1923.] Epitaph on Thomas Sheridan.-Chronology of Herodotus. that the Romans occupied the country in the vicinity. Others, presuming on the incorrectness of the Itinerary in this instance, have placed it at Judde Hill, near Ospringe; and adds Hasted in his History of Kent, "Every other place has but inere conjecture, unsupported by any remains of Roman antiquity ever found in or near it." W. V. part THOMAS SHERIDAN, Esq. A. M. Author of "Lectures on Education," delivered at the University of Oxford, and divers other useful works: all tending to enlighten and ameliorate mankind. In illustrating human nature upon the Stage, the mirror he held was as true as his private life was exemplary. Indebted nothing to favour, his professional celebrity was the meed of only his own merit. He played his with distinction as an Actor; as a man he closed a long career without mortal stain. He was honoured in his descent, and renowned in his issue. His father had to boast the friendship of no less a name than JONATHAN SWIFT, of whom the subject of this tribute published a pious, grateful, faithful biography. His son, the immortalizer of their race, the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan (besides having culti vated English eloquence in Parliament nearer to the standard of Athenian perfection than any even of the mighty orators whom a rare coincidence had made his contemporaries) adorned Literature with such proofs of radiaut genius, as are sure to live with the life, and to die only with the death of the 487 British Drama. This tablet is put up in 1823 by a passenger through the Isle of Thanet, in admiration of the intellect, though a stranger to the blood of the Sheridan family: Who builds a Church to God, and not to fame, Never inscribes the marble with his name.' Mr. URBAN, Dec. 20. nology of the Historical Events recorded by Herodotus, between the battles of Marathon and Salamis. Herodotus, as being the most ancient of the Greek Historians, and as reciting his works only about 35 years, or less, after the last battle, is the only ancient author whom I shall consult; and I think I can fully prove from his words that there were eleven years between the two above-mentioned battles. Our author then having described the battle of Marathon in his Erato, commences his Polymniathus; "When Darius heard of the battle fought at Marathon, he became much more indignant with the Athenians; and more eager to carry on the war against Greece. He immediately sent messengers to the several parts of his dominions, enjoining every one to prepare a greater number of forces than before. These commands being sent around, Asia was thrown into agitation for three whole years (έδουεετο ἐπι τρια έτεα); but in the following year (TETapTW IT) Egypt revolted from the Persians." C. I. "When all things were prepared for his expeditions to Greece and Egypt, a great contest arose between his sons (Xerxes and Artabazanes) concerning bazanes was the eldest of three sons, the succession of the kingdom. Artawhom he had by the daughter of Gobryas, before he was elected King; Xerxes of four, the sons of Darius by Atossa, the daughter of Cyrus, who were born after Darius's accession to the throne." C. 2. "Darius had not yet declared his opinion, when Demaratus, the son of Ariston, who had been deprived of the kingdom of Sparta (by the intrigues of his colleague Cleomenes. See Erato. This person having heard of the conC. 70, &c.) happened to come to Susa." troversy, suggested to Xerxes, that it was customary at Sparta, that if some children were born before their father was made king, but another later when he 488 Chronology of Events recorded by Herodotus. he was king, this last-born son should succeed." Darius acknowledged the justice of this suggestion, and declared Xerxes king. C. 3. [Dec. δευτέρω έτει μετα τον θάνατον του ΔαC. 7. "After the reduction of Egypt, four whole years were spent in assembling these forces; and in the fifth (TY avoμ) Xerxes began his march with an incredible multitude." C. 20. "Xerxes wintered at Sardis; and when in the spring he was on the point of setting out, the sun quitting her seat in the heavens, disappeared; and though the air was perfectly serene, a sudden night ensued in the place of day." C. 37.-From these passages it is plain that after the death of Darius, at least five whole years had elapsed before Xerxes quitted Susa. "After these things, and the revolt To the year before Christ 500. The eclipse recorded above appears to have happened on the 8th of April, B.C. 480; as the following calculation from Ferguson's tables will show. 18 48 11 0 0 0 3 11 11 49 3 31 34 3 26 1 Sun from ascending node From the descending node only..... At the time of New Moon; therefore within the limits of a solar eclipse. Consequently 481 is the date when Xerxes set out from Susa; and as he had been preparing for an expedition above four years after the reduction of Egypt, that event must have taken place in the year B. C. 485. Some months must necessarily have been spent in this war; and the expedition was begun in the year after Darius's death, which must therefore have taken place, B. C. 486; and it is plain that this event must have been a year after the revolt of Egypt; which we shall therefore date B. C. 487. But three entire years had passed between the battle of Marathon and this event: and this battle was fought very late in the year, so that the news could hardly reach Persia before the beginning of the following year; if then we reckon three years backwards, from the year 487 B. C. that must be 490, and the battle was fought in 491 B C. Newton, in his Short Chronicle, p. 41, has this date, but Blair and Larcher place it B. C. 490. Wesseling on C. 20, of Polymnia, by a similar calcu lation to mine, shows that Xerxes did not pass into Greece until the 11th year after the battle of Marathon; and observes that this agrees with Thucydides, who (Lib. 1, C. 18), says that this prince undertook the expedition on the 10th year after the battle. For as I have already shown, this prince left Susa in the year 481, and after a long march spent the winter at Sardis (See C. 32, Polymnia). SEPTEMDECIVS. 1825.] Mr. URBAN, Α' St. Michael's Church, Oxford. Dec. 3. LL the parish Churches of Oxford are, or till lately were, remarkable for their antiquity and interest. Several of these buildings have already been described in your Magazine. We shall now present your readers with some remarks on St. Michael's Church, situated on the East side of the Cornmarket. The annexed Engraving represents a S. W. view of the Edifice, (Plate I.) no part of which is distinctly seen by reason of a high and not very ancient wall towards the South, and an accumulation of old and shabby tenements on the East and North sides, excepting the tower, which is at the West end, and though the plainest, is by many years, perhaps a century, the most ancient part of the whole edifice. In a word, it is Norman, having small windows of that character in the upper part, and having had one of longer dimensions in the West front towards the basement. The walls are built of rubble, but they are of great substance, and very strong; and though cracked in several places, and lately threatened with destruction, have been repaired, and are likely to stand securely for ages yet to come. On the North side of the body and chancel is an aile, to which is attached a small chapel, occupying the place, and having the appearance of a transept; and on the South side is a spacious chapel, which constitutes the chief ornament both of the exterior and interior of the Church. The space between this chapel and the tower is occupied by a very handsome window of the fifteenth century, and the porch, which, though plain, is not inelegant. The lancet style of architecture appears on the South side of the chancel; but the altar window, and that of the lateral aile, appearing over the roof of the low and ancient vestry, are in the style of the fifteenth century, and very elegant; and the heads carved on the corbels possess considerable merit. The chancel arch has been modernized, but its ancient wooden screen retains its situation, and most of its ornaments. All the other arches of the interior have a handsome character; there are two on the South side of the body, three on the North side, and one on the same side of the chancel: the pillars are octagonal, and the capitals plain. GENT. MAG. December, 1825. 489 A modern font occupies the place of one of considerable antiquity and beauty, which was some years back disgracefully turned into the Church-yard, from which indignity it was rescued by the venerable Alderman Fletcher, who had it conveyed to Yarnton, erected on a pedestal, and placed in the Church of that village in the room of a plain, but still more ancient font, which, however, is carefully preserved in another part of the interior. The pillars and walls are ornamented in many places with richly-carved panels and canopied niches, the remains of altars long since displaced. The following curious particulars are taken from a manuscript in the Museum at Oxford. Dionysia Burewald, an opulent lady residing in this parish, did about the year 1260 build one of the chapels on the South-side of the Church, and dedicated it to the Virgin Mary, and had therein a chantry instituted by her, as also a priest to pray for her soul, and the souls of her relations; and also for the soul of one Burold who lived here in the reigns of Henry the First and Stephen; for the soul of Gilbert and Radulph Burewald her sons, together with Hugh Burewald; for Robert the son of Gilbert, and for several others of that name, men of great wealth and possessions within Oxford, and benefactors to religious houses, as appears from St. Frideswide's, Osney, and Godstow Books." Another chantry seems to have been founded in the Virgin Mary's Chapel by one of the same name and family, if not by Dionysia herself. John Odyham, a rich Burgess of Oxford, who died anno 1342, maintained one or two priests for the souls of himself, and all his relations. 66 John Archer, another rich Burgess of Oxford, who died on the last of November, anno 1524, and who with his wife Agnes was buried in the Church, maintained two priests to pray for their souls. There are numerous relics of painted glass in the windows, particularly in those on the North side of the body; but there are no perfect figures, or considerable patterns. On the walls and pillars are several monumental tablets, and the floor is thickly strewed with records of mor tality. |