Imágenes de páginas

Reports from the Consuls of the United States (continued).
No of the

Rep. Date. 137. 1892.



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230-231. Smithers, Japanese floor matting. Tillotson, W. D. Local transportation in Japan. 722. XXXIX. 298-300. Abercrombie, W. H. Trade and progress in Japan (Kerosene, Railroads, Coral, Waterworks). 71-72. Smithers, E. J. Trade and commerce of Hiogo. Smithers, E. J. Butter and butterine in Japan. 479. 297-298. Abercrombie, W. H. Camphor in Nagasaki. Reports of the Yokohama General Chamber of Commerce, published daily, Yokohama.

Résumé statistique de l'empire du Japon publié par le Bureau Général de Statistique du Cabinet Impérial à Tokio.

Vol. I. 122 pp. with map. roy 8vo, 1887.

Vol. II. 7+12+134 pp. with 2 coloured statistical plates and a map, roy 8vo, 1888. Returns, Annual, of Exports and Imports at all ports in Japan published in English and Japanese language by the Imperial Customs, Yokohama. No 1 for 1873.

Roesler, Dr. H. Uebersicht des japanischen Aussenhandel seit 1868 (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. III [pt. 22] pp. 35-44) 4to, Yokohama, 1880.

Rutter, H. Silk and tea tables, showing their cost per pound as purchased in China and Japan, and as laid down in England etc., 2 pts. 8vo, London, 1868.

Scherzer, Dr. K. von, Die k. k. oesterreich-ungarische Expedition nach Indien, China, Siam und Japan 1868-71 zur Erforschung der Handels- und Verkehrsverhaeltnisse dieser Laender mit besonderer Ruecksicht auf den oesterreichischen Handel, hrsg. im Auftrage des k. k. Handelsministeriums in Wien, 2nd edition, XVI, 494 pp. with engravings and map, 8vo, Stuttgart, 1873. The first edition was published in 1872 under the title: Dr. K. von Scherzer, Fachmaennische Berichte ueber die oesterreich-ungarische Expedition etc. XVI + 912 pp. with plates, maps etc. (Mk 15.—). Scherzer, C. von, Culturzustaende und Handelsverhaeltnisse Japan's zu Ende des Jahres 1877 (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d. Orient, vol. IV pp. 8-11) 4to, Wien, 1878.

Statistics of Births, marriages and deaths in cities and towns (only partially translated into English) published yearly by the Sanitary Bureau, Tokio, 1880. Statistik des Deutschen Reiches, New Series vol. 51: Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebietes mit dem Auslande in den Jahren 1880 bis 1889. [Official publication].

Part XII: Egypten, Africa, Indien, China, Japan, ostindische Inseln, uebrige Asien, Berlin, 1891. (Mk 1.20pƒ).

"Statistische Korrespondenz" being a weekly supplement to the "Zeitschrift d. kgl. preussischen statistischen Bureau," in Berlin.

Year page

1876. 40. Post und Postverkehr in Japan in den ersten Monaten des Jahres


1882. 47. Finanzen Japan's 1882-83.

48. Der Handel Japan's.

1883. 11. Japan's Aussenhandel und Seeschiffahrtverkehr in 1881.

1887. 13. Landwirthschaft Japan's 1877 und 1882.

1888. 32. Japan's Ein- und Ausfuhr 1882-1886.

1889. 8. Bodenbenutzung und Ertrag der wichtigsten landwirthschaftlichen Betriebe in Japan 1878-85.

1891. 8. Bevoelkerung des Kaiserreichs Japan.

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"Statistische Korrespondenz" (continued).

1892. 32. Der Bergbau in Japan.

39. Volksdichtigkeit und groessere Staedte in Japan.

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40. Japan's Seeschiffverkehr.

" 47. Feuerschaeden und Landverwuestungen im Kaiserthume Japan.


1893. 7. Japan's Bevoelkerung am Schlusse des Jahres 1891.

Stein, Dr. von, Zur Geschichte des heutigen Finanzwesens von Japan (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d. Orient, vol. X pp. 199-205 and 225-226), 4to, Wien, 1884.

Terata, Bevoelkerungsstatistik des Tokio-Fu in 1878. (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. II [pt. 20] PP. 429-439), 4to, Yokohama, 1880.

Thompson, R. E. Protectionist Party in Japan, (American, vol. IV p. 20 and foll.), Philadelphia.

Tomi-i, M. A. Les produits de l'île d'Yézo et de leur exportation (Congrès provincial des Orientalistes à Lyon en 1878, vol. I), 4to, 1880.

Trade between Australian colonies, Japan etc. (Melbourne Age, 1880 November 25th).

Uebersicht der Areal- und Bevoelkerungsverhaeltnisse des japanischen Reiches (Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft f. Erdkunde, vol. VIII p. 176), 8vo, Berlin, 1881.

Une grande usine de l'Etat au Japon pour la fabrication du fer à l'usage de l'armée, (Economiste français, March 26th, 1892), folio, Paris.

Van Buren, [Six] Reports from the Consuls of the United States on the Commerce, Manufactures etc. of their Consular district in Japan, folio, Yokohama, 1881. ($ 1.—).

Contents: Van Buren, Japan and the Japanese. - Jones, Products and industries of the island of Kinshin etc. - Reprinted from the official "Consular Reports of the U. S. A." (Published in Washington).

Wagener, Dr. Ueber Handels- und Industrie-Gesellschaften in Osaka (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. V [pt. 42] pp. 75-77), Yokohama, 1889.

Was Japan fuer deutsche Buecher braucht, (Petermann's geographische Mittheilungen, 1872, p. 229), 4to, Gotha.

Wells, D. A. Japanese Experience of our Civil Service, (Nation vol. 15, p. 212 and foll.), New York.

Woeikof, A. J. Ueber die Production, den Handel und die Zukunft von Japan (Mittheilungen d. k. k. geographischen Gesellschaft von Wien, 1878, No 12). Yokohama Fire Department, (Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 39, pp. 321 and foll,), 8vo, New York, 1869.

Yokohama Trade Review.

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The Supplement to it contains the Statistics of Imports and Exports at the port of Yokohama and is published weekly on Monday except holidays. Gives for the imports the amount of every article and the name of the consignees; for the exports the amounts of every article shipped to America, England, Continent, China, Straits and India [separately for each country] and name of exporting firm. No 250 was published on July 1st 1893 in Yokohama. Still in progress and is to be had separately from the "Yokohama Trade Review."

Zahl der Europaeer und Amerikaner in Japan, (Globus, vol. 33 No 6), 4to, Braunschweig, 1878.


Bramsen, W. Notes on Japanese coins [written in English] with 74 coloured illustrations on 8 plates (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Naturund Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. III, [pt. 21] pp. 21-28), 4to, Yokohama, 1880.

The same article was issued separately under the title:

The coins of Japan, part I: The copper, - lead, and iron coins issued by the Central-Government 10 pp. with 8 plates, 4to, Yokohama 1880. ($ 1.25).

Bramsen, W. Les monnaies du Japon. translated from the English into French, pt. I, Yokohama, 1880.

Bramsen, W. Notes on Japanese iron coins (Numismatic Chronicle, 3rd series vol. II pp. 342-350), 8vo, London, 1882.

Details of Japanese weights and measures published by the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, Department of Agriculture, 9 pp. 8vo, Tokio, 1893. Endlicher, S. Verzeichniss der chinesischen und japanischen Muenzen des K. K. Muenz- und Antiken-Cahinetes in Wien, nebst einer Uebersicht der chinesischen und japanischen Buecher d. K. K. Hofbibliothek, 4to, Wien, 1837, (18 Mk.).

Engel, A. Souvenirs numismatiques d'un voyage autour du monde, part II: Japon. (Revue numismatique, 3rd series, vol. VII [pt. 2] pp. 313-340), 8vo, Paris, 1889.

Gold- und Silbermuenzen Japan's bis auf die Neuzeit, 30 pp. with 9 plates, 8vo, Berlin, 1888, (3 Mk.).

Japanese weights and measures, (Chinese and Japanese Repository vol. II [No 15] pp. 101-102), 8vo, London, 1864.

Koga, Yoshimasa, and Osamu Yamagata, On the fineness of the one yen silver coin, (Journal College Science Tokio, vol. III [pt. IV] pp. 289-311) small 4to, 1890.

Kussáka, J. T. Das japanische Geldwesen, geschichtlich und kritisch dargestellt, pp. VII, 100, 8vo, Berlin, 1890, (Mk 2.80).

Mint of Japan in 1874. (Bankers Magazine, vol. 35 p. 169 and foll.), New York. Monnayage de l'hôtel monétaire du Japon, (Journal Officiel, May 1st 1873), folio, Paris.

Muenzverhaeltnisse in Japan, (Preussisches Handelsarchiv 1861, January 25th, 4to, Berlin.

Neumann, J. Beschreibung der Scheide-Muenzen von China, Japan, Nordund Sued-Annam, (reprinted from part 14 of the same author's "Beschreibung der bekanntesten Kupfermuenzen"), 32 pp.with 18 plates, 8vo, Prag. 1862. Newton, J. Currency of Japan, (Intellectual Observer, vol. 12 p. 13 and foll.),


Ordonnance impériale No 113 instituant une Commission d'études du système monétaire, (Revue française du Japon, vol. II [pt. 22] pp. 359-360), 8vo, Tokyo, 1893.

Parieu, Esquirou de, La nouvelle loi monétaire du Japon, (Compte-Rendu des séances et travaux de l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques, vol. 98 p. 145 and foll.), 8vo, Paris, 1872.

Pfizmaier, A. Bericht ueber einige von Herrn von Scherzer eingesandte chinesische und [3] japanischen Muenzen with 23 illustrations on a plate (Sitzungsberichte d. philosoph. hist. Classe, d. kaiserl. Akademie, vol. 37, PP. 45-55), 8vo, Wien, 1861.

Polder, L. van de, Abridged history of the copper coins of Japan with 130 facsimiles of coins, (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. XIX [pt. II] pp. 419-500), 8vo, Yokohama, 1891.

Radermacher, J. C. M. Bijdragen tot de beschrijving van Japan, (Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap, vol. III pp. 203-236, 8vo, 1781, reprinted in 1821 and in Holland in 1787).

This article treats only on numismatics. (See also Pagès, bibliographie japonaise No 431).

Refonte des monnaies japonaises, (Journal officiel, May 28th 1872), folio, Paris. Sarazin, Fr. Des anciennes monnaies d'or au Japon with 30 plates, (Compterendu du Congrès international des Orientalistes à Paris en 1873, vol. I pp. 88-97), 80, 1874.

Scriba, J. Bemerkungen ueber japanische Gold- und Silbermuenzen mit einer Tabelle von 47 Muenzen von dem XVI Jahrhundert p. Chr. bis zur Gegenwart. (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. III [pt. 29] pp. 392-398), 4to, Yokohama, 1883. Siebold, Ph. Fr. von, Laengen, Flaechen-, und Koerpermass; Gewicht- und Muenzfuss des Reiches Japan, pp. 1-8 with 8 plates, folio (published in "Nippon, Archiv etc. Abteilung IV" by the same author, for which see page 11 of this Bibliography).

Traité des [anciennes] monnaies d'or au Japan, translated from the Japanese into French by Fr. Sarazin, 16 pp. with 31 plates, 8vo, Paris, 1874, (fr. 5.—). This paper was at first published in the "Mémoires du Congrès international des Orientalistes à Paris en 1873."

Villaret, E. de, Numismatique japonaise with 166 illustrations on 33 plates. (Revue numismatique, 3rd series, vol. X pp. 125-147, 217-240 and 369-412), 8vo, Paris, 1892.

Published separately in bookform at fr. 10.Wagener, E. Geschichtliches ueber das Maas- und Gewichtssystem in China und Japan nach Mittheilungen des Ninagawa Noritané und Nachtrag with 6 plates, (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. II [pt. 12] pp. 35-42 and 61), 4to, Yokohama, 1877. Wagener, G. Maass- und Gewichtssysteme Japan's, (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d. Orient, vol. III pp. 126-128), 4to, Wien, 1877.

White, J. The iron money of the Japanese, (Numismatic Chronicle, 1880, pt. 2), 8vo, London.

Wigmore, J. H. Note on the "Eiraku-sen," (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. XIX [pt. II] pp. 501-504), 8vo, Yokohama, 1891.


For description of armours, swords of feudal times see under "Ethnography", For history of the wars and rebellions see under "History."

v. B. Das japanische Offiziercorps (Internationale Revue ueber die gesammten Armeen und Flotten, vol. VIII [pt. 10] pp. 927-943) 8vo, Berlin, 1890. Bonnafy, dr. Examen des mesures préventives prises contre le kak'ké dans la marine japonaise (Archives de médicine navale, vol. 59 pp. 232 and foll.) 8vo, Paris, 1893.

Bridge, C. A. G., R. N. Naval strength of Great Britain and of foreign countries, 8vo, London, 1874.

Dupré, P. Dictionnaire des marines étrangères, (croiseurs, cuirassés, avisos, rapides); Angleterre, Allemagne, Russie, Turquie, Autriche, Italie, Espagne, Portugal, Grèce... Japon etc illustrated, 8vo, Paris, 1882. (fr. 6.—). Expériences de tir au Japon (Revue maritime et coloniale, vol. 49 pp. 623 and foll.) 8vo, Paris, 1876.

G. W. Eine alte japanische Paradeaufstellung vor 250 Jahren with sketch map of it (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens vol. IV [pt. 37] pp. 341-345) 4to, Yokohama, 1887.

Goto Jurokuro, Biographie du Vice-Amiral Vte Enomotto Takeaki (Revue française du Japon, vol. II [pt. 17] pp. 173-179) 8vo, Tokyo, 1893. Grierson Capt. J. M. Armed strength of Japan compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the War Office, 41 pp. with map, 8vo, London, 1886. (2s). Hardy, A. S. Army of Japan (Cosmopolitan vol. X pp. 3 and foll. and 165 and foll.) New York.

Japan und seine Heeresreformen (Im neuen Reich, 1879, pp. 874-878) royal 8vo, Leipzig.

King, J. W. Warships and navies of the world, 8vo, Boston, 1880. Kronenfels, J. F. von, Das schwimmende Flotten-material der Seemaechte. Eine kurzgefasste Beschreibung der wichtigsten europaeischen, amerikanischen und asiatischen Kriegsschiffe der neuern und neuesten Zeit, 549 pp. with 265 illustrations large 8vo, Wien, 1880. (Mk 14.—).

Ister Ergaenzungsband: Kriegsschiff bauten 1881-82, 279 pp. with 82 illustrations, large 8vo, Wien, 1883. (Mk 6.75 pƒ).

La marine du Japon (Revue du circle militaire, September 13th, 1891) Paris. Lapeyrère, P. de, Le Japon militaire, avec gravures d'après des dessins originaux 195 pp. 12mo, Paris, 1883. (fr. 3.—).

La Société japonaise de la Croix-Rouge (Revue française du Japan, vol. II [pt. 16] 138-145) 8vo, Tokyo, 1893.

Loebell, von, Militairsanitaetswesen in Japan. (Jahresberichte ueber die Veraenderungen und Fortschritte im Militairwesen, vol. V [for 1878] page 119) 8vo, Berlin, 1879.

Marine militaire au Japon. Numerous articles published in the "Revue maritime et coloniale" 8vo, Paris.

Etat de la marine en 1872 (ibidem, vol. 34 [1872] pp. 913 and foll.).

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41 [1874] pp. 568 and foll. and 43 [1874] pp. 961 and foll.

1876 (ibidem, vol. 50 [1876] pp. 536 and foll.).

1877 (ibidem, vol. 52

[1877] pp. 573 and foll.).

1878 (ibidem, vol. 61 [1879] pp. 419 and foll.). 1880 (ibidem, vol. 66 [1880] pp. 186 and foll.). Budget: Exercices 1873 (ibidem vol. 39 [1873] pp. 372 and foll.).

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Flotte: Foo-So, son lancement (ibidem, vol. 53 [1877] pp. 759 and foll.).
ses essais (ibidem, vol. 56 [1878] pp. 814 and foll.).
Iho-Sho-Maru, son lancement (ibidem, vol. 26 [1869] pp. 528 and foll.).
Kon-Go, son lancement (ibidem, vol. 53 [1877] pp. 759 and foll.).
Sei-Ki (ibidem, vol. 46 [1875] pp. 284 and foll.).

Tsukuba (ibidem, vol. 58 [1878 pp. 213 and foll.).

Dictionnaire de ses cuirassés (ibidem, vol. 71 [1881] p. 312).
Fu-Sô, frégatte à batterie (ibidem vol. 71 [1881] pp. 314 and foll.).
Kon-Go, croiseur (ibidem vol. 71 [1881] pp. 315 and foll.).



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71 [1881] pp. 315 and foll.). lancement, description (vol. 85 [1885 pp. 464 and foll. and vol. 89 [1886] pp. 561 and foll.).

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Takatchiho, croiseur lancement, description (vol 86 [1885] pp. 201 and foll. and vol. 82 [1886] pp. 561 and foll.).

Unébi, croiseur lancement, description vol. 89 [1886] pp. 366 and foll.). Yarrow, torpilleurs (description vol. 90 [1886] pp. 328 and foll.). Dictionnaire de ses cuirassés (descript. vol. 71 [1881] pp. 312 and foll.). Port et arsenaux: L'arsenal de Yokoska (description vol. 37 [1873] pp. 595 and foll.).

Le port de Kobé (descr. vol. 38 [1873] pp. 760 and foll.). Mori, Rintaro. Ueber die Kost der japanischen Soldaten (Archiv fuer Hygiene 1886 pp. 333 and foll.) 8vo, Muenchen. Mueller-Beeck, G. Die wichtigsten Trutzwaffen Alt-Japan's with 10 plates (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens vol. IV [pt. 31 pp. 1-8) 4to, Yokohama, 1884.

Nihon gwai shi. On ancient Japan: Origin of the military class (The Phoenix, vol. II pp. 153) 4to, London, 1871-72.

Paris (Vice-amiral) Les constructions navales au Japon (Revue maritime et coloniale, vol. 45 pp. 42 and foll.) 8vo, Paris, 1875.

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Reorganization of the Japanese Army, translated from a German article in the National Zeitung" (The Phoenix vol. II pp. 15-16) 4to, London, 1871-72. Siebold, Ph. F. von, Von den Waffen und Kriegskunst der Japaner, with numerous plates, folio (published in "Nippon, Archiv etc. Abteilung II" by the same author, [for which see page 11 of this Bibliography]. Takaki, Kanehiro. Foods in the Japanese Navy; Catalogue of the Exhibits of the Japanese Central Sanitary Bureau of the International Health Exhibition, London, 1884.

Upton, E. The Armies of Europe and Asia: accompanied by letters descriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus, 460 pp. 8vo, Portsmouth, 1878. Very, E. W. Navies of the world; giving description of plans, armaments and armour illustrated, royal 8vo, London, 1880. (£ 1 11s 6d). Villaret, E. de, Armée; Considérations militaires sur le Japon in " Dai Nippon" pp. 150-178 and 334-389 by the same author [for which see page 12 of this Bibliography].

Wehrkraft Japan's China's und Indiens (Neue militairische Blaetter, ed. by G. v. Glasenapp vol. VIII pt. 6) royal 8vo, Berlin, 1876.

Wilson, A. J. Resources of modern countries 2 vols, 8vo, London, 1878. (£ 1.4).

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