1825.] Antient Seals. - Double Font at Beton. Mr. URBAN, Lincoln's Inn, June 17. Correspondents is in search of the crests and badges of the Baronial families represented by the house of Percy, I send you a drawing of the Seals of Sir Guy Bryan, Sir Robert Fitzpayn, and Sir Robert de Poynings, three of the noble ancestors of the Duke of Northumberland. Sir Thomas Rytson of Hengrave was a purchaser from Henry, fourth Earl of Northumberland, of the manor of Ackford Fitzpain, in Dorsetshire, and these seals are among the title deeds remaining at Hengrave. Sir Guy Bryan, K.G. bore Or, three piles Azure (see Plate I. fig. 1.) and appears from his seal, which is loose, to have used griffins for his supporters; he died in 1390, having been summoned to several Parliaments in the reigns of Edw. III. and Rich. II. The heiress of Bryan intermarried with Fitzpayne. Sir Robert Fitzpayne gave for his arms Gules, three lions passant Argent, a bendlet Azure (see fig. 2.) This seal is appendant to a deed dated the day before the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 40 Edw. III. whereby he granted to Sir Guy Bryan, Sir Martin Moulisch, Canon of Salisbury, and other trustees, his manors of Ackford Fitzpayn in Dorsetshire, Stourton in Wiltshire, Bryghampton, Spekyntone Staple, and Sedene in Somersetshire, with the advowsons of the Churches of the same places. His only child Isabel was wife of Sir Richard de Poynings. Sir Robert de Poynings, son and heir of Richard and Isabel, by deed dated 26 June, 4 Henry V, enfeoffed Walter Metford, clerk, Sir John Pelham, and other seoffees, with his manor of Ackford Fitzpayn. Upon his seal he bears quarterly 1 and 4, barry of six Or and Vert, a bendlet Gules, Poynings, 2 and 3, Fitzpayn. His crest is a griffin's head, with wings displayed; and he uses two badges, a key with the handle uppermost, under a crown, and a unicorn passant. Probably the latter was derived from Bryan. (see fig. 3.) Sir Robert Poyning's eldest son Richard died in the life-time of his father, leaving an only child Eleanor, wife of Henry, Earl of Northumberland. In an heraldic MS. in my possession 297 of the time of James I. the two badges T JOHN GAGE. HE matrix (of bronze) of the Seal (fig. 4.) is in the possession of Lieut.-gen. Hutton, to whom it was presented a few years ago by a gentleman in Ireland, who brought it from Demerara, where it had been used some time in a merchant's store for sealing bottled liquors, &c. It is said to have been carried to Demerara by an officer who had found it among some ruins in Spain. The legend, Big, castri roffensis, it is apprehended, can only apply to Rochester in Kent, and any elucidation as to its use, &c. would much oblige. It is probably about 300 years old. Mr. URBAN, double EDIT. May 30. a THE accompanying drawing of the Church of Béton, about eight English miles from Rennes in Brittany, was sketched by a youth of fifteen, who is a great admirer of Antiquities (see fig. 5). The font has the figures 404 upon it, the first figure is obliterated from age; probably 1404 is the date; and on the margin at top are some ancient letters, which appear to be Celtic, but too imperfect to copy or decipher. The Church is of a much older date. The steeple was destroyed in the Revolution, but the tower still remains, though much dilapidated; the windows are Gothic, varying but little from the niches on the fonts and a house of about a century old has been added to the ecclesiastical building, which was occupied two years since by Capt. Wells of the British Navy. The Church is small, has only one aile, one window is stopped up, and the tracery in the East and West windows are in a very imperfect state. Over the windows are labels, terminated at top alternately with a cross and a fleur de lis. (see figs. 6,7.) I am, Sir, one of your oldest admirers and subscribers, AN OCTOGENARIAN. Mr. On Laughter. Oct. 7. N an antient Welch poem ascribed correctly to the tenth century, and noticed by Mr. S. Turner, III. 516, are the following lines: "Hast thou heard the saying of Taliesin, In conversation with Merdhin ? It is natural for the indiscreet to laugh im moderately." This remark of so ancient a poet seems to show that Laughter, which is confined entirely to the face of man, and is an operation of the muscles seated in the mouth and cheeks, may claim of two distinct characters, this which belongs to folly, and the other to scorn. It has been attributed to the fifth pair of nerves, which sending branches to the eye, ear, lips, tongue, palate, and muscles of the cheek, parts of the mouth, præcordia, &c. a sympathy is formed between them all, so that when one of them is acted or excited either by external accident, or internal imagination, the others are proportionably affected: if they please the fancy, they affect these muscles with Laughter. (Rees's Cyclop.) Many philosophers have denounced it as not only exposing the force of internal feeling, which they think should always be reserved, but also that it is a species of levity and contempt which it is either improper or immoral to entertain and to express. I believe the Society of Friends, to whom we may almost exclusively yield the palm of moral philosophy in mind and practice, above all other sects, in their earliest education check any propensity to laugh; and they are brought up so much in the habit of self-denial and forbearance, that though we see great cheerfulness among the Friends, yet we never detect them laughing; they avoid it in common communications as an act of levity; but as an excitement to scorn or contempt they deem it a transgression against Christian forbearance and meekness. Bailey says, the ancients always painted its genius in a garment of various colours, to represent its varying humour, its unsteady demeanour. It arises in general from the excitement created by surprise, which is in fact wit; from smart repartee, sarcastic recitation, from equivoque and enigma, from sudden and unexpected humour of either expression or action; but then it evinces great want of self-possession; [Oct. and when it is suffered to become immoderate, it is of painful consequence to persons of weak nerves. The roar and noise of merriment, when accompanied with loud laughter, is inimical to all conversation, and generally, as is said to children, ends with gravity or regret, certainly with great fatigue, before the parties separate. But if external objects have the power of exciting Laughter upon the nerves above mentioned, it must have been so constituted with a pleasant and wise design; for it is known to aid the digestive faculties which gravity depresses and checks, it is known to add to the stock of cheerfulness in society, as the flowers of the field are known to augment the diffusion of fragrance, and to purify the air, and so up to the many blessings of the Sun's light: the reverse of all these would have wrapped the glories of all nations in gloom, and thus a smile on the cheek of innocence is the most transcendant charm of female manners, which can adorn, and animate, and give value to human existence;-but this does not extend to laughter; it is the pure essence of a mind elevated far higher than the boisterous and frolicsome indulgence of vulgar freedom. Dr. Johnson gives ten definitions of Laughter and its concomitants, the greater part of which rank themselves under contempt, derision, scorn, ridicule, and the rest under merriment,and are so used by the writers whom he recites. In the sacred Scriptures the character of Laughter is very accurately depicted as follows: 1. Where it is accompanied with contempt and scorn; Gen. 17. 17; Job 1. 10; 12.4; 22. 19; 41. 29; 2 Chron. 30. 10; 2 Kings, 19.21; Isa. 37.22; 80.6; Ps. 52.6; 59.8; 22.7; 27.13; N. 2. 19; Ec. 23.32; Mat. 9.24; Mar. 5. 40; Lu. 8.53. These eighteen passages are not the whole of the same import, but are sufficient for my purpose. 2. Where it is accompanied with disbelief, Gen. 18. 12. 3. Where it is thoughtless and sinfully merry, Prov. 5. 4; 14. 13; Lu. 6.23. 4. Where it is deemed mad, Eccl. 2. 2. 5. Where it is comfortable, and where sorrow is turned into joy, Lu. 6. 21; under which head may be arranged moral joy or rejoicing, though it is very seldom that in these instances the gaiety of heart is stretched beyond cheerfulness; for Laughter 1825.] On reading the Burial Service in Churches. Laughter is too loud for sympathy, which is an internal feeling or passion. Job 8. 21; Ps. 126. 2. 6. Sympathy is a cause of joy, Gen. 21.6; Isa. 66. 10. Now the majority of these passages obviously condemns Laughter; and the wise King condemns it by deby de claring sorrow to be preferable, Eccl. 7.3; and that Laughter is the symbol of a fool, ib. 7.6; and the Apostle James 4. 9, recommends to the double minded, and to others who are accustomed to drown their transgressions in boisterous mirth, to let their Laughter be turned to mourning, and their joy to heaviness! There is no work extant of so high authority for moral and practical philosophy as the Sacred Scriptures, in which the human heart is so truly developed, and its frailties considered and exposed, and if every man while he reads it would apply to himself the language of Nathan, he would never close the book without profiting by the research not only in his life, but in eternity! You have known me long enough, dear Octogenarius, to be sensible that I am not here putting in any claim to the rank of a crying philosopher, nor even of those ancient cynics of either Greece or Rome, who denied the blessing of a comfortable smile, or a cheerful hour in conversation with a friend. But I think you will recollect that all our hours of rational recreation have been enlivened by the satisfactions we have cultivated in more sedate and philosophical pursuits; and that although neither of us have laughed much either at or in society, yet none have more exquisitely enjoyed the associations of our intimate friends. Yours, &c. Mr. URBAN, are A. H. Sept. 9. THE Laity in general so occupied with their worldly concerns, as very seldom to trouble themselves about Ecclesiastical affairs; and it may excite surprise in many of your readers to hear that some Clergymen of the Church of England refuse to permit the corpse of a person under 14 or 15 years of age to be carried into the church. We live in too enlightened an age to pay implicit obedience to the maxim of the ancient canon law, "Sarcedotes honorandi sunt non judi. candi." To the first part of this rule we most willingly subscribe; from the 299 latter we beg to dissent; for if Clergymen of the present day do wrong by neglecting their duty, they must expect it to be noticed and to be told of it. I know not what substantial reason is or can be given for such a refusal : if indeed a person, no matter of what age, dies of an infectious disease, a Clergyman may be warranted, from a regard to the living, in exerting such an authority; but to talk of age as an objection, is ridiculous. It does not appear from the Rubrick that the officiating Minister has any discretionary power or option, if the relatives of the deceased require it; and I would ask such a Clergyman if he imagines the immortal soul of a young person to be less dear to the all-merciful God of our nature, than the soul of other hu man beings, however aged they may be; indeed the usual inference is, that children are inore spotless, as being less contaminated by the world. That part of the Burial Service, namely, the beautiful and sublime Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, which is read in the church, is so impressive, that the heart and mind of every one that hears it, must be callous indeed if they do not feel a religious awe; it is calculated to turn the thoughts so upon a future state of existence, as to amend our lives and make us better Christians; it may induce such religious reflections and such a conduct in life here, as to produce content and happiness, and blessings which all the riches of this world can neither give or take away. Whenever. I have heard it read, it has thrown a serenity over my mind, and abstracted me from all worldly concerns. I have relieved the distressed with more kindness; I have spoken to and treated my family and domestics with more than usual affection; in short, I am convinced I have been better for it as a ınan and a Christian; and may it not have the same beneficial effect upon others? When all the Burial Service is read, over the mortal remains of a beloved child or other relative, and all the comforts of our religion administered, we return to our homes soothed that we. have performed our last solemn duties, and we more confidently rely upon the mercies of our Creator. When the Service is curtailed and imperfectly performed, it leaves an impression upon 300 M. Belanger's Journey to Persia. upon the mind, that "we have left undone those things which we ought to have done;" and we are dissatisfied at having that mournful consolation withheld, which the benevolence of the Divine Author of our religion would not have denied. Yours, &c. Mr. URBAN, ORTHODOX. THE following letter, dated Tauris, May 28, and written by M. Belanger, Botanist to the French King at Pondicherry, contains an interesting narrative of part of his journey over land to India, performed this summer with the Viscount Desbassayns de Richemont: We left Teflis (the capital of Persian Georgia) on the 15th of April, and thanks to the kindness and care of General Yermoloff, Chief of the Army of the Caucasus, we had every thing prepared for us to facilitate our journey. The appearance of the country of Teflis and Karaklisse is mountainous, and presents nothing interesting. The Prince of the latter, a Georgian by birth, gave us an excellent reception, and got up for theatricals, acted by his soldiers, whose singing in chorus had a very agreeable effect. He commands the Russian army in this frontier. The Prince himself accompanied us as far as Gormi, the last city of his Government, and sent us from that under the protection of Beygler Bey of Tauris, who was returning from a mission to General Yermoloff, and was then proceeding with his suite into Persia. our amusement some At the entrance to Erivan we were met by a Kan with a numerous escort, who conducted us to our lodging, which was the house of the Governor of that city. From our apartment we had a view of Mount Ararat and Etzaniatzin, or the Three Churches, built on the very place where the Ark rested. The Zenguy rolled its murmuring billows beneath us; Erivan, which the Persians consider the Boulevard of their empire, is only defended by mud walls. At Davilly and Nourachim we had the very agreeable pleasure of seeing the Persian cavaliers come to meet us; on their way they had a sham battle, exhibited their fleetness on horseback, and threw the lance, which they parried off with admirable dexterity and address. Before arriving at Natchievan, which is said to have been founded by Noah, [Oct. we passed through a desert, the soil of which is quite saltish, and is only inhabited by the Iliates, a wandering tribe, whose tents were scattered over the plains. It was at Natchievan, that we were met by Emir, Kan-Beyg, whom the hereditary Prince of Persia had sent before M. de Richemont, to serve as his Mimhandar (a kind of gentleman of honour). Having passed the Axai by a ford, we soon arrived at the banks of the Araxes, which we ourselves crossed on rafts of timber, while our horses swam over it. Not far from this river, and on the way to Marent, we passed through a very dangerous defile between rocks, which was unsafe to travellers: last year a caravan, escorted by five hundred men, had been set upon and robbed here. After clambering over the Mountains of Michove, which, though not very high, were still covered with snow, we got down into the valley in which Tauris stands. At some distance from this city, the Governor's son, accompanied by Prince Abbas Mirza, Secretary of State, came, attended by a numerous escort of cavalry, to pay their respects and compliments to M. Richemont. The Secretaries of the Russian Legation, and a crowd of Mirzas and Kans, either from courtesy or curiosity, I know not which, joined our cavalcade, which was now increased by a corps of infantry which awaited our entry at the fauxbourgs. The variety of costume, and of their colours, the strangeness of the figures, and the melange of French and Russian uniforms, in the midst of the Asiatic dresses-on one side a crowd of foot soldiers armed with bayonnetted musquets-on the other, Persian horsemen exercising in the course, and the other usual amusements-the order and disorder which at once prevailed in our march - altogether exhibited to our view a very curious and not unentertaining appearance. After being complimented at the gates of the city by a respectable deputation, M. Richemont was conducted to the Governor's abode, where lodgings were prepared for him. A few days after our arrival Prince Abbas Mirza informed Viscount de Richemont that he would receive him on the following day, and according to custoin sent him some sweetmeats (sucreries). We were received by this Prince with all the Asiatic pomp and ceremony: horses richly caparisoned 1825.] bore ments, M. Belanger's Journey to Persia. bore us to the gates of the palace, while we were preceded by the batonblow dealers, who had occasion to exercise their calling by dispersing the crowd that pressed upon us. On coming into his Highness's ess's presence, M.de Richemont presented with his own hands (which is a signal honour), the letter of which he was the bearer. The pesches, or presents, placed on a silver plate, was carried by a Ferach. The Hereditary Prince was particularly kind in the reception he gave M. de Richemont, and among other gracious things said to him : "I like France. You are a Frenchman, consequently my friend; all the provinces of my Government are at your diposal." Abbas-Mirza is an amiable Prince. His conversation is lively, and his manners insinuating; his features are handsome and regular, but much altered from the sufferings caused him by a very inveterate liver complaint. In my quality of physician he condescended to consult ine, and was very much surprised to find my advice conformable to that of an English physician, named Cormac, who is attached to his person. 301 his same ceremony already described. Just as M. Richemont was retiring, AbbasMirza told him that, being now friend, he expected he would send him accounts of himself, wherever he should happen to be. I owe to my profession the honour of having been consulted, in turn, by the lowest and the highest personages of the State. From the Prince Kans and Mirzas down to the valets, &c. all came to me. Did I cure them? Or have I only comforted them? Of this I know nothing. But one thing I know, that I have the consolation of not having killed any of them, which, for a medical man, is saying a great deal. To the same qualification of being a disciple of Hippocrates I owe the exquisite favour of having had access to several harems. Two pretty eyes, an aquiline nose, a handsome mouth, with a somewhat elongated figure, is the general description of the Persian ladies; but there are among them some ugly dames too, as in other places. We are preparing to set out in a few days for Teheran. Hitherto our collections in natural history are not very considerable, but we shall shortly enter a country where I expect we shall be enabled to gather a rich harvest, particularly in botany. The season is beginning to be very favourable. This Prince granted the Viscount a second audience, which was private, and appeared excessively long to the latter, who was invited to sit beside the Prince, and being obliged to do so, a la Persane, he was compelled to remain for two hours in a very distressing attitude to a European-that is, on his ankles and bended knees (tailor-Nour Review of Mr. Harding's wise). Eight days after, the Prince gave us an entertainment in his villa. We met there several persons of distinction, and among the rest, l'executeur des petites œuvres. The place in which we were received was ornamented with a great number of paintings and portraits, among which we observed those of Alexander and Selim, and a third, which we were astonished to see figure there. During the entertainment, a number of daucers and singers exerted their utmost to amuse the guests. Their instruments consist of drums made of cloth, of tambourines, the cases of which were of dried clay, and a sort of guitar, and a cherwan, which produced sounds like those of a bagpipe. Yesterday (the 27th) the Prince signified that he would again admit M. Richemont to his gardens, to grant him the audience de Conge. This took place in the same way and with the ANCIENT PAINTINGS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. "Antiquities in Westminster Abhey" (p. 152), we proposed to recur to the discussion on the ancient Wooden Enclosure near the Altar, written by the Editor Mr. Moule. We now proceed to do so, having, for our readers' better satisfaction, been allowed to copy a very neat woodcut. This oaken enclosure has been hitherto considered to be the shrine, or the canopy of the tomb, of Sebert, King of the East Saxons, the reputed founder of the Church; but, that even the freestone altar-tomb on which it stands, was erected to the memory of that monarch, appears improbable. That such a monument was erected, soon after the building of the present Church, in the reign of Henry III. has been handed down by history or tradition; but the appropriation of this tomb to King Sebert's name seems to have originated from Camden (who is the first known writer on the Monu |