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I would just like to highlight a few of those that I have categorized for you. One is the lump sum payment for Federal water and sewer services that we just discussed that was deleted by OMB. Another item deleted by OMB was the separate accounts that were appropriated by the Congress in 1987. We had asked that that be done, so if there was a Gramm-Rudman reduction the different accounts could directly receive its apportionment as opposed to a reduction to the whole Federal payment.

Language that we think is no longer necessary because it relates to fiscal year 1987 only, includes mainly those items that were added by the Senate to have the District implement in FY 1987.


One includes the installation of the free 24-hour telephone information service at Lorton to inform the residents of the surrounding areas of all disturbances. I am pleased to announce that system is in place and the language is no longer required.


Also, the Congress insisted that we not close Engine Company No. 3. I am happy to announce it has not been closed. Engine Company No. 33 is also open and we will keep both fire stations open. So that language is no longer necessary.


In terms of Sakharov Plaza there was language to erect signs saying Sakharov Plaza at certain addresses in the city. We have accomplished that, therefore the language is no longer necessary.


There is a provision we would like deleted, and that is the provision that prohibits the use of appropriated funds for publicity or lobbying efforts on the part of the District. We would hope that the Committee would approve the deletion as we ought to have an opportunity to do that. A case in point is that we ought to lobby for our voting rights amendment.


Last, but not least, the language that was added last year by the Congress regarding taxing of members cars, does not belong on the District's bill. We would hope that it would be placed on another bill. There were also some technical adjustments to our bill, mostly due to the drafting style of the Council.

With that, Mr. Chairman, I end my statement.


Mr. Dixon. The language you were referring to was the prohibition on the use of appropriated funds to perform abortions except to save the life of the mother.

Ms. MARSHALL. No. The one I was referring to was the voting rights. Not the abortion language.

Mr. DIXON. Well, I thought that is what you were referring to.

Ms. MARSHALL. No. The one that I mentioned was the one that restricts the use of funds for lobbying purposes.

Mr. DIXON. Then after that you alluded to one, and I was not clear what it was.

Ms. MARSHALL. Well, that was the one that is at the end of the appropriations language that talks about Members of Congress. Mr. DIXON. I see. Fine. All right.

Ms. MARSHALL. I might say, Mr. Chairman, that the language on abortion is the language that we talked about with OMB. It says that no Federal funds can be used for abortions. The exceptions to that language have been deleted. However, when the President transmitted the budget to Congress, he did write a letter and in his letter he indicated that no funds should be used for abortions. Our language says, no Federal funds will be used for abortion, in addition to the fact we took the exceptions out.

Mr. DIXON. In other words, you want Larry and me to get our brains beat out again; is that right? Just for the fun of it?

Ms. MARSHALL. No, Mr. Chairman. What I am saying to you is that the language that is in our appropriations act is language that we had worked out with OMB.

Mr. DIXON. Right.

Ms. MARSHALL. When the budget got to the White House for the President's signature, he forwarded a letter with the budget that said he would like for the word "Federal" to be deleted from the language.

Mr. DIXON. Let me read from the President's transmittal letter. He says, "I want to reaffirm my concern that none of the funds appropriated for the District of Columbia should be used for abortion unless the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term", and that would exclude victims of rape or incest. Ms. MARSHALL. Yes.

Mr. DIXON. And ectopic pregnancies?

Ms. MARSHALL. Right. We have excluded that in the appropriation bill that has come forward.

Mr. DIXON. Right.

Ms. MARSHALL. What he is saying is he does object to the word "Federal" and that is the sense of his letter.

Mr. DIXON. I notice you say your own revenues should not be restricted, and the language you worked out with OMB says no Federal funds except to save the life of the mother.

Ms. MARSHALL. Right.

Mr. DIXON. Is there anything else?


Mr. COUGHLIN. Mr. Chairman, I have one question.

The prohibition that you deleted on use of appropriated funds for lobbying, are you talking about lobbying on the statehood issue? Ms. MARSHALL. We are talking about all lobbying.

Mr. COUGHLIN. You are talking about lobbying on the statehood issue?


Mr. COUGHLIN. That is going to come very tough.

Mr. Dixon. In other words, this language prohibits you from using appropriated monies for lobbying not only Congress but State legislatures?


Mr. Dixon. Or State legislators?


Mr. Dixon. Mr. Regula, any questions you want to ask?
Mr. REGULA. No, Mr. Chairman.


Mr. DIXON. We will have the 911 officials, the Public Defender and the Education System on Tuesday, May 19th at 1:30. Are there any agencies-well, let's put it this way. If the associate staff has any agencies they want to add to this list or to recall, just notify Mr. Miconi about that, after which we will hear public witnesses on Wednesday.

Mr. Coughlin?

Mr. COUGHLIN. No, thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. DIXON. Without objection, the Committee will adjourn until Tuesday, May 19th, at 1:30 p.m.

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