keeper's Reports than any Officer within the walls. I have heard amusing stories of the way in which, at times when he was annoyed at something, he would somewhat maliciously perplex a bewildered official by asking for a document, the repository of which he was himself in the end obliged to point out. At Oxford he turned over every page of Dodsworth's writings. He had scarcely time to systematize the vast stores of knowledge which he had acquired. If his life had been spared for a few more years he would have taken a far higher place among the historical students of the country. It is fitting that the members of the Surtees Society should know that the whole cost of the present volume, and of the illustrations in both, is an offering from a munificent VicePresident, Mr. Akroyd, of Halifax, in whom Mr. Walbran in his weakness found a firm friend. The same generous patron of literature and art has purchased the historian's MSS., and has deposited them in the library of the Dean and Chapter of York, that they may be ready for use and reference when any one is found worthy to take up the prophet's mantle. The materials for the completion of the Memorials of Fountains Abbey are among them. PAGE I. Royal Charters relating to Franchises and Privileges 1-62 II. Papal Privileges, &c. ... of the Abbey of Fountains to the present time) 211-344 |