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Either through want of acquaintance with good examples of retardation or because of a different point of view, I have not been able to see any duplex action in the law of acceleration. To me it is the same law of quicker inheritance which is acting all the time in the phylum at the beginning, middle, and end of its history, as will be seen by the explanation given above. In Insecta I have tried to apply it to the explanation of the peculiar larval forms of those animals which often present retrogression through suppression of ancestral characters in the young, although their adults are perfectly normal and perhaps progressive. Consequently, palingenesis and coengenesis are, from my point of view, simply different forms of tachygenesis, and there is no boundary or distinction between them. In other words, retardation or retrogression occurs because of the direct action of tachygenesis upon more suitable and more recently acquired characteristics which are driven back upon and may directly replace certain of the ancestral characters causing them to disappear from ontogenetic development.5

ous objection to the use of cenogenesis at all, since it is from Kevós meaning strange, and was first applied by Haeckel in such a way that both by his statements, and the derivation, it ought to be confined to types like larvae of the Echinodemata Insect, etc., and parasites in which acquired characters do interfere with the ontogenic recapitulation for a certain time. Normal types, in which tachygenesis occur in a marked way might be called tachygenetic. Palingenesis and palingenetic might be confined to generalized forms in which the ontogeny was a more or less prolonged recapitulation of the phylogeny, and coenogenesis would thus be properly confined to its original field wherever ctetic characters were introduced. This would avoid the need of using a new term.

Guides for Science Teaching, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., No. 8.

5 Specialization by reduction of parts is evidently included under the head of retardation by Cope; thus in Origin of the Fittest, p. 353, he says that change of structure during growth is accomplished either by addition or parts (acceleration) or by subtraction of parts (retardation)." So far as my experience goes in the major number of cases, the parts of characters that are undergoing reduction disappear according to the law of tachygenesis. They reappear in the ontogeny at earlier and earlier stages, or exhibit this tendency in the same way as characters of the progressive class, but their development is not so complete as in ancestral forms. In this sense they can be regarded as retarded or thrown back in their development. There is, however, another way of formulating the expres sion for this. Instead of regarding this disappearance by retrogressive gradations as due to a tendency opposed to acceleration, is it not a tendency of the same

The law of tachygenesis as defined by the writer acts upon all characteristics and tendencies alike, and is manifested in genetically connected phyla by an increasing tendency to conconcentrate the characteristics of lower, simpler, or earlier occurring, genetically connected forms in the younger stages of the higher, more complicated or more specialized, or more degraded, or later occurring forms of every grade, whether the characteristics arise in adults or in the younger stages of growth. Since my first publication in 1866, the law has become clearer to me, but I have made no fundamental change in the conception. The application of the law to degenerative characteristics appears to me to explain why there are degenerative forms in the phylum which are indicated by the senile stages of the individual.

The degenerative changes of the senile period may, and practically in all cases do, tend to the loss of characteristics of the adult period and consequently in extreme cases bring about not only the loss of a large proportion of progressive characteristics, but loss in actual bulk of the body as compared with adults, as has been stated above. This is usually regarded as due to the failure of the digestive organs or defective nutrition, and this may be true in many examples; but, on the other hand, it often begins in individuals long before there is any perceptible diminution in size, and may occur in dwarfs and in some degenerate species in the early stages, and finally in series of species according to the law of tachygenesis, so that kind? That is to say, do not the parts and characters show a tendency to disappear earlier and earlier, and are they not, in most cases, at the time of disappearance, present also in earlier stages of growth than that in which they originated in ancestral forms?

Is not the case of the wisdom teeth exceptional? The frequently extremely late external appearance of these is not accompanied by a later origin of their rudiments in the jaw. Although they may not appear in many cases above the gum until a person is past fifty, is not this retardation in becoming externally visible due primarily to the fact that they are deficient in growth power (tending to disappear from disuse, etc.), and secondarily to their internal position. When they cease to be able to break through the gum, will they not still continue to develop at the same stage as the other teeth, and will not their rudiments be likely tobe present at this early stage long after they have ceased developing into perfect teeth?

one is led to believe that the tendency to the earlier inheritence of degenerative modifications producing retrogression is inheritable like the tendency to the earlier inheritance of additional or novel characteristics producing progression. Thus, this law applied to progressive or retrogressive groups explains the mode in which their progression or retrogression is accomplished so far as the action of the laws of genesiology (science of heredity) are concerned.

In the same essay on Bioplastology, the writer reviewed Dr. Minot's law of growth, and in this and in his Phylogeny, quoted above, used it to throw light upon one of the most difficult problems of evolution.

It is a general law of unique importance, as readily observable in the growth of skeletons and shells of all kinds, and therefore as obvious in fossils as in the famous guinea pigs studied by Dr. Minot. This law enabled the writer to get what seemed to him a clearer view of the action of tachygenesis. See Bioplastology (p. 76).

Minot's researches enable one to see clearly that the reduction of parts or characteristics which takes place through the action of the law known as the law of acceleration in development (often also descriptively mentioned as abbreviated or concentrated development) cannot be considered as due to growth.

"It seems probable from my own researches published in various communications, but more especially in the 'Genesis of the Arietidae," that the action in this case is a mechanical replacement of the earlier and less useful ancestral characteristics and even parts by those that have arisen later in the history of the group. We can fully understand the phenomena of acceleration in development only when we begin by assuming that the characteristics last introduced in the history of any type were more suitable to the new conditions of life on the horizon of occurrence of the species than those which characterized the same stock when living on preceding horizons or in less specialized habitats. These new characters would necessarily, on

6 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, v. 26, p. 40-48, 1889; also, MusComp. Zool., v. 16, 1889.

account of their greater usefulness and superior adaptability, ultimately interfere with the development of the less useful ancestral stages and thus tend to replace them. The necessary corollary of this process would be tachygenesis or earlier appearrance of the ancestral stages in direct proportion to the number of new characteristics successively introduced into the direct line of modification during the evolution of a group.

If this be true, it can hardly be assumed that the loss of characteristics and parts taking place in this way is directly due to growth force. If growth has anything to do with these phenomena, it must act indirectly, and, as in the repetition of other similarities and parallelisms, under the controlling guiddance of heredity.



We are

At the present time, our attention is directed to differences or variations which are born with the individual. told that variation which is useful to the species is congenital, or born of the union-or the amalgamation in varying degrees of parents which are unlike each other. From the variations which thus arise, natural selection chooses those which fit the conditions of life and destroys the remainder. That is, individuals are born unlike and unequal, and adaptation to environment is wholly the result of subsequent selection.

These are some of the practical conclusions of the NeoDarwinian philosophy. It seems to me that we are in danger of letting our speculations run away with us. Our philosophy should be tested now and then by direct observation and experiment, and thus be kept within the limits of probability. The writings of Darwin impress me in this quality more than


any other, in the persistency and single-mindedness with which the author always goes to nature for his facts.

In this spirit, let us drop our speculations for a moment, and look at some of the commonest phenomena of plant life as they transpire all about us. We shall find that, for all we can see, most plants start equal, but eventually become unequal. It is undoubtedly true that every plant has individuality from the first, that is, that it differs in some minute degree from all other plants, the same as all animals possess differences of personality; but these inital individual differences are often entirely inadequate to account for the wide divergence which may occur between the members of any brood before they reach their maturity.

The greater number of plants, as I have said, start practically equal, but they soon become widely unlike. Now, everyone knows that these final unlikenesses are direct adaptations to the circumstances in which the plant lives. It is the effort to adapt itself to circumstances which gives rise to the variation. The whole structure of agriculture is built upon this fact. All the value of tillage, fertilizing and pruning lies in the modification which the plant is made to undergo. Observe, if you will, the wheat fields of any harvest time. Some fields are "uneven," as the farmers say; and you observe that this unevenness is plainly associated with the condition of the land. On dry knolls, the straw is short and the plant early; on moister and looser lands, the plant is tall, later, with long, wellfilled heads; on very rich spots, the plants have had too much nitrogen and they grow too tall and "sappy," and the wheat "lodges" and does not fill. That is, the plants started equal, but they ended unequal. Another field of wheat may be very uniform throughout; it is said to be "a good stand," which only means, as you can observe for yourself, that the soil is uniform in quality and was equally well prepared in all parts. That is, the plants started equal, and they remained equal because the conditions were equal. Every crop that was ever grown in the soil enforces the same lessons. We know that variations in plants are very largely due to diverse conditions. which arise after birth.

All these variations in land and other physical conditions are present in varying degrees in wild nature, and we know

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