46 REVIEW. Otter's Life of Dr. Clarke. sition of just as much green knowledge as will furnish half a mouthful for the examiner, the rest being only stalk. We are not going to quarrel with University Discipline, or the obvious propriety of making all birds sing that ought to sing; but only to recommend a discretional power in the heads and tutors of colleges, with regard to young men known to possess habits of application, and powers of mind, even if they should direct them to pursuits not strictly academical. Dr. Clarke was a remarkable instance of the beneficial result attend ing this wise exercise of discretional power in the head of his college, Dr. Beadon, the late Bishop of Bath and Wells. Clarke came from school a poor Classic, and for Mathematics he had no taste whatever. It is observed by the Abbè du Bos, that to become great in one thing, a man must have an invincible propensity to that one thing, while very possibly he may be a blockhead in all others. Dr. Clarke seems in like manner to have had an overpowering penchant for History and Antiquities, Medals, Sculpture, Architecture, the elegant Arts, and certain branches of Natural History. The result of allowing him to pursue these studies has proved a great public good in a literary view. It has produced very interesting and learned books of Travels, not only important to the Scholar and the Gentleman, but conferring no inconsiderable benefit on society by foreign excursions, auxiliary to the learning and the arts of the nation. To him limitation to the Classics and Mathematics would have been a savage mode of punishment, and but for liberality of sentiment, he would have been made a mere drudge. very Edw. Daniel Clarke was the son of the Rev. Edw. Clarke, son of "mild Wm. Clarke and Anne his wife." He was born June 5, 1769, and when a child, was not only amusing, but exhibited a talent for playful conversation and narrative, and a decided predilection for those objects of science in which he afterwards delighted. The rudiments of his education were acquired at Uckfield, under a Rev. Mr. Gerison, and from thence he was removed to Tunbridge, where the famous Vicesimus Knox was Ludimagister in chief. His attention was, however, more directed to other objects than [July, the Classics. In 1786, when he was only sixteen, Dr. Beadon gave_him the situation of Chapel Clerk at Jesus. During his Undergraduateship he produced nothing worthy his subsequent fame. In fact, he was only warehousing his stock. Sometimes it seems he took a morning ride upon Pegasus to flirt with the Muses; for, like other young men, he indulged in English Poetry. About the year 1790 he became B. A. and by Dr. Beadon's recommendation was appointed Tutor to the Hon. Henry Tufton. With him he made the Tour of Great Britain, and afterwards went to France In 1792 his fellow-collegian Lord Berwick invited him to become his companion in a Tour to Italy; and within an interrupted space of two years, he performed almost as much as the twelve labours of Hercules. He made large and valuable additions to his historical knowledge, ancient and modern. He acquired French and Italian sufficient for fluent conversation-he made such frequent references to the Classics for illustration of the scenery and antiquities of Italy, that he made greater advances in Greek and Latin, than during the whole period of his education. He studied the Arts, more particularly painting; he formed a Cabinet of Marbles and Minerals-made a large Collection of Vases and Medals; and with his own hands constructed models of the most remarkable temples and natural curiosities in Italy, "one particularly, of Vesuvius, upon a great scale, of the materials of the mountain, with such accuracy of outline, and justness of proportions, that Sir Wm. Hamilton pronounced it to be the best ever produced of the kind, either by foreigner or native." It is now at Lord Berwick's seat at Attingham. In 1794 he became tutor to Sir Thos. Mostyn, in which year he took his degree of M.A.; and in 1796 being then at Lord Berwick's, successfully figured away in an election squibcompositions which often have a high literary character in humour and advocacy. Between 1796 and 1797 he let off at Brighton a periodical work, "Le Rêveur, or the Walking Visions of an Absent Man," but it burnt out very soon. About the same time he made a Tour to Scotland with the Hon. Berkeley Paget. At this period he had been elected Fellow of his Col lege, and in 1798 prepared to take up 1825.] REVIEW. Otter's Life of Dr. Clarke. his residence there. Mr. Cripps, of Sussex, then placed himself at Jesus under Dr. Clarke's tuition, and in 1799 the tutor and pupil set out on those Continental tours, which have since so gratified the publick. In 1802 he returned to England. In 1804 was presented by the University with the degree of LL.D. In 1805 took Holy Orders, and was instituted to the Vicarage belonging to Jesus College-in 1806 was married to Angelica, fifth daughter of Sir William Rush; in 1808 was established in the Professorship of Mineralogy; in 1817 was elected Sub-Librarian of the University; and on Saturday, the 9th of March, 1822, fell a victim to acute disease, leaving seven children, five sons and two daughters, the eldest not fifteen years old at the time of his de cease. The light in which we view Dr. Clarke, is that of being the most interesting and tasteful traveller ever known. Faults may be found in his too sanguine adoption of hypothesis, far too sanguine for a philosopher; but it was a spirit which enabled him to make curious discoveries, and connect numerous broken links of history. In finding ancient manners and customs in modern practices, he had the eye of a lynx; and he treated his subjects not only like a profound scholar, but like a man of taste. Thus he avoided the usual heaviness of dissertation-builders, who pile brick upon brick, and stone upon stone, with no more regard to plan and embellishment than if they were erecting a prison wall. Of him it may be said that he has made of his Travels not only a palace of superb Hiterary architecture in pure and fine style, but he has also furnished and fitted it up in the very best taste. With an appearance as light as the florid Gothic, it contains the most solid masonry; and the elegant and rich tabernacle work, which looks like chit chat or anecdote, conveys deep instruction. In our judgment, therefore, Dr. Clarke is the best exemplar known for Travel writers. Dr. Moore has been justly admired, but his remarks are limited to life and manners, which he sketches with the hand of a master. Others are very able in particular points, but they are too heavy or too technical. Dr. Clarke suffers no details, no lumpish masses, to disfigure his work, he moulds them into some interesting 47 form or other, but never monstrous or grotesque; and his millinery is equal to his modelling. Whether his subject be young or old, it is always attired in graceful drapery. It is the province only of extensive erudition to discover important scien tific facts in matters which would escape the notice of uninformed travellers. Yet these neglected matters may furnish the best, often the only sound elucidations of the ancient poets and historians. Nothing apparently of the most trivial kind escapes Dr. Clarke. In the Fez of the Mediterranean sailors he sees the cap of Ulysses, and he exhibits the pedigree of the pantomime and the dance. The fact is, that Dr. Clarke had studied the Ancients in a form the most interesting. He did not study them for the purpose of knowing only their languages in perfection. He wished to acquire the fullest possible information of their arts, manners, and habits. Now any necessity of studying the Classics for verbal purposes only, is purely owing to a very simple desideratum. There ought to be both in Greek and Latin a standard Thesaurus or glossary, similar to that of Du Ou Cange. Cang It should take every word, and show its various meanings in different authors, in the same manner as is done by Johnson, Todd, and other Lexicographers. Abbreviated editions might be published; and the student who wishes only to obtain facility of construing at sight, would find that he gains much time by such editions. But the fact is, that all this drudgery ought to be taken at school; and if if youths were not entered at the University till nineteen, it might be done to every necessary extent. In that curious book, the Confessions of an Opium Eater, we find that the scholar soon became more learned than his master, by translating newspapers into Greek; and though we think that it is utterly impossible to divest English Greek of the idiom of our native language, yet we believe that if we learned Greek by translating English into it, as we do with Latin in the Eton books, Lexicon work might become rarely necessary. We have taken the example of Dr. Clarke, because, though we think that no branch of science is to be lightly estimated, the knowledge of words only effects no intellectual improvement. A Polyglot man (one merely such) becomes 48 REVIEW.-Sir E. Brydges's Recollection of Foreign Travel. [July, becomes not a good historian, a powerful logician, an eloquent advocate, or a tasteful connoisseur; nor throws one widow's mite into the treasury of public wisdom. Roads are very useful, but no man possessed of common sense will say that Books of Roads are better than the roads themselves. Decipherers there ought to be; but it is evident that one perfect Dictionary is of itself sufficient. If an Antiquary meets with barbarous Latinity, he goes to Du Cange and Charpentier, and in ninety-nine instances out of a hundred, the word is explained. He never thinks of wasting half his life in studying the grammar and dictionary of barbarous Latinity. Now it is most essential to the formation of those patriotic habits which every gentleman ought to have, that he should be a man of taste; that he should have a general knowledge of architecture, sculpture, painting, and scenery, in order to exercise that controul over fashion, which is essential to the glory, the arts, the commerce, and the wealth of the country. In short, the more amateurs there are, the more pains will artists take of course, because nothing but excellence can be approved, and competition will be more excited. Now the studies which Dr. Clarke pursued, viz. the works of Winckelman, Visconti, and the other Musea, in short, all the works bearing upon the arts of elegant design, though they may not be the studies which professional men ought to regard in any other view than mere relaxations, yet are peculiarly adapted to noblemen and gentlemen. Such studies dispose them to patronize the arts with judgment, and to delight in improvement. If their minds are to be turned to mere dictionary acquisitions, the country sustains proportional injury. We cannot dilate further upon this topic, and in what we have said we hope not to be misunderstood. It is our solemn opinion that the work of Greek and Latin may be easily completed by the age of nineteen, and that professional or elegant studies, according to the genius or worldly situations of the students, may be most properly pursued between the periods of supra-boyship and manhood. We think that Dr. Clarke's Travels are admirable specimens of the beautiful effect of learning and taste acting together; and that the characters formed upon such a model are far superior, and more useful to society, than pedantic echoes, who waste their lives in mere learning by heart, in mere repetition of sounds. As a traveller, we think that Dr. Clarke, by his judicious line of study, became facilè princeps. Of his Dissertations and other compositions we cannot speak so highly. We could mention instances where he formed his conclusions before he had got up his premises. But whatever may be his misapplication of learning occasionally, and we say only occasionally, he always brings to the enquiry so much learning, that the reader is sure to gain much. We might also dwell upon his strictures concerning Russia, as exposures upon which, if true, it does a man no honour to dwell; but we do not like the criticism which consists in sifting authors, and exposing the chaff and smut of their grain, as if we were cheapening it for purchase. 5. Recollections of Foreign Travel, on Life, THERE are many passages of great beauty, many of high reason, many of fine sentiment, many of excellent taste, in the work before us, but tainted with a morbid feeling, from worldly injustice. Now the world will ever be what circumstances make it. With the division of labour wealth grows in higher estimation. When, as in the heroic ages, all wants were supplied by an ample domain, and domestic manufacture and the trades were carried on by slaves, then philosophers, men of talents, and superior warriors entered the field with the eclat of society; but let us suppose the greater part of the population in a state of indigence, and not capable of acquiring maintenance, as retainers of the great, the case is then altered. Men will always annex the highest value to that which they most want, and indigence naturally over-estimates wealth. Let suppose Sir Isaac Newton and Cræsus to settle in the same country town at the same time. Sir Isaac may say, that by his wonderful discoveries he has so aided navigation, that he has added beyond calculation to the means of wealth, and the safety of the world. us 1825.] REVIEW. -Sir E. Brydges's Recollection of Foreign Travel. - 49 Very true; but what says a man of little or no mind, a mere mechanic? I first cut pens, and invented ink, and made paper, and I have done just as much good;-Sir Isaac coinplains, Is this man to be compared to ME? certainly not, no more than a clever pioneer is to be compared to Hannibal. Why, then, we (Sir Isaac and Cræsus) are both settled in the same town, and we will strive for influence at the next contested election for representatives in Parliament. The canvass ensues. My dear Sir Isaac (says a voter), no man respects you more than I do, I even admire you; but Cræsus has obtained a church living for my son, a place in a public office for my nephew, &c. &c. and to come to figures, wealth supplies my absolute pressing necessities, and genius only my luxuries; and such I own is the degraded corruption of my habits, that a newspaper is a greater luxury than the finest efforts of mind which were ever written. I know what I ought to feel; but if you think with gods, you must live with gods, to have your remuneration, and have the same easy inodes of subsistence, perpetual youth, no possibility of disease or fatigue, no necessity for sleep or food; then we can afford to make Kensington Gardens of Parnassus, say soft things to those pretty spinsters the Muses, and take ambrosia with them instead of coffee. As things are, however, we had rather draw corks than inferences. Men of plain sense, therefore, set down with this humble but wise resolution, to get as much money and as much virtue as they can into their families; and buy books and give dinners to authors, just as they like the things or the men. But we must come to the work before us. The main feature is an excellent mass of materials for a dissertation upon poetry, more especially that of Lord Byron. We allow that he wrote very many exquisite things, but we think that he was rather a magician than a deity; that he rather created the awe arising from wonder, than the sublime, according to nature. Lord Byron was a capital stage manager and a first-rate actor; but to say that his powers approximate those of Milton, is to put Roscius on a par with Hercules. Miltou appears to us the fine Farnesian figure, full of the GENT. MAG. July, 1825. majesty of strength; Byron, a dæmon of the storm, enthroned upon a blazing volcano, and hurling beneath him lightnings and earthquakes. We are friends with Sir Egerton to a classical taste, and we think with him that every deviation from classical models will sink into obscurity as soon as the novelty is past. (I. 151.) "The nearer we come to nature, the more perfect is the poetry, but then it must be high, dignified and beautiful nature. It must be spiritual blended with material nature, and both put by the powers of imagination into palpable form. When poetry of this sterling kind appears, then all the tricks by which technical poetry strikes are blown into air, as if, after a fine-dressed beauty made up in the pink of the fashion should have attracted every eye of an assembly by the elegance of her person and appearance, the Venus de Medicis, endowed with life, should rise up in the middle of the circle: would one eye still be found to admire the goddess of millinery charms?" I. 195, 197. We must, however, leave millinery poetry, and other remarks on the subject in excellent taste, for want of room, and refer our readers to the book, which abounds with elegant grotto-work. We cannot, however, forbear adding the two following extracts concerning Literature. "The cultivation of Literature is almost the only mode by which a man can combine a life of retirement with a life of usefulness to others, because his retirement is active in fruits dedicated to the enjoyment of the world; and wherever these fruits are genuine and sound, I believe that their effects, though generally allowed to be important, are vastly more extensive and deep than is supposed. The mind can only work perfectly on the toils of others by means of written registers of them, which it can digest in the closet in silence, and without interruption, where the reason is in full force, where the imagination is unrestrained, and the emotions can be freely indulged, uncheoked by the eye of ridicule or curiosity. Nor is it a less advantage that these are communicable to those who cannot command other society, nor otherwise enjoy the thoughts and sentiments of their fellow-beings." 1.94. The next extract is beautiful: "It may be observed that it is a strange thing to concern inyself at all about the trifles of Literature, while interests and evils so much more intimate and pressing are attacking me on every side. These very evila 30 : REVIEW. Croly on the Popish Question. evils are what make the relief of Literature more urgent and medicinal. I could no more have borne an hundredth part of the woes and dangers that have oppressed and gathered upon me for thirty years, without the inspiring aid of Literature, than a feather can bear a heavy stone. Literature me has been like the buoyant wave, that lifts upon its bosom the terrific vessel of war, though loaded with a weight above numeration, and filled with all the instruments of slaughterous death and ruin! The gigantic combination of moving destruction cuts through the foaming billow, dying its brilliant colours with stench, and defiling its purity with human morbidness; but the frightful furrow it has made soon closes again; it lashes itself into its former freshness, and it throws again its white untainted spray to heaven, as if the demon of evil had never crossed it." P. 149. One word in conclusion. The book will do Sir Egerton high credit as a man of mind, and we are satisfied that the neglect of which he complains must be owing to hasty publication; men who seek high respect should issue only standard works. If a îman writes prosing essays, or commonplace sermons, which neither increase knowledge nor confer pleasure, his fate will be like that of an innkeeper, who should charge the price of a grand dinner for stale sandwiches and bad beer. The finest Greek statues employed the seulptors for many years; and no man is qualified to write hastily who is not previously a complete master of his subject by professional skill and knowledge. 6. Popery and the Popish Question, being an 147. IT seems to be the ill-fated office of the advocates for religious innovations to be aiming at the destruction of com-mon sense for the support of their respective tenets. Harsh as is the term, the whole of the Catholic Question, except in the view of conciliating Ireland, is absolutely nonsense. They demand the re-admission of the Pope politically in England, which is just as much nonsense as requesting his Majesty to take a partner in the throne; and they also call this extraordinary position an indefeasible right. [July, When Folly is thus strutting in peacock's feathers, it ought to be exposed. Upon the same indefeasible right, Carlile might say Paine (vulgo vocatus Tom Paine) is my Pope, and your Majesty will be pleased to recognize his representative's right also, the Quaker says, George Fox is my Pope, and I petition for his representation, and so de cæteris. But all these claims are founded upon indefeasible right. No indefeasible right can extend beyond the protcetion of life and property. The rest is an affair of compact. The next nonsense is, that the King shall not oppose a veto, nor the Protestants make a defence; they shall be absolutely passive. We have pulled the reins with hard-mouthed horses, and found it something like tugging at a barge, but the cart is not yet before the horse, and we hope it will never be. The nonsense is this. The King lays no hand upon opinion, nor upon forms of worship, but he objects to political rights not bottomed upon his constitutional supremacy, and introductory of the claims of an unknown person, as mad (in assuming the vicegerency upon earth of the Almighty) as a March hare. In short, it is foolish to reason on the subject. A man demands a right of visiting me with a mad dog at his heels, and I shut my doors against him and his dog too. What says Mr. Croly in his excellent fasciculus of the horrid doctrines, as in p. 81 he justly calls them? In a Mr. Gandolphy's View of Christianity, quoted in p. 81, are the following passages: 1st. The Protestant Bishop of London must necessarily be an emissary of the Spirit of Darkness, a disciple of the father of lies. P. 77. We know from fact that some of the Irish Catholic priests are excellent boxers, form rings, are bottle-holders, seconds, &c. There may be indecorous men in all professions, and we should not mention this, if we did not conceive that another paragraph of Mr. Gandolphy's justifies it. "It [the ministry] ranks them [the Catholic priests] even above the angelic spirits, and clothes them with the divine character of the MESSIAH himself. Those distinctions, however, arising from the sacerdotal * An officer in his Majesty's Navy wit nessed it. ministry |