pérez, iv, 254, 255, 262,
265, 267, 269

on unnatural crime, iv, 364
results of his reign, iv, 474
his intolerance, iv, 499

quarrel at his obsequies, i, 362
Philip III makes appointments, i, 300
forces resignations, i, 306
adds member to Suprema, i, 323
asks assent of Suprema, i, 326
reclaims confiscations, i, 331

on royal jurisdiction of Inqn., i, 343,

prohibits discharge of fire-arms, i,

duplicity with Catalonia, i, 471

on appeals to Rome, i, 494, 496; ii,

case of provisor of Córdova, i, 496
subjects Military Orders to Inqn., i,

forbids refusal of competencias, i, 522
denies episcopal cognizance of heresy,
ii, 8

favors transfer of offices, ii, 221
inqrs. must be lawyers, ii, 235
exaggerates limpieza, ii, 311
restrains grants of canonries, ii, 420
sells pardon to Judaizers, iii, 267
sells right to emigrate, iii, 271
refuses to banish Conversos, iii, 275
seeks to convert Moriscos, iii, 372
his fear of Moriscos, iii, 387
his edict of expulsion, iii, 394
dissipates Morisco confiscations, iii,

makes treaty with England, iii, 463
prohibits the Annals of Baronius, iii,

asserts independence of Roman cen-
sorship, iii, 535

pardons Ant. Pérez's family, iv, 270
his lavishness, iv, 475

debases the coinage, iv, 482
subjection to his confessor, iv, 498
his piety, iv, 500

Philip IV, appointments and resig-
nations, i, 301, 307, 309, 323, 324
his demands on Inqn., i, 332
claims portion of fines, i, 340; ii,

struggles against bureaucracy, i, 346,

on royal jurisdiction of Inqn., i, 343,

[blocks in formation]

asks for expenses of Suprema, ii, 195
tries to diminish officials, ii, 211
resorts to sale of offices, ii, 212
his prodigality, ii, 215; iv, 476
attempts to reform limpieza, ii, 300,

yields to chapter of Córdova, ii, 422
proposes discharge of prisoners, iii,


refuses Cromwell's demands, iii, 469;
iv, 501

confirms censorship law, iii, 489
asks licence to read prohibited books,
iii, 523

favors the Jesuits, iii, 532; iv, 380
asserts independence of Roman cen-
sorship, iii, 535

defends the regalistas, iii, 537
influenced by visions, iv, 39
his horoscope, iv, 194

competencia over bigamy, iv, 320
punishes blasphemy, iv, 333
urges the Immaculate Conception, iv,


his disastrous reign, iv, 475
debases the coinage, iv, 482
subservience to Inqn., iv, 501
his immorality, iv, 510

Philip V, his struggle with Giudice, i, 314
efforts to reform Inqn., i, 317, 336;
ii, 202, 223, 560

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