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Sheiguro, Yamazuchi, Neusstes ueber Cultur und Preparirung des Ginseng in Japan (Zeitschrift des oesterreich. Apotheker-Vereins vol. 22 p. 542).

The same article in English language (American Druggist 1884 July).
Shimoyama, Dr. Y. and K. Hirano, Ueber die japanische Baldrianwurzel
[Kisso] (Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Facultaet, Tokio, vol. I [pt. IV]
PP. 347-349) small 4to, 1890.

Tsudsioka, S. and J. Murai, Catalogue of the Collection of Japanese and
Chinese drugs, Jap. and Latin text, 29 pp. oblong 4to, Tokio, 1883.
Wasowicz, M. D. V. Japanese Aconite (Pharmaceutical Journal, 3rd ser. vol.
XI pp. 149-151) London, 1880.

4. Foodplants and their produce (as for instance saké of rice etc.). l'Arbre à champignons, translated from the Japanese into French (Mémoires de la Société des études jap. vol. II [pt. 2] pp. 173-181) 8vo, Paris, 1879. Atkinson, R. W. Chemistry of Sakébrewing 73 pp. with 19 plates, small 4to, Tokio, 1881. ($ 1.—).

(Forms No 6 of the Memoirs of the Science Department of the Tokio Daigaku).

Abridged résumé in "Chemical News vol. 44 pp. 230-233," 4to, London, 1881.

Atkinson, R. W. On the diastase of Kôji [a kind of malt prepared of steamed rice] (Proceedings Royal Society, London vol. 31 p. 523 and vol. 32 pp. 299-332) 8vo, 1881.

French translation (Moniteur scientique vol. 24 pp. 7-33) Paris, 1882. Castillon, comte de, La culture artificielle des champignons au Japon - [Reviewed in the "Revue mycologique vol. I pt. 5"], Paris.

Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese forageplants exhibited at the World's
Columbian Exhibition, 24 pp. 8vo, Chicago, Ill., 1893.

Dupont, E. Notes relatives aux kakis cultivés japonais, (Bulletin de la Société
d'acclimatation, 3rd ser. vol. VII pp. 387-391), 8vo, Paris, 1880.

Dwars, B. W. An analysis of certain articles of Japanese food [red beans, rice, rye, wheat] (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. VI [pt. I] pp. 63-67) 8vo, Yokohama, 1878.

Dwars, B. W. Analysis of the sweet potato (tubera rhizogena of Batatas edulis) (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. VI [pt. II] pp. 349-352) 8vo, Yokohama, 1878.

Hoffmann, J. J. De Rijstbier- of Sakebrouwerij in Japan, naar Japansche bronnen (Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië, 3rd ser. vol. V pp. 179-191), 8vo, 's Gravenhage, 1870.

Hoffmann, J. J. Bereiding van de Japansche soya. (Bijdragen tot de taal-, landen volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. 3rd ser. vol. V p. 194), 8vo, 's Gravenh. 1870.

Hoffmann, J. J. Ricebeer, or sake brewing in Japan, compiled from Japanese sources (The Phoenix, vol. I pp. 200-201 and vol. II pp. 2-4 4to, London, 1870-72.

Hoffmann, J. J. Bereitung von Shoju, Sake und Myrin (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens vol. I part 6 pp. 8-11) 4to, Yokohama, 1874.

Ishikawa, I. On kaki-no-shibu [the juice of certain varieties of persimmon] (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. IX pp. 36-38) 8vo, Tokio, 1881. Japanese edibles, (Pharmaceutical Journal, 3rd series, vol. 6 pp. 202, and 221-222) London, 1875.

Jaquet, L. Un nouveau Succédané du Café (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Ge-
sellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, pt. 13 pp. 102) 4to, Yoko-
hama, 1877.

Kinch, Ed. List of plants used for food or from wich foods are obtained in
Japan (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. XI [pt. 1] pp. 1-30) 8vo,
Yokohama, 1883.

Observations on Kinch's list by Dr. Geerts, (ibidem vol. XI [pt. 1] pp. 31-38).

Korschelt, O. Ueber Sake, das alkoholische Getraenk der Japaner.

(Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelker kunde Ostasiens, vol. II [pt. 16] pp. 240-258) 4to, Yokohama, 1878.

(Dingler's polytechnisches Journal, vol. 230 pp. 76-80, 172-181, 229-240, 330-335 and 421-427) 8vo, Stuttgart, 1878.

Kultur essbarer Schwaemme in Japan (Die Natur, 1880, p. 388), Halle. Langgaard, Dr. A. Bemerkungen ueber den Naehrwerth des Tofu [Bohnenkaese] nach Analysen von J. Schimoyama (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. II [pt. 16] pp. 268-269) 4to, Yokohama, 1878.

Lemmer, A. Das Auftauchen der Theorie der kuenstlichen Befruchtung des
Reis in Japan (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voel-
kerkunde Ostasiens vol. I [pt. 9] pp. 55-56) 4to, Yokohama, 1876.
Muller-Beeck, Verzeichniss der essbaren Pflanzen Japan's. Veroeffentlicht vom
Verein zur Befoerderung des Gartenbaues in den koenigl. preussischen
Staaten, 18 pp. 8vo, Berlin, 1886.

Mushrooms in Japan. Report of H. M. Consul in Japan 1875 (Grevillea vol. V pp. 103-105) 8vo, London, 1875.

Mushroom culture in Japan. (Pharmaceutical Journal 3rd series vol. VII p. 1026) London, 1877.

Paillieux, A. Sur l'Igname plate du Japon [Dioscorea japonica] et le Gongoulou du Kashmir, (Bulletin de la Société d'acclimatation, 4th ser. vol. VI pp. 194-198), 8vo, Paris, 1889.

Paillieux, A. Le soya, sa composition chimique, ses variétés, sa culture [au Japon, en Chine, en Europe] et ses usages (Bulletin de la Société d'acclimatation, 3rd ser. vol. VII pp. 414-471 and pp. 538-596) 8vo, Paris, 1880. Potatoculture in Japan, (Chrysanthemum vol. I pp. 483-487), 8vo, Yokohama, 1881.

Rein, J. J. Ueber verschiedene Obstsorten Japans, (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d. Orient vol. XI [No 5] pp. 106-108), 4to, Wien, 1885. Schroeter, C. Essbare Pilze und Pilzculturen in Japan, (Gartenflora vol. 35 pp. 101-107 and 134-139), 8vo, Stuttgart, 1886.

Schwaemmezucht in Japan, [Essbare Schwaemme] (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d. Orient, 1879, p. 188), folio, Wien.

The Cultivation and uses of the Soja hispida in China and Japan (Gardener's Chronicle vol. XIV pp. 369-370) London, 1880.

Un nouveau fruit, Diospyros Kaki, (La Nature 1884, November), Paris. Vidal, J. Le Conophallus Konjak, sa culture, ses usages comme plante alimentaire du Japon. (Bulletin de la société d'acclimatation, 3rd ser. vol. IV pp. 363-378) 8vo, Paris, 1877.

Vignes, Les, japonaises de Mr. H. Degron, (Vigne américaine, 1884, September and October number), 8vo, Lyon.

Yahito, Tukuba, Weincultur in Japan, (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d.
Orient, vol. XIII pp. 28-29), 4to, Wien, 1887.

c. Architecture and Engineering (including Drainage,
Sanitation, Irrigation, etc.).

American Architect and Building News, 4to, Boston, (Still in progress).
The following articles refer to Japanese Architecture and kindred trades.






year pp.

1876. 55-56 and 136. Jap. building at the Centennial Exhibition.
26-27. Houses in Japan.

124-125. R. H. Brunton, Constructive art in Japan, (from Trans-
actions Asiatic Society of Japan).

1877. 72. Primitive fireproof buildings, (godowns made of clay). 396. The Imperial palace in Kioto.

1879. 120. Panelling of the cabins of the "Gallia" of the Cunard Line executed by Japanese workmen expecially brought to England for that purpose.

1880. 86. The firelaws of Japan.

146. The great fire in Tokio on Dec. 26th 1879.

40. Commencing of the construction of the new imperial palace.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

American Architect and Building News (continued).

vol. year pp.

VIII. 1880. 94. A Japanese phosphorescent paint.
1881. 79. Japanese legend of the origin of art.




90. Jap. temple in Paris projected by Japanese residents there. 1882. 246. Jap. firelaws.

1883. 166. Jap. fireproof buildings (reprinted from "Fireman's Journal"). XIII. 1883.214. Crematory in Japan.

XIX. 1886. 55. Earthquakeproof buildings in Japan. — p. 82. Old Jap. cantileaver bridge. p. 146. European architecture in Japan. p. 302. The suspended beam in Jap. pagodas (from Mr. Conder's paper). pp. 3, 31, 41 and 65. Illustrated extracts from "Morse, Jap. homes."

XXI. 1887. 122. Jap. drawing pen.-p. 160. Domestic architecture in Japan (from Mr. Conder's paper). — p. 162. Facsimile reproduction on two plates of original Japanese architectural drawings.

XXVI. 1889. 68. Japanese house building.

Berger, H. H. Homes and temples of Japan, (Overland Monthly, new ser., vol. 10 pp. 337 and foll.), San Francisco.

Brunton, R. H. Public works [railways, lighthouses and telegraphlines] in Japan with a map, (Ocean Highways ed. by Cl. Markham 1872 [December] pp. 276-278).

Brunton, R. H. Constructive Art in Japan, (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. II pp. 57-77), 8v0, Yokohama, 1874.

An other article on the same subject, (ibidem vol. III [pt. 2] pp. 20-34), 8vo, Yokohama, 1876 [reprinted 1884].

Burton, W. K. Abstract of a lecture on sanitation in Japan, (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. XVII [pt. II] pp. XVI and XVII), 8vo, Yokohama, 1889.

Cawley, G. Some remarks on constructions in brick and wood, and their relative suitability in Japan, (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. VI [pt. II] pp. 291-320), 8vo, Yokohama, 1878.

Conder, J. Notes on Japanese [temple, public and domestic] Architecture with 2 plates, (Sessional Papers of the Royal Institute of British Architects for 1877-78 pp. 179-191), 4to, London.

Conder, J. Further notes on Japanese [temple] architecture with illustrations in the text and 15 plates, (Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects, New ser., vol. II pp. 185-209), 4to, London, 1886.

Conder, J. Architecture in Japan, (Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine, vol. 18 p. 509 and foll.), New York.

Conder, J. Domestic Architecture in Japan with illustrations in the text and 8 plates, (Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects, New ser., vol. III pp. 103-127), 4to, London, 1887.

Conder, J. An architect's notes on the great earthquake of October 1891,
(Seismological Journal of Japan, vol. II pp. 1-92), 8vo, Yokohama, 1893.
Conder, R. T. The mausoleum at Nikko with one illustration, (Transactions
of the Royal Institute of British Architects, New ser., vol. II pp. 209-214),
4to, London, 1886.

Conder, R. T. A Japanese gentleman's house at Tokio with illustrations in
the text and plate, (Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects,
New ser., vol. III pp. 181-184), 4to, London, 1887.
Deutsche Bauzeitung. Wochenblatt herausgegeben vom Architecten-Verein zu
Berlin, 4to.

vol. XIV.

(1880): p. 167. Gagliardi, (Prof am Polytechnikum in Tokio), Auffinden eines grossen Marmorlagers im Ibraki-Gebirge. vol. XXIII. (1889): pp. 45-46. Dr. Ed. Naumann, Die Baukunst und das Bauhandwerk Japan's; ein Vortrag gehalten im Muenchener Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein.

vol. XXIV. (1890): p. 23. Eisenbahnbauten in Japan.

vol. XXV. (1891): Deutsche Entwuerfe fuer japanische Monumentalbauten. PP. 121-122. I: Parliaments gebaeude fuer Tokio with plate. pp. 161. II: Justizpalast fuer Tokio with plate.

Deutsche Bauzeitung (continued).

vol. XXV. pp. 209-210. III: Justizministerium in Tokio with illustrations in the text.

pp. 221-222. IV: Polizeipraesidium with illustrations in the text vol. XXV. (1892): p. 246. Brueckenbauten in Japan nach dem Erdbeben vom October 1891 with illustrations.

Dresser, C. Some features of Japanese architecture and ornament. A lecture,
(Builder vol. 47, pp. 787-788 with 3 plates), folio, London, 1884.
Dresser, C. Japan: its architecture etc. see page 150 of this Bibliography.
Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 8vo, London.

The following articles refer to Japan:

Colliery winding machine. — Shipbuilding.-Government Engineering works at Kobé, 1883 vol. II p. 852.

Commencement of manufacture of wrought iron in Japan, 1875, vol. II
pp. 618-619.

Construction of two charcoal blast-furnaces at Heigori, 1875, vol. I p. 299.
Cost and production of iron in Japan 1876, vol. I p. 213.

Description of the chief deposits of iron-ores in Japan, 1872 vol. II
p. 156, 1876 vol. I p. 212, II pp. 608-614.

Extent and working of iron sands from Japan, 1874 vol. II p. 437.
Ironworks established in Japan, 1875 p. 299, 1876 p. 211, 1880 p. 384.
Method of smelting iron in Japan 1872, vol. I p. 154, 1876 vol. I p.
212, vol. II p. 612.

Metallurgical technology of Japan, [iron-ores, their calcination - smelting the iron the Amegawha ironworks the defects of Jap. smelting processes statistics] 1880 vol. I pp. 381-389.

Mode of producing iron at the works of Cotchino-Mimouro, 1875, vol. Ip. 300. Reports on iron trade of Japan, 1872 vol. I p. 154, vol. II p. 156, 1874 pp. 203 and 437, 1875 pp. 299 and 618, 1876 pp. 211 and 608, 1880, p. 381. Lescasse, J. An essay on Japanese buildings and on buildings in general considered in connection with earthquakes; and a description of a system designed to give security to constructions in masonry, (Japan Gazette, 1877, March 29th), Yokohama.

Mc Clatchie, T. R. H. The feudal Mansions of Yedo, (Transactions Asiatic
Society Japan, vol. VII [pt. 3] pp. 157-184), 8vo, Yokohama, 1879.
Martin, Dr. Ueber die Versorgung mit Trinkwasser der Metropole Japan's,
(Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ost-
asiens vol. II [pt. II] pp. 18-20), 4to, Yokohama, 1876.
Milne, J. On construction in earthquake countries with large plate, (Transactions
Seismological Society of Japan vol. XI pp. 115-174), 8vo, Yokohama, 1887.
Reprinted from the "Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers in London, vol. 83 [session 1885-86] part I [paper 2108]."
Milne, J. Construction in earthquake countries; a compilation of official reports
and building regulations [in force in Italy, Philippine islands, Mexico, Ecuador
etc.] with suggestions to their application in Japan, 246 pp. with 35 illus-
trations on II plates, (forms vol. XIV of the Transactions Seismological Society
Japan), 8vo, Yokohama, 1888.

Milne, J. and F. Omori, On the overturning and fracturing of brick- and
other columns by horizontally applied motion, (Seismological Journal, vol. I
pp. 59-86), 8vo, Yokohama, 1893.

Montefiore, L. Les temples au Japon with plate, (Mémoires de l'Athénée oriental, vol. I pp. 95-100), 4to, Paris, 1871.

Morse, E. S. Housebuilding in Japan, (Popular Science Monthly, vol. 28 p. 643 and foll.). New York.

Morse, E. S. On the older forms of Terra-Cotta roofing tiles, 72 pp. with
85 illustrations, (Bulletin of the Essex Institute, U. S. A.), royal 8vo, Salem, 1892.
Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings, [a technical handbook
of Japanese domestic architecture and decoration] 372 pp. text with 307
engravings and index, roy. 8vo, Boston, 1885. ($ 5.—).

An other issue of this edition is marked on the titlepage "London, 1886.

New cheaper edition in 8vo, London, 1887. (10s 6d),





Perry, J. and W. E. Ayrton, On structures in an earthquake country. A paper published by the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokio. Pfoundes, C. Constructive art in Japan, (Builder vol. 37 pp. 1306-7 and 1395), folio, London, 1879.

Piggott], F. T. Some notes on Japanese architecture, illustrated, (Builder, vol. 64 [Nos2618-19] pp. 262-263 and 280-282), London, 1893. Report on the routes for the Main Trunk Lines through Central Japan viz. from Tokio to Kioto and across to Niigata, 20 pp. and map. Kobe, 1876. Reports, Descriptive, of the Imperial Government Railways of Japan [by R. Vicars Boyle], 42 pp. with map, 8vo, Kobe, 1876.

Revue générale de l'architecture et des travaux publics. Paris.

vol. 43. col. 97-193. C. Daly, Les temples japonais with II plates (some coloured) by Abel Guérineau.



vol. 44. col. 23.

C. Daly, Les temples boudhistes du Japon.

C. Daly, Un temple rustique au Japon, with 2 plates. col. 111-152. C. Détain, La couverture en toile au Japon with 6

plates (some coloured).

col. 200. C. Daly, L'architecture fermière au Japon, with 3 plates. Seymour, Dr. Abstract of his lecture on the hygienic aspects of Japanese dwellinghouses with remarks by Dr. Baelz, (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. XVII [pt. II] pp. XVIII-XXI), 8vo, Yokohama, 1889. Stein, Dr. E. von, Erdbeben und japanische Gebaeude, (Oesterreichische Monatsschrift f. d. Orient, vol. XIX pp. 77-79), 4to, Wien, 1893. Tempelbau, Der japanische, (Wochenblatt fuer Baukunde, Sonderausgabe der "Deutschen Bauzeitung", vol. IX Nɔs. 68, 69), 4to, Berlin, 1887.

The new Imperial Law Courts in Tokio in course of construction by Ende and Boeckmann, architects, with two designs of them on 2 plates, (Builder, vol. 64 [No 2619] pp. 288-289), folio, London, 1893.

Thomson, H. H. Penpicture of a Japanese. Temple, (The Christian Advocate 1888 Oct. 18th p. 688), New York.

Tietze, O. Bautechnische Bemerkungen ueber die durch das grosse Erdbeben in Gebaeuden angerichteten Verwuestungen, (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. V [pt. 48] pp. 383387), 4to, Yokohama, 1892.

Waddell, J. A. L. A system of iron railroad-bridges for Japan, 258 pp. text and atlas of 42 tables or plates, in 2 vols small 4to, Tokio, 1885.

Forms No 11 of the "Memoirs of the Science Department of the Tokio Daigaku”.

Walsch, C. F. Sanitation in Japan; a comparative study, (Transactions Brighton Health Congress for 1881 pp. 98-103), 8vo, London, 1882.

d. Forestry and Arboriculture.

Belhomme, Sur le choix des chênes destinés à la nourriture du Bombyx Yama-mai, (Bulletin de la Société d'acclimatation), 8vo, Paris, 1865. Bellecourt, Duchesne de, Note sur l'écorce de l'arbuste à papier du Japon (Bulletin de la Société d'acclimatation) 8vo, Paris, 1865.

Breuil, A. du, Le Néflier du Japon comme arbre fruitier de grande culture (Revue horticole 1876 pp. 70-71), Paris.

Castillon, comte de, Les bambous japonais (Revue horticole, 1877 pp. 13-15), Paris.

Dupont, Adolphe E. Les essences forestières du Japon, illustrated, large 8vo, Paris, 1880. (fr. 4.50).

Published at first in shorter form [also illustrated] in the "Revue maritime et coloniale" vol. 60 [1879] pp. 569-601 vol. 62 [1879] pp. 183-222 and 411-463 and vol. 63 [1879] pp. 162-204, Paris.

This work gives the natural history and cultivation not only of the forest plants, but of all other produce of the vegetable kingdom and detailed statement of their uses by the Japanese in the multifarous trades, medicine etc. At the end is a list of 319 plants giving the Japanse name [in Roman characters], their Chinese equivalent [in Chinese type], the scientific name in Latin and in many cases the French name besides.

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