Imágenes de páginas


A.D. 1181. CHRON. DE MAILROS, in an.-[Jocelinus Episcopus Glasguensis] Sancti Kentegerni ecclesiam gloriose magnificavit a.

a The crypt of the cathedral was dedicated July 6, A.D. 1197.

A.D. 1182. March 17. Velletri. Bull of Lucius III., repeating previous Papal Privileges for the See of Glasgow. [Reg. Glasg., no. 57a: identical with its predecessors.]

a Dated A.D. 1181, i. e. O. S. Lucius became Pope Sept. A.D. 1181. And both the

Indiction given (15) and the first year of Lucius' Pontificate tally with A.D. 1182.

A.D. 1182 × 1185. March 11. Lateran. Bull of Lucius III. respecting

Quod de patro

contestentur, et


REG. GLASG. no. 58.-LUCIUS EPISCOPUS SERUUS SERnatu inter se ali- UORUM DEI, venerabili fratri Jocelino Glasguensi Episcopo, qui contendentes in presentia Epi- salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Si quando postuscopi sui litem latur a nobis quod iuri conueniat et consonet equitati, ipsius iudicio lis petentium desideriis facilem debemus impertiri consenterminetur. sum, et uota illorum effectui mancipare. Eapropter, venerabilis frater, tuis iustis postulationibus grato concurrentes assensu, consuetudinem antiquam et rationabilem in Ecclesia tua usque ad moderna tempora obseruatam, uidelicet ut de patronatu inter se aliqui contendentes litem contestentur in presentia tua, et tuo iudicio [lis] terminetur, auctoritate Apostolica confirmamus et presentis scripti patrocinio communimus: statuentes, ut nulli omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre confirmacionis infringere, uel ei ausu temerario contraire. Siquis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignacionem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum Eius se nouerit incursurum. Dat. Lateran. V. Id. Mart. [I. 52a.]

a Repeated by Urban III. at Verona May 31 (A.D. 1186 or 1187), ib. no. 63, I. 57, 58.

A.D. 1186. Attempt to renew the See of Carlisle after thirty years'


HOVEDEN, in an. 1186.-Rex vero ibidem fecit Paulinum de Ledes eligi ad Episcopatum Carleoli; quem idem Paulinus refutavit. Et ut Paulinus Episcopatum illum recipere vellet, obtulit ei Rex quod Episcopatum illum ditaret de trecentis marcarum redditibus, videlicet de ecclesia de Bamburg, et ecclesia de Scartheburg, et capellaria de Tikehil, et duobus maneriis Regis prope Carleolum. [II. 309.]


BENED. ABBAS, in an. 1186, [states in addition, that] vacaverat sedes illa Carleonensis Ecclesiæ a decessu Adelwaldi ejusdem civitatis primi Episcopi [scil. 1156] jam fere viginti novem annis. [I. 349.]

a "G. Epus Carleol. A.D. 1174," in the Index to Rymer (old edit. I. 37), is a mistake of the Index-maker, there being nothing in the text to answer to the reference.

After Paulinus' refusal, there was no Bishop of Carlisle properly so called until A.D. 1219. The temporalties of the see were given by King John to Alexander de Lucy June 8, A.D. 1203, and the Archdeaconry of Carlisle by the same to the same Nov. 18, A.D. 1203 (Rot. Pat. Joh. pp. 30, 35). And in consequence of a letter of Pope Innocent III. May 15, A.D. 1203, the same temporalties were again granted by John to Bernard Archbishop of Ragusa (for whom see Farleti's Illyricum) January 10, A.D. 1204 (ib. p. 37; and Rymer, I. 90). "Rex concessit Archiep. Sclavoniæ Episc. Carl. ad se sustentandum donec dominus Rex ei in ampliori beneficio providerit" (Rot. Cart. p. 96). And Aimeric Thebertus has the Archdeaconry of Carlisle A.D. 1196 (Hoveden, IV. 14), and again Feb. 10, A.D. 1204 (Rot. Cart. p. 119). There is a grant to " B. Episc. Carleol." by King John March 23, A.D. 1206 (Rot. Claus. p. 68 b), and another Oct. 15, A.D. 1207 (Rot.


Pat. p. 76). Bernard was certainly in Eng land, but there is no proof that he visited the diocese of Carlisle. He was certainly not at Lanercost in A. D. 1169 (Dugd Mon., VI. 237). May 26, A.D. 1214, and again May 31, A.D. 1215, the custody of the see is given to the Prior of Carlisle (Rot. Pat. 138, 142). And on April 26, A.D. 1216, Henry III. informs Pope Honorius III., that Carlisle has revolted to the Scotch, and that the Canons of Carlisle, "in præjudicium juris nostri et Ecclesiæ Eboracensis, ad instanciam Regis Scotia inimici nostri, quemdam clericum suum interdictum et excommunicatum elegerunt sibi in Episcopum et pastorem;" and requests the Pope to provide to the see (Pat. 1 Hen. III. m. 3 dorso, in Prynne III. 39). Accordingly, in A.D. 1218 occurs a grant to "the elect of Carlisle " (Rot. Claus. vol. I. p. 369); and Feb. 24, A.D. 1219, Hugh, ap pointed by the legate Gualo, is consecrated by the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Waterford coming "ad partes boreales' to assist therein (Rot. Claus. 3 Hen. III. A.D. 1219, vol. I. p. 392). Thenceforth the succession is fairly regular.

A.D. 1186 or 1187. June 2. Verona. Privilege of Urban III. to the Bishops of Glasgow.


non obstante ap

Bulla Urbani P. REG. GLASG. no. 54.-URBANUS EPISCOPUS SERVUS SERIII. qua dat facultatem Episco- VORUM DEI, venerabili fratri Glasguensi Episcopo, salutem po Glasguensi et Apostolicam benedictionem. Quanto plenius de tua di invadentes honestate confidimus, tanto facilius tibi concedimus, que ecclesias suas salva possumus consciencia indulgere. Inde est quod pellatione. precibus tuis inducti auctoritate Apostolica tibi concedimus, ut si quisquam ecclesiam vel beneficium ecclesiasticum infra parrochiam tuam forte invaserit vel alio quocunque modo propria temeritate ingressus fuerit, et ut in detentatione impune perduret, vocem appellationis emiserit; fas tibi sit talem nullius appellatione obstante vinculo excommunicationis astringere, eumque ab ecclesia aut beneficio quod invaserit alienum reddere. Preterea si aliqui clericorum aut parrochianorum tuorum a tuo examine vel judicio appellaverint et tempus diffisum prefixerint, liceat tibi appellantium


acultate pensata competentis appellationis terminum coartare, infra quem si prosequi appellationem omiserint, ex tunc in negotio servato uris ordine appellatione remota procedas. Ad hec, cum persone ecclesiastice Judeis vel feneratoribus aliis ecclesias suas vel beneficia ecclesiastica pro pecunia quam mutuo accipiunt obligare presumunt, ne hoc ulterius fiat publice interdicas. Si qui autem prohibitionis tue fuerint contemptores, liceat tibi eos ecclesiis et supradictis beneficiis spoliare, nisi infra duorum mensium spatium emendaverint. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre constitutionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Siquis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum Ejus se noverit incursurum. Dat. Verone, IIII. Noñ. Junii. [I. 47.]

A.D. 1186, 1187. June 12. Verona. Bull of Urban III. on behalf of the Church of Glasgow [repeats the Bulls of 1170, 1173, 1175 etc.; in Reg. Glasg. no. 62. I. 54–57.]

A.D. 1186 or 1187. June 27. Verona. Privilege of Urban III. to the Bishops of Glasgowa.

ue clerici ad nul

dicium uel exa

rundam littera


riam, nisi ad se


Quod Episcopus REG. GLASG. no. 69.-URBANUS EPISCOPUS SERUUS SERGlasguensis eius- UORUM DEI, venerabili fratri Glasguensi Episcopo, salutem lius unquam iu- et Apostolicam benedictionem. Cum Ecclesia tua sacroxa-sancte Romane Ecclesie sit nullo mediante filia speciamen extra Regnum Scocie qua- lis, et te sicut uirum honestum et prouidum sincere obtentu charitatis brachiis amplexemur, fraternitati tue gratrahantur in cu- tanter concedimus, quod aliquibus salua consciencia posdem Apostoli- sumus indulgere. Eapropter tibi et clericis tuis specialiter duximus concedendum, ut ad nullius umquam iudicium uel examen extra regnum Scotie, quarumlibet litterarum obtentu, nisi ad sedem Apostolicam pro hiis dumtaxat negotiis que in regno commode terminari non possunt, traharis in curiam: excepto si legatus a latere Romani Pontificis destinatus in contigua prouincia moraretur. Quicquid etiam libertatis uel immunitatis aut specialis indulgentie tibi uel Ecclesie tue a predecessoribus nostris est indultum firmitatem perpetuam habere decernimus, et eidem Ecclesie auctoritate Apostolica confirmamus, et presentis scripti patrocinio communimus: ita etiam quod si quid in libertatum tuarum uel Ecclesie




tue seu priuilegiorum tuorum preiudicium a sede Apostolica apparuerit, nisi ex certa scientia impetratum, nullam habeat firmitatem. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre concessionis et confirmacionis infringere, uel ei ausu temerario contraire. Siquis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignacionem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum Eius nouerit se incursurum. Dat. Ver. V. kal. Julija. [I. 62.]

a A like Bull, in purport, of Gregory IX., Perugia, May 25, A.D. 1235 (9th of Gregory's pontificate), is in Theiner, no. 79, p. 32 a. And one for the Scottish Bishops in general

preceded that in the text: see under the Scottish Church, and below, p. 58, under A.D. 1279.

A.D. 1188. March 13. Lateran. Bull of Pope Clement III. [declares the independence of the Scottish Church, and nominatim of the see of Glasgow, but omits Galloway in the list of Scottish sees. See under the Scottish Church.]




I. BRITISH PERIOD, A.D. 450-700.

i. (5th century.) At Kirkmadrine, west side of the Bay of Luce, co. Wigton: three stones in the old churchyard:

a. On one, beneath the monogram (P enclosed in a circle (which
is also on the other face of the stone),


And above the monogram, A ET Q.

B. On the second (which has a like monogram within a circle), partly obliterated,



The third has tracery, but no inscription.

The character of the letters and ornaments carries these inscriptions back to a still Romanized time, and also bears a resemblance to Gaulish monuments of the kind. They are probably of the 5th century, and belong to priests connected with S. Ninian himself, and through him with northwest Gaul. The Roman character of the names also tallies with this. See Stuart, Sculpt. Stones of Scotland, II. pp. 35, 36.

ii. (? 6th century; probably, however, later.) At Kirkinner, east side of the Bay of Luce, co. Wigton: two broken crosses, with tracery, in the churchyard; of the same peculiar character with that of the monuments of Whitherne, Kirkmaiden, and the neighbourhood. (Stuart, ib., p. 67.)

iii. iv. (? 6th century.) At Monreith House, near Kirkmaiden, east side of Bay of Luce, co. Wigton; and in the burying-ground surrounding the ruined church of Kirkmaiden: two broken crosses with interlaced work,

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