initio incipienda.1 Processu vero conversationis et fidei, dilatato corde, inenarrabili dilectionis dulcedine curritur via mandatorum Dei; ut ab ipsius nunquam magisterio discedentes, in ejus doctrina usque ad mortem in monasterio perseverantes, passionibus Christi per patientiam participemus, ut regni ejus mereamur esse consortes.2 1 Matth. vii. 13. 2 Cor. i. 7. which is always strait and difficult in the beginning. But in process of time and by long continuance in this holy course and method of life, when the beart has once been enlarged, the way of God's commandments is run with unspeakable sweetness of love; so that, never departing from His school, but persevering in the Monastery in His doctrine until death, we share now by patience in the sufferings of Christ, that we may deserve afterwards to be partakers of His kingdom.3 9 Maii DE GENERIBUS MONACHORUM, 8 Jan. MONACHORUM quatuor esse genera mani8 Sept. festum est. Primum Cœnobitarum, hoc est, monasteriale, militans sub regula vel Abbate, Deinde secundum genus est Anachoretarum, id est, Eremitarum, horum qui non conversionis fervore novitio, sed monasterii probatione diuturna, didicerunt contra diabolum, multorum solatio jam docti, pugnare; et bene instructi fraterna ex acie ad singularem pugnam eremi securi jam sine consolatione alterius, sola manu vel brachio, contra vitia carnis vel cogitationum, Deo auxiliante, sufficiunt pugnare. Tertium vero monachorum deterrimum genus est Sarabaitarum, qui nulla regula approbati, experientia magistra, sicut aurum fornacis, sed in plumbi natura molliti, adhuc operibus servantes sæculo fidem, mentiri Deo per tonnsuram noscuntur, OF THE SEVERAL KINDS OF MONKS. IT is well known that there are four kinds of Monks. The first are Cenobites, that is, Monastic, or Conventual, living under a Rule or Abbot. The second are Anchorets or Hermits, who, not in the first fervour of devotion, but after long probation in the monastic life, have learnt to fight against the devil, and after being aided by the comfort and encouragement of others, are now able by God's assistance to strive hand to hand against the flesh and evil thoughts, and so go forth from the army of the Brotherhood, to the single combat of the wilderness. The third and worst kind of Monks are the Sarabites, who have never been tried under any Rule, nor by the experience of a skilful master, as gold is tried in the furnace, but being soft as lead, and by their works still cleaving to the world, are known by their tonsure to be disloyal to God. Qui bini aut terni, aut certe singuli sine pastore, non Dominicis, sed suis inclusi ovilibus, pro lege eis est desideriorum voluptas: cum quicquid putaverint vel elegerint, hoc dicunt sanctum, et quod noluerint, hoc putant non licere. Quartum vero genus est monachorum, quod nominatur Gyrovagum, qui tota vita sua per diversas provincias ternis aut quaternis diebus per diversorum cellas hospitantur, semper vagi et nunquam stabiles, et propriis voluptatibus et gulæ illecebris servientes, et per omnia deteriores Sarabaitis; de quorum omnium miserrima conversatione melius est silere, quam loqui. His ergo omissis, ad Coenobitarum fortissimum genus disponendum, adjuvante Domino, veniamus. |