1825.] *Hemington Church, Leicestershire. August till the 5th of September, the number of the dead was 8252, and of the plague and spotted fever 7145. The next resolution partly agreed to by the captains, owners, and people on-board, was to put to sea, and sail, if need were, to Ireland, where they might be furnished with provisions, and ride in safety. The principal merchant assured them that he would stand by them and assist them, if they would agree to stand by one another; and that as they were seven sail, all of good force, the people wherever they came might be compelled to furnish them with provisions for for their money; or they might go on shore and dwell at large, as they found convenient, till this terrible judgment should be overpast. After all, the women being afraid of the sea at that time of the year, and though much time was lost in debate, the proposal was never fully agreed upon. Three dismal weeks had now been worn out in these consultations and unsteady resolutions, the poor ladies being afraid to stay, and afraid to go away. At length, on the 29th of September, Michaelmas day, they were surprised early in the morning to hear the headmost ship fire five guns. Looking out, they found she had spread her ancient and pendants, and all looked with a face of joy. They then began to call to one another with their speaking-trumpets, when they discovered a boat coming off to give them an account of things; in fact the number of burials was decreased near 2000. Guns were now fired, and the people in the ships drank to each other. Boats now began to pass and repass as usual to and from London; but none of these wonld they suffer to come on-board, nor any of their own people 10 go on shore; and in this cautious manner they lived out the whole of November, at which time the burials in London amounted to no more than 428, most of the parishes being entirely clear of the plague. Accordingly they weighed from Long Reach, and came to an anchor near Limehouse. This was followed by mutual visits and congratulations. While they continued here the merchant's family sent some of their servants to town, to open and air the house, make fires in the rooms, air and warm the beds, and dry the linen. Nevertheless, the hangings were taken down and all burnt, except the tapestry; as GENT. MAG. July, 1825. 17 Mr. URBAN, T July 6. HE small village of Hemington is seated in the parish of Lockington, in the angle of the county of Leicester South of the Trent, near to Donington Castle, and ten miles North-east from Ashby-de-la-Zouch. The population of the "parish" of Hemington in 1801, was, Males 171, Females 166, total 337; consisting of 73 families, inhabiting 71 houses. In 1811 the "township" of Hemington contained Males 197, Females 187, total 384; families 89, inhabiting 78 houses, and in 1821, Males 222, Females 199, total 421; families 91, inhabiting 81 houses. The families of de Quency, Crophull, Beaumont, Verdon, Langton, and Devereux, held at various times property here, as did the Abbey of St. Mary de Pratis at Leicester. The family of Harpur subsequently became possessed of the manor. Near the Church are the remains of an old mansion, with a very thick wall about it. Of the Church, a venerable fragment, little remains. (See Plate II.) The whole of the nave is demolished; three beautiful arches only remaining to shew what it once was. The pillars which support them are plain and low; from which the arches spring to a considerable height. The tower is tolerably preserved, and has over it a small spire. The chancel still remains. The two windows on the South side of it are divided into two compartments; their mullions a trefoil, and over that a quatrefoil. The roof is lofty, and the East window was rather large. The desecration of the Church appears to have taken place some centuries ago. Mr. Wyrley, who visited it about 1590, says, " it is a fair Church, but the glass all ruined, and the Church not in use to the end it was builded. We suffer propter neglectum Domûs Dei." The whole is now a picturesque ruin. L. S. 18 Paintings, &c. at Hampton Court, Herefordshire. Mr. URBAN, July 5. Y TOUR Correspondent J. A. (part i p. 309) having communicated some valuable information relative to Earl Coningsby's Topographical Collections, allow me to offer the following description of the Paintings, Portraits, &c. at Hampton Court in Herefordshire, the ancient seat of the Coningsby family, being the result of a visit there a few years back *. Henry, Baron Abergavenny, great grandfather to Earl Coningsby (ob. 1642), in the attitude of rising from his seat. • Lady Mary Sackville, daughter of the Earl of Dorset (ob. 1608), wife to Henry, Lord Abergavenny. Three quarters size. The late Earl Coningsby, greatgrandfather of the present Earl of Essex (ob. 1729), and his two daughters, Margaret (ob.....) and Frances (ob. 1781), whole lengths, painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller in the year 1722. The Earl is depicted in a sitting posture, resting his right arm on the Holy Bible, grasping in his hand a roll, on which is inscribed, Magna Charta... 9th of Henry the Third. This is my birthright purchased with the blood of my ancestor,' bearing a strong testimony to the violence of his opinions. On the tablet against which the Earl leans, is represented the arms, quarterly of 12, with the supporters, and motto Tacia Libertas.' Underneath is the following: 'This first Coat↑ was in this manner borne by John Lord Coningsby Baron of Coningsby, in Lincolnshire, who was slain in the Baron's Warrs in the Reign of King John, the which Town and Castle of Coningsby being then confiscated, is now in the possession of the Lord Shef [July, field, and this is approved by the He ralds upon perusal of the evidence of Humphrey Coningsby of Nend-Sollers, who is lineally descended from the said John.' The Tower of London is in the distance, to which the Earl was committed for some offence he gave in Parliament. Vertue's large engraving is from this painting. Sir Thomas Coningsby, Founder of the Red Coat Hospital in the City of Hereford (ob. 1625), great-grandfather to Earl Coningsby; with his favourite dwarf Crickett, and Dog; whole length. The same Sir Thomas, at the age of 21, in 1572. Phillipa, wife of Sir Thomas, a Fitzwilliam by her father, and a Sidney by her mother's side, 1578.. Another portrait of Sir Thomas, and an excellent piece of moral and religious advice addressed to his son Fitzwilliam Coningsby, when the latter was chosen a member of the House of Commons (lately written fair, framed, and glazed). Dated 20th Dec. 1620. An undoubted original on wood, of Henry the Fourth, who built Hampton Court, which is said to have been completed with the spoils from Agincourt. This portrait has been often described and engraved. A very accurate copy of it on pannel was made some years ago by Mr. Harris, printer, Leominster. The Duchess of Cleveland (ob. 709), by Sir Peter Lely. A View of Coningsby Castle in Lincolnshire, forfeited to the Crown in King John's reign; having been in the family 300 years, which Castle and Barony had descended to them from the Saxons, as by auncient recorde dothe appeare.'§ ** The dates are for the most part supplied from a pedigree of the family, compiled from the Records in the College of Arms, bearing date 12th April, 1823. + Quarterly, 1 and 4 Argent, two lions passant Gules; 2 and 3 Gules, three conies sejant Argent; Coningsby. John Baron Coningsby bore his arms thus, giving some other coat a superiority or preference to his own identical bearing. The first quartering answers to the name of Lygon, a powerful family in Warwickshire and Worcestershire. The supposition that it may be the Lygon coat, is partly corroborated by a fragment in No. 2141 of the Harleian MSS. where these arms are rudely sketched on the back of a Lygon pedigree, not containing any descent of Coningsby. All the pedigrees of the family that are extant commence only with this John, Baron Coningsby; it therefore remains in doubt how this coat accrued to him. "There is certainly an error in this statement; for John Baron Coningsby (superst. an. 1200) was slain at the battle of Chesterfield in Derbyshire, in 1266 (50 Hen. III.) *§"Coningsby, or, as in Domesday, Cuningsbei, from whence this family derived their name, is a considerable village on the banks of the river Bane, about eight miles from Horncastle. The manor, which was once possessed by the Marmions of Wintringham (to whom the Coningsbys were in some degree of affinity), has for many years belonged to the Heathcote family, and is now the property of Sir Gilbert Heathcote of Normanton, co. Rutland, bart. 1825.] Paintings, &c. at Hampton Court, Herefordshire. Five large old paintings of Hamp ton Court. The Battle of Aghrim in Ireland, fought when Earl Coningsby was Lord Justice of Ireland. An original portrait of Henry VII. and wife of Henry VII. Sir William Fitzwilliam, Lord Deputy of Ireland, Preceptor to Mary Queen of Scots, and father to Phillipa wife of Sir Thos. Coningsby (ob. 1599). Anne (dau. of Sir William, and sister to Sir Henry Sidney, knt.), wise to Sir William Fitzwilliam, represented with her right hand on a scull, covered with an inscription in very small characters, probably some moral reflections; her left caressing a favourite cat. A scull, said to be the original of the painted one, is preserved and exhibited, and also what is called the helmet of Henry the Fourth, foun der of the seat, but from the style style of its ornaments, evidently of the later period of James L. The helmet is of polished steel, inlayed with gold orna ments. Barbara, daughter of Ferdinando Gorges, of Eye, co. Hereford, esq. first wife of Lord Couingsby, from whom he was divorced. (Of the Gorges, there are some very curious particulars in Lord Coningsby's Case of the Five Hundreds, &c.; folio.) Sir Thomas Southwell, bart. (ob. 1720) who married Meliora, eldest daughter of Earl Coningsby by his first wife; half length. Meliora, Lady Southwell (ob. 1735-6); half-length. A small coloured figure of Thomas Coningsby, esq. son of Earl C. by his first wife, modelled in his lifetime by his own order, and preserved in a case. This Thomas is reported to have been deficient in his intellects. His Lordship had six children by his first Lady. Lady Frances Jones, daughter and co-heiress of Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, and second wife to Earl Coningsby (ob. 1714-15); whole length. The same lady, by Kneller, at the age of 21. Richard Earl of Cork, great-grandfather to both Lord and Lady Coningsby (ob. 1643). The Viscouritess Ranelagh, daughter of Richard Earl of Cork, and grand 49 mother to Lady Coningsby (ob. 1691). Earl Coningsby in his park, with Greyhounds, and view of his mansion in the distance, Kneller. Sir Charles Porter, joint Commis sioner with Earl Coningsby in Ireland, during 1690, and the two following years. Copy from Kneller. Sir William Robinson, knt. Deputy to Earl Coningsby when Vice Trea surer of Ireland. By Kneller. Mr. Lowndes, Secretary of the Treasury. Thomas Williams, a pleasant Fool, belonging to his Lordship, who died an. 1687. Elizabeth Norbury, cousin-german to Earl Coningsby. Mrs. Harford, cousin; by her father. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, K. B. (ob. 1759); half length. Frances Countess of Essex, mother to the present Earl, daughter of Sir Charles H. Williams and Lady Frances Coningsby (ob. 1759); harf length. In a passage window are three coats of arms of the Coningsby's in stained glass, dated 1614, 1613, 1614, marked T. R. In the Library is shewn a bloody handkerchief, which Collins in his Peerage thus notices: "Thomas Coningsby, esq. (afterwards created Earl) being at the battle of the Boyne in Ireland, was so near his Majesty King William the Third, that when the bullet rising aslant on the King's right shoulder took out a piece of his coat, and tore the skin and flesh, Mr. Coningsby immediately had the presence of mind to clap his handkerchief on the place." Visitors are likewise shewn a handsome fowling-piece, which Earl Coningsby caused to be made from the blades of swords taken from the Rebels at the same battle; on the barrel of which the following is inscribed : In seventeen hundred and twenty one unnecessary, 20 Paintings, &c. at Hampton Court, Herefordshire. unnecessary, as it has already been frequently described; but was induced to send you the above lines in consequence of their having been erroneously copied in some Topographical Works. The singular speech, so profuse in oaths and ungentlemanlike expressions, mentioned by your correspondent J. A. is preserved in Cole's MSS. (Brit. Mus. vol. xli.); and another curious affair respecting a Coningsby, preserved in a letter in vol. xxi. of the same collection. A CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER. In addition to the List here concluded, we annex an account of some paintings which may have escaped our Constant Reader's observations, but were preserved in the curious mansion of Hampton Court, as appears from a list taken by Mr. F. Harris of Leominster, about twenty-five years ago, with which we have been favoured by our correspondent J. A. As the Hampton Court estate in Herefordshire has passed by purchase from the present Earl of Essex (George Capel Coningsby) to Richard Arkwright, esq. great changes may have taken place in the disposal of the pictures, and the notice of the following paintings is therefore given, as they were originally placed there, not as they hey may may be now. Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. Vandyke. The Earl of Essex. Lawrence. William III. 1700; three quarter length. Kneller. William III.; whole length. Kneller. Queen Mary, wife of William III. Kneller. Fitzwilliam Coningsby, grandfather to Earl Coningsby. Cecilia Neville, daughter to Henry Lord Abergavenny, by Lady Mary Sackville, wife to Fitzwilliam Coningsby; whole length. Lady Lisburne, second wife of Lord Lisburne, brother to Earl Coningsby's mother; three quarter length. Kneller. Sir Arthur Loftus, grandfather to Earl Coningsby by his mother's side; three quarter length. [July, Earl Coningsby, 1709; whole length. Kneller. Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, cousin-german to Earl Coningsby, by his mother; three quarter length. Anne Sidney, Lady Fitzwilliam. Lady Margaret Cecil, daughter to the Earl of Salisbury, second wife to Earl Ranelagh (said to have been the handsomest woman in England, of her time); whole length. Elizabeth Countess of Ranelagh, daughter to Lord Willoughby, and mother to Lady Coningsby. Richard Earl of Ranelagh, father to the second wife of Earl Coningsby. Lady Margaret Cecil; half length. Lady Coningsby, and Lady Catherine Jones, twin daughters of Richard Earl of Ranelagh by his first wife; whole length; with a black boy kneeling and presenting a basket of flowers. Lady Margaret Coningsby, eldest daughter of Earl Coningsby, 1750; half length. Ramsay. Lady Frances Coningsby, youngest daughter of Earl Coningsby. Lady Coningsby, first wife of Earl Coningsby. Duke of Marlborough, ætat. 60; three quarters length. Knelier. General Gwinkle, Earl of Athlone, commanding in Ireland when Earl Coningsby was there; three quarter length. Two daughters of Earl Coningsby, by his first wife. Lady Elizabeth Felton, wife of Sir Thomas Felton, daughter to the Earl of Suffolk. Kneller. James II. Richard Talbot, Lord Tyrconnel. Henry IV. on horseback; a very large picture. Old Paintings of Wolf and Poultry -Peacock and Fowls - Fruit and Flowers-Bear Hunting-Wolf Hunting-Old unknown Family Portraits, originals - and several copies in crayons, &c. As we consider accurate accounts of old family Pictures, connected with noble houses, interesting matter for our pages of record, we should be glad to receive a list of the curious pictures for many years preserved in the ancient sea tof the Scudamores, at Home Lacy, Herefordshire, now in the possession of very distant branches of the family. |