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(ii) The utility shall state the total electric component balances for accumulated deferred income tax Account 281 pertaining to accelerated amortization property. The utility shall show separate components for defense, pollution control, and other facilities. The utility shall show balances for each component and totaled for the electric utility department. If the utility maintains records to show Account 281 component balances according to the major functional classifications identified in Statement AD under paragraph (h)(4), the utility shall provide such component balances. If data are not available by function, the utility shall describe the procedure by which the utility believes it can reasonably estimate the portion of the total electric balances for each major functional classification. The utility may show by function the component balances obtained by applying the procedure. If such estimation requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the utility shall supply in Statement AF the necessary data.

(iii) The utility shall state the total electric component balances for accumulated deferred income tax Account 282 pertaining to electric utility property other than accelerated amortization property. The utility shall itemize the balances in Account 282, to the extent data are available, in detail sufficient to identify the specific major properties involved and shall list the balances according to the accounting entries, such as liberalized depreciation, for which interperiod tax allocation was used and included in this account. Component balances shall be shown individually and in total for the electric utility department. If the utility maintains records to show account 282 component balances according to the major functional classifications identified in Statement AD under paragraph (h)(4), the utility shall provide such component balances by function. If the data are not available by function, the utility shall describe the procedure by which the utility believes it can reasonably estimate the portion of the total electric balances for each major functional classification. The utility may show by function the com

ponent balances obtained by applying the procedure. If such estimation requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the utility shall supply in Statement AF the necessary data, such as historical functional patterns of plant additions.

(iv) The utility shall state the total electric component balances for accumulated deferred income tax Account 283 pertaining to interperiod income tax allocations not related to property. The utility shall itemize in detail balances in Account 283, to the extent data are available, and shall list the balances according to the accounting entries for which interperiod tax allocation was used and included in this account. Component balances shall be shown individually and in total for the electric utility department. If the utility maintains records to show Account 283 component balances according to the major functional classifications identified in Statement AD under paragraph (h)(4), the utility shall provide such component balances by function. If the data are not available by function, the utility shall describe the procedure by which the utility believes it can reasonably estimate the portion of the total electric balances for each major functional classification. The utility may show by function the component balances obtained by applying the procedure. If such estimation requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the filing shall supply in Statement AF the necessary data.

(v) The utility shall show electric utility balances for every other item that the utility believes should be included in Statement AF. The utility shall explain the reasons for inclusion of each item.

(7) Statement AG-Specified plant accounts (other than plant in service) and deferred debits. Statement AG is a statement of balances of specified accounts and items that are to be considered in the determination of the net original cost rate base. Except as prescribed in clause (ii), the utility shall

state all required balances as of the beginning and the end of Period I and Period II, with an average of the beginning and end balances for each period. If any of the Period I or Period II balances is not available or is unrepresentative of the current operating plan of the utility, the utility shall provide a full explanation of the relevant circumstances. If subaccounts are maintained to reflect differences in ratemaking treatment among regulatory authorities having jurisdiction, the utility shall provide balances in accordance with such subaccounts, with detailed explanations of the bases upon which the subaccounts were established and are maintained. The balances required to be submitted under Statement AG are described in clauses (7)(i) through (vi).

(i) For each separately identified major functional classification selected by the utility in Statement AD, the utility shall state the electric utility land and land rights balances for electric plant held for future use in account 105. If itemized in detail, balances shall be totaled for each major functional classification.

(ii) The utility shall state the electric utility component balances in Accounts 107 and 120.1, individually and in total, for each item of construction work in progress for pollution control facilities, fuel conversion facilities, or any other facilities that qualify for inclusion in rate base under $35.26. The utility shall state such balances for each major functional and subfunctional classification under Statement AD as of the beginning of the first month and the end of each month of Period I and Period II with an average of the 13 balances for each period.

(iii) For each major functional classification under Statement AD and with respect to property otherwise includable in plant in service, the utility shall state the balances for extraordinary property losses Account 182. If itemized in detail, balances shall be totaled for each major functional classification. The utility shall provide information about Commission authorization for any loss included in Account 182 and shall state when the loss was claimed for tax purposes.

(iv) The utility shall state the total electric component balances for accumulated deferred income taxes Account 190. The component balances in Account 190 shall be itemized in detail and listed according to the accounting entries for which interperiod tax allocation was used. Component balances shall be shown individually and in total for the electric utility department. If the utility maintains records to show Account 190 component balances according to the major functional classifications identified in Statement AD under paragraph (h)(4), the utility shall provide such component balances by function. If the data are not available by function, the filing utility shall describe the procedure by which the utility believes it can reasonably estimate the portion of the total electric balances for each major functional classification. The utility may show by function the component balances obtained by applying the procedure. If such estimation requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the utility shall supply in Statement AG the necessary data.

(v) Balances shall be shown for every other item that the utility believes should be included in Statement AG. The utility shall provide support for inclusion of each item, and a brief descriptive title for each such item.

(8) Statement AH-Operation and maintenance expenses. Statement AH is a statement of electric utility operation and maintenance expenses for Period I and Period II provided according to the accounts prescribed by the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts, 18 CFR part 101.

(i) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall itemize and subtotal all operation and maintenance expenses according to the major functional classifications of Statement AD in paragraph (h)(4) and the subfunctional categories of those classifications. The utility shall further divide the operation and maintenance expenses itemized under the production classification and each of its subfunctional categories to reflect expenses relating to the energy component (list each item by account number and compute fuel costs on an as-burned basis), the

demand component, and any other production expenses.

(ii) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall report production operation and maintenance expenses according to appropriate account numbers. The utility shall apply the following principles in developing Period I and Period II production operation and maintenance data for this statement:

(A) Total production operation and maintenance expenses shall be segregated into energy, demand, and other components. The utility shall specifically state and support its criteria for classifications between energy and demand, and for use of the production other classification, such as specific assignments related to sales from particular generating units.

(B) Fuel expense for cost of service purposes shall be the total as-burned expense incurred. If the utility defers a portion of such expense for accounting purposes, the deferral amount shall be separately stated and accompanied by material that shows computational detail in support of such amount. If claimed nuclear fuel expense reflects a change in the estimated net salvage value of nuclear fuel, the utility shall show the amounts involved and explain the relevant circumstances.

(C) If the amount of production fuel expense is significantly affected by abnormal Period I water availability for hydroelectric generation, the utility shall explain how water availability was taken into account in developing projected Period II production fuel expenses.

(iii) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall report operation and maintenance expenses attributable to the transmission and distribution functions according to appropriate account numbers. If Period II transmission and distribution plant data are not provided by subfunctional category in Statement AD, the utility need only provide for Period II total operation and maintenance expenses for each function.

(iv) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall report in total for each period, operation and maintenance expenses incurred under each of the categories of customer accounting, cus

tomer service and information, and sales.

(v) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall itemize administrative and general expenses by groups that are directly assignable, such as regulatory Commission expenses, or that are related to selected plant or expense items for which an allocation to wholesale services is independently determinable, such as items related to labor expense or to a category of production plant in service. Administrative and general expenses shall include a detailed itemization of the general advertising Account 930.1 and the miscellaneous general expenses Account 930.2. If Account 930 data are not projected on a detailed basis for Period II, the utility shall provide its best estimate of the Account 930.1 expense items and a descriptive list of expense items anticipated as miscellaneous general expenses in Account 930.2. Where applicable, separate items shall be shown for general plant maintenance, and for common and other plant maintenance.

(vi) In addition to annual production data for Period I and Period II, the utility shall provide monthly expense data by accounts for fuel in Accounts 501, 518, and 547 and purchased power in Account 555. For each type of transaction, such as firm power or economy interchange power, monthly purchased power expense data shall be subtotaled separately for interchange receipts and deliveries. For monthly fuel Accounts 501, 518, and 547, and for each type of purchased power transaction, the monthly data shall identify components to be claimed under the fuel adjustment clause of the utility.

(9) Statement AI-Wages and salaries. Statement AI consists of statements of the electric utility wages and salaries, for Period I and Period II, that are included in operation and maintenance expenses reported in Statement AH.

(1) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall show the distribution of wages and salaries by function according to the form prescribed for operation and maintenance expenses by the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts, 18 CFR part 101. The statement shall also include by function additional wages and salaries attributable

to common and other plant classifications identified in Statement AD in paragraph (h)(4).

(ii) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall show total production wages and salaries, itemized and subtotaled into energy and demand related components in accordance with classifications of Statement AH operation and maintenance production expenses of which production wages and salaries are a part.

(10) Statement AJ-Depreciation and amortization expenses. Statement AJ consists of statements of depreciation and amortization expenses for Period I and Period II.

(1) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall show the depreciation and amortization expenses and the depreciable plant balances of the filing utility, in accordance with major functional classifications selected by the utility in Statement AD under paragraph (h)(4).

(ii) The utility shall divide the major functional classifications of depreciation and amortization expenses shown in clause (i) into the subfunctional categories selected by the utility for electric plant in service in Statement AD, to the extent such data are available.

(iii) If depreciation and amortization expense data are not available for any subfunctional category selected Statement AD, the utility shall:


(A) Provide a comparison of the current depreciation rate of the major functional classification and the depreciation rate estimated to be appropriate to the subfunctional category; and

(B) State and explain the estimation techniques that the utility utilized in developing each estimated subfunctional depreciation rate. If utilization of such estimation techniques requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the utility shall supply such data in Statement AJ.

(iv) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall show the annual depreciation rate applicable to each function and subfunction for which depreciation expense is reported. The utility shall indicate the bases upon which the depreciation rates were established. If the depreciation rates used for Period I

or Period II data differ from those employed to support the utility's prior approved jurisdictional electric rate, the utility shall include in or append to Statement AJ detailed studies in support of such changes. These detailed studies shall include:

(A) Copies of any reports or analyses prepared by any independent consultant or utility personnel to support the proposed depreciation rates; and

(B) A detailed capital recovery study showing by primary account the depreciation base, accumulated provision for depreciation, cost of removal, net salvage, estimated service life, attained age of survivors, accrual rate, and annual depreciation expense.

(11) Statement AK-Taxes other than income taxes. Statement AK consists of statements of taxes other than income taxes for Period I and Period II.

(i) For Period I and Period II, the utility shall itemize and total any taxes other than income taxes according to clauses (i) (A) through (D).

(A) Revenue taxes. The utility shall show total revenue taxes levied by each taxing authority and identify the revenue taxes, under both the present and changed rate, applicable to wholesale services for which a rate change is filed. The utility shall identify revenue taxes associated with each revenue credit item reported in Statement AU under paragraph (h)(21).

(B) Real estate and property taxes. The utility shall itemize and total all real estate and property taxes. If the utility maintains records to show tax component balances according to the major functional classifications identified in Statement AD under paragraph (h)(4), the utility shall supply the component balances by function. If the data are not available by function, the utility shall describe the procedure by which the utility believes it can reasonably estimate the portion of the total electric balances for each major functional classification. The utility may show by function the component balances obtained by applying the procedure. If such estimation requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the utility shall supply the necessary data in Statement AK.

(C) Payroll taxes. The utility shall itemize and total all payroll taxes. If the utility maintains records to show tax component balances according to the major functional classifications identified in Statement AD in paragraph (h)(4), the utility shall provide the component balances by function. If the data are not available by function, the utility shall describe the procedure by which the utility believes it can reasonably estimate the portion of the total electric balances for each major functional classification. The utility may show by function the component balances obtained by applying the procedure. If such estimation requires data that are not provided elsewhere in the cost of service statements in this paragraph, the utility shall provide the necessary data in Statement AK.

(D) Miscellaneous taxes. The utility shall itemize and total all miscellaneous taxes which are directly assignable or which are related to any selected plant or expense item for which an allocation to wholesale services is independently determinable, such as items related to transmission plant in service or to net distribution plant.

(ii) If any of the taxes itemized under clause (11)(i) are levied by a taxing authority that is a customer, or is related to a customer, whose services would be affected by the changed rate schedule, the utility shall show amounts of such taxes according to the taxing authority, identify the related customer, and provide an explanation of the relevant circumstances.

(12) Statement AL-Working capital. Statement AL consists of statements for Period I and Period II designed to establish the need for working capital to maintain adequate levels of operating supplies, to meet required prepayments, and to meet ongoing cash disbursements that must be made at a time different than related revenue receipts for utility services rendered.

(i) Supplies and prepayments. The utility shall supply statements to show monthly balances of operating supplies and prepayments itemized under clauses (1) (A) through (C). The utility shall state all required balances as of the beginning of the first month and the end of each month of both Period I and Period II, with an average of the

thirteen balances for each period. If any of the Period I or Period II balances is not available or is unrepresentative of the current operating plan of the utility for supplies or prepayments, the utility shall include an explanation of the relevant circumstances. Operating supply and prepayment balances shall be itemized under the following categories:

(A) Fuel supplies. The utility shall state the fuel supply balances for each type of electric utility production plant, except hydraulic. The utility shall describe its overall fossil fuel supply objectives for Period I and Period II, in terms of projected average days of burn for major fossil fuel generating stations, if feasible. The utility shall explain substantial differences, if any, between actual Period I inventories and the target objectives, or between Period II objectives and Period I objectives. Nuclear fuel balances shall include fuel in stock, fuel in the reactor and spent fuel in the process of cooling in Accounts 120.2, 120.3, 120.4, less accumulated provisions for amortization of nuclear fuel assemblies in Account 120.5.

(B) Plant materials and operating supplies. The utility shall state materials and operating supply balances for each of the major electric utility operating functions of production, transmission, and distribution, and for each significant type of miscellaneous operating supplies. Miscellaneous supplies shall be grouped to facilitate suitable allocations or assignments among utility services.

(C) Prepayments. The utility shall indicate prepayment balances for each major prepayment item, with a brief description of the item. Balances shall be grouped and subtotaled to facilitate suitable allocations or assignments among utility services.

(ii) Cash working capital. The utility shall indicate average monthly working cash requirements that reflect the extent to which day-to-day operational utility service revenues are received later or earlier than cash disbursements necessary to provide the services, with an explanation of how such requirements are derived.

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