Imágenes de páginas

characters found on their weapons and on rocks in their territory are of Indian provenance.

With regard to the archeology of the island, no signs of an extremely ancient or paleolithic population have been discovered. The caves have been explored and yielded human bones and implements, but only of cultural types and associated with recent fauna.

The dialects vary considerably, but are plainly Malayan. Some of them are intermediate between pure Malay and the Polynesian languages.

The tattooing is often of singular delicacy and symmetry. The designs figured, page 88, are elaborate and graceful. A similar sense of harmony is visible in the ornaments and the decorations of costumes.

This admirable treatise cannot fail to be appreciated highly by all students of the ethnology of the native races of the world. D. G. BRINTON.

The History of Mankind. By Professor Friedrich Ratzel. Translated from the second German edition by A. J. Butler, M. A., with introduction by E. B. Tylor, D. C. L., F. R. S. Vol. I. London, Macmillan & Co., Limited (New York, The Macmillan Co.), 1896. 8°, xxiv, 486 pp., plates and figures. Price, $4.

This is one of the most important contributions to English anthropologic literature that has been made in recent years; not that the work is an exposition of new discoveries relating to the science of man-for like Wood, Brown, Prichard, Latham, Waitz, and other anthropologists the author deals largely with facts gleaned and published by others-but the contrast between the old and the new is so great that one is surprised by the completeness and beauty of this first volume of Dr Ratzel's English edition.

There is not sufficient space to give an extended account of this new work, which is translated by Mr A. J. Butler from the second German edition of 1894-'95. This first volume contains an introduction by Professor E. B. Tylor, the great English anthropologist, the body of the work being devoted to (Book I) the Principles of Ethnography and (Book II) the American Pacific Group of Races. Book I (129 pp.) comprises: (1) The task of

ethnography; (2) Situation, aspect, and numbers of the human race; (3) The position of natural races among mankind; (4) Nature, rise, and spread of civilization; (5) Language; (6) Religion; (7) Science and art; (8) Invention and discovery; (9) Agriculture and cattle-breeding; (10) Clothing and ornament; (11) Habitations; (12) Family and social customs; (13) The state; in fine the entire scope of the subject is treated as fully as a popular work requires. Book II describes (a) The races of Oceania, (b) The Australians, (c) Malays and Malagasies.

The volume is fully and beautifully illustrated. In addition to nine colored plates, mostly illustrating weapons, utensils, sacred paraphernalia, etc, there are more than 300 finely executed wood engravings and maps. In the preparation of his text and illustrations the author has drawn extensively on the ethnological collections in the museums of Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Dresden, and Stockholm, as well as in the British museum and in private cabinets.

Professor Ratzel's work, which will comprise three volumes, shows probably better than any similar production the progress made in anthropological research throughout the world during the last few decades. It is destined to contribute largely toward stimulating anthropological work, and we predict for it the abundant success it deserves.


JAPANESE ARMY RATIONS.-The most curious alimentation is that of the Japanese soldier, a newcomer in the world's armies. It reaches 1,091 grams and 29 centimes of rice daily, to which can be added fish, fresh or dry, pâtes of fermented haricots, European vegetables, gherkins, aquatic herbs, stalks of the water lily, preserved ginger, shrimps, fermented cucumbers, lobsters, roasted corn, and other things.





Andrade (B. M.) L'antropología criminal y la novela naturalista. Madrid, 1896, 175 p. 8°. Andree (Richard). Braunschweiger Volkskunde. Braunschweig, 1896, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, xiv, 385 p. 8°. Baránski (A.) Die vorgeschichtliche Zeit im Lichte der Haustiercultur. Wien, 1896, M. Perles, iv, 296 p. roy. 8°.

de Baye (J.) Baron. Mission archéologique et ethnographique en Russie et en Sibérie occidentale (1895). Paris, 1896, 30 p. 8°. Bhattacharya (Jogendra Nath).

Hindu castes and sects. An exposition of the origin of the Hindu caste system and the bearing of the sects towards each other and towards other religious systems. Calcutta, 1896, Thacker, Spink & Co., xvii, 623 p. 12°. Bielenstein (A.), (E.) und (H.) Studien aus dem Gebiete der lettischen Archäologie, Ethnographie und Mythologie. [Reprint from: Mag. d. lett.-litt. Gesellsch.] Riga, 1896, L. Hoerschelmann. 8°. de Blasio (A.) Il cranio scafoide di A. G. di Napoli. [Reprint from : Riv. ital. di sc. nat.] Siena, 1896, 4 p. 4°.

Boussac (H.) Tombeaux thébains: le tombeau d'Anna. Paris, 1896, 16 pl. fol.

Brinton (Daniel Garrison).


myths of the new world: a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. New 3. ed. revised. Philadelphia, 1896, D. McKay, iv, 360 p. 8°. Collignon (D.-R.) Les premiers habitants de l'Europe d'après M. d'Arbois de Jubainville. [Reprint from: Sc. biol.] Paris, 1896, 16 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

The same. The intellectual and moral development of the child. Pt. 1. Transl. from the French by Mary E. Wilson. New York, 1896, D. Appleton & Co., viii, 298 p. 8°.

Cramer (Frank). The method of Darwin: a study in scientific method. Chicago, 1896, A. C. McClurg & Co., ii, 232 p. 8°. Diguet (F.) Étude de la langue Tai. Paris, 1896. 8°.

Fani (A.) La deportazione. Roma, 1896, 204 p. 8°. Ghisleri (A.) Le razze umane e il

diritto nella questione coloniale. 2. ed. Bergamo, 1896, 147 p. 8°. Guignard (Ludovic). Une ville préhistorique à Averdon. [Reprint from: J. de l'avenir.] Blois, 1896, Migault et Cie., 7 p. 16°. Hausmann (Richard). Grabfunde aus Estland. Eine archäologische Studie. Reval, 1896, F. Kluge, v, 54 p., 4 pl., 1 plan. 4°. Herraiz (G.) Tratado de antropología y pedagogía. Madrid, 1896, 564 p. 8°.

Hirsch (William). Genius and degeneration: a psychological study. Transl. from the 2. ed. of the German work. New York, 1896, D. Appleton & Co., vi, 333 p. 8°. Jacottet (E.) Étude sur les langues du Haut-Zambèze. Paris, 1896, xxxviii, 138 p. 8°. Leboucq (H.) De la brachydactylie et de l'hyperphalangie chez l'homme. Bruxelles, 1896. 8°. Léger (Louis). Études de mythologie slave. Mémoires i et ii. Paris, 1895-6, Maisonneuve. 8°.

Legros (V.) L'aristotypie. Paris,

1896, Soc. d'éd. scient., 192 p. 8°. Pellizzari (V.) Il delitto e la scienza moderna. Treviso, 1896, 454 p. 8°.

Le Plongeon (Augustus). Queen
Móo and the Egyptian Sphinx.
London, 1896, Kegan Paul, 277 p.,
75 pl. 4°.

Sach (A.) Das Herzogtum Schles-
wig in seiner ethnographischen
und nationalen Entwickelung.
1. Abt. Halle a. S., 1896, Buchh.
d. Waisenh., 143 p. 8°.
Senart (E.) Les castes dans l'Inde.
Paris, 1896, xxii, 263 p. 12°.
Sepp (J.) Ansiedelung kriegs-
gefangener Slaven oder Sklaven
in Altbayern und ihre letzten
Spuren. München, 1896, M.
Poessl. 8°.

Sethe (Kurt).


zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Aegyptens. 1. Hft. Leipzig, 1896, J. C. Hinrichs, vi, 129 p.


1896, xvii, 450,1 ch.-Armenischen (Die) Frauen. Globus, Brnschwg., 1896, lxx, 214-217. d'Ault du Mesnil (G.) Note sur le terrain quaternaire des environs d'Abbeville. Rev. mens. de l'École d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, vi, 284-296, 2 pl., 1 map.-Ballet (G.) et J. Roubinovitch. Les persécutés processifs. Chron. méd., Par., 1896, ii, 552-559.-Bancalari (G.) Forschungen und Studien über das Haus. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1896, n. F., xvi, 93-128.Beames (J.) A plain account of Buddhism. Imp. & Asiat. Q. Rev., Woking, 1896, 3. s., ii, 145–161. — Benedikt (M.) Nouvelle contribution à l'anatomie comparée du cerveau. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, 4. s., vii, 228-241.Bodio (L.) La criminalità italiana nel 1894. Scuola positiva, Napoli, 1896, vi, 456-483.-Cagnat. Découvertes nouvelles en Tunisie. Tombeaux phéniciens de Mahedia; inscription romaine de Lamta.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. inscr. et belles-lettres, Par., 1896, 4. s., xxiv, 218-229, 3 pl. — Carrara e Roncoroni. Cervello e cranio di Colli, brigante biellese. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 453.Chastang (L.) La Corée et les Coréens; notes de géographie médicale et d'ethnographie. Arch. de méd. nav., l'ar., 1896, lxvi, 161-212. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1030.-Clarke (R. F.) NeoMalthusianism. N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1896, clxiii, 345–361.-Cognetti. Criminaloidi. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 448. Delinquente d'occasione. Ibid., 447. -Discussion sur la limitation volontaire de la population. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, 4. s., 1. Th. vii, 210-224.-Drapes (T.) Is insanity increasing? Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1896, n. s., lx, 483-493.— Dugès (A.) El pie de los monos. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate,' México, 1895-6, ix, 325-327, 1 pl.— Evans (A. J.) The Eastern question in anthropology. Nature, Lond., 1896, liv, 527-535.-Evans (Sir J.) On some paleolithic implements found in Somaliland by

Skinner (Charles M.) Myths and legends of our own land. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1896, J. B. Lippincott Co. 8°.

Somerville (B. T.) and S. C. Weigall. A vocabulary of various dialects used in New Georgia, Solomon Islands. London, 1896, 36 p. 8°.

Spalikowsky (Éd.) Le menhir de Montigny près Rouen. [Reprint from: Naturaliste.] Rouen, 1896, 4 p. 8°.

Nos ancêtres préhistoriques. Rouen, 1896, 10 p. 8°. Stucken (Eduard). Astralmythen der Hebräer, Babylonier und Aegypter. Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Leipzig, 1896, E. Pfeiffer, v, 1 pl. 8°. Winckler (Hugo). Die Thontafeln von Tell-el-Amarna. [Keilinschriftl. Biblioth., v.] 1. Hälfte. Berlin, 1896, Reuther & Reichardt, 272 p. 8°.

80 p.,

Anfosso (L.) I craniogramma. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino,

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Mr. H. W. Seton-Karr. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1896, lx, 19-21.-Ferri (E.) Temperamento e criminalità. Scuola positiva, Napoli, 1896, vi, 449-455.-Fletcher (Alice C.) The emblematic use of the tree in the Dakotan group. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iv, 475487. Also, Reprint. Förtsch. Thongefässe der Broncezeit aus der Provinz Sachsen. Ztschr. f. Naturwissensch., Leipz., 1896, lxix, 7779, 11., 1 pl.-Galiment (H.) Le dieu et le saint de l'orage chez les Slaves. Rev. mens. de l'École d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, vi, 300–302. — Goldziher (I.) Ueber Kannibalismus aus orientalischen Quellen. Globus, Brnschwg., 1896, lxx, 240-242. -Goode (George Brown) [1851-96]. Obituary by O. T. Mason. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1896, ix, 353.— Gros (H.) Les populations de la Polynésie française en 1891. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, 4. s., vii, 144-197. Hankin (E. H.) Bhowáni, the cholera-goddess. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1896, xl, 543-558.-de Harlez (C.) The YihKing, or Chinese divination. Imp. & Asiat. Q. Rev., Woking, 1896, 3. s., ii, 115-129.-Helms (R.) Anthropology. [Notes on the Australian aborigines.] Tr. Roy. Soc. South Australia, Adelaide, 1896, xvi, 237-332, 32 pl.-Hirth (F.) Chao Ju-Kua's Ethnography. J. Roy. Asiat. Soc., Lond., 1896,477-507. -Hodge (F. W.) Pueblo Indian clans. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1896, ix, 345-352, 1 tab.-Johnston (C.) The world's baby talk and the expressiveness of speech. Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1896, n. s., lx, 494-505. -Karutz (R.) Ohrdurchbohrung und Ohrschmuck. Globus, Brnschwg., 1896, lxx, 191; 206.Kern (H.) Des Padre F. José Castaño Nachrichten über die Sprache der Agtá (Philippinen). Bijdr. t. de taal-, land-, en volkenk. v. Nederl. Indië, 's Gravenhage, 1896, 6. v., ii, 434-436. Kiernan (J. G.) Are Americans degenerates? A critique on Nordau's recent change of view. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1896, xvii, 446-458. Körösi (J.) An estimate of the degrees of legitimate

natality as derived from a table of natality compiled by the author from his observations made at Budapest. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1896, clxxxvi, 781-875, 3 tab.-Kühr (E. L. M.) Schetsen uit Borneo's westerafdeeling. Bijdr. t. de taal-, land-, en volkenk. v. Nederl. Indië, 's Gravenhage, 1896, 6. v., ii, 63; 214.Kükenthal (W.) Ueber Alfurenschädel von Halmahera. Abhandl. d. Senckenberg. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Frankf. a. M., 1896, xxii, Anh., 321-434, 4 pl.-Kurella (H.) Osservazioni sul significato biologico della sessualità. Arch. di. psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 418-425.Lankester (E. R.) The present evolution of man. Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1896, n. s., lx, 408-415.Legge (F.) Devil worship and freemasonry. Contemp. Rev., Lond., 1896, 466-483.-Le Marc 'Hadour. L'enfant dans le Haut Tonkin. J. de clin. et de thérap inf., Par., 1896, iv, 792; 812.-Letourneau (C.) Le commerce primitif. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, 4. s., vii, 204– 210.-Lissauer. Skeletgräber der römischen Zeit, bei Pelplin, Westpreussen. Nachr. ü. deutsch. Atertumsf., Berl., 1896, vii, 21-23.Lombroso (C.) e M. Carrara. Contributo all'antropologia dei Dinka. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 349-363, 2 pl. Also, Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1896, 3. s., xliv, 409-446, 1 pl.-Lombroso (Paola). L'instinct de la conservation chez les enfants. Rev. phil., Par., 1896, xliii, 379 390.-Maltese (F.) Anomalie dei denti e delle arcate mascellari in cranii di criminali. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 364–373.— Mathews (R. H.) The Bunăn ceremony of New South Wales. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1896, ix, 327– 344, 1 pl. Matiegka (H.) Anthropophagie in der prähistorischen Ansiedlung bei Knovíze und in der prähistorischen Zeit überhaupt. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1896, n. F., xvi, Mortillet (G.) Les fusaïoles en plomb. Rev. mens. de l'École d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, vi, 297–300.Moulier (C.) Une station de la

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