Imágenes de páginas



Page 2." Thévenot, M." Add at the end of title: "Le tout enrichi de
Figures, de Plantes | non décrites, d'Animaux inconnus à l'Europe, de Cartes
Geographiques, qui n'ont point encore été publiées. | Novvelle Edition, |
augmentée de plusieurs Relations curieuses. Tome premier. Contenant la I et
II partie. A Paris, chez Thomas Moette Libraire, ruë de la Bouclerie, à
saint Alexis. | MDCXCVI. | Avec privilege de Sa Majesté." Of the several copies
-not editions-of Thévenot, the one I have noted is the last and the most com-
plete. It contains the rare chart of Terre Australe, with Hollandia Nova,
Zealandia Nova, Terra de Diemen's, and Tasman's route thereon.
There are
also the 63 plates of ancient Mexican figures or hieroglyphs and a quaint
figure of the Dronte, autrement appellé par les Hollandois Dod-aers (the

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Page 47.-Line 8. Before" Voyage de," &c., insert D'Urville, Cap. M. J.

Page 85.-For still further reference to the New Zealand Company, vide
Report of Select Committee on New Zealand, 1844, and Appendix, pp. 211, 219,
455, and 786; parliamentary papers, 1845, 22nd April; and New Zealand Herald,
8th October, 1892.

Page 89.- Reports of New Zealand Company." The last sentence but one
on the page requires modification. Deficient in facilities for the safe keeping
of this valuable gift, the New Zealand Government wisely deferred its acceptance
until the present year (1909).

Page 93.—Line 25. For Montague read Montagne.

Page 95.-"Te Karere o Nui Tireni" should have been placed in the year
1842. More correct details of the editors will be found in the Maori section of this

Page 122.-Line 48. For Montague read Montagne,

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Page 124. [Wakefield, E. G.] Rough Draft," &c. Read this with the
entry on page 123: "The Petition of the New Zealand Company," &c.

Page 136. The Anglo-Maori Warder." The " leader" of the 18th July
gives an acute and remarkable sketch of Governor Grey's character.

Page 139.-Line 32. For Neu read Neue.

Page 149.- Wakefield, E. G. The Southern Colonies," &c. This important
letter was reprinted in the New Zealand Spectator of the 20th February, 1850,
́and the Wellington Independent of the same date. A previous important letter
is in the New Zealand Spectator, 15th September, 1849.

Page 157.-Line 2.
Page 161.-Line 1.

Page 215.-Line 1.

read 1853-57.

For Ewards read Edwards.

For [Lacatt, ] read [Lucatt, Edward.]

For Schmarda, L., read Schwarda, T.; also, for 1853-67

Page 270.-"Wakefield, F." There was yet another brother, John Howard
Wakefield, who was a colonel in the H.E.I.C.S.

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Page 340.- Fabricius " is the pen-name of C. D. Wright.

Page 353.-Line 39. For Skiggen read Skizzen.

Page 397.-Line 12. For phonogams read phænogams.

Page 400.- Report of the First Meeting," &c. Add at end of paragraph

giving dates of meetings, "11th January, 1909, Brisbane."

Page 430.-Line 28. For Petit read Servant. Father Petit arrived in

October, 1839, with his brethren Baty and Epalle.

Page 451.-Line 34. For Orgine read Origine.

[CARTER, Charles Rooking.


Life and Recollections! of a New Zealand
.Colonist (written by himself). In three volumes. Vol. III. London: |
Printed for the author. | 1875.

Sm. 8vo. Pp. viii, 418. Numerous woodcuts.

Though printed in 1875, the author prohibited its publication until the
present year (1909), perhaps because of personal and confidential references
to certain political incidents of the time. Vols. i and ii probably refer to
his "Personal Narrative of a Visit to Europe in 1864. With illustrations
and notes added in 1871," and his "Incidents of Travel, and Sketches of
Remarkable Places in England and other Countries," 1875. (Vide also pp. 296
and 376.) In his catalogue the work is referred to under No. 150.

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B., W. [Baucke, William.] "Where the White Man Treads." By W. B.,
Te Kuiti. Selected from a series of articles contributed to The New
Zealand Herald and Auckland Weekly News"; including others now
published for the first time. Auckland: Wilson & Horton, Printers,
"Herald Works, Queen and Wyndham Streets. | 1905.

Large 8vo. Pp. 307. Dedication to Sir J. L. Campbell.

An interesting contribution to the history of the Maori by one who
has dwelt amongst them throughout his life, and who deplores the white
man's tread across their pathway.

Omitted from the bibliography of the earliest newspapers :-

The TARANAKI HERALD. | Vol. I.] New Plymouth, New Zealand, Wednesday,
August 4, 1852. [No. 1.

Demy fol. 4 columns. Pp. 4. Imprint: "New Plymouth Printed
and Published on Wednesday by G. W. Woon and W. Collins, Sole Proprietors,
at their office, Devon Street."

Issued weekly, with Messrs. Wicksteed and Crompton as editors, and
then Mr. Richard Pheney. Prior to its publication a board placed in a
conspicuous position, and with any notices or notifications affixed in writing,
did duty as a newspaper.

The PRESS. "Nihil utile quod non honestum." | Vol. I, No.
Price 6d.

[ocr errors]

May 25, 1861.

Imprint: "Printed and Published for the Proprietors every Saturday
morning by G. Watson, at the Press Office, Montreal Street, Christchurch,
in the Province of Canterbury, New Zealand.”

Demy fol. 3 and 4 columns. Pp. 6.

Issued weekly; daily from 17th March, 1863. The Conservative op-
ponent of the Lyttelton Times; edited by J. E. FitzGerald and G. S. Safe,
afterwards Professor of Classics at the University of Otago.


DÉIGHTON, S. A Moriori Vocabulary. By S. Deighton, R.M., Chatham

Appendix to Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889, G.-5.
Contains about 1,100 words, with Maori equivalents and English trans-
lation. Preceded with some remarks on Moriori pronunciation.





Heeres, J. E. Tasman, Abel Jangzoon. Abel Janszoon Tasman's Journal of his discovery of Van Diemen's Land and New Zealand in 1642 | with documents relating to his exploration of Australia in 1644 being photolithographic facsimiles of the original | manuscript in the Colonial Archives at the Hague with an English translation and facsimiles of original maps to which are added Life and Labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman | By J. E. Heeres LL.D., Professor at the Dutch Colonial Institute | Delft and observations made with the compass on Tasman's | Voyage by Dr. W. van Bemmelen Assistant-Director of the Royal Meteorological Institute Utrecht || Amsterdam | Frederik Muller and Co. | (F. Adama van Scheltema and Anton Messing) | 1898.

Roy. fol., 13 x 7, vellum and gilt; price, £7. Pp.: n.p. 6; facsimile of original Journal (n.p.), 195; translation, 59; life and labours, 163; compass observations, 21. 10 maps. Reproductions of the 50 original illustrations and maps, chiefly coast-lines.

This magnificent volume gives at last the complete account of Tasman's life and labours. The Journal is the long-lost one, discovered about 1854 at Batavia, and forms the source of the various abridged and imperfect texts of two hundred years ago and later, as given below. It was first edited by Jacob Swart in 1860 in the original Dutch.

Tasman (1603-59) sailed from Batavia for Mauritius August 14, 1642; discovered and named Van Diemen's Land; then, on December 13, Staten Land, as he first called New Zealand; the Tonga and Fiji Groups, New Guinea, &c.; and returned June 15, 1643.


1674. Van Nierop, D. R. Een kort verhael uyt het journael van den Kommander Abel Jansen Tasman int'ontdekken van t'onbekende Suit Landt in Jare 1642. (A short relation from the journal of the Commander Abel Jansen Tasman, in the discovery of the Unknown South Land, in the year 1642.) By Dirck Rembrantz van Nierop: Amsterdam.


Heeres, J. E.-continued.

Translations from this were soon after printed in most European languages, as in Narborough's Collection, 1694 and 1711; Dr. Hook's Philosophical Collection, 1682; Thévenot, Paris, 1681.

1726. Valentyn, François. Oud en nieuw Oost-Indien


v. Dordrecht en Amsterdam. MDCCXXVI. Omstanding Verhaal van de Geschiedenissen en Zaaken Derde Deel Banda, p. 47. (The old and new East Indies, &c. A full account of the history and trade, &c.) Through his marriage connections Valentyn had access to the archives and journals of the Dutch East India Company, many of which he published. His abridgment of Tasman appears in this huge and magnificently illustrated folio work of five volumes with many charts and views, and formed the chief source from which many others drew-as Dr. John Harris's Collection, 1702–5, 2 vols. folio, which, edited by Campbell ("Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca "), appeared in 2 vols. folio, 1744 (from this Callendar made his copy); De Hondt's Collection, 1749; and others.

1776. Woide, Rev. G. C. Translation from a copy of the original (abridged) belonging to Mr. (Sir Joseph) Banks, by whom both were afterwards bequeathed to the British Museum. This supplied a still more complete account, and it appears in Burney's Voyages," Vol. iii, 1813, forming the best to date.


1854-60. Swart, Jacob. Journaal van de Reis naar het Onbekende Zuidland, | in den Jare 1642, | door | Abel Jansz. Tasman, | met de Schepen Heemskerck en de Zeehaen. | Medegedeeld en met eenige Aanteekeningen voorzien | door | Jacob Swart, | . .. Met eene Kaart. | Te Amsterdam, | bij de Wed van Keulen. | 1860. (Journal of the Voyage to the Unknown Southland in the year 1642 by A. J. Tasman, with the ships Heemskerk and Seahen. Revised, and with several notes and a chart.) 6 x 3. Pp. viii, 189, and large folding chart of the voyage. Contains Tasman's complete journal, his instructions and various official letters. Dr. Heeres discusses critically this and the other copies.


Vide also Earliest Literature relating to New Zealand,” and “Abel Tasman and his Journal," by Dr. Hocken, in Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1894-95-96. Also" New Zealand Reader,' Voyage of Tasman in 1642," by Basil Stocker.

99 66


Thévenot, M. Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux, qui n'ont point esté Publiées, et qu'on a Traduit ou tiré des Originaux des Voyageurs François, Espagnols, Allemands, Portugais, Anglois, Hollandois, Persans, Arabes et autre Orientaux, données au public par le soins de feu Melchisédec Thévenot.

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Maps, diagrams, &c. Fol. 2 vols. Paris. Many plates and charts. This interesting collection contained at least fifty items, with " piéces complémentaires or additions made from time to time until 1696. Amongst these is "Route d'Abel Tasman autour de la Terre Australe, avec la découverte de la Nouvelle Zélande et de la Terre de Diemens, 1642-43," which forms No. 50 in Vol. ii. The chart of this voyage forms No. 21 in Vol. i, Carte de cette cinquieme Partie du Monde, 1663.'



No. 1. Description des Pyramides d'Egypte comme elles étoient l'an 1638-39 de notre Seigneur, par Jean Greaves, traduite de l'Anglois, avec une Lettre du Sieur Tito Livio Buratini, contenant une description des Momies

Thévenot, M.-continued.

d'Egypte, traduite de l'Italien, l'une et l'autre enrichie de figures fort exactes et fort curieuses.

2. Relation des Cosaques, avec la vie de Kmielniski.

3. Relation des Tartares du Crim, des Nogais, des Circasses et des Abassas, par Jean de Luca, traduite d'un Manuscrit Italien, avec quelques Notes d'un Gentilhomme Polonois qui a été longtemps esclave dans la païs.

4. Relation de la Colchide ou Mengrellie, par le P. Archange Lamberti. 5. Informatione della Georgia di Pietro della Valle, 1627, tirée d'un manuscrit, avec l'Oraison funebre de Sitti Maani sa femme.

6. Voyage d'Antoine Jenkinson au Cathay [Bockara].

7. Extrait de la Relation de l'Ambassade que les Hollondois envoyerent en 1656-57, au Tartare qui est presentement Maitre de la Chine.

8. Relation de la Prise de l'Isle Formosa par les Chinois, 1661..

9. Relation de la Cour du Mogol par la Capitaine Hawkins.

10. Memoires de Thomas Rhoë Ambassadeur du Roy d'Angleterre prês du Mogol.

11. Voyage d'Edouard Terry aux Etats du Mogol.

12. Description des Plantes et des Animaux des Indes Orientales par Kosmas Monachos, autrement Indopleustes, tirée d'un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de S. Laurent de Florence, le texte Grec, et la traduction Françoise.

13. Commencement d'un Livre des Caldéens de Bassora, autrement appellés les Chrêtiens de S. Jean, écrit en caracteres tres-anciens, non encore vus en Europe, avec l'Alphabet de ces mêmes caracteres et une Carte Arabe du paîs.

14. Les Climats Alhend et Alsend de la Geographie d'Albulfeda, traduits d'un Manuscrit Arabe du Vatican.

15. Relation des Antiquités de Persepolis, traduite d'Herbert et de Figueroa.

16. Relation des Royaumes de Golconda, Tannassari, Arecan, par Wilhem Methold President de la Compagnie Angloise.

17. Relation de Floris Villiamson, du Golfe de Bengale, 1611.

18. Relation du Royaume de Siam par Schouten, traduite de l'Hollandois, 1636.

19. Voyages aux Indes Orientales de Bontekouë, traduits de l'Hollandois, 1618.

20. Découverte de la Terre Australe, par le Capt. F. Pelsart, 1628, traduite de l'Hollandois.

21. Carte de cette cinquieme Partie du Monde, 1663.

22. Avis d'un des Facteurs de la Compagnie Hollandoise sur le commerce des Indes.

23. Autre Avis sur le commerce du Japon.

24. Commerce des Indes Orientales, par François Pelsart: Tres-Humble Remontrance.

25. Routier des Indes Orientales par Aleixo da Motta, traduit d'un Manuscrit Portugais.

26. Carte Portugaise de la Carrera, ou Navigation des Indes Orientales. Carte de la Chine, du Japon, de la terre de Jezo, et de toutes les Isles de l'Asie, avec la Peninsule au delà du Gange, des Isles des Larrons ou Mariannes, et de la Nouvelle Guinée.

27. Vuës des principales côtes des Indes Orientales.

28. Memoire ou Voyage de Beaulieu, François, fait aux Indes Orientales, et dressé par luy-meme.

29. Relations des Isles Philippines.

30 and 31. Relation du Japon par François Caron, avec les Remarques d'Hagenar desavouées par M. Caron. Relation des Martyrs du Japon par Reys Gysbertz Hollandois et Calviniste, traduite de l'Original Hollandois.

32. Relation de la Découverte de la Terre d'Ieso, avec une petite Carte.

33. Briefve Relation de la Chine; Flora Sinensis, ou Description, des Plantes et Fleurs de la Chine, leur maniere de les cultiver, avec les figures des Plantes. Monumens antiques de la Religion Chrêtienne, trouvés dans la Province de Xensi à la Chine. Par le R. P. Michel Boym.

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