Imágenes de páginas



Abel, in Beth-maachah, subdued by
Baasha, 34 note 3
Abel-meholah, on the Jordan, native place
of Elisha, 81

Abigail, her position in Israel, 134 note 1
Abijah, son of Rehoboam by Maachah,

47; king of Judah, 48; his wars with
the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, 48 sq.
Abijam for Abijah in 1 Kings, 47 note 9
Abiram, eldest son of Hiel, 40
Accho, Necho disembarks his troops at,
< 241

Adiabene, conquered by Shalman, 150
Adoraim, city of Judah, the present Dûra,
45 note 5

Adrammelech, son of Sennacherib, mur-
ders his father, 188
Agur, Proverbs of, 284

Ahab, son of Omri, reigns twenty-two
years over the kingdom of the Ten
Tribes, 39; marries Jezebel, 39; builds
a palace at Jezreel, 40, 71; and a
temple of Baal in Samaria, 40; sacri-
fices to Baal and Astarte, 41; his
daughter, Athaliah, married to Jeho-
ram, king of Judah, 63; his tendency
to favour heathenism, 65; recalls
Elijah after the drought, 69; cam-
paigns against the Arameans in the
last years of his reign, 71 sqq.; makes
peace with Benhadad, 73; desires to
purchase Naboth's vineyard, 74; takes
possession of it, 75; is denounced by
Elijah, 75; concerts a campaign with
Jehoshaphat against Ramoth in Gilead,
75; dies from a wound in battle, 77;
in the later representations of Elijah,
permits the contest on Carmel, 106
Ahab, a prophet among the Babylonian
exiles, executed by Nabuchodrozzor,
269 note 6.

Ahasuerus, equivalent to Cyaxares, 228

note 2

[blocks in formation]


under Tiglath-Pileser, 160, 170; visits
Tiglath-Pileser at Damascus, 171; re-
moves the brazen altar from the temple-
court and erects another in its place,
171; his altar subsequently restored
by Manasseh, 208

Ahaziah, son of Ahab, king of the Ten
Tribes, 77; reigns two years, 77;
offers to assist Jehoshaphat in his re-
newal of the navigation of the Red Sea,
56; consults the Fly-god in Ekron,
112; treatment of his messengers by
Elijah, 112; date of his death, 21 sq.
Ahaziah (Jehoahaz), son of Jehoram, king
of Judah, 95; visits Jehoram, king of
the Ten Tribes, at Jezreel, 97; perishes
at Megiddo in the revolt of Jehu, 98;
interred at Jerusalem, 98; forty-two
of his relatives slain by Jehu at Beth-
eked, 99 sq.; his brothers carried into
captivity by the Philistines, 95, 140
note 3

Ahijah of Shiloh, a prophet, his message
to Jeroboam I., 29, 33 note 4; possibly

the author of 1 Sam. ii. 1-10, 33 note 4
Ahijah, son of Jeroboam I., his illness,
28; and death, 29

Ahikam, son of Shaphan, protects Jere-

miah, 253, 274; father of Gedaliah, 274
Ai, to be identified with Aiath, 3 note 3
Aiath, not far from Bethel, in the king-
dom of Judah, 3 note 3

al-Chidr, Elijah identified with, by the
Islamite nations, 113

Altar, the brazen, in the temple at Jeru-
salem, restored by Asa, 50; replaced
by Ahaz with a new altar from Damas-
cus, 171; removed altogether from the
forecourt of the temple by Manasseh,
209; but subsequently restored by him,

Altar, the Damascene, erected by Ahaz in
the forecourt of the temple, 171
Altar, erected at Bethel by Jeroboam I.,
30; destroyed by Josiah, 30, 238
Altars erected before the gates of Jeru-
salem, defiled by Josiah, 238


Amaziah, son of Joash, king of Judah,
141; conquers the Idumeans, 141; war
with Joash, king of the Ten Tribes,
141; Jerusalem reduced in his reign,
14 note 2; his death, 142; length of
his reign, 118, 143
Amaziah, high priest at Bethel, under
Jeroboam II., 131

Amittai, father of the prophet Jonah, 123
Ammonites, the, allied with Damascus,

revolt from Israel after the disruption
of the kingdom, 25; war of Jehosha-
phat with, 54 sq.; spread over Gilead
in the reign of Jehoahaz, 121; recon-
quered by Jeroboam II., 124; pay
tribute to Uzziah, 144; conquered by
Jotham, 166; revolt from Judah under
Manasseh, 214; toleration of, not en-
joined by Deuteronomy, 223; attempts
of Josiah to subdue them, 241; take
part with Nabuchodrozzor against Ju-
dah, 261; oppressed by the Chaldeans,
seek help from Judah, 267; subside
in the final advance of the Chaldeans,
270; make a last attempt to regain
their independence, 276

Amon, son of Manasseh, king of Judah,

length of his reign, 206 note 2; moral
corruption of the kingdom in his reign,
230; his attempts to promote heathen-
ism, 232, 237; his fall, 232
Amos, a prophet, went from Judah into
Israel, under Jeroboam II., 14 note 1,
30, 125; banished from Israel, 131;
announces the impending ruin of the
kingdom, 133; his anticipations for
Judah, 148; predicts the coming of the
Assyrians, 153; his survey of foreign
affairs, 196 note 1; his Messianic anti-
cipations, 203 note 2

Amos, book of, 197; i., ii., 198 note 7
Anammelech, son of Sennacherib, mur-
ders his father, 188

Anathoth, in Judah, native city of Jere-
miah, 234, 272

Apharsathchites, the, an Eastern tribe
deported to Samaria, 216 note 1
Apharsites, or Persians, the, deported to
Samaria, 216 note 1

Aphek, its situation, 72 note 4; defeat of
Benhadad at, 73; victory of Joash at,
over the Arameans, 122 sq.
Apries, king of Egypt, see Hophra
Arab tribes, tributary to Jehoshaphat, 57;
attack Jerusalem in the reign of Jeho-
ram, 94; incursions of, in the reign of
Uzziah, 145

Aramaic elements, intrusion of, into the
Hebrew language, 279

Arameans, the, revolt from Israel after

the disruption of the kingdom, 24;
Ahab's campaigns against, 71 sqq.; re-
gain some of their conquests under


Ahaziah, 77; Elisha frustrates their
incursions, 86; Jehoram's wars with,
94; regain their supremacy over Israel,
120; defeated by Joash at Aphek, 122;
form a new kingdom, 155; their alli-
ance with Pekah against Judah, 158,
170. See Benhadad, Damascus, Hazael
Arbela, capital of Adiabene, conquered by
Shalman, 150

Archevites, the, an Eastern tribe deported
to Samaria, 216 note 1

Argob, an attendant of Pekahiah, 157
Ark, the, removed by Manasseh from the
Holy of Holies, 209; and probably de-
stroyed, 209 note 3

Aroer, capital of a new Aramean kingdom,

Arphad, conquered by the Assyrians, 151
Arts, the, in the kingdom of the Ten

Tribes, 42; development of, in Judah
under Hezekiah, 192; connected with
literature, their decline in the last age
of the kingdom of Judah, 285
Arza, steward of Elah, 35
Asa, son of Abijah, king of Judah, 49;
length of his reign, 22, 49, 52; re-
moves all traces of heathenism, 49; his
campaign against Zerah the Ethiopian,
50 sq.; invokes the aid of Benhadad
against Baasha, 34, 52; destroys the
works commenced at Ramah, 35; for-
tifies Geba and Mizpah, 35; his death, 53
Asarhaddon I., son of Sennacherib, king
of Assyria, conquered Egypt, 214; sent
against Elib, governor of Babylon, 214
note 5; whether there were two Asar-
haddons, ibid.; length of his reign, 297
note 5

Asarhaddon II., king of Assyria, makes a
new settlement in Samaria, 215; his
conquests soon lost, 227

Asaridis, or Asarhaddon, 214
Ashdod, a Philistine city, conquered by

Uzziah, 143; siege and reduction of, by
Tartan, 178; and by Psammetichus, 218
Asia Minor, flight of Israelites to, 166
Askelon, a Philistine city, resists Uzziah,

143; occupied by the Scythians, 230
Assyrians, the, menace Ammon and
Moab, 145; their origin, 149 sq.;
limits of their power, 150; their divine
destiny recognised by the prophets,
153; their war with the Phoenicians,
162; their aid called in by Ahaz, 170;
peace hastily concluded with them by
Hezekiah, 176; invade Egypt under
Sennacherib, 179 sq.; their retreat,
180; occupy Judah, 180 sq.; and
menace Jerusalem, 182; their flight,
183; revival of their power after Sen-
nacherib's death, 214; their dominion
finally overthrown by the Medes and
Chaldeans, 253


'Assyrian camp,' the, near Jerusalem,


Assyrian chronology, 297

Astarte, worship of, in the kingdom of the
Ten Tribes, 27 note 7; oracle grove of,
near Jezreel, 40; temple of, in Samaria,
under Jeroboam II., 126 note 6;
worship of, introduced by Manasseh
into the temple at Jerusalem, 208;
statue of, removed from the temple by
Josiah, 238

Astrology, introduced by Ahaz, 169; re-
vived by Manasseh, 208
Athaliah, daughter of Ahab, marries Je-
horam, king of Judah, 63, 95; assumes
power in Jerusalem on the death of
Ahaziah, 101; her reign, 134; her fall,

Athaliah, sons of, 140 note 3

Autumn festival in the kingdom of the
Ten Tribes, 27
Arvah, see Ivah

Axerdis, or Asaridis, or Asarhaddon, 214
Azariah, name of Uzziah before his acces-
sion, 143 note 2

Azariah, son of Oded, a prophet in Jeru-
salem in the reign of Abijah, 49
Azariah, high priest at Jerusalem, said to
have prevented Uzziah from sacrificing
in the temple, 146

Azekah, a fortress in Judah, captured by
the Chaldeans, 272

Baal, king of Tyre, 298

Baal, priests of, in Samaria, 40

Baal, prophets of, contest of Elisha with,

106 sq.

Baal, temple of, at Samaria, erected by
Ahab, 40; destroyed by Jehu, 100 sq.;
at Jerusalem, probably erected by
Jehoram, 95; destroyed on the acces-
sion of Joash, 136

Baal-shalisha, a man from, brings loaves
and corn to Elisha, 86
Baal-zebub, oracle of, in Ekron, consulted
by Ahaziah, 78

Baalis, king of Ammon, 275

Baasha, assassinates Nadab, 32; becomes
king of the Ten Tribes, 33; belonged
to the tribe of Issachar, 33; attacks
Judah, 33 sq., 52; conquers Ramah,
34; is compelled to retire, 35; his
death, 35; buried in Tirzah, 35;
fall of his house in the reign of Elah,
8 note 1, 35
Babylon, belonged to the Assyrian em-
pire, 150; its origin and rivalry with
Nineveh, 253; Chaldean settlement in,
254; Israelites deported to, under
Tiglath-Pileser, 166; its history after
the fall of Sennacherib, according to
Eusebius, 214 note 5; settlers sent


from, to Samaria, 215; independent of
Nineveh, 215; Hezekiah's sons carried
to, 217; Manasseh prisoner at, 217;
its share in the overthrow of the
Assyrian power, 253; defended by
Nabopolassar against the Scythians,
255; rise of a new Chaldean power in,
255; date of its independence, 297;
conquered by Cyrus, 296, 298
Babylonian star-worship, introduced by
Ahaz, 169; revived by Manasseh, 208
Balator, king of Tyre, 298
Baruch, a disciple of Jeremiah, assists
him in the compilation of a book of
his prophecies, 258; reads it aloud in
the temple and is arrested, 258
Bastards, the, in Zech. ix. 6, their origin,
143 note 6

Beel-zebub, origin of the name, and of its
application to Satan, 78 note 1
Beersheba, in the extreme south of Judah,
belonged to the southern kingdom, 2
note 1, 3 note 3; Elijah at. 107
Beitkâd, probably the ancient Betheked,
99 note 3

Beletaras, or Balatores, king of Babylon,
149 note 5

Benhadad, a general name for Aramean
kings, 71 note 3; its antiquity and
sanctity, 137 note 4

Benhadad I., king of Damascus, his gene-
alogy, 24 note 5; his aid invoked by
Asa against Baasha, ibid., 34 sqq.; peace
concluded with him by Omri, 38
Benhadad II., king of Damascus, his
wars with Ahab, 71 sqq.; defeated at
Aphek, 73; besieges Ramoth in Gilead,
73; refuses to surrender Ramoth in
Gilead, 75; his attempted conquest of
Samaria prevented by Elisha, 87;
again besieges Samaria, 90 sq.; is com-
pelled to withdraw, 91; his illness, 93;
murdered in his bath, 93

Benhadad III., king of Damascus, con-
quers cities west of the Jordan from
Jehoahaz, 120; compelled by Jehoash
to restore them, 122
Benjamin, territory of the tribe of, di-
vided between the two kingdoms, 2 sq.
Ben-Tabeel, a Syrian pretender, to be set
up by Rezin and Pekah as king in Jeru-
salem, 158

Beraikût, Wâdi, the 'Valley of Blessing,'
56 note 1

Betheked, a village in Samaria, its situa-
tion, 99 note 3; forty-two of Ahaziah's
relatives slain there by Jehu, 100
Bethel, incorporated in the northern king-
dom, 2; golden calf set up at, by Jero-
boam, 27; great altar at, destroyed by
Josiah, 30; narrative of the prophet
who announced its destruction, 30 sqq.;.
taken by Abijah, 48; sons of the pro-


phets in, 80; Elijah visits, before his
ascension, 85; Elisha mocked at by
boys on his journey to, 86; became
again the chief seat of the Jahveh re-
ligion in the kingdom of the Ten
Tribes under the house of Jehu, 119;
idolatrous worship at, denounced by
Amos, 131; re-establishment of the
ancient worship of Jahveh at, under
Asarhaddon, 216; ashes of heathen
vessels transported to, from Judah,
237; the bones of the prophet at, 238
Bethlehem, the Messiah expected by
Micah to come from, 204 note 1
Beth-shemesh, west of Jerusalem, defeat
of Amaziah at, 142

Bidkar, appointed by Jehu captain of his
body-guard, 97

Bilib or Elib, governor of Babylon, 214
note 5

Bocchoris, king of Egypt, length of his
reign, 299

Body-guard, the king's, at Jerusalem, 135
Book of Kings, the older or prophetic, 59
Book of Origins, 153 note 4, 285
Brazen serpent, the, destroyed by Heze-
kiah, 173

Bubastes, a city in Lower Egypt, 51 note 4

Calah, Gen. x. 11, identical with Halah,
165 note 2

Calf, worship of the, established at Dan
and Bethel by Jeroboam I., 26 sq.;
subsequently confused with Astarte, 27
note 7; how regarded by the prophets,

Calno, on the Tigris, conquered by the
Assyrians, 150

'Camp,' the Assyrian,' near Jerusalem, 182
Canaan, devastated by the Scythians, 230
Canaanite sacrifice of the king of Moab,

Canaanites, the, toleration of, not enjoined
by Deuteronomy, 223
Cantata, a Hebrew, 42

Canticles, the, composed in the kingdom

of Israel, 9 note 1; age and nature of

the poem, 42 sq.

Caphar Barucha, a city of Judah, 56 note 1
Carchemish, on the Euphrates, conquered

by the Assyrians, 150; occupied by
Necho, 257; Necho defeated at, 257
Carmel, Mount, on the shores of the Me-

diterranean, Elijah's retirement to, 68;
contest with the prophets of Baal on,


Cavalry, supplied from Egypt, 219
Cave-dwellers, in the Egyptian army, in-
vading Judah, 46

Census of Israel, taken during the reign
of Jeroboam II, 124


Chaboras, a river in Mesopotamia, 150,
263 note 10

Chaldeans, the, their successive invasions
of the southern countries of Asia, 151;
rise of their power, 253 sq.; their origin,
254; their migrations southward, 254;
settlement in Nineveh and Babylon,
254; their learning. 254; sudden rise
of their power in Babylon, 254; their
new dominion, founded by Nabopo-
lassar, 255; their supremacy over Ju-
dah, 259 sqq.; their siege of Tyre, 270,
276, 298

Chebar, river, the Chaboras in Mesopo-
tamia, 263 note 10

Cherith, the brook, Elijah at, 105; its
situation, 105 note 1

Cherubs, conception of, partly suggested
the image of the fiery chariot and fiery
horses of Elijah, 110 note 2

al-Chidr, Elijah identified with, by the
Islamite nations, 113

Chittites, the, revolt against Tyre,


Chronicles and Chronicler, the, his repre-
sentation of the possessions of Judah,
3 note 5; designation of the northern
kingdom, 5 note 1; representation of
the Egyptian invasion in the reign of
Rehoboam, 45 note 7; of Abijah's speech,
48 note 4; of the speeches of Oded and
Hanani, 49 note 1; of the removal of
the 'heights' by Asa and Jehoshaphat,
49 note 2; of Hanani's reproof of Asa,
52 note 3; of the chronology of Asa's
reign, 52 note 5; of Jehoshaphat's ar-
rangements for the administration of
justice, &c., 54 note 1; of his victory
over the Moabites and Ammonites, 55
note 4; of his attempt to revive the
navigation of the Red Sea, 56 note 5;
of the population of Judah, 57 note 2;
of the fall of Athaliah, 135 note 5; of
the repairs of the temple under Joash,
140 notes 1, 3; of the treatment of the
Idumeans, 141; of Amaziah's misfor-
tunes, 143 note 1; of Uzziah's leprosy,
145; of the relations of Ahaz with the
Assyrian king, 171 note 3; of the for-
tifications of Jerusalem executed by
Hezekiah, 175 note 3; of Hezekiah's
religious activity, 189; of the repent-
ance of Manasseh, 217, 218 note 2; of
the celebration of the passover, 239
note 1; of the fate of the vessels of the
temple, 264 note 2

Chronology of the two kingdoms, 20 sqq.;
of the second period of the kingdom of
the Ten Tribes, 117; of the monarchy,
295 sqq.; of the deported Jews in the
north-eastern districts, 299; Assyrian,
297; Chaldean, 296 sq.; Egyptian, 298
sq.; Tyrian, 297 sq.


Cilicia, expedition of Asarhaddon against,
188 note 2

Cimmerians, the, driven westwards by the
Scythians, 228

Commerce, foreign, loss of, through the
disruption of the kingdom, 18; revived
in the kingdom of the Ten Tribes by
Ahab, 39; and by Jeroboam, 125; in
Judah, by Jehoshaphat, 56; and Uz-
ziah, 143

Condition of the people, the, in the king-

dom of the Ten Tribes, during the first
century, 41 sqq.; after the revolution
of Jehu, 116; under Jeroboam II., 125
sq.; in Judah, during the first period
after the disruption, 57 sq,; under Uz-
ziah, 146 sqq.; in the age of Manasseh,
210; effect of the reformation of Josiah,
242 sqq.

Coniah, son of Jehoiakim, takes the name
of Jehoiachin on his accession, 262
Covenant, a, made under Hezekiah, 234
Covenant, a new, necessity of, proclaimed
by Jeremiah, 290 sq.

Crown, power of the, regulated in Deutero-
nomy, 224

Cuthah, a Babylonian city, deportation
of settlers from, into Samaria, 215
Cutheans, name applied by the later Jews
to the Samaritans, 215

Cyaxares, son of Phraertes, king of Media,

228; besieges Nineveh, 228; destroys
the leaders of the Scythians, 253; his
alliance with Nabopolassar, 256
Cyprus, ruled by the Assyrians, 188 note 2
Cyrus, king of Persia, his campaigns
against the Scythians, 229; his con-
quest of Babylon, 296, 298

Damascus, regains its independence, after
the disruption of the kingdom, 24;
alliance with Judah, 24 note 5, 25; re-
conquered by Jeroboam II., 124; after
his death attempts to regain its power,
151; new kingdom of, 155; overthrown
by Tiglath-Pileser, 160; destroyed by
the Assyrians, 161; Ahaz visits Tiglath-
Pileser at, 171; subdued by Necho, 251;
subjugated by Nabuchodrozzor, 259;
takes part with Nabuchodrozzor against
Judah, 261. See Arameans, Benhadad,

Dan, territory of the tribe of, divided
between the two kingdoms, 2
Dan, a city on the northern frontier of
the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, calf
worship at, 27; subdued by Baasha,
34 note 3

Darius, king of Persia, his campaigns
against the Scythians, 229

David, the expected Messiah called, by
Hosea, 203 note 2


David, house of, its position in the king-
dom of Judah, 11 sq.; its restoration
an element in the Messianic hope, 60
sq.; danger of its overthrow by the
machinations of the kings of Samaria
and Damascus, 170; prophetic antici-
pations of its future greatness, 203 sq.;
faith in its perpetuity, 293

'Day of Jahveh,' threatened by the
prophets, 127; in extant prophetic
writings first announced by Joel, 127
note 3

Dead Sea, the, boundary of the kingdom
of the Ten Tribes, 4 note 1
Deborah, her position in Israel, 134
note 1

Deborah, terebinth of, the, 31 note 4
Decalogue, neglect of the, 239

Dehavites, the, an eastern tribe deported
to Samaria, 216 note 1

Deportation, of Israelites from the king-
dom of the Ten Tribes, by Tiglath-
Pileser, in the reign of Pekah, 160 sq.,
166; by Shalmaneser, on the fall of
Samaria, 164, 165; from Judah, by
Nabuchodrozzor, first, in the reign of
Jehoiachin, 263; second, in the reign
of Zedekiah, 272; third, on the de-
struction of Jerusalem, 274; fourth,
five years after, 276

Deputies, the, their share in legislation
in the two kingdoms, 115
Deuteronomy, its author belonged to the
kingdom of the Ten Tribes, 9 note 1;
history and nature of his work. 220
sqq.; speaks in the name of Moses,
221; spiritualises the old law, 222 sq.;
mild spirit of the book, 223: regulation
of the powers of the crown and of the
prophets, 224; laws of war, 224; treat-
ment of the Gérîm, 224; and of the
Levites, 224; marriage with a hus-
band's brother, 225; worship of God
limited to one place, 225; the Messianic
hope in, 226; discovery of it in the
temple, 234; written in Egypt, 235;
only recommended two nations to Is-
rael's equity, 250; its style, 278; want
of arrangement in, 285

Deut. xviii. 14-20, 226 note 3; xxxii., 9
note 1, 194 note 5, 217 note 5, 282 note
2; xxxiv. 10-12, 226 note 3
Dinaites, the, an eastern tribe deported
to Samaria, 216 note 1

Disruption of the kingdom, the, its im-
mediate consequences, 1 sqq.; date of,


Dodavah, father of Eliezer, 53

Dodecarchy, the, in Egypt, 163 note 2,
188 note 5, 215

Dothan, the residence of Elisha, 121; its
situation, 121 note 9

Drama in Israel, the, 42, 199

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