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Dr. SEYMOUR LURRAY VINCCOUR furnished details of his conver-
sations separately held on December 14, 1965, with Korean
Embassy First Secretary, Pyong Whi MIN, and DON MILLER as
they relate to Dong-ha C and his efforts to raise funds
for The Freedom Center in Seoul, Korea. HILLER identified as
having made trip to Korea during December, 1955, where he
met various officials of crean Government and members
of the Board of The Freedom Center. HILLER indicated to
VINOCCUR that CO is attempting to interest MILLER to undertake
fund drive to build The Freedom Center. VINCCCUR describes HILLER
as perhaps naive, but whose basic sincerity is beyond question.
No record located on HILLER at United States Department of
Justice, Internal Security Division as having registered in
accord with Foreign Agents Registration Act 1933, as amended.

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This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Fal. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.


Date 12/16/65.

Dr. SEYMOUR LURRAY VINCCCUR was interviewed at 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. and voluntarily and without any threats or promises having been made to him, furnished the following information to GERALD D. HOLAN who identified hi::colf to VINCCCUR 20 a Special Ageat of the Tederal Bureau of Investigation. Prior to furniching this information, VINCCOUR was advised by Chacal Agent HOLAN that he was not required to rake a ctatement, that any statement he did make could be used against him in a court of law, and that prior to caking any statement he was entitled to the services of an attorney of his own choice. VINCCCUR acknowledgod hís anderstanding of the above-mentioned guarantees and added to wished to furnish the following information. On December 14, 1935, VINCCCUR accepted a luncheon invitation catcaded by Pyong Thi HIN known to VICCOJR as the Korean Tabassy First Secretary, Fashington, D. C., who deals in economic matters.

In response to VINOCOUR's questions, MIN stated that Don-ha CIO departed the United States during late liovember, 1965, cn route to Korea and was not expected cack in the United States boforo February or early March, 1965. MIN acknowledged that CHO was known to him as being in the United States for the purpose of raising money for The Freedom Center in Seoul, Korca.

WIN emphatically stated to VINOCCUR that Cão does not enjoy, nor is to sanctioned in any official capacity to represent, or to represent himself with the Embassy of Korea in the United States, or with the Korean Government for any fund raising effort by CO in the United States for the construction of The Freedom Center.

UIN added that CEO was and will be in the
United States solely in his capacity as a private Korean
citizon attempting to raise funds to build The Freedom

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This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI it is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency

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MIN continued that CHO's initial fund raising effort experienced considerable difficulty and in fact Co returned to Korca empty-handed. LIN agreed with VINCCOUR'S evaluation that the timing is off, there no longer exists the psychological advantage of the Korean War and as the Viet Nam War continues to consume the attention of American public opinion, Korea and its needs are pushed further into the background.

MIN confidentially agreed with VINCCOUR that the currently assigned Korcan Ambassador Ilyun Chul KIH is a poor diplomatic representative who has only croded whatever previous advantage the Korean Embassy had in Washington, D. C. WIN stated that CHO quickly made this discovery and realized he could not operate from the Korean Embassy.

MIN felt there is the added problem of separate organizations such as the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, also of Washington, D. C., which can only create confusion in American minds as to what are the various purposes and aims of duplicated organizations.

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VINCCOUR also advised that he conversed with DONALD HILLER on December 14, 1965, VINCCOUR stated that MILLER is known to him as they are both in the related field of public relations, and HILLER operates under the name of Associated Public Rchtions Counselor's, 1028 Connecticut Avenue, IM, Washington, D. C.

VINCCOUR stated that HILLE? has had a long-standing interest in Asian countries, that he knows Korea well and VINOCOUR knew HILLER to have been a paid staff member of The Captive Nations Program.

MILLER advised VINCCOUR he had returned from Korea within the past week, having accepted the invitation of a tir. Dong-ha Cio who paid all of MILLER's travel and living expenses to md from Korea. HILLER added that C::b has unsuccessfully been attempting to raise funds in the United Statos for The Freedon Center under construction in Seoul, Korea. CHIO has been attempting to interest

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HILLER to perform professional services in the public relations field attendant to raising funds in the United States to completo construction of The Freedom Center.

To that end MILLER made this Korean trip to meet officials of the Korean Government and meet with mumbers of Board of The Freedon Conter. MILLER stated that CHO, who accompanied him on this trip during Decembor, 1965, remained in Korea and was not expected back in the United States prior to late February or early liarch, 1966.

WILLER outlined to VINCCOUR that only the most basic type of fund raising program is in the planning stage. It calls for an informational brochure to be disseminated on a massivo mailing basis which has yet to be compiled.

VINOCOUR inquired if MILLER had been informed by Cпо of CHO's earlier offorts to obtain VINOCOUR's public relations services. MILLER stated CO had not. VincccUR then acquainted KILLER with his previous contacts by Co, the fact that VINCCOUR had prepared a preliminary fund raising drive, his efforts without success to obtain a signed contract and finally his categoric rofusal to proceed further without a contract.

HILLER was unable to specifically identify the source of funds which CHO used to underwrite their Korean trip; however, HILLER felt the funds conld logically be assumed as having come from "seed money" (originating funds) necessary to organizo a fund drive.

MILLER stated ho has no firm contract with CHÒ and their nogotiation is best described as exploratory at this time.

VINOCCUR stated that HILLER is one of those people who puts "his heart wore his talent lios." VINCCCUR added that KILLER may be naive in any relationship with CIO, but that MILLER'S basic sincerity in his opinion is beyond question. VIXCOUR Stated that CO would not bo unfamiliar with MILLER'S long-standing interest in Asia and could exploit MILLER'S interest to obtain WILLER's professional services.


Mr. PAUL TRIMIAR, United States Department of Justice, Internal Security Division, Registration Section, advised SA NOLAN on December 15, 1965, that the records of his office do not show DON MİLLER, DONALD MILLER, Associated Public Relations Counselor's, The Freedom Center, or Free Friends of Asia, as registered in accord with the Foreign Agents Registration Action of 1938, as amended.


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