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Gray on a General Iron Railway.

hands required, together with the expense.

Then compare these three-fold capitals with that required for the construction of a General Iron Rail-way, Locomotive Steam-engines and Carriages (for the conveyance of persons and of goods of every description), their annual repairs, the number of hands required, together with the expense.

It must be sufficiently evident to every man of reflection, that the benefit to be derived from Rail-roads should be of a general and national kind; their partial introduction into certain districts would not merely prove of local advantage, but give a most decided superiority to the commercial transactions carried on there, over those places where Canals and the ordinary roads remain the only means of conveyance.

After witnessing the wonderful power and economy of the steam engine, which gives motion to the whole machinery in every room of a manufactory, and the certainty, speed, and safety with which steam-packets navigate the sea; the man who can now hesitate to recommend steam-engines instead of horse-power, must be pitied for his ignorance or despised for his obstinacy; moreover, after the demonstration of their utility, daily proved by Mr. Blenkinsop these fourteen years past, it will require some explanation, where and how our engineers have been exhibiting their skill?

There can be no doubt that Mr. Blenkinsop's plan must be our guide from its manifest superiority and economy over all those at Newcastle; and if we look at the very slow progress made in the improvement of steam engines, perhaps a generation or two may pass away without any very material benefit arising from the various experiments now afloat. To create further improvements, every encouragement should be given to the practical application of those we do enjoy, by extending them to the promotion of national prosperity.

It has been stated, that the steam carriages at Newcastle work solely by friction, or by the adhesion of the wheels to the rails, and that Mr. Blenkinsop's rack-rail is quite unnecessary; this nonsense is, however, so completely exposed by the experimentalist himself who wrote it, that the "Practical Treatise on Rail-roads,"


recently published, must be put forth with motives I cannot comprehend. The reader should therefore receive with great caution any information from persons interested in the northern collieries; for as their trade will be seriously affected by opening the London market to all the inland collieries, it is very natural to suppose that those of the North will do all in their power to decry my "Observations on a General Iron Rail-way" but however much they may feel disposed to arrogate to themselves the right of giving instruction on this subject, I beg to remind the public, that Mr. Blenkinsop's plan is hitherto decidedly the most efficient steam carriage rail-way, and that as Mr. Trevitheck and he were the first to introduce this species of conveyance, any remarks or improvements made by those who follow them, can only be considered as emanating from the example set by the above two gentlemen, to whom alone all credit is due.

In confirmation of what is now advanced, I invite the reader to compare the engines at Newcastle with those at Leeds, and there some idea may be formed of the vast superiority of the latter both in economy and power-it appears Mr. Blenkinsop's, with less than half the power, do more than double the work of the other! How happens this? I leave it to the public, who are now in possession of the whole particulars, to decide. The pretended ignorance of the Newcastle writer, of the superiority of Mr. Blenkinsop's rail-way, will meet with the contempt it deserves, and serve also to forewarn the public against his impecile mis-statements, and plausible calculations.

I am fearful lest the Companies now establishing, should be so far deIuded as to follow the plans adopted in the Collieries, of having recourse to inclined planes, stationary steam-engines, or the reciprocating steam-engines, all which may do well enough for the coal districts, but on rail-ways for national purposes, they ought to be avoided as much as possible, for this plain reason, the multiplicity of machinery. The annual waste of capital, and the accidents which would unavoidably occur from their general in

[blocks in formation]


Remarks on Sir W. Davenant's " Prince d'Amour."

troduction on public lines of road, are quite sufficient to arrest the public attention, in order to consider well before they commence laying down the roads.

A multiplicity of machinery is the great evil to be avoided, and experience teaches us that the annual expence may be diminished in proportion as our power is simplified and concentrated.

On this account I am anxious that a National Board be appointed in order to introduce the most simple and general principle of uniform connexion throughout the country-it is the interest of each Company to promote this general system, as the return will be in proportion to the facility of national communication; for if the numerous Companies do not strictly follow, in every particular, the same plan in the formation of the rails and vehicles, the natural results will be, confusion, unnecessary expenses, delay, and all the concomitant evils peculiar to unorganised plans; in illustration whereof I refer my readers to the present scientific management of Roads, Canals, and Coasting vessels. In order to fix upon one uniform plan for the whole country (and I rely upon the interest of each Company to support my proposition), it is essentially necessary to obtain the decision of a National Railway Board, duly authorised by Parliament, to give every assistance to the introduction of this new system of general internal communication, and empowered to fix upon the different models, after examining the competent persons in order to develope the most eligible plan. This once ascertained, the necessary duplicates and models might be transmitted by each Company to the respective Contractors for the work, and as the model of one would be that of all, no want of materials or carriages could be felt in any part of the country. This uniformity in the construction of rails and vehicles, will enable the manufacturers of the different articles to keep up an abundant supply in all parts, wherever this plan may be introduced. The wheels and axles will be the only parts of the vehicles confined to the model; the body may be made after any shape or to particular fancy.

With what persevering industry and partial favour do our Ministers devote their time and talents to improve our


Colonial affairs; and how blindly do
the public magnify the importance of
such measures; whilst this scheme of
permanent wealth at home appears a
matter of second consideration! This
combines every advantage, commercial,
agricultural, and social; the other is
merely of a speculative and very uncer-
tain nature. By a comparison of our
home and colonial trade, a more cor-
rect idea would be formed of the vast
utility of the measure; and it may
further be remarked, that this scheme
would not only add fresh treasures to
our home resources, but give the
greatest impulse to every branch of our
foreign trade throughout the United
Kingdom. We have no institution in
England so worthy of the attention of
the Statesman and Financier as this,
and there is no branch of our revenue
which could be so productive and


Middle Temple,
Sept. 18.
THE following passage is extracted
from Dr. Pegge's Anonymiana:

"Wood, Ath. Oxon. speaking of the Triumphs of Prince D'Amour,' a produetion of Sir William Davenant's, calls it A Palace in the Middle Temple, the 24th of Masque presented by his Highness at his Feb. 1635.' where by his Highness,' you

are not to understand Prince Charles, after-
wards Charles II. for he had no palace there;
but Charles the Elector Palatine, who was
then in England (Rapin, vol. ii. p. 294),
and was lodged, I presume, whereabout Pals-
grave Head Court now is; though, Rapin
says, he and his brother were lodged in the
King their Uncle's palace.
But query
whether Charles I. had any palace in the
Middle Temple. Cibber, vol. ii. p. 89, takes
it right, that the exhibitor was the Elector;
but he is mistaken in making him brother-
in-law to Charles I. for he was his nephew;
the brother-in-law, Frederic, father of Charles
the Elector, and the nephew of Charles I.
being dead when the Mask was presented:
this was 1636, and he died 1632.

"N. B. Both Wood and Cibber say the
Mask was presented by his Highness; and
yet by Cibber's account it appears to have
been presented by the Society of the Middle
Temple for the entertainment of his High-
ness. The matter may be cleared by a view
of the Mask in Sir William Davenant's
works, particularly of the Maskers' names."

In principio lapsus. Dr. Pegge begins by saying "Wood calls the Prince d'Amour," &c. and afterwards adds "both Wood and Cibber say the Mask





The Christmas Princes of the Inns of Court.

was presented by his Highness." Now, the Doctor could have studied Wood but little, not to know that honest Anthony, in mentioning a book, customarily quotes (though Cibber may not,) the title-page itself. The title therefore running "The Prince d'Amour, a Masque presented by his Highness," to suppose "his Highness other than "the Prince d'Amour," is a sin against syntax. Dr. Pegge, how ever, seems to have regarded the said Prince as a principal character presented in the Masque, and therefore not a personage by whom it could be presented; accordingly, he took Cibber's word that his Highness" was the Prince Elector.

With respect to a royal palace in the Inner Temple, the idea is absurd. That so profound an Antiquary as Dr. Pegge was generally esteemed, should be able in one sentence to assert positively that Prince Charles had no palace there; and in the next, hesitate whether the King his father at the same period had or had not, and fancy that Rapin could mean by "the King's Palace" any other than Whitehall, is certainly most surprizing. It is most improbable that the Prince Elector should have even lodged in the Middle Temple; and as for Palsgrave Head Court," there can be no doubt that it derived its name from some tavern (or other shop), which had assumed that sign, not improbably even earlier than the period in question, that is to say, when the Princess Elizabeth was married to the Palsgrave in 1612.

It is again matter of astonishment that the Author of Anonymiana, after finding Cibber incorrect in one point, should so blindly (without seeing the Masque in question,) have allowed himself to be misled by the same authority. I should not, however, have called attention to this inadvertancy of Dr. Pegge, had not a third Author fallen into the same error. I allude to a more recent and standard work, and one of the highest rank-Wood's

Athenæ Oxonienses, by Bliss; where (vol. iii. col. 806) the passage from the Anonymiana is quoted, and sanctioned in the following manner :

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prepared,' says the Address to the Reader, as from eager hearts that could delay no ceremony that might render an expression of their loves.' The Maskers were, &c. [twentytwo names]."

Now, though we here arrive at the truth, that the entertainment was provided for the Prince Elector, not by him; still Dr. Pegge's supposition of the identity of the Prince d'Amour with the Prince Elector is pronounced to be "perfectly correct." The Princes d'Amour little thought that their annals would in a century become so obscure, or their reigns (however short) so entirely forgotten!-Dr. Pegge, it might have been supposed, was likely in his reading to have met with their title more than once; that Dr. Bliss had done so once at least, appears in the preceding volume of the Athena (ii. 250), where we read that the celebrated wit, Richard Martin, Recorder of London in 1618, being a great favourite of James I. was worthily characterized by the virtuous and learned men of his time to be "Princeps Amorum, Principum Amor," &c.; " by which is to be understood," adds Wood in a note, "that he had been Prince d'Amour of the Middle Temple in the time of Christmas." This Christmas Prince, I need scarcely add, was a Master of the Revels, elected at the commencement of the festival, and whose reign continued during the twelve days; at Gray's Inn he was styled the Prince of Purpoole (the actual name of a manor on which Gray's Inn was built)*, at Lincoln's Inn the Lord Lieutenant and Prince of the Grange.

In conclusion, Mr. Urban, let me venture to hope, for the honour of the Templars and their ancient festivities, that the fame of the illustrious and gallant Prince d'Amour will never again be merged in that of a povertystricken German Palsgrave!



West-square, Oct. 1.

ALLOW me to offer a conjectural emendation of a passage in Tibullus, (1, 1, 7) which I suspect to have been corrupted by some ancient copyist, or perhaps by some early printer. But, before I proceed to the text

* See the Gesta Grayorum, reprinted in the third volume of Mr. Nichols's " Progresses of Queen Elizabeth," 2d edit.



Emendation of Tibullus.-Sketches by Hogarth.

of Tibullus, it may be proper to remark, that, after having rapidly squandered a considerable property in splendid and luxurious living*, he was obliged to retire to the country, where he lived, in comparative indigence, on a small portion of his former extensive domain, as we learn from his own descriptions, in which he talks of personally driving the plough, tending his sheep and goats, getting in the harvest and vintage, &c. which now brings us to the suspected passage, viz.

"Ipse seram teneras maturo tempore vites

Rusticus, et facili grandia poma manu.” Here I strongly suspect that the poet Wrote Terum, not Seram-for the following reasons

1. Whether we read Ferant or Seram,

There must be a Metonymy in the one or the other case the Vine for the Grapes, or the Apple for the Tree; and the former is certainly not 'more harsh Or objectionable than the latter.

2. By mentioning the Grapes with Feram, the writer expresses his intention of personally carrying them home at the time of the vintage maturo tempore-at the proper season-a circumstance of much greater importance in the gathering of grapes, than in the planting of vines and apple-trees, which do not (like the grapes) demand an exact scrupulous attention to any precise critical moment for performing the operation.

3. If we suppose the Apple to mean the Tree, the epithet Grandia is rather aukwardly applied to it, though well adapted to Poma, 'literally understood

of the fruit.

4. The epithet Teneras 'is better applicable to the Grapes than to the Vine


5. The poet had no occasion to plant Vines or Apple-trees on an estate, which (though now reduced in its dimensions) was already highly culti vated, and had been richly productive to his predecessors, as he himself describes it, Lib. 4, 1, 184.

Yours, &c. JOHN CAREY.

Mr. URBAN, Chelsea, Sept. 1. A FEW days since, as the workmen were taking down the wain seot in one of the bed-rooms of Win

chester Palace, 'preparatory to the sale by auction of this venerable edifice,

See Lib. 4, 1, 183, and Horace, Epist. 1, 4.

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they discovered nine whole length figures in outline, spiritedly done in the style and manner of Hogarth, who appears to have been on intimate terms with Bishop Hoadley; and it seems probable that these drawings were intended to represent some of the prin cipal theatrical characters of that period. His Lordship's predilection for the drama is well known. It may be satisfactory for the lovers of the drama to learn, that they have all been carefully traced by a skilful Artist, and will be speedily published.

Yours, &c. THOS. FAULKNER.


Sept. 14. YOUR Correspondents have my

thanks, with your permission, for the kind attention paid to my enquiry respecting the Baskerville family, in vol. XCIV. pt. ii. p. 290, 578, 579; and p. 136 of your last Number. The following singularity arises from consulting the pedigree, which is agreeable with all other authorities, viz. that Baldericus Teutonicus the founder of the Baskerville family, married the daughter of Richard Fitz-Gilbert de Clare, who was related to Herfastas the brother of Gunnora Duchess of Normandy in the 4th degree, while Nicholas de Baskerville, the son of Baldericus, by marrying the daughter of Herfastus, was related only in the 1st degree. It would be a needless usurpation of your pages to state here the exact pedigree from whence we derive the above, as your Correspondents are well aware of the consanguinity of these noble families, and their opinion of this statement I should value in ascertaining. The communication of Col. Montmorency decidedly states this.

Your Correspondent Mr. Blount has kindly offered to your notice an anecdote of Earl Coningsby. Being much interested in all that relates to the Coningsby or Baskerville families, shall I venture to hope that that gentleman will still further favour us with some biographical or historical notices of that nobleman, tending to elucidate his character, respecting whom so little has ever appeared before the public.

In your account of the Paintings: at Hampton Court, say that Lord Coningsby had seven children by his first wife, not six.

Subjoined I send you a monumental inscription


Baskerville Family,English Judges.

inscription on the tomb of Lady Scudamore, at Sunning-well, co. Berks:

"Mary the daughter of Sir Thomas Throgmorton, wife first of Sir Thomas Baskervill, and afterwards of Sir James Scuamoret, was buried Oct. 17, 1632. Her sos, Hannibal Baskerville, esq. Lord of this Manor, aged about 72, was buried March 18, 1668, who had sixteen sons and two daughters. The eldest, Thomas, is now Lord of this Manor, 1680. Henry, aged 25, was buried April 15, 1656. Nicolas, aged 24, was buried May 2, 1656. William, aged 33, and buried at London 1665,

Robert, aged 19, died at sea, 1654. George,

aged 23, buried Nov. 10, 1661. James, died young, and was buried at Wells. Gertrude, aged 22, buried Oct. 18, 1656. Constance, died young, and was buried at Somerton in Somersetshire.

"This issue the above-named Hannibal had by Mary the daughter of Captain Nicolas Baskervill, who died at Flushing, second brother of Sir Thomas Baskervill, General of the British Forces in France, and died there June 4, 1597, and was buried in the new quire of St. Paul's, with this epitaph, till consumed by the dreadful fire of London,


"These are the glories of a worthy praise Of noble Baskervill: which here and read In honour of the life and later dayes

To number thee amongst the blessed dead, A pure regard to ye immortal part,

and France

A spotless mynde, a badye prone to payne, A giving hand, and an unvanquished heart; And all these vertues void of all disdaine, And all these vertues yet not so unknowne But Netherlands, Seas, Indies, Spaine [owne, Can witness that these honours were thyne Which they reserve thy meritt to advance, That valour should not perish voide of fame, Nor noble deeds but have a noble name." Vide No. 4762, Harl. MSS. a folio of Miscellanies chiefly relating to General Sir Thomas Baskerville; many letters to his "wyffe the Lady Baskerville," commencing Swett Malle," concluding "thy loving husband and

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dearyst frind Tho. Baskerville." The will of Nicolas Baskerville a Captain in the Low Countries, "goeing uppon service, doe think it good to make my will, &c." dated 12 Nov. 1595, &c. &c. Sir T. Baskerville was of Good Rest, co. Warwick. Visit. of Berks. 1569.

These communications in some measure may relieve the queries of N. Y. W. G. in xc11. ii. 336. Yours, &c.


R. J.

Oct. 10.

Tjesty's Ministers in the last Session of Parliament, of conferring in future the appointment of Judges upon men in the prime or middle of life, may perhaps at length lead to the accomplishment of a most desirable object, viz. the holding of the Assizes more frequently, the Judges being men of greater activity and more fitted to contend with the pressure of business than our present venerable sages of the law. Many of the present objections to the measure will be removed; it will no longer be said that it is adding to the burthen of those who already from of performing their present duties, of age or infirmities are scarcely capable that it is requiring too much from men in the decline of life.

HE intention avowed by his Ma

No doubt if proper attention be paid to the subject, Judges may be selected, who, although in the very vigour of their lives, have their judgments sufficiently matured, and their passions sufficiently under controul, to quality them for that arduous office; men pos sessing all the distinguishing and essential qualities which ought to characterize an English Judge, among which may be named extensive legal learning and experience, irreproachable integrity, eloquence, dignity, patience, mildness, firmness, impartiality, gene

* Sir Thomas Throgmorton, knt. was buried at Tortworth, co. Gloucester. His effigy is in full armour, with the following inscription:

"Here lieth the body of Sir Thomas Throkmorton, of Tortworth, knight, who lived all his days in faithful service to his prince, in hartie love to his countrye; a constant professor of the true Christian faith, who living at the age of threescore and nine yeares in happy and peaceable manner, departed this life the last day of Januarie in the year of our Lord 1607, leaving here his mortal partes interred in this monument, untill by the command of Christ it rise again imu.ortall.

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8."

He is interred in a marble coffin.

Sir James Scudamore was buried at Home Lacy, co. Hereford, 14 April, 1619. 1 Thomas Baskerville, esq. was aged 50, in the year 1680. Is any thing known of his death, or descendants, if any?


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