Imágenes de páginas

animals: (1) the initial stage of mutual tolerance in which the relation is collective, (2) the stage of domestication in which individual ownership arises, and (3) the stage of physical and psychical modification by feeding, breeding, etc. Suggestions concerning terminology for the general process and for the three stages were invited. The paper was discussed by Woodrow, Le Conte, Boas, Cattell, and others.

A paper relating to "Recent Discoveries and Discussions as to Pigmy Races," by R. G. Haliburton, was presented and discussed, and Harlan I. Smith described "Certain Shamanistic Ceremonies among the Ojibways" in an instructive manner. A paper entitled "Notes on the Theological Development of one Child," by Fanny D. Bergen, attracted interest and elicited some criticism; it was an apparently faithful record of the mental growth of a boy insulated, so far as practicable, from customary theistic teaching and association. Miss Fletcher followed with "Notes on Certain Beliefs concerning Will Power among the Siouan Tribes," in which she pointed out that certain terms indicate the existence of abstraction or the power of forming abstract conceptions among the Indians-e. g., the literal translation of the Omaha term for a railway train is "it of its own accord runs.” This and other examples were cited to exemplify what Humboldt styled "the idea of personality" among the aborigines.

A communication from William Wallace Tooker, on the "Meaning of the Name Manhattan," was read, from which it appears that the name probably connotes an island with wooded hills.

On Friday a number of papers were presented, including “Finland Vapor Baths," by H. W. Smith; "The Temple of Tepoztlan, Mexico," by M. H. Saville (not present); "The Preservation of Local Archeological Evidence," by Harlan I. Smith; "Results of Recent Cave Exploration in the Eastern United States," by Henry C. Mercer (not present); "Cupped Stones," by Franz Boas; "Pueblo Indian Clans," by F. W. Hodge (not present); "Mescal Plant and Rite," by James Mooney (not present); and "Recent Explorations in Honduras by the Peabody Museum," by F. W. Putnam. The last-mentioned communication was a clear exposition of the results of researches concerning the prehistoric works of Honduras, which have been found of remarkable extent and archeologic interest; in some cases three series of ruins representing different periods and culture stages are

superimposed; and the architectural and decorative features and the inscriptions and modeling have been found to throw much light on the development of that partial civilization indigenous to America which has attracted all students of Peru, Central America, Yucatan, and Mexico. The paper was discussed at length. A few papers were, in the absence of the authors, presented by title only.

The meetings of Section H were highly gratifying in the number and excellent quality of the papers presented; it was the expressed opinion of several leading anthropologists present that, so far as the science of man is concerned, the Buffalo meeting was never excelled and seldom equaled in the value of the contributions, the wisdom of the discussions, and the harmony of the sessions; and the success of the meetings was a subject of frequent congratulation to Vice-President Fletcher and Permanent Secretary Putnam. It may be noted that a few titles submitted were, as is usual, rejected in Section H; and it is a matter of regret that some of these were afterward accepted and presented in another section, and, in one or two instances, foisted on the daily press, thereby conveying an erroneous impression concerning the real work of the Association in matters pertaining to anthropology and cognate subjects.

Through the action of Section H, the venerable philologist and ethnologist, Horatio Hale, was made a life member of the Association; and, on recommendation of the Section, a Standing Committee of the Association was appointed to consider and report on "The Ethnography of the White Race in the United States." The committee named by the Council consists of D. G. Brinton, chairman; J. McK. Cattell, W. W. Newell, W J McGee, and Franz Boas. A special committee was also appointed to promote the interests of the Section.

Detroit was selected as the place of meeting in 1897, with the expectation that many of the members will subsequently participate in the meeting of the British Association at Toronto.

The general officers elected are Wolcott Gibbs, President; F. W. Putnam, Permanent Secretary; Asaph Hall, Jr, General Secretary; D. S. Kellicott, Secretary of the Council, and R. S. Woodward, Treasurer. The officers chosen for Section H were W J McGee, Vice-President, and Harlan I. Smith, Secretary.



A MONUMENT TO PASTEUR.-It has been decided to erect, in one of the principal squares of Paris, a monument to the memory of Pasteur, and that this shall be done by voluntary subscriptions obtained in all civilized nations. The Paris committee has therefore authorized the organization of a committee for the United States in order to give the people an opportunity to assist in erecting this tribute of appreciation. This committee for the United States is as follows:

DR D. E. SALMON, Chairman,

Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry.

DR E. A. DE SCHWEINITZ, Secretary,

President of and representing the Chemical Society of Washington,
Chief Chemist Biochemic Laboratory.

DR G. BROWN GOODE, Treasurer,

Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.


Surgeon General, U. S. Army.


Surgeon General, U. S. Navy.


Surgeon General, U. S. Marine Hospital Service.


U. S. Geological Survey, representing the Geological Society. PROF. LESTER F. WARD,

President of and representing the Anthropological Society of Washington.


Representing the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. HON. GARDINER G. HUBBARD,

President of and representing the National Geographic Society. MR C. L. MARLATT,

Assistant Entomologist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, representing the Entomological Society.


Zoologist, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, representing the Biological Society of Washington.

The members of this committee will transmit any funds that may be raised. tion blanks, which when filled will be preservation.

be glad to receive and They supply subscripforwarded to Paris for




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Bannwarth (E.) Anthropologische
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Festschrift für Adolf Bastian zu seinem 70. Geburtstage, 26. Juni, 1896. Berlin, 1896, D. Reimer. 8°. Gaudry (Albert). Essai de paléontologie philosophique. Paris, 1896, Masson et Cie. 8°. Also [Rev.] in: Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4. s., vi, 101-103.

Granada (D.) Reseña historico-descriptiva de antiquas y modernas supersticiones del Rio de la Plata. Montevideo, 1896, 500 p. 8°. Haas (A.) Rügensche Sagen und Märchen. 2. Aufl. Stettin, 1896, Burmeister. 8°.

Habben (F. H.) London street names: their origin, signification and historic value; with divers notes and observations. London, 1896, T. F. Unwin, 264 p. 8°. Hirth (Friedrich). Ueber den Verfasser und Abschreiber der chinesischen Inschrift am Denkmal des Köl Tägin. [Reprint from: T'oung pao, vii, 2.] Leide, 1896, E. J. Brill, 7 p. 8°.

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from: Rev. de l'Univ. de Bruxelles.] Bruxelles, 1896, BruylantChristophe, 42 p. 8°.

[ocr errors]

von Jacobs (Hermann). Das Volk der Siebener-Zähler." Rückschluss aus der Form der, arabischen Ziffern" auf ihre Herkunft. Berlin [1896], von Jacobs, 45 p. 8°. de Kerbeuzec (H.) Coujou-Breiz. 1re série: Plougasnou. [Breton folk-tales and superstitions.] Paris, 1896, E. Bouillon, x, 162 p. 12°.

Krauss (F. S.) Bajuwaren in Guslarenliede. [Reprint from: Forsch. Z. Kultur u. Litteraturgesch. Bayerns.] Ansbach & Leipzig, 1896, Eichinger, 152 p. 8°. Lemesle. Les irresponsables devant la loi. Paris, 1896, 74 p. 8°. Lenz (Rodolfo). Glosario de la lengua Atacameña. Santiago de Chile, 1896, A. Echeverría i Reyes, 36 p. 8°.

McLennan (J. F.) Studies in ancient history. The second series, comprising an inquiry into the origin of exogamy. Edited by the author's widow and Arthur Platt. London & New York, 1896, Macmillan & Co., xiv, 605 p. 8°. Madsen (A. P.) Gravhöje og Gravfund fra Stenalderen i Danmark. Det östlige Danmark. Kjøbenhavn, 1896, 38 p., 50 pl. 4°. Mielke (Robert). Volkskunst. Magdeburg, 1896, W. Niemann. 8°. Moore (Clarence B.) Additional mounds of Duval and of Clay Counties, Florida. Mound investigation on the East Coast of Florida. Certain Florida coast mounds north of the St. Johns River. (n. p.), 1896, 30 p., 2 pl. fol.

Ottolenghi (Salvatore). Alcuni problemi di antropologia_criminale nell'éra presente. Torino, 1896. 8°.

Pantukhoff (J. J.) [Caverns and modern habitations in the Caucasus.] Tiflis, 1896, 137 p., 26 pl. 8°. Schlegel (Gustav). Die chinesische Inschrift auf dem uigurischen Denkmal in Kara Balgassun übersetzt und erläutert. [Mem. Soc. finno-ougrienne, ix.] Helsingfors, 1896. 4°. Schuller (G.) Der siebenbürgischesächsische Bauernhof und seine Bewohner. Eine kulturhistorische Skizze. Hermannstadt, 1896, Drotleff, 41 p. 8°. Schwerdtfeger. Die Heimath der Homanen. Cruttinnen, 1896, Selbstverlag, 25 p. roy. 8°. Società italiana d'antropologia. Classificazione decimale per biblioteche, schedarii, ecc., secondo il metodo del Melvil Dewey. Indice relativo abbreviato per uso degli antropologi. [Suppl. to:

Arch. per l'antrop., xxvi, fasc. 1.] [Firenze, 1896, S. Landi], 27 p. 8°. Stone (The) idols of New Mexico.

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Theall (G. McCall.) The Portuguese in South Africa, with a description of the native races between the river Zambesi and the Cape of Good Hope during the 16th century. London, 1896, T. F. Unwin. 8°.

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der heidnischen Ritus. [Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl.] Berlin, 1896, G. Reimer, 50 p. roy. 8°.

Zahm (J. A.) Evolution and dogma. Chicago, 1896, 438 p. 8°. Zeithammer (Leopold M.) Land und Leute des Böhmerwaldes. Winterberg, Wien, 1896, F. Grottendiek, 168 p. 8°.

Abel (J. J.) and W. S. Davis. On the pigment of the negro's skin and hair. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1896, i, 361-400, 1 pl.-Allen (H.) Crania from the mounds of the St. Johns River, Florida. A study made in connection with crania from other parts of North America. J. Acad. Nat. Sc., Phila., 1896, n. s., x, 367448, 22 pl. Also, Reprint.-Ammon (0.) L'infantilisme et le féminisme au conseil de révision. Anthropologie, Par., 1896, vii, 285-308. —Ardu Onnis (E.) Contributo all'antropologia della Sardegna. Arch. per l'antrop., Firenze, 1896, xxvi, 27-52. -Baier (R.) Die Goldgefässe von Langendorf. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1896, xxviii, 92-96, 1 pl.Baldwin (J. M.) The genius and his environment. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1896, xlix, 312; 522. - Bartels (M.) Lactatio serotina in Java. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1896, (110-112).

Zwei Zauber-Hölzer der Bavenda in Transvaal. Ibid., (109). — Bates (W. C.) Creole folk-lore from Jamaica. J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1896, ix, 121-128.-Beauvois (E.) Pratiques et institutions religieuses d'origine chrétienne chez les Mexicains du moyen âge. Rev. de quest. scient., Louvain, 1896, 2. s., x, 166-211.-Beddoe (J.) Selection in man. Sc. Progress, Lond., 1896, v, 384-397.-Beyer (A.) Bremens jüngste Bildungsstätte. [Das Museum für Völkerkunde.] Gartenlaube, Leipz., 1896, 219–222. -Beyer (H. G.) The influence of exercise on growth. J. Exper. Med., N. Y., 1896, i, 545–558.-Bigger (F. J.) Prehistoric settlements at Portnafeadog, in the parish of Moyrus, Connamara. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 1896, 3. s., iii, 727-732, 3 pl. -Boas (F.) The decorative art of the Indians of the North Pacific Coast. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iv, 101–103.- Boggiani (G.) I Caduvei: studio intorno ad una tribú indigena dell'Alto Paraguay nel Matto Grosso (Brasile). Mem. Soc. geog. ital., Roma, 1896, vi, 237–293.-Bottin. Sépultures sous tumulus à Canneaux (Var). Rev. mens. de l'École d'an

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