HISPANIA INDEX FOR VOLUMES I-V 7 INCLUDING ALSO CONTENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION NUMBER, NOVEMBER, 1917 Compiled by THOMAS A. FITZ GERALD UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 1923 CORNELL LIORARY C. SCOTT WILLIAMS (1923)......Hollywood High School, Los Angeles, Calif. VICE-PRESIDENTS First-LAWRENCE A. WILKINS (1921-1923) Dir. Mod. Langs., New York, N.Y. ERWIN W. ROESSLER (1921-23)....High School of Commerce, New York, N. Y. ARTICLES Titles Accentuation of Past Participles in -uido, The-S. G. MORLEY. IV, 187 Americanismo en los Nuevos Poetas Anglo e Hispanoamericanos, Artículo Sobre Jaén: Esbozo Preliminar Sobre "Olalla," Un- IV, 61 Attainable Aims in the Teaching of Spanish in Secondary Schools- C. P. HARRINGTON III, 144 Benito Pérez Galdós-AURELIO M. ESPINOSA. III, 111 Bilingual-Biracial Problem of Our Border States, The-J. D. FITZ-GERALD IV, 175 Center for Spanish Culture in the United States, A-L. A. WILKINS III, 318 Chilean Literature-C. CASTRO RUIZ.... V, 197 Club Work in Elementary High School-GRACIA L. FERNÁNDEZ. I, 235 Common Words in Spanish-H. KENISTON. III, 85 Comparison of Two Plays of Cervantes with a Play by Massinger, Course of Study in Spanish for High Schools—E. L. C. MORSE. Crónica Literaria de España-F. DE ONÍS. Del Sabroso Coloquio que Tuvo Cervantes con D. Alonso Quijano Devices and Aids in First Year of Spanish-ISABELLE M. DAY........ Direct Method, The-DOROTHY DONALDSON. Distinction Between Ser and Estar—MANUEL J. ANDRADE. II, 19 Do Students Learn to Speak Spanish?-GEORGE I. DALE. V, 207 En Defensa de la Lengua Española-J. MERCADO.. IV, 72 En Torno de "Los Intereses Creados" - ERASMO BUCETA...... IV, 211 Endings Ate and Ote in Spanish Words of Mexican Origin, The- N. L. WILLEY.... V, 298 English Translations of Spanish Plays–E. C. HILLS. III, 97 Errores Comunes de Traducción-J. MERCADO... V, 157 Errores Más Comunes de Sintaxis Española que Cometen los IV, 227 Esbozo Preliminar Sobre “Olalla" R. JAÉN. IV, 61 Español Debe Enseñarse en los Estados Unidos, El—L. S. ROWE...... III, 24 Español en la Asociación Nacional de Educación, El-G. A. Estados Unidos y los Países de Habla Española, Los—F. A. YÁNES II, 55 Estudios Literarios: I. José Martí ARTURO TORRES RIOSECO. V, 282 Everyday Spanish Vocabulary, An-M. ODELL. II, 263 Evolution of a Teacher of Spanish-HELEN D. SNYDER. II, 303 Facilities for the Advanced Study of Spanish-J. P. W. CRAWFORD V, 346 First Foreign Language, The A. J. BARNES. II, 298 First Year Course in College Spanish-A. L. OWEN, E. W. : OLMSTED, and J. D. FITZ-Gerald. I, 31 Foreign Languages in the United States-HALFDAN GREGERSON. V, 275 V, 87 Galdós, Interpreter of Life-H. KENISTON.. III, 203 Gaucho Poetry of Argentina, The-GEO. W. UMPHREY. I, 144 Gramática del Siglo de Oro, Una-E. C. HILLS. I, 98 Grammar in First Year of High School-WM. A. BARLOW. Hispania-AURELIO M. ESPINOSA.. How I Teach First Year Spanish-MATILDA ALLEN.. How I Teach Spanish Pronounciation-GRACE LEADINGHAM. How I Use Songs in My Teaching Program-L. J. DABNEY. How to Teach a Beginning Class in Spanish-MARY BELLOTINE...... Importance of the Study of the Portuguese Language-J. C. Impresiones de España-C. MARCIAL DORADO.. Junior High School, The-J. D. FITZ-GERALD. Laboratory Spirit in the Teaching of Spanish, The-EDITH CAMERON - Lecciones de Pronunciación Española-T. NAVARRO TOMÁS. Lecturas Adecuadas para el Primer Año-C. MARCIAL DORADO. II, 254 I, 1 V, 164 -Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana—G. A. SHERWELL. Lo que se Puede Aprender en España-JOAQUÍN ORTEGA. Manuel Gálvez, Argentine Novelist-ALFRED COESTER. V, 325 Menéndez y Pelayo y el Estudio de la Cultura Española en los Month in the College of the Pyrenees, A-ANNE M. ROBBINS.... V, 291 More Drill for College Freshmen in Elementary Spanish-C. F. Notes on Club Work in Elementary Year-RUTH WILSON. On Italian and Spanish in American Education—JUAN C. CEBRIÁN III, 5 On the Teaching of Spanish-AURELIO M. ESPINOSA. On the Threshold-L. A. WILKINS... .Org. No., 1 Opportunity and the Responsibility of the Teacher of Spanish, The -J. D. FITZ-GERALD.. .Org. No. 11 Oral Spanish-DOROTHY SCHONS. IV, 127 Organization of High School Work in Spanish, The-MARGARET C. DOWLING I, 19 Otro Lado de la cuestión, El-GUILLERMO A. SHERWELL. IV, 136 Palabras Españolas e Inglesas-AURELIO M. ESPINOSA... V. 219 Pan-American Conference of Women, The-BRITA L. HORNER.. Plea for Reduction of College Entrance Requirements in Spanish, Position of Spanish in the Curricula of the High Schools, The- II, 119 Practical Spanish Vocabulary, A-EDITH SALMANS. IV, 80 Primer Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas, El-RAFAEL II, 169 Problems in Teaching-LELLA WATSON. V, 269 Pronunciation and Spelling of Huído and Similar Words, The- E. C. HILLS.. IV, 301 Propaganda Imaginaria, Una-G. A. SHERWELL. I, 97 Ramón de la Cruz's Debt to Molière-ARTHUR HAMILTON... IV, 101 Recent Argentine Poets-A. COESTER. V, 141 Rectificación, Una-F. M. DE SETIÉN. III, 59 Report of the Eighth National Foreign Trade Convention—W. S. IV, 240 Report of the Ninth National Foreign Trade Convention—J. P. W. V, 203 |