Imágenes de páginas


The words in parentheses before the page-number do not in every instance represent the
authority for the work, but are inserted to assist the student in the more ready location
of the entry.

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Adderley, Sir C. B. (Lord Norton)-continued.
Imperial Fellowship of Self-governed British
Colonies, 459

Life of Lord Norton (Childe-Pemberton), 484
Adventure," H.M.S.-

Astronomical Observations (Wales and Bayly),

Cook's Second Voyage, 15
Furneaux's Narrative, 15

Mara's Journal, 14

Surveying voyages (King and Fitzroy), 71

Adventures of British Seamen in Southern
Ocean, 42

Adventures of George Washington Pratt (Pyke),

Agardh, Prof. J. G.-

De Algis Zealandiæ marinis, 298
Agriculture, Horticulture, Viticulture, &c.—
Agricultural Conditions and Prospects of N.Z.
(Grant and Foster), 327

Chapman's Handbook to the Farm and
Garden, 216

Chapman's N.Z.. Grape-vine Manual (McIndoe),


Conference of N.Z. Fruit-growers and Horti-
culturists, 451

Culture of the Grape-vine and Orange (Suttor),

Department of Agriculture: Reports, 422
Farming and Labour in N.Z. (Perceval), 416
Farming in North N.Z. (Berry), 325
Fruit-growing, and what it will do for N.Z.
(Spawn), 407

Gardener's Chronicle for N.Z. (Wakefield), 270
Handbook of N.Z. Gardening (Murphy), 362
Instructions for raising Mulberry-trees and
Silkworms (Schoch), 373

May's Guide to Farming in N.Z., 261
My New Zealand Garden, 465

New Zealand Practical Agriculturist (Hoos),

New Zealand, the Britain of the South
(Hursthouse), 189

Orange-culture in Auckland (Alderton), 350
Practical illustrations of farming in N.Z.

(W. Brown), 119 -
Report on N.Z. (Pash), 348

Rural Economy and Agriculture of Australia
and N.Z. (Wallace), 413

Tea and Silk Farming in N.Z.-(Rabbits) 336,
(Cochran) 339

The Colonists (Bateman), 325

Tobacco, Climate suitable for the growth of
(Suttor), 112

Treatise on the Culture of the Vine (Busby), 40
Visit to Vineyards of Spain and France
(Busby), 77

Wattle in N.Z., Cultivation of (Michaelis and
others), 342

Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Auck-
land: First report, 110

Airy, Sir G. B.-

Observations of Transit of Venus, 1874, 288

French settlement (Blanchard), 310
"L'Aube" at Akaroa (Joubert), 405
Massacre (Melville) 155, (Travers) 281

Planting of English flag (Macgillivray), 166

[blocks in formation]

Ascent of Hochstetter Dome (Lendenfeld), 347
Climbs in the N.Z. Alps (FitzGerald), 433
Der Charakter der Neuseeländischen Alpen
(Lendenfeld), 390

Der Franz-Joseph-Gletscher (Hochstetter), 250
Der Tasman-Gletscher (Lendenfeld), 353
Die Alpen Neu-Seelands (Meinicke), 269
Eine Expedition nach dem Centralstock der
Neuseeländischen Alpen (Lendenfeld), 354
Eine Reise in die Neuseeländischen Alpen
(Green), 341

Expeditionen in den Alpen-Regionen Neu-
Seelands, 208

Fels- u. Gletscherspuren am Mount Cook in
Neuseeland (Green), 346

Forschungen in den Alpen Neu-Seelands
(Haast), 223

Glacier Scenery and Fjords of N.Z. (Carpenter),

Haast's Erforschung der Alpen Neu-Seelands,

Haast's neueste Forschungen in den Neu-
Seeländischen Alpen, 255

High Alps of N.Z. (Green), 346
Journey into the Glacier Regions of N.Z. and
Ascent of Mount Cook (Green), 341
Mountains and Glaciers of Canterbury (Haast),

Mount Cook, First conquest of (Green), 346
Physical Geography of N.Z. (Haast), 208
Pioneer Work in the Alps of N.Z. (Harper),

Round about N.Z. (Thomas), 349

Ueber die südlichen Alpen von Neu-Seeland
(Toula), 331
Alpen, 234

Reise durch die südlichen

With Axe and Rope in the N.Z. Alps (Man-
nering), 410

Amelia Thompson," Journal of Voyage of
(Halse), 489

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Angas, George Fife-

Connection with early N.Z. history (Hodder),

Life (Hodder), 409
Angas, George French-
Biographical note, 131

New Zealanders Illustrated, 129
Polynesia, 241

Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and N.Z.,

Anglo-Maori Warder, 136.

Annali della Propagazione della Fede, 60
Anno Domini 2000 (Vogel), 401

Antelope," ship: Wreck on the Pelews
(Adventures), 43

Anthropology and Ethnology—

Aborigines of N.Z. (Buddle), 158

Ancient Rock-paintings in N.Z. (Fritsch), 327
Aryan Maori (Tregear), 365

Book of the Beginnings (Massey), 335

Child-bearing in Australia and N.Z. (Hooker)

Coral Lands of the Pacific (Cooper), 340
Descriptive Sociology (Spencer and Duncan),


Die Wandersagen der Neuseeländer und der
Mauimythos (Schirren), 185

Early Forms of Stone Implements in N.Z.
(Hector), 300

Ethnology of Polynesia (Whitmee), 287
Ethnology of the Pacific (Whitmee), 338
Exhibition of Jade Objects (Northesk), 371
Forster's Observations, 18

History of Mankind (Ratzel), 435
Introduction à L'Atlas Ethnographique du
Globe (Balbi), 41

La force des idées innées, étudiée chez l'homme
sauvage, dans la N.Z. (Bonnetty), 490

La Nouvelle Zélande et la Peuplement de la
Polynésie (Jouan), 361

Les Moas et les Chasseurs de Moas (Quatre-
fages), 348

Les Polynésiens et leurs Migrations (Quate-
fages), 232, 247

Maori and the Moa-(Purnell) 330, (Tregear)

Maori Races of N.Z. (Colenso), 236

Maori Races, Short Sketch of (Shortland), 236
Maoris and Kanakas (Wedderburn), 309
Maoris of N.Z., 180

Martin's Natural History, 82

Materiali per lo Studio della "Eta della
Pietra" (Giglioli), 451

Melanesians (Codrington), 409
Natural History of Man (Wood), 271
Negritos traced to N.Z. (Quatrefages), 383
Neolithic Maori, by Elsdon Best (Von
Dadelszen), 418

New Zealand and the Polynesians, 146
New Zealand Magazine, 301
"Novara " Expedition, 211

Océanie ou Cinquième Partie du Monde
(Rienzi), 69

Origin and Migrations of the Maori People
(Fenton), 359

Origin of Civilisation and Primitive Condition
of Man (Lubbock), 269

Origin of the Polynesians (Lang), 56, 72
Origin, Physical Characteristics, &c., of Maori
Race (Kerry-Nicholls), 370

Peculiarities in Figure, &c., of Maoris
(Thomson), 178

Polynesians and N.Z., 155

Prehistoric remains discovered

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Races of Man and their Geographical Distribu-
tion (Pickering), 225

Races of Mankind (Brown), 294

Reference in Quarterly Review to Thomson's
researches, 176

Anthropology and Ethnology-continued.

Relations of Indo-Chinese and Indo-Oceanic

Races (Keane), 320

Samoa a Hundred Years Ago (Turner), 356
Social Life of Ancient Inhabitants of N.Z.
(Grey), 260

Tätowiren Narbenzeichnen und Körperbe-
malen (Joest), 380

Te Ika a Maui (Taylor), 182, 270
Thomson's Story of N.Z., 198

Ueber die Nephrit-Industrie der Maoris in
Neuseeland (Fischer), 352

Universal Destruction of Aboriginal Races by
Colonising Nations (Aristoboulos), 131
U.S. Exploring Expedition, 125, 127
Voyage of Astrolabe": Anthropology, by
Dumoutier (D'Urville), 93

Weapons, Tools, &c., of Natives of Pacific
Islands, Album of (Edge-Partington and
Heape), 403

Antipodean Notes (D'Avigdor), 388

Antipodes and Round the World (Clerk), 266
Antipodes Islands--

Description, 254

D'Urville's Voyage, 55

Far South (Dougall), 388
Murihiku (McNab), 475


[blocks in formation]


Die Provinz Auckland (Greffrath), 312
Digest of intelligence respecting (Forsaith), 184
First plan (Terry), 107

Geological reports by Hochstetter, 196

Jubilee Reunion of Old Colonists (Craig), 419
Kaipara Experiences of a Settler in North
N.Z. (Barlow), 386

Life of H. Williams (Carleton), 289

List of early Auckland settlers (Craig), 419
Memories of the Past (Philips), 439
Officialism rampant (Rambles), 197
Per Mare, per Terras (Sutter), 383
Provincial Government Loan (Heaphy), 223
Statistical account in 1848 (Thomson), 163
Story of the Old Windmill (Bentley), 419
View of Auckland (Murray), 171
Views of the province (Stack), 221
Wade's Journey, 107

Waikato, Descriptive Handbook of, 326
Wangarei, Fortnight's Tour through (Lam-
bert), 286

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Auckland Savings-bank, Historical sketch of,!

Banking under Difficulties (Preshaw), 392

Bank of New Zealand: Deed of Settlement, I

Bank of New Zealand, Inquiry into Financial |
Condition of (Sherrin), 337

Colonial Bank liquidation, 432

Dominion Banking: What it is and what it
does (Hobart), 480

Financial Depression, its Cause and Remedy
(Duffus), 367

First bank of the colony, 93

Joint-stock Banks and other Companies, Safety

Principle of (Chapman), 61

Joint-stock company suggested by Matthew, 74
Manual of Banking (Reid), 292

National Currency, or State Bank of Issue, 422
Necessity for further banking capital in N.Z.
(Chapman), 108

New Zealand: Her Commerce and Resources
(Griffin), 352

New Zealand: its Banking and Currency

(Broadfoot), 249

Our Money Laws the Cause of National Dis-

tres (Enderby), 133

Paper currency and abolition of gold standard
suggested by Enderby, 133

Paper Currency Proposal (McBeth), 342
Rules of Wellington Building Society, 162

State Bank (Bathgate) 350, (Duffus) 358,
(Potter) 423

Trust and loan company suggested by Chap-
man, 100

Banking Company, N.Z.: Deed of co-partner-
ship, 93

Banks, Sir J.-

Biographical sketch (Hooker), 434

Epistle to Banks from Oberea (Fitzgerald), 12
Epistle to Oberes from Banks (Fitzgerald), 11
Journal during Cook's First Voyage (Hooker),

Letters and papers relating to (Shaw), 483
Second Letter from Oberea to Banks (Fitz-
gerald), 13

With Cook on first voyage, 10

Withdraws from Cook's second expedition
(Mara), 14

Banks, Sir J., and Solander, Dr. D.-

Illustrations of Botany of Cook's Voyage, 447
Bannister, S.-

Account of the Changes and Present Condition
of N.Z., 64

Colonial Reform: its Prospects, Means, and
Principles, 126


Evidence before House of Commons Com-
mittee, 90

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[blocks in formation]

Barrett, Rev. A.-

Life of Rev. J. H. Bumby, 164

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Barrett, Dickey, at the Siege of Moturoa (Hood),


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[blocks in formation]

Narrative of the wreck of the
whaler, 49

Beadon, Capt.-

A Native-land purchase in N.Z., 294
Land transaction at Piako, 299


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